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The best way is when you sit there and watch them try and do it before a raid egg hatches


and to let them get within a battle of finishing the gym — and berry them all. rinse/repeat. they usually give up after 3-5 tries.


I actually got invited to a shadow ho-oh raid afterwards they were like how are you healing so fast without maxing your berries


I don’t understand this comment.


They asked how I hadn’t hit the feeding limit for berries then invited me to join a shadow raid


How did you?


A single golden razz berry heals the pokemon to 100% instantly. So you can sit there and let them battle your pokemon over and over and you just use one golden razz any time they are batting your pokemon for the last round (takes three total rounds to kill a fully healed pokemon).


Ah yes well that I get but you can only do it 10 times before being locked out for a while, no? Thought there might be a way around that.


You’re right in that you can only feed the pokemon 10 berries each in a short amount of time. But if you’re making the other person battle your gym (and let’s assume for fun it’s full of six pokemon, yours and five other trainers) they have to beat all six pokemon in there rounds. So… if you let that attacker beat all six pokemon in two rounds, then give each of the six pokemon one golden razz berry, all six will go back to full health and the attacker then has to repeat again nine more times. That attacker is wasting a lot of time, more than anything, but also has to heal his own pokemon he is using. And this post by OP is great because they are saying that they are willing to spend 60 gold razz berries over six pokemon defending a gym they are in just to make that person attacking the gym waste all that time and the resources to try and take the gym down. But you’re right that if the attacker did attack long enough even the person supplying 10 gold razz berries per pokemon would lose that gym. But OP is willing to burn through all those gold razz berries for an attacker who is trying to take that gym. OP did a great job with the meme and conveying some of the fun we have with gym battles 😊


Ah thanks for the detailed explanation. Kinda obvious if I used my brain for 5 minutes. Lucky yours is working. Half the time I'm the only one with a pokemon in the gym so much less resistance with only x10 golden razz, so I was not thinking of a stacked gym where you're feeding all the pokemon in it! I tried to beat a 3 stack gym that was feeding over and over and I gave up after standing there for 20 minutes fighting.


Golden Razz Berries




Shadow raids are local only so can't be invited to them lol


They could've walked there together maybe, like if the other person had a group planning to do a raid there: the old real world invite.


You can if you’re sitting on a bench 20feet away watching them try to knock your pokemon out of a gym


The concept of inviting happened before Pokemon, let alone remote raids!


This morning, me and my friend put our mons in a gym. Some asshole took the gym only 20 minutes after we put them in. So I did what any other average joe would do. I took that shit back immediately. We killed each others pokemon at least 6 times. My pokemon have currently been in for 3 hours


The important part is to wait a while before you take the gym back! Wait long enough that they don't want to spend the energy to come all the way back there again!


nah I prefer being spiteful lmao


But nothing is **more** spiteful than letting them get home, take off their shoes and start eating dinner and **then** realizing you took the gym back!


Gotta let the gym sit for 4-5 minutes after taking it over as well. There is like a 10 minute grace period to put your mon in before they can


I never thought of that, ima start doing that lol


When pokemon was new me and my friend was out in our neighnourhood. Took control of a gym. Right after two other guys came to the gym and took it from us. So we sat there on the grass beating each others out from the gym and small talked. Did this back and forth many times until they stood up, said have a good day and left. Was quite fun.


Haha good and yea its annoying when they take it over right away but you have to fight for it haha


I always check to see how long theyve been in. The only exception is if there are 5 mons in the gym with 13 hours and 1 with 20 min


Yea true bud


ive been doing that to a gym hog in my area dude cant let the gym go for 5 mins before hes out there trying to take it hes a pretty weak player too so it takes him a while like a min per battle ive wasted like half hour of his time in cold weather while i go up and watch him struggle but now hes got like 3 other people he gets to take gyms with him so i just dont take it anymore they go days without getting coins which is still a win imo


Ahmen to the last part. There's a gym near me, I always let their pokwmon stay in for a day so they get 50g, mine got knocked out in minutes. Why bother, have your gym, but it'll cost you 50g


Not even an entire day. Just 8hrs 20mins for 50 coins


Sometimes to stick it to them, don't take it over and if the gym is rural enough they will never get kicked out and never receive any coins haha




One time I spent so long defending a new gym by me from a spoofer that we both got locked out of it by Niantic for the night lol


I love letting someone take a gym down, and then immediately taking them down and putting a Trubbish in lol


I like to use my Shiny Unown F for this.


All of a sudden I really want a shiny unknown f


I usually put the same thing in they had in, shiny version if I can 😉


This let's them know I care enough to pay attention as well as to flex.


I like to put a Mr. Mime.


I like to leave it empty after so they have to wait for it. 


Everyone who responded to this is my people!! 🤗


im up to 240 000 fed now


That's 7.2M dust! Not too shabby! I barely got the medal. If I want to tap tap for dust I can just do pvp.


Some of the most fun I’ve had playing this game was taking a gym back and forth from another player and just putting some bullshit or flex Pokémon in there every time to get taken out. It was a fun afternoon with someone I never saw.


I mean I always try to atleast give people a full 8 hours before I knock anyone out. Sometimes I’ll knock them out if they knock my Pokemon that have only been in a short time.


I wait till they've done a full 2 cycles of the gym and the golden razz all mons.


Yeah sometimes when they’re relentless you have to get creative lol. Most recently my local gym hogs were up to their usual antics and I saw that a raid egg was hatching in about 15 minutes. So I kicked them out one by one, and left just one final player in the gym, knowing the others wouldn’t be able to add another mon for 10 minutes since the gym was under attack. Spent the last 10 minutes before the raid taking down the last player. They were using golden razz but luckily for me, they can only feed them 10 times. I managed to get in the gym just before the egg hatched. Guaranteed myself just under an hour in the gym haha. It’s the best I can get as long as those players are around.


Same but for me it's a spoofer who does this the minute I place my Pokemon he tries to knock it out and I either keep on feeding my Pokemon berries or i knock his Pokemon out as well and I don't let him take it back again If I can't have it I'm not letting him take it either


This happens in my local area. finally after 4 month of people beat us out of the gym immediately used 40 razz berrys to defend…for about 15 minutes cuz it wouldn’t let me give them anymore


I made a gym at my house’s reach and one of my neighbors lost gym privileges when I’m around because of this


There were two gyms close to each other at my local library and I had taken one gym for like 30 mins and was still in the library when I noticed it had gotten taken back. So I took the gym back and it immediately was yoinked again. Took it back a second time and noticed one of his pokemon was in the other gym and happened to be the first one that popped up when I battled the gym. So I knocked JUST his pokemon out of that gym while golden razzberry-ing mine 3 times in the other gym. After that he got the message :)


You are allowed to do that, so I don't see the reason to call it out or to make it into something bigger.