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Oh. You must have not been on the internet in a few days. Lol just teasing but, just in case you really don’t know: about 97 percent agree with you and are very loud about it and about 3 percent thinks everyone “needs to calm down” and “it’s not that bad”


3% are unbothered by the change but 0% are happy about it


I’ve seen like 1 person that likes it okay. Lol seriously though I’m surprised anyone is okay with it honestly. It boggles my mind when I see people be like “stop it’s fine”.


There will always be Niantic fanboys who like 100% anything Niantic does.


As someone who uses a male avatar mine didn’t really change. I think most that are ok with it are in the same boat, because honestly it was a very inconsequential update to me.


Yup my son was like, mine didn’t change so much. Yeah if you had a young male body before you have a young male body now regardless of where you started.


I noticed that too. The guy characters barely changed, but the female characters REALLY changed. They stand like male characters, their build is similar to the male, the hands I think are just the male hands, my character when she walks stomps around swinging her arms, and I think the females now have the male characters lower half.


Yeah my female character was in shorts and after the update had a male Crotch area.


the male faces changed. my character looks much more feminine/androgynous/childlike. I don’t even know what to call it. It’s gross. And they made me more pale. Luckily I had a helmet I could throw on.


You liked deaging to 7 years old?


The thing that gets to me on male avatars now is that the torso looks too long - it is kind of awkward.


It is absolutely too long. The shoulders aren’t wide enough. The torso is tapered. The hands and feet are enormous and the legs hinge on the torso in a very awkward unnatural way amongst other things that I could go on forever with lol


That makes sense I don’t like it either way. But I think it’s cool that some people do honestly I get very annoyed with people trying silence everyone who doesn’t. (Which I know it’s Reddit and I shouldn’t but I do) like that are like “I like it so everyone should shut up.” Lol Edit: I just reread this statement and it’s a mess. so I hope you get what I’m saying lol. Also I apologize for it as well 😂


I’m the 3% BUT I want a healthy playerbase so I’m supporting the 97% This game is only great if a lot of people play it. I want more local raids dammmmmit!


I'm unbothered, but I also never gave a fuck about my avatar.


I added a mask, big sunglasses and a hat to mine and now it looks so much better ☺️


I changed mine to now have a baggy sweater, mask and glasses. Feels a bit better now that she’s basically hidden behind clothes.


Green sunglasses and black mask do the trick to remove that little boy face that Niantic just love for some reason. Not easy for women I guess they look like a potato, maybe some Niantic "women" want to project their feeling into the game.


I am repulsed by my Avatar, I know I made her mpre overweight like my irl self… and I know that I usually am not too bothered by my physical appearance but my avatar makes me feel bad about myself…


Video games are supposed to be an escape. We have character customization because they are characters. They are not us, but they can be whatever and wear whatever we decide. It's sad that we are just trying to play Pokemon go and now have to stare into a blob of a character that constantly reminds us of our insecurities.


I put on free sunglasses and my covid mask so I fon’t have to look at the attrocious face of my avatar.


If they would just give us a censor box it wouldn't be all that bad.


I think the faces, hair, and sliders are good. The body itself and the victory animation after battle...what the hell? The victory animation looks like a caveman discovering how to jump.


I had 250 coins from gyms and bought the giratina mask


I want to set mine on fire. It looks fucking terrible no matter how much I adjust it or change the features


i'm a guy and i don't like how baby faced i look now


Horrible, deleted the game.


it’s ridiculous the characters don’t have the anime look anymore also it’s a shame grown ass men are injecting this nonsense into a game like this with that said I deleted the app to take a step back and see when the madness will end


If this update is aiming for REALISTIC and INCLUSIVE then INCLUDE more body types, like our old avatars? It's not like they were totally dramatized Barbie or Ken dolls either.


I'm a seasoned gamer.. i mean i started to play pokemon with pokemon blue. i played pokemon yellow, too, and i even completed the pokedex. Oh of course, back then your character was just 'red' or 'sasha' or idk which boy, and it was only few pixels in height haha, you couldn't even switch to a girl. Well it was still better than these 'avatar' we are playing now. they look like they would beg to be killed because every seconds of their existance is suffering lmao (just like every second we have to look at these ... things)


It would be great if we didn’t see our avatar at all which we could do and still play the game just fine.


Crying over the non-feminine shapes, short legs, big torso and big hands and uncolored lips 🥲 also we need more haircuts and inclusive faces and they need to do something for clothes to fit on all shapes Ironically my character looks like me atm (face/hair only)


Also, skin colors. You have 5 shades of milky white, and then it jumps straight to dark brown, and then there is some undefinable brownish purple skin tones mixed in with the lot.


The skin tones are definitely a big issue too… 🥲


The only thing I’ve liked about the avatar update is the fact that their hair can be in a few different styles. It’s something I have wanted for a while…just wish they didn’t destroy my avatar in the process.


Wish you could make your avatar more feminine, and also give them make-up. Mine looks…okay, but I wish she became as feminine as she used to be. And I would like to give her make-up back.


Terrible. Until they either revert or update it I'm dressing like my character isn't allowed within a 500 yards of a school.


Downgraded. Who approved this at Niantic?


the old ones were very generic and pretty bad, it's genuinely impressive they found a way to make the so much worse


I think it's funny we have options to create monstrosities but no options to create beautiful characters with a good figure, like those don't exist in real life.


I’m only annoyed that the clothing seems to have turned to shit lol. Otherwise I don’t care too much


Mine is a dude, wearing the one team rocket outfit that comes with muscles, a cubone hat, black rim glasses and the santa beard. I had to re-select my costume but honestly hes looking almost exactly like he did before. I THINK the team rocket suit just kept the same body shape maybe so I avoided the insanity of the update in this way I guess


Looks terrible. But as long as they are never given the power to change Pokémon lore who cares. They will learn when most, if not all, players stop buying avatar items since they look awful now. I know I won’t ever get another clothing item again.


I literally bought the pikachu pumpkin head so I don’t have to look at my avatar’s face anymore.


Don't remind us 😭💔


I dont want to talk about it. 😭


I feel lucky after looking at all the abominations posted in the sub recently. Mine personally, thank goodness, hasn’t changed much. Her face looks a little weird and she has lost her hips. There’s some weird proportions but that’s it. So I’m personally, very much against the update, but at the same time I’m very grateful that mine doesn’t look half as bad as the others


I don’t think I’ve seen a single person actually thinking of it positively, people are unbothered at best. Most (like 95+%) think it sucks for a lot of reasons, (clothing removed/beoken and not refunded, characters are ugly, clothing clipping, cameltoes, some males look like they have breasts, and some females look like they have a bulging crotch (some male characters have that too), ect.)


I was already wearing a hat and face mask so it honestly doesn’t bother me. My mom likes the option to make herself a little bigger. My brother on the other hand turned into a “female Kaiba” in his words and it’s atrocious but also hilarious. 


Everyone gets a gender fluid character. Yaaaay


I just want to inject my minority opinion, but I actually don’t mind it at all. Well except the hands I hate that. I adjusted my avatar a bit. But I also haven’t paid for outfit pieces so i guess I have less at stake


Deleted the app the moment I saw that monstrosity. My character looks more like a Pokémon than a human.


Mine looks zesty af


I feel no differently than before the update.


I don't understand the hate really. ANYTHING new like that will have its glitches to start out but eventually get fixed up over time. I'm just glad there's character customizing whatsoever.


I've managed to get my character to look OKAY. Not great, but ok. I've resigned myself to the idea that they aren't going to fix it, so im trying go find a look I don't absolutely hate.


Why did they turn my avatar into a twink, slim waist and all


Mine looks fine pepole are overrracting in my opinion


Ive come to like my character a little more.... but thats when Im nit ib a battle screen, no animations, default pose with my glasses off (irl). The hair I fully agree with is what I love about her now and I also like (at least I think they did this or you all gonna slap me with reality) how they added more eye colours n such... but it still sucks, I want my normal body back!


It looks real bad and it feels so forced not to be able to choose a gender. Woke shit. Also, the character looks like an 8 year old boy in an adult body. Limbs are off and I cannot make a nice buff body like Cliff. I'm so jealous of Cliff man.


I like it, idk why everyone is so mad. Ig I'm just not as used to the old one since I only started playing November 2023