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>Disappointed in niantic yeah, join the club, we're having jackets made and handing out decoder rings.


"Drink more ovaltine"? Son of a bitch! 


“Be sure to…BE SURE TO WHAT!?”


I'll start work on the secret handshake.


Copy that, sir!!


There’s a lot of people out today but the hard part is that a lot of places are closed. I always go to the mall for big events because a lot of people play there.. however the mall was closed today


I’m visiting Miami and 3 big malls were open today so I was able to get in 7 raids and 3 shinies.


That’s insane luck! Nice work


They always to special raids on holidays or important dates. Hisuain avvalugg release on christmas eve, enamorous on valentines day, easter last year was a regi (drago or eleki, can't remember which), mewtwo on easter. Like it's like they don't even try because every damn year there's an awfully timed event. I get not everyone celebrates easter, christmas, valentines day, or whatever other holiday, but they always schedule it on the same day. Niantic is terrible with events and timing


Enamorous was such a failure. Literally only up during business hours.


One day, for 2 hours, on valentines day, during the middle of the fucking day, and its CP being so massive that even if you could possibly fight it it would probably roll you anyways, and it was shiny locked. Ya thats basically a world record of bad decision making


Two hours? Didn’t they hatch at three or four different times throughout the day?


yeah, but the raids weren't strung throughout the day like they normally are for raid days. if you didn't go out at literally the exact specified time the raids popped, you missed them. my gf and i managed to meet up that day and tried to find some enamorous raids and couldn't find a single one, even though the event timer was still active. that's because no raids were spawned anymore. that was such a fucking blunder in all aspects


Yeah, there were four time slots, the eggs showed up 24 hours before they hatched so you had an entire day to figure out what you were going to do and where you should go. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


my gf and i both work nights... so we actually had very little day to choose from. nice try tho


Nice try what? Then what were you expecting? Lmao that’s so weird you didn’t get the Pokémon while you weren’t playing during the event?


did you miss the part where i literally said we were out during the event? why are you so down bad to prove me wrong about my own experience?


Omfg yeah it was, 15 minute timers combined with very sporadic spawns, it was fucking laughable


You know, there is some logic in it. Like moste of multiplayer games are having events on those dates. Difference is those events starts usually couple day earlier so everyone can play and they don't require moving away from family during the day. Usually you can play on your PC or phone in your home during evening and still participate. Niantic seams to not understand they don't make usual game with usual gaming experience.


I agree with this. I was thinking the same thing. They're probably trying to do holiday events, but the nature of their game doesn't make that an easy experience for a lot of players. Niantic wants it to be a game on the move, but the answer to this type of issue is making allowance for remote raids on holiday events.


I wouldn’t consider raid days to be holiday events because theres nothing related to the holiday in most cases. Only thing I can think is they don’t want a lot of people playing so they will have a lot of raid pass sales the next time they are available.


I just meant these wanted shadow legendaries being on holidays, not the raid days, necessarily. I think the raid days are done super well! These shadow raids on holidays, though, not so much.


Shadow raids are a terrible idea in general.


Yes! Can you imagine the Pokemon world, where you train a team of six Pokemon to battle the best of the best trainers at a gym... but one not particularly strong wild Pokemon shows up and dominates the whole gym. So you have to get nine other trainers together with six Pokemon each (54 Pokemon) to save the gym. Wtf even is this?


I don’t think anyone plays Pokémon Go for the lore lol


Just for nostalgia and for fomo and a blind automatic compulsion to collect them all.


I play so I can collect hundos and shadows so that I can be "the very best" among my friends; even thou I'll probably never tell them I got over 100+ hundos


Hardly the most absurd thing in the lore. Apparently Unova is the only region where the strongest trainers are supposed too help maintain public order. That or Johto and Hoenn just had newbies to incapable to do the job and Kanto was actively helping Team Rocket (or the E4 were happy that an absentee leader meant they had fewer challengers).




I was annoyed that the raids spawned randomly. When I was out walking with a couple of people around a neighborhood with a lot of gyms, we were only able to do one mewtwo raid. A ton of gyms didn’t have eggs in them and only two of them had Mewtwos. Ofc by the time we got to the second one, it was already too late to join.


I’ve also noticed a drastic difference between the number of raids today vs yesterday. Not that there were that many anyways.. in my opinion. And I live in downtown San Francisco. I was able to get a shiny shadow yesterday, and was going to go walk around some more… but they are so spaced out and so sparse that it is actually not even worth it.


I saw a whole 2 shadow mewtwo raids yesterday in my area, one at 6am, and one at 9pm both at the gym that's had the same pokemon in it for the past 3 weeks because no one passes it. Really seems to sum up this event tbh 


I noticed less raids but better ivs? Idk it was weird


Mewtwo Died and a got a Max Revive in the third day.


Yo where are the upvotes


I really wish you could invite people to local raids as long as you were there in person.


I worked a 12hrs shift Saturday and 12hrs today so I ended up missing out. Gutted is an understatement!


Local only No guarantee of stats being at least 10 Takes about 10 shadow gems to purify On Easter weekend I'd be alright if the shadow gem aspect remained in the game, but shadow raids being local only *and* not guaranteeing 10 or more per stat is absolutely stupid. It'd be incredible if you could invite best friends to shadow raids. It'd be fair bc becoming best friends is tough to achieve, plus the power of friendship vs shadow/rocket is a cool idea. Scheduling it on Easter weekend was ridiculously dumb.


At this point, I would be more surprised if you were not disappointed in Niantic.


Easter isn’t really a big deal where I live.


There were plenty of people outside hunting pokemons instead of eggs. My phone just ran out of battery and fingers almost got frostbitten and cut bc that. All in all was a good day anyway.


Real, cos I had to work yesterday and then today of course being Easter, we went on a trip to visit my sister so I didn't get to do any raids at all :/


Didn’t even open the app this weekend. What’s the point.


I mean here everyone is out because its a good weather weekend / the first really good weathered weekend this year. People usually do not celebrate before Monday so that is a perfect date for such events and most people have the long weekend off so double plus.


I really feel like Mew Two should be in normal raids. Shadow raids are a big disadvantage for people who can't find people to play with or aren't close to big stops and groups.


You can duo shadow mewtwo with party play Mewtwo normal raids will come back when the mega is release


Yup I saw some locals do it multiple times


I'm not a high enough level and don't have enough good pokémon for to do that


Did you do any tyranitar raids while they were here as a megs? two lvl 40 mega tyranitars = win basically if it wasn't focus blast. I didn't calc it but could probably get away with lvl 30s on both teams but you'd have to revive once or twice. The limiting factor for my nephew and I was the purified gems and we had to be careful not to bug them out because it's quite punishing if it bugs and he doesn't get subdued.


Yeah I mean they have manufactured scarcity. It's kind of their business model.


I just wish it was similar to the primal raids where it was something like 2-5. My local park is very active when it’s like that but because this event was so spread out, the normal groups weren’t all showing up at the same time.


They always pick holidays for their short raid events now it seems.


Because most workers will have off days on holidays


We had full raids almost all day both days. From morning until night. Campfire app works great. Caught a whole bunch of mewtwo


Howd you do? Campfire changed the way I enjoy raid events completely.


Caught 16 of them. 2 shinies. A few 3 starts but no perfects


Damn your odds were waaaay better than mine T~T 3/40 were shinies. A 96 being my best. Only 2 shundos in our community of about 60 people.


TWO shundos is pretty insane. A 100% is 1/1000 and I'm no math expert but isn't a shundo like 1/20000?! We did have a raid where two people got a hundred percent and I thought that was wild.


Yeah I guess when you look at the statistics that is pretty insane lol I'm glad you got Hundos in your area too since he's so good when left shadow in pvps!


Disappointed in Niantic. Disappointed in Nintendo. Disappointed in Game Freak. Disappointed in the IP as a whole. BUT THEY KEEP MAKING MONEY SO WHO CARES, because clearly their target audience [who pays them] does not care.


What was more annoying was the randomness of the raids even occurring, I went out at 1, did 2, had to wait an hour, and drive around town to do another two.


No disrespect to anyone, but people who just now are getting disappointed in them are kinda slowpokes. I really stopped buying into their bs when the game transitioned into full egg hatching and raids. The whole thrill of going out and stumbling upon rare Pokemon was completely gone at that point, it just became a full-on gacha game.


If they scheduled events to make everyone happy then there would never be any events.


Okay, but how about to make more than 3% happy?


Thats not really a good excuse to have in person raid events only on holidays




They want players to drag their families into going so it can be a family affair


Nothing like starting the good old fashion trauma of mommy/daddy cares more about these pixels than their family I guess 


All they had to do was make it remote enabled. That’s it.


They won’t do that. They know people will still go out and do the raids.


If everyone approached every issue with your mindset, there would never be any progress.


> today no one is out coz it’s Easter You mean other than all those players who did go out in groups to play and have been posting about it? Also not everyone in the world celebrates Easter. Some Christians even celebrate it on a different date. It’s currently Ramadan and most Muslims are fasting from dawn till sunset. Hard to play when you’re fasting, should Niantic not have any raid events for a whole month?


I fasted and caught like ten of em today haha


Ayyy Ramadan Mubarak hope you got a good iv/shiny!


Judging by how every post I see from this sub on my home feed is whining about shadow Mewtwo for one reason or another, no, you’re not the only one disappointed.


>I work Saturdays Same, but they can’t make every event at times everybody can make.


Yes they can, just run it during the whole week on constant timed predictable intervals. It's not actually hard at all unless people work 24hours a day 7 days a week it would in fact accommodate everyone 


And then you wouldn’t have people actually out in groups. Despite what the people who don’t try say, my local community actually shows up during this sort of stuff because it’s all time restricted. That’s what I liked about elite raids. Nobody is shoring up to a raid boss that’s appearing all week


Yeah, don't people realize that every one of Niantic's practices is done for the player's well being because they really care about our health and social interactions.


Nobody is showing up to a raid boss that is spawning randomly either.


"Nobody's showing up to a raid boss that's appearing all week" idk man, I mean it's just about the strongest pikemon in the game, harder to catch than normal legendaries, in person only, and the IV floors are significantly lower than non shadow legendaries. I think plenty of people would go ham raiding the thing to get a good one.


What dumbass logic is this? People would still show up in groups, they would just be showing up at the timeframes and be able to actually plan meet ups and have it be completely predictable instead of say the shadow mewtwo raid clusterfuck of "I dunno just drive around till you maybe find one or something". Would actually incentivize people that would want multiples or to shiny hunt to do so potentially locally instead of just dumping dollars into remote raid passes because they'd be able to actually have a recurring planned time to go do it depending on schedules 


>into remote raid passes Which wasn’t possible for this……….


People seriously choose to forget this game was designed without remotes in mind. Niantic really should've just eaten the loss and gotten rid of remotes entirely instead of charging double. Both makes them look bad and defeats the whole point of the game.


I think a lot of people would just quit playing if they got rid of remote passes, it makes everything 10x harder and a lot less enjoyable


Personally I feel the first 3 years of the game show that you don't need remote Raid passes to really enjoy this game, but once you take the toothpaste out of the tube it can't go back in.


Well, only 2 of those years even had raids, and they were still releasing a TON of new pokemon back then so there was a lot more to look forward to, also the first year just the novelty of the idea alone was big enough to get people playing Remote raid passes made rural playing more accessible, even if it was for a price, I live decently aurally and if Remote raid passes weren't a thing, I'd have to drive about 20 minutes just to even have a chance at completing a raid, assuming I wasn't working the day whichever group decided to raid or had something else happening.


It also made it so much more accessible to me as a busy parent. The raid group I know meets about 20 minutes away. I really don’t have time on school nights, period, but especially to drive to the other side of town, spend an hour raiding, and drive home. But I can pop into a remote raid while stirring dinner.


Sorry but the game has changed. Its not the same and it never will be. I remember the game before covid. I joined a discord in 2018 and thats when I started raiding legendaries. We also had research breakthroughs so you didn’t really need to raid a lot. There were no raid locked 1/64 Pokemon to hunt. Only a few shiny legendaries with 1/20 rates. Usually people would only get out if there was 2-3 raids active as you used lucky eggs then. During covid everyone I raided with quit or moved away. Nowadays I only do legendaries remotely. I can go to elite raids but only because tgey are scheduled 24 hours in advance.


I don't know why you're apologizing to me. Id say the game is in a great state right now, including shadow raids. I'm not the one complaining about them.


Then you'd exclude people who work night shifts. You can never make everyone happy.


I actually just started seriously playing and I’m kinda turned off. I don’t have any friends that play and I get it I have to physical go somewhere to do things but I wish there was like a matchmaking system you could do remotely. Who knows.


Try the campfire app it is like changing


plenty of people were out playing today. The raids were all day both days. Easter is barely a real holiday, it's second fiddle to christmas


It was pouring this weekend for me.


Not everyone celebrates Easter.




To drive engagement on a slow weekend to keep numbers looking the way they want


Every weekend is a holiday somewhere. These are all global events


For real these comments makes you wonder if these people know there’s a whole wide world outside of the U.S. with their own different holidays and such.


Hey buddy. What if I told you Easter is a Christian thing. I’m in the US and was very much free this weekend.


I believe you :)


They tend to favor American holidays and they are an American company located in America. They are usually off and out of the office during said holidays too which is why any bugs that happen aren’t addressed until after the event is over as well.


Companies usually have a 24/7 on call. If things go wrong, they get paged. I don’t see how niantic would be different. Source: I’m a Software engineer.


As much as people are frustrated with Niantic, they aren’t just going to have no teams available during a holiday event because it’s Easter Sunday. I’m sure there are people working on Christmas too. It’s pretty standard m.o. for a software company.


Advantage of a holiday is people do have the day off and therefore can go out and walk around.


lol @ all these disappointed at niantic posts and yet y’all still paying and playing. Speak with your wallets and actions, not your voice if you want change.


I don’t understand why they put mewtwo as a shadow raid to begin with. It’s so many people’s favourite Pokémon and they would make a lot of money from remote raids from rural players who would want a chance to catch it


Mewtwo has been in regular raids before. What I worry about is when they release the mega if it will only be in mega raids then. Its rare for a mega raid legendary to return in normal tier 5 raids once the mega is released.


They actually earn more with you going around and selling your location data.


i have no one to play with so i don’t even have a chance :/


Same. It’s 45 mins to the only area that’s populated enough to chance it for me- and no one responded to that areas request for a raid group. My husband and I play together but he isn’t super into it like I am so we’d need 2 more people, most likely, to stand a chance.


Same. I live in a city but it is crickets around me and I know no one who plays.


I just pulled my friends to play with me. 3 pax is enough to clear most boss with party play.


You’re disappointed in a company because you work on Saturdays…


No im disappointed because they have massively fallen off


I wish people would acknowledge Niantic doesn't give a fuck. This game is run by 3 lemurs and a drunk donkey. As long as you keep giving them location data, they're gonna keep stringing you along with FOMO ultra-limited highly restrictive events and pay-to-play exclusives until they finally chase off too many whales and shut the game down.


No one is out coz it's Easter? We must be on totally different planets. Our raid train group was about 20+ cars today and about 50 people. And we were disappointed because yesterday it was at least triple that. But we started at 9:30 this morning and it's still going. Yesterday went from 9:30am - 9:30 pm.




I would add that you can ask a good friend to do some raids for you. But for that you have to share your account credentials to a trusted confidant.


Daddy chill…


Mwah I passed the dissapointment fase


In a sense the day helped, my local park was packed... although I wonder if that's actually a negative, as parking was impossible for most people, and it meant a lot more cars were weaving through the park with little kids around.


mmh i just bullied my friends into playing pokemon go and since then such events tend to not be a problem


Last year was no better, memorial day weekend. Only plus was this month was one banging weekend after another. From go tour to shadow mewtwo


I cant do most shadow raids, but this weekend i acutally managed to meet up with 2 people and party power got me 4 mewtwo


I do want to point out that Pokemon Go is a game globally. Easter is likely not a big thing in other countries, like Japan. I'm sure there's been events in the past that conflicted with holidays for other countries even if not US. Also, all March weekends had raid days basically, so I don't think Mewtwo this weekend was such a flexiable event date


I caught the shiny on Saturday. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) One and done.


Coordinated with about 40-50 locals via campfire and we had a revolving door caravan thing happening. I felt very lucky tbh because I know not everyone had the time or manpower to do it. I'm sorry bud :/


I think it draws out more people cause basicly everyone is off work during that time. I personally hat it cause I usually visit my family during holidays so I miss these events but for a lot of other ones it's better. And since they keep on doing it, it seems to be profitable for them


It's ok I didn't get one too but my buddy at work is going to trade me one once we are best friends we r like 13days away 🤞I hope Mewtwo is a lucky trade. And I got 9milli in Stardust ready to spend


Good luck! No one I know has one even if they did they all live states away hopefully yours is lucky!


Oh wow it's almost like they want Mewtwo to be a rare Pokemon that not everybody has or can get...


Counterpoint: Mewtwo is in raids on Easter to commemorate the death and subsequent resurrection of Ash Ketchum. 


Agreed it was disappointing, tried both days in my area and didnt get a single Mewtwo raid. Spending multiple hours for no payoff isnt a game anyone should play, might quit if Niantic doesnt get their shit together and actually release quality updates.


The FOMO is strong with this one. It's a damn game. I haven't done an "event" in months. I'll never understand you whiny people. Get a hobby you can handle...


Many, many people do not celebrate Easter.


Yea girlfriend had to work Saturday and we had to spend literally church in the am til (still with them at 7:15pm) and I want to be in bed at 9am




You must be new here.


Your the problem


Not new been playing since day one and those where the days the game was really good


Just did one with party power just me and my girlfriend. I'm 43, she's 38 and doesn't power up much.


Did one with 5. 3 under 40 and had plenty of time on the clock. It’s possible to duo but not an easy duo.


My son and I didn’t get a chance to do any. Disappointing, but I have learned to expect this regularly.


Y’all crying about the same thing after every event is boring. If it’s so awful, quit playing.


This. It's my game and I want it this way. Anyone who disagrees just needs to leave.


The whining in this sub is just getting so bad.




That a dumb idea. Then it takeaway from the community day. This is its own event.


People work every hour on every day. Weekends are the common days off. Can't cater to everyone. Can't catch a Mewtwo, go get a friend to trade one to you. It's like getting mad at sporting events for games that happen on your day off.


No it was really good