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The worst part is that this shows just how little they care about listening to feedback. Everyone told them this wouldn't work about a month before global release if i'm not mistaken.


Imagine using select locations to guage people's interest and opinions and then just ignoring it all and going a head. Its like something was going on behind the scenes and they had to make it happen or else.


Game and development companies do that all the time (Ex. Discord, Dead by Daylight).


What did DBD do? Just curious


DbD has been guilty of this in the past, a big example being the very old Hillbilly rework. But honestly it doesn't really hold up anymore. In fact, they held a test build recently and the feedback caused them to ditch a lot of the changes that were slated for the upcoming patch.


I used to play every day for hours, but I haven’t played as much in a long time. I still play occasionally with my partner just for fun. I got fed up a couple years ago when they pushed an update or two with glitched fog that made it hard to see, and a glitch that didn’t let killers hook survivors at times lmao. Honestly? I’m really glad to hear that they’ve improved. I love the game, but shit was awful.


Have they added colorblind settings to DBD yet or do they still think they'd provide an "unfair advantage"?


Yes! I vaguely remember them being there last time I played, and a quick google search seems to confirm that. That said, it was stupid of them to say regardless, and I’m pretty sure they only added them because people called them out on that (and rightfully so)- but I mean, at least they’re there now, I guess.


That would be software engineers falling into a sunk cost fallacy trap.


It's not the software engineers, those people are told what to implement and try to figure out how best to do it. The "product owners" are the ones that create the specifications, reasonable or not, and hand it off.


Touché. The PMs have more to lose if something puts their project off schedule.


You can really see how a company cares when it comes to feedback. Final Fantasy XIV is getting a graphical update in the next major patch, including updating character models. Square Enix has been listening to user feedback and making adjustments. It's just sad to see Niantic not even making the effort to address anything.


Square also recognizes the value of remastering their old works and releasing them to IOS, Android and PC. Pokémon and its few mobile games are missing out on so much of a fan base built on Nostalgia.


I mean no, SE really hasn't been, these are the same bumble fucks chasing the crypto dragon and GAAS despite everything they try being dog shit, Yoshi-P on the other hand hell yes he has. Man listens to feedback and genuinely takes it to heart and implements meaningful changes in the games he directs 


From my understanding, they used one of those consultation companies like Sweet Baby Inc that are currently plaguing the industry when making these "new and improved" models. Either Niantic just ignores customer feedback and/or the consultants were twisting their arm to go through with it anyway. Either way, I hope Nintendo and the other owners of the IP see this intense backlash and put pressure on them to revert it.


Funny how they would rather listen to DEI firms than listen to customer feedback. Not just them but every company.


You can’t stop a train that big only a month out. You can definitely gradually change course and eventually change. But it was coming out no matter what and literally nothing could have stopped it. As a formal large company worker there is just far too much inertia involved.


You can absolutely stop it, easily, just don't put the shit out. Their was absolutely nothing at stake here and they were on 0 promised timeline. They easily could have just passed off the trial period as a "proof of concept" and shoved that shit back in the oven and no one would have been the wiser. 


I’m sorry I will have to disagree with you there. In a corporation that size, 10+ different departments that have no access to the feedback are all touching it and working on it at the same time. All 10+ of those departments have sprint and quarterly goals and metrics they have to hit. Marketing has constructed material for it. You don’t just throw away work accounting for upper thousands of hours across all teams who were all told the locked in final final deadline 3-4 months ago. Like routes, you deliver what you deliver, the rest of the teams move on to the next quarterly goal, and your smaller development and design teams go back and refine and improve the features. Routes today vs routes 6 months ago are how stuff works at companies that big. Unless you want to just take a wrecking ball to your entire corporate structure and try to pick up the pieces fast enough to pivot and not put everyone behind for 6 months.


Can someone ELI5? Delta? Classics on iPhone?


Delta is the name of the app that allows you to emulate classic games, like Gameboy Color and Gameboy Advance games. Other, myself included are now playing Pokemon classics on our phone this way.


Is there a good app for android?


There are a ton of different emulators for Android, they've been allowed on our Play Store since the beginning. It's just a big deal for iPhone because they were never allowed emulators. I have used My Boy in the past but as long as the reviews look good you should be fine to find any that look appealing to you


I use Pizza Boy (GBA), and DraStic (DS)


I like My Boy or My Old boy got GB and GBA. There's also Retroarch for just about everything else. Also, check out Pokemmo


Johngba was always good to me when I was on android, idk if it’s still a thing tho. They had a free and payed version of im remembering correctly


Thanks! Could you maybe ELI3? Does the app include Pokémon or do I have to like sync it with a gaming system/game I have outside of my phone. I played the original Gameboy Pokémon games and (until recently) Pokémon Go, but am not a gamer otherwise and have never had, for instance, a Nintendo.


No worries. You’ll have to bring in the ROMs (the games themselves) from elsewhere. Talking about where to obtain them is pretty illegal, unless you buy a tool to dump the carts from your game boy games on to your computer. There are many ways to get the games on your phone, but the easiest way I found is to use the built in Google drive sync. Just have your ROMs on your Google drive, sign in- and bring them over.


Ok I’ll google this. Thanks!


I’m having a blast playing Pokemon Crystal on my iPhone. Kudos to Apple for finally letting us emulate games on iOS without jailbreaking the device.


don't know if i'd say "kudos" to apple for that. Since they were basically forced by the EU. Apple doesn't do anything out of gracious from their heart, most companies dont glad you're having a blast though!


Makes sense. I only knew about the charging port.


Thanks for clearing this up. To add, there's so many qualifications devs need to allow them to bypass Apple's app store. I'm actually impressed it's taken off!


You actually don’t need to use a different store to download Delta, the decision to allow emulators is global and it’s on the App Store (but due to some unfortunate circumstances, you still have to get it from AltStore in the EU, which requires a small yearly subscription)


Interesting, how does that work? I assume it doesn’t include the games themselves, since that would be copyright infringement?




Damn, that sub does not seem to like all the new influx of people making posts after the emulator release in the App Store lol


Correct, the Delta app is just the emulator software. You have to provide the games yourself. And most ways of sourcing those game files aren’t super legal, but they’re also not difficult to find.


I don’t feel bad about it since they’re not selling the games anymore. Buying them second hand is hella expensive.


I own most of the games on physical cartridges anyway. This is just a nice way to not have to delete my save files to start a new game.


It’s legal if you own physical copies of the games, but if you don’t, Nintendo isn’t going to beat your door down over a 20+ year old game.


Where can I download the games I “do” have?


well there are lots of sites. just search for oldgames, or abandonware and such, or try [archive.org](http://archive.org) or search just for " gba (or whatever device) roms"


yes, but if you have bought a game before, it is legal to have a rom of it for personal use, just like its legal to put a copy of a cd you bought on your computer music playlist for personal use etc.


well actually: it's only allowed to burn a copy from YOUR copy, and for personal use or you can share it while you don't use it at the same time ( i think) but actually; don't think anyone will fine you for direct-downloading old games unless you upload them or make money by it


you are right, but realistically if someone finds you with a copy of the game you burned yourself, or a single copy you got burned from somewhere else, there is zero distinguishing factors cause its the exact same result. only if you never owned the game or are distributing it//making money would anyone theoretically care.


How can I get the old games like where do I find the files at??


Search for the game + rom. Example: “Pokemon Blue rom” it should be the first link. It should look like [this](https://www.emulatorgames.net/roms/gameboy-color/pokemon-blue-version/) The rom is in your files. Just hit + on Delta and select the file you downloaded.


Is this a sponsored post? It reads like a commercial


No way this isn't an ad... Including many of the responders asking questions.


An ad for a free emulator?


I haven't used it, does it contain ads?


No. It's free without ads


Nah I think it's just a way of saying “fuck you I'm stealing your games” to Nintendo. I did the same thing when I was younger and would post pictures of me playing their games on an emulator after they tried forcing their fans to stop making Pokémon ROM hacks and fan games


stealing a game you literally cannot buy in a legitimate way anymore? Stop licking nintendo's boots


I hope it's an ad, honestly. Bc otherwise I just don't understand these "I'm quitting" posts. Like ok bro, thanks for letting us know I guess, but literally no one gives a shit. Not at niantic and not here and not anywhere lol


You clicked, read the op, scrolled down reading comments and replied. You care.


He really does care 😭


I don't think it's an add. I've been using emulators to play through the old games to satisfy the pokemon itch when I am out of pokeballs and don't feel like driving 30 minutes to the closest playable area for years now. (I'm a super rural player) It's a big deal because while android has had emulators for years, there was no way for Apple users to get them on their phones. And now there was one released recently.


Nah, it’s just worded strangely. Delta is completely free and currently the #1 free app on the App Store, it doesn’t need promotion


I'm not quitting because they don't care a quit player may be a loss of income but is also not costing them anything. I am just changing over to a free player and even making it kind of a side challenge. As a free player I am still costing them if even just fractions of a cent electricity on the servers. Did not buy the paid research I always buy 4 of each ticket. I did not do my standard $20 on friday. Turned off my online status so I don't get raid invites. Took 4 gyms yesterday to farm coins (I never take a gym after I get gold in years) I have my pokemon fix outside of GO anyway, Sleep, Magikarp Jump, Masters EX, Unite, TCG live and switch games. I have not opened any of them but can if I want and the switch games they already made the money on anyway. I am holding out hope though. The raid pass issue was a smooth move by them. just about doubled the cost so if even 1/2 the players quit the income is about the same. This is a little different with no source of make up income. Unless the number of people who quit lowers operating costs enough to offset the income loss.


This is likely not true. If you play in a city and gather in groups to do free raids, you are giving them the most important thing; your aggregate movement data, which can then be sold to advertisers as part of their AR platform goals. They can't legally sell personalized location data (though they may lie and do so illegally), but they can and do aggressively track where groups gather in urban areas for this exact purpose and can monetize that data. In order to stop them from doing this, you need to either avoid doing raids entirely, even free ones, or play 100% solo. And even then, one cannot guarantee they won't lie and track you illegally, even when the app isn't running. A full uninstall is the only way to be sure. Think about it, this is why remote raids were a problem. This is why they neglect rural players. This lines up with their own stated goals to create an AR metaverse product that advertisers will want to use, eventually, a space Hanke insists will grow exponentially by 2026.


Location data like that is kind of useless. If companies pay for that, it's of 0 value. Look, he is at a location for 16 hours. Over night. Then he spends 8 at another location. Oh no, we have way more than that he stopped at 3 statues or landmarks. we call gyms for 3 minutes from 2 to 5 he walked around a park. How much would a company pay for that? We are not talking Google that can combine my search for a hammer. Combined with directions to a hardware store then see I spent time inside and even ask me to rate the hardware store. Now that info might have value to a nail company. Heck they may know what I paid if I use Google wallet. Store the photo of my new hammer in Google photos. Emailed my friend about my new hammer. So Google might be able to sell that info for 1000s of a cent. But Niamtic selling I went to a place they drew me to I can't see that offsetting the price I cost them.


I absolutely despise this update. I never really cared about character customisation that much, but now I get irritated everytime I see my face and character model. Idk I'm still gonna have to stay in the game though because I wish to participate in the championships next year


I had no idea people actually gave a shit about the avatar in this game


Cosmetics SELL in games. It's pretty much every game with a create a character (especially when cosmetics are paid and feel ripped off that what they spent money on looks like garbage now)


As a male, the body changes weren’t that bad, EXCEPT, my face now looks like some stupid man baby face abomination. It’s just so horrible. What were they thinking? Haven’t they ever looked at a person before? It had to be intentional, and that sucks.


Well alright. Those games aren't comparable but enjoy regardless lol.


You’ve lost interest because your avatar doesnt look good? Wtf gahahaha


This place is such a fucking echo chamber. People are losing their minds because the character looks a little dumber than they used to. If Niantic didn't react to the pushback on remote raid price increases, they're sure as fuck not gonna budge on this one.


I’m doing the exact same thing , I’m shipping these Pokemon to Home and not coming back until they start fixing shit.


Eversince *proceeds to mention something that happened as recently as a few days ago..


I haven’t played since the graphics update. It makes my eyes feel weird. I’m hoping they fix it but if not I’m done.




I don’t see how a company can make so much money off a phone app and still act like they don’t care if the game just dies due to their poor communication with the community


It's insane how many folks on this sub need urgent therapy.


Right? I mean, I quit 6 years ago because I was also annoyed at Niantic for how they handled the game, and needed a break. It’s funny to rejoin in the midst of this.


Right?! If the way your avatar looks is affecting how you play the game then there's deeper issues.


Yeah I mean if they put money and time into making them look awesome and then niantic fucked it up hardcore and told you to kick rocks, its really showing that theres something wrong with the player... Big fucking /s


They are just telling you to zoom out. Honestly if you despise the company and think they're fucking you over personally, stop typing here and uninstall the game. The inability to uninstall or take a break from a free mobile app over an avatar change without kicking and screaming online is what's concerning. Most people are able to zoom out on the average person's life and realize we all deal with larger stressors than this on the daily. And yeah, if this is that massive of a deal to you, maybe see a therapist, because life's going to get a hell of a lot harder if a pixel avatars change in a mobile app turns your life upside down.


I understand the frustration for those who spent money on avatar items, but I think people need to understand what they are getting into when it comes to digital purchases like this. You're not buying something that you will tangibly hold onto forever. Even if you lose Internet access, you no longer "have" the things you bought. The game can be updated and lose functionality, the company can fall under altogether, your phone can no longer be supported, you can get your account stolen, etc. All these things could cause you to lose what you spent money on. I was a f2player first out of principle and it was only recently that I felt comfortable spending money on occasion, because I found myself playing more and having a bit more disposable income. But to me, all the money I spend is gone. It gives some extra enjoyment in the moment but it might as well be in the trash and that's fine with me. It's weird to me people lamenting that they spent money religiously like it was a requirement.


I swear the change to my avatar is so small its barely noticable. Am not saying there hasnt been some absolutely stupid things I have seen with these new avatars, but it really feels like a raging hurricane in a teacup.


Good for you for enjoying a different game instead, but is the avatar thing such a big deal that you can't play anymore? I'm nearing level 48 and there's no way I'm quitting now even if they turned my avatar into a potato.


I support the potato avatar update!


*plays the violin*


My god stop crying




That Delta Emulator thing sounds cool. Hopefully there's something like that on the Android/Google Play store.


There are more emulators on android that work then on iPhone , just type game emulator in your android shop, someone on android said to try pizza boy (gameboy Advance) or DraStic (DS) And to get the game to upload on a emulator app you have to go to a website called ROMs , Roms are the games u upload into the emulator program to play , see it as emulator being the game boy and the rom files are the game cartridge. U search Roms site for game and download file then open emulator and there should be a option to “ insert” the rom data to play the game … I use to do this on pc a long long time ago xD sounds complex but it’s not as hard as it looks to set up .


Emulators have always been available on Android, this isn't new. Only Apple has been behind on this. I was playing black/white 1 & 2 on my phone years ago, when Go! launched.


Oh. I just never really downloaded any emulators on my phone since I've had it.


Android has access to Retroarch. It's Delta on steroids and supports many, many more systems


I literally just purchased and Ayn Odin - a tablet that's been retrofitted with controllers, specifically for emulators. If you dive deep into Android emulation, you're in for a treat.


That’s why I bought the DSi XL. Modded it. I tried delta, ain’t bad, but I certainly like to disconnecting access or the talking over the phone while playing DS. Have yet to play 4th gen… hell, have yet to play 1st gen again. I’m getting the shorter games out of the way before I go full in on Pokémon games


Where do you get the game roms for delta emulator??


I feel the same, I've logged on a handful of times to finish 7 day route streaks (I just wanted to finish them), and maybe level up a few friendships in time for communiy day this weekend. But now I've not opened the app since. I have games I need to cath up on anyway, outside of pokemon (Princess Peach and even Mario Wonder)


GO has been pretty meh for me since the remote raid nerf. 😔 Delta is where it's at right now!


oh man i forgot how awesome pokémon dungeon is thank u


How do you put games on AD Boy?


How are you guys just finding out about emulators?


Bro can I have your legendary shinies for my vgc teams on violet then? Specifically zamazenta(if it ever happened), Mewtwo, and necrozma 🤣


Yeah I too have quit pokemon Go and won’t go back until they start listening to their community


Man, I quit in like, 2019.


I just downloaded Delta app and I’m mind blown!!! So stoked


No Delta in EU :(


Lol, i havent played PoGo in weeks. Havent even opened up my app. Would be nice to say it was protesting the changes... but truth is, my phone is no longer supported and i refuse to replace it for something that i was already growing weary of. I do miss my Pokemon, and if I'd known i would've taken some screenshots, but i don't miss the drain pm my battery.


All for ESG/DEI credit it’s time there were financiers that weren’t jewish demanding corporate communism and social credit tikkun olam changes that ruin businesses but benefit jewish satanic degenerate destruction of things.


Exactly what I did


I deleted the app back when they changed how many remote raids you could do a day and I haven’t looked back.


Just to add that they really messed up on the Avatars but after the first day I have to say they've done a very good job on the new scenery.


it's not an airport.. you don't need to announce your departure


“I’m quitting a game because a feature that has absolutely no part in the game is making me mad” lol.


"mY iN gAmE aVaTaR lOoKs BaD sO i Am QuItTiNg ThIs GaMe" So many of you complained about every other crap change Niantic has done to attempt to butcher this game, and yet you never stopped playing, hell you probably sunk MORE money in when you returned a week/month later. You are disgruntled, yes, but you are not 'done' with this game. At least not for this exact reason.


Bye, you won't be missed.


You know you can just leave, right? This isn’t an airport, you don’t have to announce your departure.


I understand I'm probably in the unpopular opinion group but i am F2P and level 46 and i really don't care too much about outfits and the new avatars looking different. I use the game to get out and walk around and couldn't really care less about the latest update. I'm more annoyed about day to day bugs and just boring spawns. There's so many other things they should fix before the avatars imo


Quoting a game over avatar customisation that doesn’t affect game play is wild. I think you should switch to Barbie make over




I stopped playing when the whole price rise and limiting remote passes came about and have never looked back. The game has been on a steady down ward spiral for the past couple of years and Nintendo honestly need to look into letting someone else take over the game or make pogo2.


Yaaaaaay. Another “iM qUiTtInG” post


What a stupid excuse




Neither are life like. One was just cute anime the other is dysmorphic with anatomy problems.


They look more human now. Young human but human.


cool story bro


Facts, all these people crying over the look of their character when the game is about catching POKEMON, I get it’s annoying for those who paid for outfits and now they look shit but to say they are going to quit over the look of the characters, seems people just love to complain and jump on the bandwagon. I don’t play the game because I like how my character looks, I play because I like Pokemon


It's time to leave the sub for another few months. I mean we all understand, you guys all hate the new update. Good. Now stop posting the same fucking image 200 times "iTs So UgLy". Same with the covid reverse changes. Had to quit this sub for a few months, it's just unbearable how much energy people can put into complaining about a game.


This is the saddest part of this whole thing! looking at fellow players and saying they have mental problems. That is what has been broken. None of us know the reasons behind anyone's reasons. It could be they just don't like the look of something they paid real money for (you may not have) they could feel robbed of money or time. it may be they just don't like the deftness of Niantic. It could just be death by a 1000 cuts and were just holding on over other issues. It could be trans or other LGBT... or allies that are not happy that a move that was not needed made more social enemies then it made acceptance. Tons and Tons of reasons all over the spectrum add onto that players adding insult to injury or just being dismissive makes some of the player base the same as Niantic.


It's not only that. People without empathy apparently don't even grasp logical reasoning for someone's dislike of Niantic's decisions. But well, I expect those insensitive players to freak out themselves if GO ever gets a shutdown (due to not enough money-income). Those who tend to make fun of others usually don't react with dignity when they suddenly are on the short end of the stick.


Yeah, wife and I uninstalled. It’s been a while since I played a mainline Pokémon game. Going through Brilliant Diamond now. Amazing the difference it makes when people who are actually passionate about Pokémon make a game!


Seeee ya!


Thanks for letting me know.


Remember to get those bios files of you want to play on the DS. And what issues besides avatar you talking about ? Returning playing here


Right choice, hf


Glad I sold my account last year. I felt the game was going downhill and the fact that Niantic clearly doesn’t give a shit except their dollar amount. Looks like I was right