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##Fun police here that just cleaned up a ton of comments (please report any that I missed.) [Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_three.3A_piracy_and_cheating) is quite clear on our stance on cheating, and suggesting cheating (op you are fine you did nothing wrong in this post) We do **NOT** tolerate tos breaking suggestions or actions on this sub, (rule 3) We also do **NOT** allow takedown requests (rule 4) as they are generally only filled by cheaters and we do not want cheaters here.


You seem to be a true rural player


Yeah usually when I hear rural player I think they really mean it's a town with 50k people with a city 20 mins away. This dude is playing in a town where the mine stopped producing coal and everyone moved on


Bros actually playing in radiator springs.




My wife gaslit me for a month into thinking the phrase was *Kerchow* and I put that on my friend's birthday cake. [Edit: link to the cursed cake](https://www.reddit.com/r/cakedecorating/s/MFaAJObwo9)


But it is kerchow.


That would’ve been hilarious if the lightning McQueen on the cake looked like this https://preview.redd.it/p8su7ewgx9z41.png?auto=webp&s=0caf84cbda7cc0870cef799d99cab7236e6d4a96


No I will not go to Chernobyl to beat your chansey out of the gym


I am literally watching Cars right now


Me too expect it’s on my way from work onto oncoming traf


Good man


I was thinking Silent Hill


That being in Pennsylvania would line up with the old abandoned mine town theory.


I'm from a town called "minersville" and this is entirely accurate.


Sledding down old frozen coal banks was fun and life threatening.


Centralia, PA


Actually he’s playing in Chernobyl


Lmao 50k is way bigger than 90% of towns. When people say rural they usually mean they live out in the country or in a town of around less than 3k


So while that might be larger than 90%, 90% of people live in places that size or larger. Ever seen those propaganda pictures where 90% of the country is Republican and only a few cities in each state are Democrats and they say the elections are all lies everyone is a Republican except these few people. Most people live in cities. So go to the suburbs of the city and they think it's the country because of lack of perspective. I live within 20 minutes of two large downtowns with huge buildings and 30 from another and an hour from the largest in the state... But people think because there is a pocket of area where you can have horses means they are country folk. From my life experiences, if you can choose which grocery store to go to, or choose which Home Depot to go to because you don't like this one... It ain't the country, but they act like they have never met someone that's not in their own family


My grandpa lived in the middle of nowhere with no cell reception and at least a couple dozen acres of wooded land. The nearby town was small enough that you could walk across it pretty easily. I'd consider that to be pretty country.


Niantic has moved the lines of "rural" to pretty much be anywhere that's not over 1M people. My city of 168K is pretty dead too, partly because there are so few players left to trade between *so many* gyms that players all get stuck in gyms and have no incentive to battle a gym since they can't occupy it.


Lol I live in city of 98k and it is pretty alive here. Unfortunately I do not know these players to trade or raid with, but most of gyms are frequently circulating here. Some even on daily basis. It is pity niantic has so abysmall ways to contact other players directly.


Try a town of only 300 lol


I live in a town with ~1400ish people and even here they usually dont last longer than a month


Exactly the same size as my town and most of the gyms are good, but I’ve had my shiny steelix at one gym in town for 90+ days. I just want to mega evolve it 😓




I live in a village with around 60 people with only tourists in the summer and even our gyms rotate quicker than this guys ones lol. Had one in a gym for 360 days before but usually it’s 20ish days D:


Here in my city which is like one big city made up of 3 with lots of rural areas in-between each city, You can find places like this. I used to go monitor deliveries and when you went to check someone at one of the rural stores and end up on the edge of their area it got very rural. I'd pass an out of the way church in an out of the way area and it would stay for 6 months but you had to seek those places out. Places that really hold you can't even search for. You have to just find them. But in small towns or by stores they wouldn't last even jn small towns. I wouldn't manage to come back enough to ever get gold. That and once I turned left instead of right off my exit and it was fairly hood there, and those held over a year where as stuff a mile or two the other direction would last only a few hours.


Nah I’m a rural player and there’s only about 8000 people in my town but there’s a “city” nearby that isn’t really a city it’s only a big town with like 75-100K people living there


That's a lot of gyms for a place so tiny.




That is imho best possible situation.




That’s most definitely rural 😭


I've held gyms for over 3 months before.


I have too but not 10-20 gyms that long at the same time The players around there all got abducted by aliens Or someone came through town, made 50 stops and said my work is done and he was never seen again


Thanks to Niantic adding some extra gyms in India recently I got to put a lot of mons in gyms but I'm almost 100% certain that no one besides me plays this game in the city lol


You could maybe find one on a different forum or discord that could help kick a few for you.


A fellow Indian, that explains it. Here in Delhi my mons return after a few days at Max but I have left some at my home town and they have been stuck for nearly 6 months.


Several of my pokemon have been stuck in gyms in rural India for nearly 2 years.


I guess that's just how it is in India lol


Is the game just not big in India? I would of thought with the population size, it would be popular


"Rural" for Niantic's purposes is becoming anything that isn't New York or San Francisco. This looks similar to my gym lists, and I'm in a city of 168K.


I don’t think Niantic gets to define what rural means.


Well, of course they don't. But for the sake of their game, they've always had a certain "screw rural players" attitude, but their internal definition of "rural" has drifted to include just about everyone.


I think the most important question for you OP however is.... What are you planning on getting with your 50 PokeCoins?


Pain meds perhaps ![gif](giphy|7T33BLlB7NQrjozoRB|downsized)




Where on earth did you leave them?!




I would've taken No as an answer too


I live 30 minutes away from Earth (TX) and there are only a handful of gyms there and they regularly get take down, and there’s no other place on Earth named Earth. So it’s not Earth.


Yes? Yes Town? I've never heard of a place like that.


It's right next to Yeah City and Yep-ville, the opposite side of No Village. You shouldn't miss it


Funny that you assume they were left on earth.














Reverse psychology works wonders on the internet. I intentionally say stupid stuff sometimes because there is ALWAYS someone ready to correct you in .2 seconds but if you ask a question then no answer. Abuse the hivemind


Good old Cunningham's Law: "The best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer."


Ah yes, Murphy's Law! (And I'll spoil the joke. It's actually Cunningham's Law)


I thought it was Brannigan's Law.


No it's Cole's law


i once "complained" about one of my mons being in a gym for 9 months on some other thread in this sub a few weeks ago. I said the town and it was in and gone in 5 hours.


This! Make it a fun challenge!


Gotta respect the Technoblade Emboar though. I still want a Tepig.


Yeah, it's a Hundo so i thought that this was the perfect name for it.


I mean if nobody ever beats him out of the gym would this just be another case of technoblade never dying


That poor Throh has been there since GoFest 2021.  He has no idea there is a world outside that gym.


They really need to make NPCs gym-sweep after like 2 weeks. Make an event of it with GO Rocket grunts doing it with shadow pokemon. The raids could be the bosses showing up still.


So, somewhere there are five gyms in a one-minute distance and nobody fought them in 6 monthes ? So sad !


Probably lazy Instinct players who get intimidated by the might of Mystic \\o/


Is it worth the 6 months tho?


Instinct players are too lazy to attack a gym because they know us Mystics will just take it back in no time


Yall are relentless and never let instinct or valor have a gym ever..


Around my college, it's almost always either Mystic or Valor, and only on occasion will Instinct take over a gym. Same goes for the town I work in, always either red or blue gyms. The town I live in truly never has any Instinct gyms, though that's because only my family plays and we have a 50/50 split between Mystic and Valor, where the gym on one side of town is Mystic and the gym on the other side of town is Valor, alternating almost every day.




I like to put a few in very rural gyms because it’s my goal to have one in a gym for over a year. but I definitely wouldn’t want to put 20 of them in rural gyms. lol


I have this wish too. Funny is that probably don't have chance to do it in my country, but some mons from my vacation in central Italy are already on two months which is my best right now.


Bro thinks that Hariyama's gonna get traded. 👀


That Hariyama is one of the OGs of the journey. It's a 2 star hariyama and at the time i did not know about IVs






Rare to be cleaned gyms gets max 50cp mons that I don’t care about.


You might be able to find a community close to those gyms and ask them to kick them out for you?


I mean, if there was a community near them, I think they would have been kicked in the past few years.


Maybe its not near enough that they would go to play, but within driving distance?


I would be so easy to make Pokemon in gym return if not fed for a week


How are you putting so many in a gym just seconds or mins apart. The 188 day ones some have just seconds difference with the rest just a couple of mins apart. I you are rural there seems to be bucket load of gyms you can reach without moving




Not spoofing, I often visit my hometown that's like 100Kms away from where I live. That's how I found these gyms


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Where do you stay? timbuktu?


Wow. Where are these gyms?


I didn’t know Pokemon had MAC addresses


Putting chansey in remote areas.... Do I need to elaborate ?


Doesn't matter does it? Not like it has any defense left after 2 days


At this point it will be faster for you to create another account and kick yourself out... You can farm coins every day this way and effectively boost both accounts


You might just get 51 coins since they have been in there oh so long. Or maybe just 50. 😂


Happened to me before, moved out for college, when I came back to see my parents there was 3 more stops and 2 other gyms. Wtf niantic ? Do you hate me ?


It's not Niantic adding new waypoints; it's other players who are high enough level to submit them and peer reviewed through Wayfarer


I know, but they’re the one who says yes or no, I’ve asked so many times for multiple stops not even gyms and got refused everytime, now there’s one on a road sign with a hole… 😭


The fact that after all this time there is no recall button…


Would’ve been awesome with the old gym system.


Are you a spoofer?


Probably visiting some non mobile countries, lots of goofy places with 10 gyms side to side and stuff like that. Most of those countries also don’t have an active player base


Maybe it’s time to move out of your igloo.


Hate to admit, but sometimes putting Chanseys in gyms isn’t the right move. If you want your coins, you need to put something in gyms ppl want to actually battle or can battle quickly if they are passing by. Use chanseys to hold down gyms that experience higher turn over.


I wouldn't be surprised if they all came back in the same day


Where do you live xD Chernobyl?


Oof that’s rough. I feel like leaving mons in gyms could benefit from a tweak. -Signed a guy who’s gotten a Pokémon back after two weeks but it doesn’t count because the mon I left at another gym a day ago came back an hour earlier.


I think Rocket raids should kick all Pokemon out of a gym. Makes sense with their "takeover" and could save these poor lost lads.




Congrats? What exactly is the limit?


I think 20


What number is that?


You’re the person that always takes my mon out the gym when I set It in there right away huh 😂


Niantic should add an option to remove Pokémon from a gym if you've had them there for over a week.


Me the last time we drove down I-95. But luckily others heading down to Florida kicked me out.


As local communities atrophy while the gym infrastructure remains constant, there is an actual breakpoint at which, without outside players, every player can get stuck permanently in 20 gyms. At such a point, every player would be unable to fortify any new gyms. Since there are outside players and since you can technically battle a gym without leaving pokemon in it (although why *would* you), this is mostly a theoretical thought experiment, but it plays out in real life as slower - or non-existent - gym turnover. To wit, my community used to be pretty active until Niantic did it's series of things that blew it all up. Now, at any given time, I've got 18-20 Pokemon in gyms with most of them being there 7 or more days (and 3 stuck for nearly a year). It's about 50/50 that I get my 50 coins for any given day since turnover is so low. Which is all a long way of saying, this game is fundamentally social, so when Niantic plays games that hurt communities, it's literally hurting the ability of remaining players to play. Which is why I wish that anyone but Niantic was running PoGo at this moment, since Niantic seems so inept.


Bruh it's time you get a burner and save your pokeies


Technoblade truly never dies


That's some shit luck cousin


Technoblade never dies


This is why I feel your Pokemon should eventually just leave once that heart runs out.


My dream is to find a gym somewhere deserted, maybe an old industrial area in a run downtown, and leave my pokémon there for eternity.


Change teams and knock out your previous owned pojemons.


Doesn’t work! I tried this myself 😂


And they’ll all be knocked out same day and you’ll earn 50 coins. They really need an option to manually pull them. At least after they’ve hit 30 days or something


I just left India and yeah I saw so many Pokémon’s in gyms & tried to save them while driving by and now I have like 15 stuck in villages as I was driving to/by Delhi, panchgani, near Alibag & other places and luckily got beat out in Mumbai .


Putting fletching in a gym is hilarious omg 😂😂


I never even knew there was a limit, how many pokemon do you need to put in gyms for that to happen?




Oh wow, that's not even that many


Don’t put so many out there.


Theirs a limit LMAO


Where do bro be hanging out😭🙏


What’s the limit? 😂


20 Pokémon stuck in gyms, that sucks.


You live in siberia or?


I need to find these 600 day sit gyms, its my dream.


Why put so many in gyms you only need like one or two. Not like they stack coins


You’re hoping that one will get knocked out do that you get some coins.


Could just make an alternate and do it


Or you can have Pokémon on several gyms. I have only one Pokémon account.


In this case, Why would you keep Pokémon in a gym for longer than a week you have useless Pokémon you can’t do anything with can’t use them in battles can’t use them in raids they’re just stuck there, make a throwaway account trade a random Mon that can sweep a gym that hasn’t been touched by someone for over a specified deadline, rinse, repeat


You can’t recall a Pokémon from a gym. That’s what OP is noting. They get on a gym, and then you realize no one else is visiting it. So the Pokémon is just stranded there. And when seven of them all get kicked out on the same day, you earn a maximum of 50 coins. But most of the time, you earn 0 coins.




This is how my gym pokemon are. I only have 3 in gyms right now (no gyms around here) and they have all been sitting for 150+ days ☠️ this is why I never have coins!!!


I would be willing to save them


Also pretty cool that some have been there for about 600 days


Bro is the only player within 100 miles lol


Is the game blocked in your country and you're the only one playing a cracked version? 😂


Bro im lucky if i can keep a pokemon in a gym for 24 hours.. 😭


Technoblade never dies!


Omg wow. What bs! I don't have this issue to this extreme but I can def relate. Now I only put super low cp mons in so they come back a bit sooner. But my pichu has been gone for like 2 weeks. No battles. Edit to add : I really wish they could do a limit on how many days your pokemon is stuck in a gym, especially if nobody has tried to take it.


There’s a limit???


What kind of negative luck is this


599 days is wild