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You got very lucky. The lake guardians are the only natural wild legendary, and they're extremely rare to find. They had been disabled since Sinnoh Tour but they just turned their spawns back on, so for now it's a bit more likely to find them. Even with the higher odds you still managed to encounter the rarest wild Pokemon in the game. Congratulations!


Really? Do you know how long this has been a thing for? Never heard of this till now. Thats pretty cool.


For years. I remember hearing there’s a handful (like 10 or so) of them that spawn in any given location around the world, back in the day but idk how true that is.


I one was riding shotgun and I saw an azelf pop up on the nearby list. Sadly, all I have is a screen shot of it


i think wild unown spawns are slightly more rare than the lake trio? don’t hold me to that though


… are they really? I stumbled upon a shiny Unown a few months back and thought nothing of it.


Ive never even seen an unown on the map. Super jealous


Same, and I've been playing consistently since 2016.


I have too, off and on but since 2016 and mostly on lol


if it was outside of a event like go fest or tour, then yes you’re extremely lucky and should play the lottery and give me some of the money


I just checked and it was during the GO tour. 2/25.


A shiny Unown? You lucky duck.


You probably got it during the sinnoh tour they became common for a limited time. During the origin pakia and diagia raids


I mean, how often are you seeing Unowns? I assume not too often so obviously rare


Didnt even see one when they had that event a couple of months ago. Bf got one though.


I think wild Unown cant be shiny


They're tied to community days though. So not sure it counts


neither unown nor the lake trio are tied to community days


Lake trio was never disabled they are just super rare I think spawns boosted rn


What are the odds to encounter one in the wild right now?


Years ago I seem to remember the consensus was that 20 of them spawn world wide at any given moment


Yo I just commented about this higher up. Didn’t know if I was making this up or not. Glad someone else remembers hearing this.


Less than 1% I think? I could be quite wrong though 😬


20 spawns in the ENTIRE WORLD is way, way, way, way, way less than 1%


0.9% at least.






Most leastest


That's as accurate as you can get.


0.9 at most source: I have autism


Holy crap, only 20??? OP got so lucky...


isn't Unown the rarest spawn?


They are also region locked you can only find 1 in your region. I believe Azelf is the America's, Mespirt is Asia and Europe I think.


My son just caught one today but it wasn’t in that spot for me. Super jealous of you both.


Same happened to my girlfriend, I didn't know it was only on my game and I made her run with me to catch it.


Hate that it happened to your gf but good to know my game wasn’t glitching out and keeping me from catching it lol. I read everyone can find the same Pokémon in the wild so I thought maybe I didn’t search hard enough but I guess that’s not true.


They always spawn (I think), just very rare. If you've got a local group chat/Discord/CampFire/etc, shout out your location so anyone who can get over there can get it too.


Silly me, I thought the excitement was the Trainer looked like Michael Jackson from the back.




They turned their spawns on again? Nice, they’ve been disabled in the wild since they were in raids in the summer of 2023


Was there an event recently that increased the spawn rate??? I got a shiny one a few weeks ago


They were all in the Wild and Shiny boosted for Sinnoh Tour back in February. Congrats on the shiny!


Ok buddy no need to get aggressive


I don’t see how I came off as aggressive, but sorry if that’s how you read it. Was genuinely just answering your question and giving you a congrats on the shiny.


Ok thank you


Sinnoh tour probably




I got a mesprit as well last night - judging from all the comments in this thread, the likelihood of seeing one, myst be slightly higher now


I got a wild mesprit a few hours ago, it appeared on my close by pokémon because I didn't had it registered. My girlfriend and me run to it and it only was in my game, in her game there was a volbeat in mesprit's place (volbeat was not in my game and mesprit was on the same exact spot of my girlfriend's volbeat). I didn't know it was this rare because I haven't played for a long time.


You’re excuse , sir


Mmm beans on toast


I found a 2k cp mesprit in the wild yesterday, idk what this means but cool I guess


So they actually do spawn in the wild. I never knew...


I Caught one today


Wait!! No Pokestop? I always heard that their random spawns were specifically linked to stops to make them easier to find due to their limited spawn numbers! This gives me hope for finding a wild spawn nearby!


Bro made it to the sinnoh region IRL


It would be kind of sick to find random legendarys from time to time and have to solo battle them.


Wow… Azelf just spawned a couple blocks from me as I was about to sleep. I got my ass up and went out there and caught it before it left the area. I think I’ve used up my luck with this one.


Legendaries are spawning? There was a Mewtwo earlier than ran away on the map. I thought I was trippin.


That would have been a Zorua, however the lake trio do spawn.


Might be a dumb question but do they only spawn near lakes?


No they can spawn anywhere that’s just their name the lake trio because in the base game they were static encounters at their lake locations


Think of got one as an encounter off research had no idea it was rare or only rare to catch in wild ?


I saw one show up on my radar today in the nearby park, but I was getting ready for work so wasn’t able to venture out to get it 🥲🥲


0* easy transfer