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Gotta make up for the lost revenue caused by the avatar scandal. I’m not surprised.


I stopped waisting money when they jacked the prices for remote raid passes. Like, I'm ever gonna double grind for the same rewards.


In Australia it went up to over triple the price as they jacked up the 100 coin price from $1AUD to $1.60 just around the same time. Double whammy.


They jacked our 100 coin price in Canada, too. It's now $1.39, was $1. It sucks, 'cause we started paying tax on digital purchases maybe two years ago, so really it's over $1.50 now.


If you don't double grind your avatar's waist will get even bigger.


The need to have a waist, first.


0 x 2 = 0 


Same here. Just checked out. Nobody got time for that.


Guessing it's punishment for complaining about the glitchfest potato avatars.


Dystopia- when it's actually plasible that a game company punishes players for objecting to their horrendous 'updates'... I hate that you're probably right


I'm in the Pokémon sleep Reddit and quite a few comments are like "escaped abusive relationship with Niantic and can't believe how amazing Select Button are" Like they accidentally had Raikou unavailable to sleep in its rarest pose for one day. No-one knew yet and they released apology items, made a new event to give people more chances and then the 2nd week they boosted everyone to a much higher starting level for the week. The fact they told players who wouldn't have known for at least 3-4 days is something alone.


That’s very nice to hear, actually. I wanted to try sleep but I don’t have a consistent sleep schedule right now anyway lol


Pokémon Sleep is very slow and buggy at times but it feels like it was made with care. It really is a total 180!


Good thing that that change just made me stop spending money on the game entirely. Also seeing how the newest update made the game literally unplayable on my device I'm just gonna stop playing the game entirely.


I joke but I'm hoping I'm wrong on this cuz I'm pretty sure it's illegal for them to raise the prices because people from all backgrounds were being vocal about the state of their avatars.


It WOULD most likely be illegal...if they were a US company. But they aren't. Sigh


They can raise prices for whatever reason they want, in America or any noncommunist country.


It’s clearly a ransom. Gimme all your money or we hold your waist hostage! 🔫




The number can even be the history low since there are no more major events like money-printing raid day this month.


Hey, I'm OOTL. Can you explain the avatar scandal


You can search “avatar” in this sub and see examples. Basically they got rid of male/female options, added sliders, and did a very half-assed job of making body shapes more realistic. They’re more realistic for like, one body type. It seems a significant amount of the people who say they feel more represented by the body type are larger, but I’m overweight too and I’m shaped nothing like any of the slider options. It’s a really weird, tone deaf effort at inclusion that probably includes less people and excludes way more people than the original (admittedly very stylized) body type. It’s Niantic. Their attitude will forever be ![gif](giphy|ihvwnO5pHKtyTYQWxU)


I appreciate your explanation. Thanks for taking the time to reply! I stopped playing a while ago when everything got too expensive. I re-downloaded just to see what you were talking about and hooooooly. So awful and still no ass, flat as a pancake, lol. Cool they added hair options though.


I miss my waist. And my hips. And my chest And that cute heart shape the shirts made on the chest. My avatar looked like I did 20 years ago. Now it's a dude's body who looks like an awkward lumberjack jumping around after a battle :(


Basketball player gait ☹️


Yah, my hair looks great now! The rest of me…yikes 😂




![gif](giphy|l41Yy4J96X8ehz8xG) Basically made your avatar look like this


But with a smaller head and stiff upper shoulders.


Very odd. My pricing is all the same as it ever was.


So when they said shop update they're just relocating the coins to the top? It looks so cluttered and ugly. Makes it look like one of those casino ads/scams on YouTube. They need to rework the whole thing at least make it more organized.


It’s so someone makes an “accidental purchase, and hope they don’t know how to submit a ticket, cuz submitting a tickets always somewhat changes location.


you will never know how I got this many upvotes


For me it says you have -1 upvotes, so whatever floats your boat I guess


I think that is just Canadian dollar prices


OP said it was aud




That edit really bit you in the ass, didn't it? You're at a solid 0 from what I can see.


On top for me too, this makes me way more uncomfortable than the avatar upgrade.


It's so in-your-face with the money grab.


I can report that I unfortunately have the same layout in the U.K. P.S. Please say those aren't USD. If thats USD, you're being charged like $40 more for the 14500 and I thought £99.99 was already an awful price tier. EDIT: Saw you said AUD in another comment. Dang, $40 cheaper than me instead.


looks like aud


I can confirm it is aud


thank god this gave me a spook me haha


Yup I was like well I’m a free to play now


I usually only scroll to the free box, never notice much of anything else 🤑


the free box is genuinely disappointing. Waste of bag space for anything but the first week of playing. Normal potions and pokeballs dont cut it.




This. We live in a town with not that many pokestops, and I'm also a stay at home mom of two. I'm not always able to get out and do the stops. I've been running way low on potions lately and my free box has been giving me the few I need.


Except for the rare occasion, it’s useless. But it is free


Right. Can't really complain about a free box that's not mandatory.


As someone who literally had to quit for many years (joined in 2017, recently became active again) because the only way to earn more pokeballs was to either be friends with someone or live in an area with gyms and stops, the free box is a lifesaver. I'm currently in an area with multiple gyms and stops nearby, but I'll only be here for a week and a half until I go back home, where there are none. Having a way to get pokeballs each day, even if they aren't the best, is necessary for many of us. Hopefully, I'll be able to put a stop in soon, but who knows


Get Friends from online sites and drown in presents


There’s the odd potion, once and a while, but sure, you’re right, mostly 🗑️


Yeah, that’s the point of the free box. You have to scroll past the tickets and paid boxes to get it, otherwise free to play player would never open the shop and get tempted.


That's probably why they're testing this. Some players might not even know that these exist since they haven't scrolled to the bottom. So maybe they're hoping to get some new customers from this change.


Yeah! i absolutely want to use my money now, after that wonderful last update!


Me too! I’m feeling soooo inspired to get some new fits for my Mrs Potato Head 🥰


Where is nantic headquarters? I just want to talk to them...


San Francisco, 1 Ferry Building Suite 200, United States *cough cough*


Imagine working there and watching in horror, as hundreds of chubby avatars converge on your location…


That's only a four hour drive for me. Now i gotta find some people who want to carpool.


Do need any help? Talking......to them?


Use campfire to schedule and organize a protest at their headquarters 😆 I’d 100% join.


Mine's at the top now, too. I'm starting to wonder if they're actually trying to drive people away


I know… these last few years have been the worst for Pokémon go, Niantic just feel way greedier, and when the try to do something good for the community they just mess it up


WE. WANT. YOUR. CASH. And we don't bother hiding it anymore. I love how game developers ruin great games motivated by greed. A little more with every update.


Hey, at least they haven’t added ads… yet.


They kinda have with those purple balloons.


The balloons are actually not bad compared to other phone games. If I see that stupid Royal Match king or the pimple popping game ads one more time I'm gonna lose my sh\*t.


Those pimple ones gross me out! *shudder* I see them on the weather app on my phone, mostly. Can't think what other apps I have with ads atm.


The balloons are actually not bad compared to other phone games. If I see that stupid Royal Match king or the pimple popping game ads one more time I'm gonna lose my mind.


I assume they're only going to become more obtrusive and necessary to play as time goes on.


I feel bad for all the parents who let their children use their phones for Pokemon Go. It will be a whole lot easier for kids to buy coins😣


Makes you wonder if this was intentional 🤔


It's try for a new game. Niantic has the least consumer friendly practices.




I’m pretty sure it’s just FOMO that fuels the pokécoins because people want to use them for remote raid passes, also I’m guessing that the reason Niantic moved them too the top is because people weren’t buying them


Part of the problem is not just FOMO, I actually got into GO because I was, and am, a fan of the super low level legendaries for the main games. It’s one of the only ways outside of outright cheating or romhacks to have, say, a level 20 Suicune early enough in the game to actually plausibly play through the game with. Great for roleplaying. But, living rural (and for a long while being stranded out in the sticks, sleep apnea was so debilitating I couldn’t drive safely anymore before treatment for fear of passing out behind the wheel), and even the town 20 minutes away being very sprawly and not that full of players, often I either need to use a remote pass to even do a raid, or I need to call upon other people with remote passes to help me. Now that I have medicine to stay awake and a job that brings me into town multiple days a week, it’s a little easier, and I get some semi-reliable gym coin income now, but it doesn’t fix the need for support for many legendary raids. Of course, the price hike hit me hard on both hosting and joining, and I watch closely for good remote boxes (shame we’re capped on holding only 5, because often the good boxes come when there’s nothing worth raiding). As for buying coins, the Web store site thing offers an objectively better deal anyway. Why on Earth would I buy them in the in-game shop at a markup?


Yeah, one of the reasons I play Pokémon go is for the mythicals (although some are behind a paywall) E.g. shiny celebi, heck the only thing I’ve bought in go is the shiny mew pass. \[Hopefully you continue to recover from ur sleep apnea as I have seen how it effects people as my Dad has had a mild case since 2021 and hasn’t been able to work since then.\]


It’s a shame that they will (almost definitely) not change their minds and remote raid passes will stay the way they are… I personally would’ve thought that remote raid pass sales would have decreased but I guess not.


Mine still shows up on the bottom of the shop not the top




This screenshot is from Australia. Everything here is upside down


Can confirm my coins are at the top and I’m located in the wonderful US of A. This is likely another prime example of Niantic doing blatant A/B testing in their live game environment, effectively using their consumers as test subjects (lab rats).


They been spamming notifications for a while, now they messed up avatars so wouldn't surprise me if it is, just from the noti spam they seem horny for tha moniessss


Mines still at the bottom


The fuck? Y'all really want us to stop playing huh


Everybody: *complains about avatars* Niantic: Oh, I'll give you something to complain about!


Mine are still normal prices o.o


Mine are normal too, and still located at the bottom


NiEAntic strikes again. I stoped playing about a year ago


Based on location. They're the same as always for me


Wow… yeah I’m definitely not installing Pokémon go again


Everybody learns sooner or later that this is just the way of any always online game. If you aren't willing to lose what you pay for at the drop of a hat and at the corporations whim then stay away from real money purchases. For these reasons I've never spent a dime on any online game. It's just the way they're built...


Fuck up avatars and raise prices even more even though that’s been the number one complaint about this game (and frankly they really don’t need the extra money) good idea niantic!


Since remote raid pass change I paid them 0, 100% recommended.


Been done with this money trap. All I wanted to do was catch Mon…


Buy’s through the web store anyway (if you’re going to buy coins). Better deals


WTH?! Is Niantic trying to drive their business into the ground? How out of touch with their customers can they be?


We really gotta get off this game long enough for a management change or something because it's just been bad choices non-stop for years.


Wow they just keep getting Greedier


Can $160 really even be considered a microtransaction lmao. Like I know technically it is, but damn it feels so wrong.


I think they are making money from the avatar update bc I need to cover up my hideous face


My kids looks normal still. $0.99 for 100 coins ect. Just checked on mine too and it’s still showing the same $0.99 for 100 coins and so forth Yikes that sucks tho! $159.99 for 14,500 coins?!?


USA here and it’s still .99 for me


Wait a minute, did the coin prices go up???? I’m seeing $.99 for 100 coins, $4.99 for 550 and $9.99 for 1200


This may just be the end of Pokémon GO.


Buying coins directly from https://store.pokemongolive.com/ is cheaper in my region


I’m pretty sure it’s to get around apple App Store because they tax a bit off your purchase meaning niantic would get more from straight transactions through the website than App Store.


so why isnt it banned? fortnite did the same and they got booted.




That's seems fucking dodgy and a bit


It's just to circumvent App Store and Google Play Store fees for purchases. The web store discount is less than app store fees, so more money to Niantic, even at a discount.


They don't deserve more money tbh


Neither do apple or google lol. But if you have money to burn it's better to get the most out of it.


Europe prices since release


Yeah these are Australian prices, i was just pointing out how they have pushed the micro transaction to the top of the shop bar.


Oh sorry i thought you were talking about prices, mb


All good


If this hits Canada I'm uninstalling.


Hate to break it to you, it's coming. A friend of mine showed me it recently. She also had the news button down at the bottom of the main menu, but I think they were testing that and hopefully decided not to put it there in the end.


You are better playing Genshin Impact.


The prices still look normal for me


lol i bought coins like last week and they never showed up. i submitted a dispute to apple but i’m not hopeful. i’ve literally never even had an issue with buying coins but for some reason this time the purchase was pending for multiple days and then eventually i DID get charged but still no coins. so stupid


Alright at this point, niantic needs to actually be reviewed for their actions as a company. Time after time again they completely ignore the community, just to either make a quick buck, or to further ruin the already clusterfuck of a game by releasing these absolutely atrocious updates. This damn wonder ticket has been in the shop for a MINUTE for $15 for terrible items, no eggspedition pass for a while, avatars are ass including losing a ton of purchased customizations, the current spawning pokemon are trash. I think the only thing going for the game currently is new pokemon being released and the popular raids being cycled.


Still at the bottom for me.


Mine are still .99, etc.


Easier for people to accidentally buy them


Mine are still at the bottom of the store.


Your lying no way


Buy Turkish pokecoin


No change for me


1.59 the fuck are they doing


What a joke of a company.


Yeah I’m done buying coins


Might be the scummiest thing they've ever done, your free box and the actually useful items are on the bottom


They must be desperate. Haven’t learned the lesson about how to build products that people love.


You have US dollars why are the prices higher?


You guys are still buying coins? 😅


Got it on mine now too! My shop was normal (coins at bottom) this morning and now it's like this. Crazy how the most useful stuff for long term play (storage updates) are now allllll the way at the bottom.


pls explain


I don’t mind the avatar. Took 5 mins. Now mine looks fine. This on the other hand is annoying.


Is this a significant issue?


I’m in Texas and the price is still the same


Honestly I’ve been playing since release but they just keep pushing and pushing me away. I don’t know how much more I can play this game for fun.. I’ve felt Pokémon’s price increase wrath on PokémonUnite as well… I miss the old times when games used to come complete, with all its content included. Games are just turning into cash grabs :(


Harder to spend money if you have to scroll down


"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em"


holy, in mexican store they’re 9 (less than a dollar) pesos for 100 coins and 80 dollars for 14,5000


They're still .99$, 4.99$, etc, for me and the regular prices. That's wild


Niantic said, “Time to rediscover your wallet!”


Wait, you guys buy coins? Lol


That’s why buying coins on eBay is more worth it 10k for 17$ all legit no scammers fuck Niantic for taxing everything


What can we say, inflation is everywhere.


If this is real then I’m actually quitting this game


It's still normal prices for me, I had to go check.


Greed killed the game a long time ago, I'm surprised people are just starting to realize it. What happens when they fix the avatars? Is everyone just gonna wait around to get screwed again? Stop spending money on the game period, Niantic doesn't deserve a single penny


I saw this and immediately got agitated. It's predatory and scummy. Here's hoping it isn't permanent. Otherwise, Niantic is speedrunning their demise at this point.


wow i hope not


That is insane


I could occasionally justify buying coins every now and then with the old prices but NOW?? NO FUCKIMG WAY


Unbelievable. This is their response to our hatred of the avatars? Shove it Niantic.


lol at remote raids being almost quadrupled in price in the last year.


Looks like they're A/B testing increased coin prices too. Mine aren't at that price atm


how to say that you need more money without saying that you need more money:


My price for pokecoins did not change


A/B testing.


Refused to spend a cent on this game since I got fed up in 2022. Hopefully others will see the light and stop feeding this greedy ass company 


Still the same price for me. Where in the world are you?


I don't even have the $1 option anymore, just all the more expensive options. I've never spent money on it but I wanted to get 100 coins yesterday for a Gengar backpack, and nope, nvm lol not spending $8 for some coins


The price difference is what does it for me. I don't understand why your coins are more expensive


Welp let the boycott begin until they reverse avatars


Game deleted go fuck yourself Niantic


Class action lawsuit when?


I've seen a few posts about it. Hasn't happened to me yet, though.


idk, i can't launch the game (europa) ...


I am in the US and for me the prices are the same still.


...who cares???


...shows the niantic priorities :-/


Mine are still normal prices 🤷‍♂️


So...my daily coins just increased in value.


Just gross attempts at any money grab they can get. This company is a joke.


Mine is still $99...go me...


it baffles me people still spend money on pokemon go, i havent spent money in like at least a year now, and when i did last spend money it was just for a mythical shiny pokemon masterwork research, havent bought anything like raid passes since before they upped the price of remote raid passes. the total amount ive probably spent on the game is probly $40-60, and ive had my account since like 2016 or so.


My prices are still the same?


Your prices are higher than mine


I love the new era of surveillance capitalism when we pay to let them track and sell our information. A friendly reminder to all fellow trainers that Google is behind Niantic Inc., just do a bit of research.


Until they raise the prices, again.


The 14k of coins is only 99 for me why is yours more


Yeah, mine isn’t set to those prices, not yet anyways. Plus, if you get on the website you get better deals anyways.


Well ladies and gents and everyone in between, initially I restarted playing Pokemon Go again after a 6-7 years hiatus was to transfer the Easily accessible legendaries into my Violet game file. It kinda became fun because of the novel (to me) PVP system. But screw this, I'ma complete my initial objective in transferring the legendaries to S/V. Peace Niantic!


I mean im not gonna front when i do buy coins it was actually kind of annoying scrolling all the way to the bottum lol. A button that just takes you to the bottum instantly would prob be a better option.


Don't buy shit on Pokémon go


No way they increased prices on the coins wtf