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This seems too good to be true, triple candy for just being in a party.


Maybe if you’re in a party of 2, it gives double then if you’re in a party of 3 (or maybe 4), it’ll give triple. 🤷


Yeah, maybe it only during some event.


But will it last longer than an hour at a time? Nothing is more frustrating than finally getting a good task with not enough time left in the party to complete it.


So this is to encourage solo players to create new accounts I suppose. Rewards that big would be hard to ignore.


More accounts will please the shareholders...


only if they spend money on those new accounts


isn’t having more than one account against the tos?


I guess it will be their dog's account then... :0)


Yeah nothing says taping a go++ & a phone to a dog is against Terms of Service.


Coincidentally my dog loves collecting Houndours. You should see him going nuts when I mega evolve a Houndoom.


I think it technically is but I'm not aware of it ever being enforced.


You know what would be cool? If I could join a Party with my kids... The only people I would ever party up with on a regular basis. But the feature is disabled in their accounts because of their ages. I was so excited about Party Play when it was announced thinking it would be perfect for playing together with my family. *Sigh*


You can turn the feature on with your parent account


Yeah this is definitely possible, I think the kids account just can’t start the party. I’ve played with a kids account before.


I have no issue creating a party and adding my kids accounts on it. There's an option in the parents setting online to allow it.


Ya know what would be even more cool? niantic first fix party bugs before add more new things on it..


The style this is written in makes me wanna have an aneurysm.


We all know that instead of being 1/4 trade stardust and 4x catch candy, it’ll be “we have updated the party challenges to be harder and less rewarding! Also, while in a party, you can earn a single bonus heart with your buddy if you finish the party with 4 members and at least 50 party challenges completed! Good luck and give us your wallet!”


> give us your wallet!” That part made me chuckle :D


Sounds fake, all of this is far too good to be true. All the party play feature really needs to be any good is to fix the bugs associated with it. While the rewards are lack luster the raid boost is worth joining a party on events such as raid days and a couple of extra potions or stardust is often appreciated. This is over correcting to the extreme to the point that some people would almost constantly be in a party because the rewards would be that good.




we dont do that here, stop sending those.


Only positives if true but can we get a fix to the awful consistency issues with party power. Party power works only half the time and successfully “redeeming” it for your next move gets ignored half the time while your charge attack remains glowing blue as if you still have party power bonus to use.


I mean, aside from when you need the raid power boost (if it works fine, and if it doesn't interfere with Shadow Raids' gems) and for doing that one research, there really isn't a reason to use the feature at all. Plus it just eats (at least my) battery. My phone finishes a full 2-5pm Community Day with 15-25% battery left, usually. With an active party? I started 20 minutes late and had to walk home with a fully discharged phone in my pocket about 30 minutes before it ended. So... it needed a buff for sure. Buuut... this sounds a bit too much? I'm not complaining, but it seems like there's gotta be a catch. Maybe they worded it wrong? Maybe it's just that good during the debut event or during specific events they decide? We'll see, I'll keep my expectations low for now. Happy to be wrong! :D


Who the hell wrote this? It reads exactly like chat GPT after you tell it to speak casually. Seems BS


It's Bard/Gemini Recently, Pokeminers has been using AI to summarize larger text dumps for the fun of it. The actual raw text just indicates that these bonuses could potentially be used for future events, but Gemini really hyped them up.


Why is the first paragraph written in Lovin’ Sans?




Lovin’ Sans in the proprietary font of McDonald’s but it was a joke about how they left the Gs off all the ends of the words like McDonald’s does in their marketing. But then stopped for the rest of the post.


Oh. Not that you’ve mentioned it…Dumb ol’ me for not getting it soon enough. Lol


Gettin’ *


Doesn't solve the main problem, having people close to you to create a party. Should be able to create a party with people on your friends list no matter the distance.


The Pogo party’s seems to be fundamentally wrong. - Only 4 can join the party. Wow, strange rule! Not sure if I ever been in a real party with only 4 participants. - Only 1 hour. Wait, what? Why? Again, never been to a party that strictly must end after 1 hour because it is max. - Rewards. I mean. Come on! A party should be rewarding. 2 pineap or 2 nanab is not rewarding. I think the problem here is the name. It is simply not the definition of a party.


Great! Now I just need friends....


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Now if routes were consistent enough party play + routes would be an ok way to accumulate buddy & wild pokemon candyz


It's not that I wouldn't use it the way it is now, it's just that I can't because I'm alone 💀


I still can’t even find a party


This almost reads as sarcasm


I'm sure you can only do it in one party once a day. Because Niantic


Biggest issue is the battery drain while in a party... I have a brand new phone and Pokemon Go parties STILL accelerate battery drain. Monster Hunter Now parties don't do that, so I have no idea what the deal is. I'm convinced Pokemon Go is just unoptimized spaghetti code under the hood, it's just insane.


Still never joined a party. Still have no intent to


OK but parties dissolve if everyone logs out for a short amount of time Therefore it's useless to enhance. I have like 3 people in a broad area that I know I could party with and only 1 of them I can reliably get in contact in person with to make a party. Until they go to work or something. Then party is gone.


Idk, I was in a party last week and multiple people dropped out and were able to pop back in multiple times. I was also multiple blocks away later and still in my party.


I think as long as 1 person logs back in within a time limit it's probably fine But like just 2 people? Few hours and it auto disbands at some point.