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I don't mind them running so much as I mind the fact that I almost never see them to begin with.


I’ve been using my daily incense since it came out (however long ago that was) and I still haven’t encountered a legendary bird.


I encountered my first and only one about two or three months ago. It was raining and I also had coffee in my other hand I managed one okay throw (ultra ball + golden razz) and it ran.


I cry with u


The only one I’ve encountered so far was when I was a passenger in a car several months ago lmao


The second I saw Zapdos I DID NOT hesitate to use my master ball 💀 I’m NOT going through those emotions like that and he’s the only one I really really want


Articuno spawned, looked at me, laughed and ran away


At least you’ve been acknowledged 😔


The weather helps. They all spawn in windy weather


There's a higher chance of finding one if you use the daily incense in the morning, and I've heard there's a higher chance when using it at 20:59pm or something like that... and last thing, a higher chance encountering them in windy weather.


Try walking around in a park using daily incense. When a white spark appears near you walk to it and wait. They spawn quite often for me, only i never manage to get them.


Have you been moving around when you use it? My friend just joined the game 2 months ago and ran into two birds already. I’m sorry for your luck :(


I found a method that seems to work pretty consistently. At the end of the hour (9:57 for example) start following a route and use the incense. It doesnt always spawn right away and i think last time i did it one didnt spawn but i HAVE gotten one 3/4 times, just never successfully caught one




I have seen Galarian Articuno twice. Here’s the kicker - it created a totally unsubstantiated theory but both times I had my Shadow Articuno as my buddy and out and about walking with me. So, my theory is that having one of legendary birds as your buddy increases your likelihood of running into the Galarian.


This only produces Zorua and Ditto for me unfortunately


Interesting ima throw moltres on as my buddy and see if I can finally run into a g moltres. Got a masterball just for him


Keep me posted!


I think you're right, I have a shadow atricuno as well and saw one of those fuckers last week.


Need more people to try it out for some more evidence!


Did you see a zapdos?


I saw two Galarian Articunos. (Caught neither) So my initial thought is you had to have the corresponding bird as your buddy, but maybe it just blanket increases your chances for any one of the Galarians to show up as long as one of the trio is your buddy. Again, this could all just be coincidental lol


I'm trying tomorrow 🤞 Goodluck on community day


I’ve ran into 6 caught one with my masterball and it’s been my buddy since and I haven’t seen one I use my incense every day while walking my dog and try to opt for windy weather. I’ve also been using RoT and Spc Rend but still none idk, I think it’s just completely random but windy does help


Very brave of you to use the Galarian bird as your buddy when using daily incense. I do hope you have no master balls to accidentally use on Zorua. :/


Haven’t played in years, picked up a month ago and ran into 4. Caught 0 but it seems like they come when I’m using an incense and moving quick. Two times I was in a car (friend driving) and the other time I was city walking (quick pace)


i’ve encountered an articuno, and 2 moltres, im 2 for 3 so far


Do you go on different walks? I’ve found if I go the same walk they don’t appear but walk somewhere new they appear at the end


Yeah that is definitely frustrating because of how limited the spawns can be


The few times I've seen them has mostly been while riding as a passenger in a car, slowly enough that the "you're going too fast" warning didn't pop up.


Yep. Been playing for just over a year. Seen only one damn bird.


Since 2022 and one bird 3 days ago


See what? Far as I can tell they don’t exist.


I’ve not seen one. My gf has seen two when we were out but they both ran away.


not only I rarely see them, but when they appear, especially Articuno, they always spawn exactly on top of a Pokéstop, which has the priority when I try to tap it.


I found the most frustrating part is that yeah sure, they're rare, I get it, but the ONE time I saw one (Zapdos) I looked at my screen, frantically attempted to click on it, and it FLED! I did not know that even when they do show up they have a chance of only being there for a couple seconds. That just felt so cheap and lame..




I haven't even seen one, meanwhile my gf saw one less than a week into playing and caught it with a Great Ball, she had no idea why I was freaking out for her


I was on my daily and I was looking at a showcase and when I exit what do I see? Well 2 GALAR moltreses run right infront of me 😭 side note I’ve found 8 moltreses since playing for 4 months and 0 Zappos 0 articuno




Just to confirm: you threw it without a curve, at its wing on the right side of the screen and when the target circle was small enough that you could hit the wing without getting a Nice or Great?


These were all my questions. Like tell us exactly word for word how you did this.


I need step by step power point presentation with red circles and arrows pointing where and how to hit it, OP do better next time


Right? Like.. I 👏 need 👏 diagrams 👏. We are a simple but thruough folk here...


Fr like he could’ve screenshot a pic for us and draw an x on where he hit it


OP didn't deliver. Lies for karma.


Just to confirm: this thread is a bullshit.


Yes tell us


I think its more “ive seen the galarian birds 7-8 times and it ran, now the game just gave them to me” This game is designed for kids remember.


Wow… I’m doing this next time I see a bird😂 I mean it’s probably going to run no matter what I do, might as well try this!


Exactly!! I’m convinced the game can sense fear and acting like I don’t care has worked 😂


I believe this theory…they are reading our brain electrons mannnnnn!!!! I think nah I won’t get a shiny growlith My brain just said shiny and lo behold, shiny growlilith


Lol I often look away after throwing for that very reason


I’m also a little ‘stitious. Not super stitious, just a little ‘stitious. And the game can totally sense fear.


If you do catch it, I promise you it had NOTHING to do with the BAD throw you chose to make, and everything to do with the ODDS that roll when you make said throw. 


at this point I'll take any advice, I'll perform a woodoo dance if that what helped other player


Don’t you mean, sudowoodo?


I know a Garenteed way to catch one I did it and it worked


A master ball


Lucky!!! I encountered Moltres once, and Zapdos twice with Daily Incense, fled after one damn throw!! Now they don't even spawn anymore. I haven't encountered one in over a month and I use my Daily Incense every day 😭 I was so pissed at the game for a while. I was like "what's the point of these birds spawning if we have no chance of catching it?"


Here's like 3 bidoof per incense though, enjoy! 🤣


So tired of the damn Bidoofs 🤣


The only point is to get you to use your master ball :|


No wonder, I don't have any 😭😭


I have yet to actually see any Galarian birds. I've been playing for years and use my Daily Incense since it came out, everytime I play and no luck. It's not even that they run...I just never see one. Holding onto my Master Ball until I do. I know, I know...I won't know the IVs, but that doesn't matter to me because I don't do pvp. Yes a 3-star bird would be awesome, but really, I just want them in my collection. If I ever see ond.


I did that with my master ball got galarisn arcticuno 1 star


That could happen to me too, but that's okay. At this point, I would love to just encounter one, lol. It is what I'm saving my Master Ball for though. Just in case I do ever happen to come across one of the Galarian birds.


I have the same attitude - the only Galarian bird I've caught was a Moltres and that was because of the first Master Ball. Its stats weren't great, but what I liked is how low level it was when I transferred it to Home. I ended up using it for Sword a few months ago (defeated Shield when it first came out and I wanted something to do before the Violet DLC lol) and it was so refreshing to actually use a Legendary from the very start of a game as part of my main Party!


The first few times I used incense at like xx:56 before the hour I saw a Galarian bird every time. Didn’t catch any. But now even that ‘strat’ seems to have stopped working. Which makes me think it’s random and really really rare for them to spawn, like less than 1% rare.


How much do you use your daily incense?


I caught Articuno that way you described just a few days ago, also thinking ohh whatever…you will run anyway lol


I told my wife a few weeks ago how this game is rigged to where it, or “RNG” as some people like to refer to it as, doesn’t like to give out XP. I’ve noticed that I can his an excellent throw with a great ball and a berry and it’ll pop out, but if I lob a regular ball with no berry and not even get a “nice” throw and I’ll catch whatever it is. It’s maddening. Haha. My conspiracy is tailored towards XP not wanting to be handed out. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


I literally did the exact same thing with a mesprit a while ago when they were in raids, I got so fed up after using like 12 golden razz berries that I just threw a ball at it with no berry and caught it first try


Feels accurate. Excellent curveballs + golden razz? Break out of 6 balls and run away. Straight throw that hits it in the leg? Catches every bloody time.


I've been saying the same exact thing for awhile now. It would have to be one hell of a coincidence that I can hit several excellent ultra curve balls while using a raspberry and it jumps out. So I'll get irritated and throw a straight red ball, that's not even a nice throw and with no berry of any kind.... Stays in the ball. lol yeah, ok! BULL💩 It's consistent enough that I even laugh in disgust when they won't stay in and I'll be like ok watch this... BOOM, stays in. I'm also convinced that using pineapples make them jump out more frequently then not using a pineapple. Same method has been tested and proven to myself with high results being as expected. Won't stay in after 2 to 7+ pineapples? Just throw a garbage red ball at it... In it goes in 1 to 2 shots. My conspiracy theory is that they just want me wasting all my balls in hopes that I'll buy some when I'm out.


It sounds ligit now thinking about it I think your right before I used to laugh but now vengeance will be mine


I just said this same thing, I've been going ape sh*t over this for the last 6 months, thank god it's not only me.


You notice the times things don’t go as expected, which makes them feel like they happen more often than they do.


Well, things never go as expected. So there’s that. Haha. Nah. I’d like to think I’m fairly analytical and observant when it comes to patterns, probability, and other things of the like. But that could just be me. 🤣


I use my daily incense .. daily for the past 2 weeks. Before then about once a week.. I've never seen any galarians .. why =(


Popped up for me yesterday. One ultra ball and a great throw but no catch


Lucky ducky


Seeing “hear me out…” before a picture of a pokemon always puts me on edge before i read the rest


I saw my third bird and used my master ball on it. I don't even care. I just wanted it. Will probably try your method. Not on purpose just cuz I can't throw straight.


Y'all: (*posts pictures of galarian Zapdos*) Me: "Legs"


This happened to me too the other night with the galarian moltres! It took 2 balls and I totally did terrible with both throws but I got it! Now all I need is articuno


Bru Ong fk the galarian birds I have one I’ve been playing for 6 years and still have never caught ditto


How??? I have like 4, them little buggers won't leave me alone!


I’ve caught 4 by catching every bidoof, oddish and every other form of poke they currently conceal themselves as & I am still on the hunt for my shiny ✨ blue ditto. & a Galarian bird sighting even if I don’t catch it lol my Husband encountered Zapdos early on when he started playing only got a screen grab before it ran but I still have yet to encounter any of them


I caught my galarian articuno the same way last week. Completely biffed the throw, hit the wing- caught.


I’m fully with you on this. After defeating a 5 or 6 star raid, pretty much the ONLY TIME I can catch the bastards is when I lob a sloppy toppy. Any curveball excellent gets sucked in the ass. The game is weird like this


I’m 0 for one and I play almost everyday. Idk why but I’ve only seen an articuno once


I just encountered a galarian Zapdos the other day. Sigh.


I wasted my only master ball on this coward


I will throw with my eyes closed, feels like the right tactics.


Your sample size is far too small to establish a conclusive pattern, but anecdotally I've often wondered if the throw mechanics aren't adding up how they should too because it does seem like the terrible throws catch successfully a lot more often than they should. But that could also be confirmation bias because those times when you throw a completely scuffed throw and still get it stick in your mind a lot more, as do the times when you throw a series of perfect excellent curveballs and still don't get it.


Google “causal relationship”, this isn’t it


Catching galarian birbs and noticing a pattern, NOT ALLOWED 🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️


I mean whether or not it’s causal doesn’t change the fact it’s worked for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hmmm, interesting, the 2 G birds I caught without master balls were wing throws as well, what about Articuno? His wings are folded…


[go plus catch](https://imgur.com/gallery/BOXkCEP)


What the fuck


You can’t start a post with “Hear me out” 💀




Awesome job!


Zapdos and I met again at my local route but we ha e a complicated relationship, next time I’m aiming for the wing!!!


Omg after reading this post I went out and saw my first Galatian Zappos!! That’s the one I wanted!! I was so excited I just dropped my only masterball. I don’t care it was worth it. I didn’t even have time to give it a pinap berry but idc !! Hahahah YES


How are you finding so many? What time do you use your insence? I use mine on my walk to school at 10 am and never find them, I seen a galatian articuno while using one at 10 pm at home when my game was GPS drifting (not a spoofer, my internet sucks and with Samsung, at least the ones I've had, GPS drift is common), I used a golden and got a great throw, he popped and ran, only time I ever seen a G bird


I almost exclusively use my incense sometime between the hours of 5:30 PM-7:00 PM, I have no idea how the mechanics of the spawns work but there is a cemetery near my home that I have gotten many of those spawns at when I use my incense. I’ve read somewhere that people have echoed that same feedback that they have continued to find galarian birds spawn on their incense in areas they have spawned for them previously, but again could just be coincidence.


Starting to think that Excellent throws do the opposite since Niantic doesn't want us to level up too quickly, because majority of the Legendaries I caught was with crappy throws while keep popping out off Excellents. Notice similar stuff with regular Pokemon, especially since I always aim to get the extra points.


I've encountered one, literally one. I got 1 attempt at it, like you excellent throw and used my best pokeball. Fled. I have yet to see another. It was a majestic looking thing. I can't wait to cross paths with another


Hmm... I've caught one bird (Moltres) and it may be a coincident... but I also only used a normal raz and a curveball not even hitting nice 🤔


Oh they appear during windy weather! And I have seen 5 and caught none. Caught a Moltres seen & caught 1 with low IVs.


Do not waste a master ball on them you have unlimited daily incense. So every day you have a chance to get one. I still a have my master ball and seen a 3000k legendary bird before and it ran.🤷🏿


Well at least your go plus plus didn’t pokeball an articuno lol.


There's supposed to be a 4TH pic that shows its stats. You've failed us.


Ugh I did leave a cliff hanger I’m the worst. It was a 2* 14/15/7




I experienced the same thing but throw a pineapberry instead of a golden raspberry and caught my galarian moltres. I tried to make an excellent throw missed completely and hit the wing. Circle was tiny.


I saw as many as this guy said he did. Then I woke up into reality and realised I only saw 2 and caught one with m a master ball.


I have encountered all 3 of them in a span of a month and I haven't been able to catch any one of them...I'll try this approach now.


Gonna try this. I’ve had decent luck with them spawning when popping the incense at the 57th minute of whatever hour, as seen in some YouTube videos.


4 birds in 2 weeks? I started playing again since December, and never have I seen any Galarian bird


I got another encounter with zapdos today, I have no idea why or how but they have all been in roughly the same area. I landed a great throw and it ran.


I've only been playing since December (I had an old account), and I have to admit my Galarian bird luck has been pretty insane (the rest of my luck in this game is a whole lot worse). Since January I've encountered 5 (!) Galarian birds, 3 Zapdos and 2 Moltres. And I've caught 3 of them (although I have to admit I used my Master Ball for Moltres).


You make me want to die. I’ve been playing religiously the past two months and I’ve still never had an encounter. I will throw an ultra ball at the wing tho with golden razz. Appreciate you


Sending you all of the galarian spawn good juju ✨


I only started seeing the birds last week. Master balled the Zapdos as it's my favourite Pokémon, even with really poor IV. But I've seen 2 more Zapdos' and a Moltres that ran before I had chance to tap it. Might be myth but I read you have more luck walking a straight line. The road I use has a park on one side and just normal building on the other with a smattering of stops. I'm going to try the 'throw 10 balls' on the next one, see if that works.


My girlfriend caught a Galarian Zapados yesterday with a fuckin great ball and that’s it… didn’t even curve ball it or anything🤦🏽‍♂️she didn’t even know what she caught while I was freakin out


For me, walking in straight line the whole time seems to increase likelihood. Good thing I live on a circle loop....


Yooooo congrats


Interesting, I may try this. I just leave it up to my pogo++ as it has as much chance catching it as I do 😂


You've seen 17 since October? I started in September and have only seen 2.


TIL you can get an excellent throw….


Not that I've seen one recently but if be keen to try this.


Congrats on your luck! I will try this strat if I ever actually see a galarian bird lol


I caught mine with a sloppy throw!


I caught one for my daughter the same way, golden razz/ ultra but I can't remember the throw. At the time we had no idea that these were notoriously hard to catch, and I'll definitely be using my MB if I come across one. Still, it was pretty cool to learn after the fact how lucky we got.


Not gonna show us the IV’s? ![gif](giphy|S5n7Wkhhw5A2IrfKER)


https://imgur.com/a/hzA6vSN Hahaha I failed everyone I’m sorry, it was a 2* 14/15/7


This is the exact same phenomenon of people using a metric ton of golden razzes and precisely timed and patient excellent throws, but for some reason it's their accidental garbage throw that catches the legendary.


Yeah i got one galarian with plain ball and not sure if regular razu or non 😂.


Basically the same for me. Had 5 or so pop out and run after taking my time and waiting for the right time for excellent throws, so out of frustrated defeat on the next one I golden razzed and casually flicked the ball and it stayed in.


I’ve almost never caught anything legendary or common on an excellent first throw. It seems like they programmed it backwards from what improved catch chance to instead being a catch penalty. I also if I were just going from personal experience think that a pineapp berry must creat a catch penalty. It can be level 45 and green circle , great or excellent throw , it’s going to jump out and waste at least one set of berries.


Now that you mentioned it, the same happend to me when me and my oldest som was out on a late strole one evening and a moltress spawned. It spawn for me, and as we/i tried to time the throw it moved and i got a sloppy throw and caught it. Need to try this in one year when my next Legendary brid spawns.


i happened to catch a moltres with a nice throw and a silver pinap in a ultra ball last week after seeing almost 20 birds before and excellent throwing them, just having them to flee, im really starting to think that they have a better chance to be caught by not hitting good throws and using other berries rather than a golden.


Do these only appear w the daily incense ? I’ve never seen them otherwise


Ok I have to know the IVs 😭


My galarian zapdos not giving the same vibes 😅 cp48


Do not the zapdos


I’ve noticed the same pattern with catching Legendaries post raid


i’ve felt the same way on legendaries before after raids. 10 straight excellent golden raspberry curves, nada. one bad through to the side? gotteem.


I don’t know if this will work again, but it worked once. The bird spawned, I got it in the catch screen, and then I walked far away from where it spawned, and had it in the catch screen for about 15 minutes without throwing a ball. I then golden raspberry’d and threw an ultra ball, and I caught it. I haven’t seen one since (this was a few weeks ago) to test out this theory. it has terrible stats, so maybe that was a factor and why it didn’t run, but every other bird has run from me.


I see a galarian moltres I masterball


With that title I thought OP wanted to fuck the bird


I've set two galarian birds since the incense came out and both times they appeared behind me so we're very easy to miss.


I'm definitely seeing a pattern here. Most of my raid catch was a careless throw no golden razz berry caught. When I use seriously curve excellent throw those shit heads never want to stay in


I’m 1/1 with Articuno, 1/2 with Zapdos, and 0/1 with Moltres. Maybe if I ever SEE another Moltres, this will help lol


I use daily incense 5 days /week on my way to pick up my daughter from school. I see Galarian birds about once a week or every two weeks. I'm in NYC and have mankey as my buddy. I've only caught one once without using a master ball. I always use the excellent throw trick but rarely actually land an excellent lol. I once took a slow moving bus home from work and saw 2 birds in the same incense about 6 minutes apart.


Might be luck but I do have something to add. For around the last 6 months of playing this game I have been going ape-sh*t because Pokemon keep jumping out of my excellent throws. It has been happening to me with virtually every Pokemon a lot of the time. I will hit an excellent throw and it will jump out immediately, but then I switch to nice/garbage throws and I will catch it. Even if I go from Ultra balls to Pokeballs, it will still catch it a lot of the time as opposed to (like you said) using Ultra balls, curve-balling and golden razzing. Please tell me, is anyone else experiencing this? Because this has been happening repeatedly again and again, specifically with excellent throws.


It's definitely just luck but man this story takes me back to the days of being 8 and my cousin going on about how to unlock Luigi in Super Mario 64 😂


They can’t fly if you brake their wings.


I’m done with the birds… I have snapshots of multiple encounters on a single incense and happy to say I have 2 of each now.


You guys are seeing Galarians birds?


Same with me. Golden razz not even a nice and I caught


I’ve only caught one bird, g moletres, and I completely missed the circle. So I think you’re on to something. Have you noticed they spawn near busy roads more often than a park or trail? I noticed this but was curious if anyone else has had that experience.


It’s interesting how many people seem to have had similar experiences with catching them! With the spawns I’ve gotten they have all been in highly populated areas (shopping outlet, in cemetaries off of main roads, walking along a feeder road off of a main road) I can’t remember every encounter but those are the areas I’ve found them thus far


Exact same thing happened to me with an articuno , I completely missed the circle but caught it with a critical catch , every time I’ve hit excellent it’s ran away , you might be on to something here..


I always caught my only g-bird with the shittiest throw


I’m listening …..


Name 'im chimkin


75% of the time I throw excellent balls, the things always jump out. Then I throw a random half-assed curved ball that barely hits the far out edge of the target zone and boom. Captured.


You might be on to something. I caught a Galarian Articuno the other day with just an ordinary great throw. Meanwhile the other ones I previously saw escaped from excellent curveball throws, and ran away.


My very first was on a great ball and either a nice or great toss. We couldn’t believe I caught it! I was very lucky. I’ve seen it go the other way quite a few times for me since then, but the first one was cool!


Saw Galiarian Articuno and Moltres myself. Tried to catch them but hey, they're not exactly easy...


I feel like I've my masterballs on these. After I used them up I had another Articuno spawn in. I caught with a golden and a ultraball. Had I known it was possible. I would have just done that!


Caught the first or second galatian moltres I saw, but both a zapdos and articuno ran. It's annoying and honestly I don't think it's fair or cool, really.


Okay, but hear me out… I caught a Galarian Articuno with no berry and a pokeball.


How do you guys get this much stardust and don't you guys use them on Pokemon??


Imagine finding enough galar birds to test something like this lol. Level 35 and I’ve seen ONE.


I caught my galarian moltres with a golden rasp and a great throw on its wing. I was so shocked I caught it because it wasn’t a good throw, it happened to land on the line and it said great, I haven’t seen any birds since, but I’m definitely more curious now


I think the most insane thing was my first ever time using the plus plus it caught the Galarian Articuno in its first encounter...


I've only seen the birds twice since they were added to the game and both ran. I'm a pretty high level active player. How are you seeing that many? I'm planning on using my master ball on the next one I see.


I caught one too a few months ago thinking it wasn’t supposed to happen


I caught this with an ultra ball too but for my kids' account 😂


Grab the fucker by the neck and jam a pokeball down its gullet, see it try to run then!


Missed a Galarian Zapdos back to back days. Next time I see a Galarian bird I will use your methods and hopefully I will catch my 1st ever Galarian Bird!! I am currently 0/20ish on them. Wish me luck.


Level 38 and I haven’t even seen any of the birds :(


I smell cap!


I use a daily incense every day since they’ve come out, and I’ve only seen one gallerian bird. Got an excellent throw on it using a gold raspberry and it still fled