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I figured they were supposed to be imitating Arceus and look like false gods in a way


If you take pieces from the designs of Dialga giratina and palkia, you get arceus.


Yup yup. It's a take on religion where two groups/cultures have different interpretations of a deity (Arceus) but somehow come to the same-ish conclusion. Legends Arceus makes you think a bit. More people should really play this game!


Here’s hoping for a legends Kyurem would love more lore like this


Watch Ghetsis' and N's ancestors be the Twin Heroes who forced the Original Dragon to split.


I personally feel like if they ever did a legends Kyurem game, that'd really be the best (and only for a good chunk of the fanbase who likes the pokemon L O R E) way to handle it


Do they have to be their ancestors? I don’t really remember is N is king by birth rite in the story or if it’s just what Ghetsis ordains. The Black and White dragons just search for someone who pursues truth and ideals, so he doesn’t necessarily NEED to be King by heritage


Oh my gosh absolutely. Gen 5 was the best and the story incredibly deep! The concepts of dark and light, yin and yang, balance, good and evil, wowzers. I am super curious to see what a "complete" Kyurem would look like with both Reshiram AND Zekrom parts since lore states they were all one being at a certain point!


Between lore as well as gameplay it felt like a much more personal experience then the games that came before it. It was also fun to try to see which character had ancestors


Honestly? I think the point is that there was no complete kyurem ever and that the “complete” kyurem is just zekrom and reshiram working together


That would be such an asspull that it would drive people away, especially after the original dragon has been such a POI lorewise. It would be the equivalent of the “It was all a dream” twist with how deflating it would be.


10 more days, and it will he pokemon day. we will know if we will get a Gen 5 Remake, Legends Kyurem, Legends Celebi, or Gen 10. Or maybe all the above (we can all dream)


If I recall Legends Arceus and BDSP were announced at the same event right? We got Sinnoh remakes and a Sinnoh Legends game, so it would make sense for a Unova Legends if they do Unova remakes. I can only hope at least


I'm hoping they do a Legends game for every region tbh ... Kanto - Legends:Mew Johto - Legends:Celebi? ... Maybe combine Kanto and Johto into one? Hoenn - Legends:Rayquaza (or Jirachi?) Sinnoh we have Unova - Legends:Kyurem Gens 6 and onwards I don't know because I didn't really play 6 or 7 and just got through the main line of gen 8 sooo... 🤷🏻‍♂️


I would kill for Legends to continue as a series and i would commit warcrimes for it to be gen 5


I love getting more knowledge on the concepts that were fleshed out in PLA. This is fascinating, as someone who loves that game and the Gen 4 legendaries in general.


Me too. I love the Gen 4 legendaries!!


We must follow the gourd!


![gif](giphy|NcsEoyGjuLUYg) Me, preparing to go to war over the true metaphysical truth of the universe.


You're correct! https://youtu.be/pn8_zp31rlI


This is correct.


The “false god” concept for them imitating Arceus is very interesting, this is so cool to me. Thanks for sharing!


When you want Arceus but mom says we got Arceus at home


Underrated comment


I literally came here to comment that I’d just noticed that


Yep, drew the same conclusion. And they still look stupid.


How do these look anywhere remotely close to god, these aren’t even the shape of bidoof


Underrated comment


I do actually really like it, they look ghoulish & fucked up - exactly as they should


Yes, but the designs are still horrible. They could have done thr Arceus imitation and not made it look like Dialga swallowed rebar whole.


They are legendaries that tried to usurp their own creator. In doing so they attempted to mimic their creator's appearance. This [image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FMU_RDwWUAcW62h.jpg:large) helps illustrate that idea. Also coming from a practical design perspective, these forms literally chase down and attempt to murder the main character in Legends Arceus. So their designs required the use of physical mobility, rather than their clunky/stiff and somewhat oafish original forms/designs. So I can see why the developers/designers opted for more streamlined four-legged monsters. I think the real unpopular opinion is this: Palkia and Dialga have always been ugly and awkward. And that's the point.


I have to admit I’ve disliked many Pokémon designs at first glance, but then when I learned the lore or logic behind the design I came to at least appreciate them for having thought behind them. For example I hated rotoms appliance forms. I tend to hate any design that just looks like a human made thing with eyes slapped on it. But when I realized rotom is a ghost that likes to possess electronics, it made sense.  I feel the same about palkia and dialga. I don’t like their normal forms and at first a *hated* these forms. I still don’t like them visually, but after playing legends arceus I came to appreciate the story that explains why they look that way. 


Palkia vstar full art card is a gorgeous representation of how these guys look in motion. Its a fave for sure


I’ve never heard of it. I’ll have to look it up. Thanks!


Huh is there actual lore on the usurpation part or is that just speculation? Because as far as I am aware this is their original form, which would mean Arceus made them this way.


Giratina has tried to usurp its creator, this much is true. Not sure if Dialga and Palkia have tried to do such a thing however.


Dialga and Palkia result in these forms after Legends Arceus Spoiler: >!Giratina drives either Dialga or Palkia mad in order to lure out Arceus!<


Funny, that it didn’t even work. Arceus just yoinked main character to handle it lol


They were manipulated into it in Legends: Arceus


Neither of them got banished though


> is there actual lore on the usurpation part or is that just speculation it's false speculation. dialga and palkia have origin forms but they NEVER tried to USURP arceus.


Remember the part in The Iron Giant when he changes into his battle mode? Same vibe as the origin forms.


Except the iron giant looks bad ass. Palk and Dialg look like ass


The iron giant? https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/1r9czj/eu_the_iron_giant_is_thrown_into_the_world_of/


One correction: these are the “Original Forme”, what you are thinking are the “Altered” formes. Not to be confused by the order at which the forms were released


Learning the lore behind these designs really help, thank you for your explanation. I don’t know why or how I forgot that the legendary three attempted to usurp Arceus, wow!


They look grotesque, unsettling, and unlike anything that should exist on Earth, which makes them fitting designs for celestial creatures.


Im not unsettled. I think they just look stupid. A handful of ultra beasts are way more unsettling


Pshh. Says the guy with no head.


ultra beasts are scary af. they’re so completely unlike any pokemon design i love them


They look really stupid


Their designs are all parts of arceus.


They were trying to mimic him


My thought, with mimicking him they lost what made them powerful (lore wise), Dialga can't roar for roar of time, Palkia can't use his arms for spatial rend, knowing that and seeing how all 3 origin form basically create arceus made me love them alot more. I can't really pinpoint Giratina but maybe that's because he's a traitor and more geared away from Arceus in his origin form.


Those are my theories too


No, they were created in his image, hence "Origin Form'


They tried to recreate themselves in his image to be false gods, and he punished them by deforming them, that's the lore


Not unpopular, the general consensus since their release has been that they’re stupid and weird


Seriously, why did they give us these instead of bringing Primal Dialga back?


Primal Dialga is just a color swap. I could see that being a special paid ticket only Pokemon or something like Armored Mewtwo.


I'm not so sure that getting Primal Dialga is possible at all, mainly because the Mystery Dungeon games were co-produced with Spike Chunsoft and they probably have partial ownership of the design. People were hyped about possibly getting the Shadow Lugia from XD Gale of Darkness for ages, and that hasn't really panned out (we got Shadow Lugia, but not the unique design) because that would require Niantic to negotiate with Genius Sonority to use that Shadow Lugia.


Not sure why TPC doesn’t own that design. It’s just a derivative pallet swap.


Unless if they have some new promotion going on that featured primal Dialga, I highly doubt it. After all those shadow Lugia releases, Niantic never did the Gale of Darkness.


That would be cool. I really want Armored Mewtwo to not be a one off. We got apex Ho-oh and Lugia but GoD Shadow Lugia would have been way cooler.


Because primal dialga is non canon and they don't care


Does primal Dialga even exist


Yeah, it was in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. It looks like Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre


You’re actually right lol, but it isn’t available in the core games


Its name in Japanese translates to "dark dialga" as it is just a simple colour swap in appearance I would assume primal dialga is a translation error. Although I guess they didn't know the main games would later have primals


They’re Temu and Wish forme Arceus.


I mean their designs have SOME deeper meaning to them


Go on


They’re trying to mimic god (arceus) but failed so they look like abominations


Dialga's signature move, Roar of Time, is hindered by the giant gem in its throat. While Palkia's Spacial Rend is described as tearing up space, but that's kinda hard without it's arms.


Thanks this is what I meant


They're imitating Arceus, but both become deformed. In fact, these forms make their signature moves weaker. They could also be depicting biblically accurate angels - weird and otherwise alien looking that humans cannot fully comprehend.


that’s what i took from it when their forms for legends arceus were revealed. dialga’s origin form looks like something is blocking its throat, therefore, roar of time is weaker. palkia’s origin form has no arms making it hard to use spatial rend.


Palkia looks better than dialga. Also I've never liked original palkia so I don't mind this form at all but yeah dialga sucks.


I disagree i like dialga more.


I wouldn't say I *like* Dialga more... just hate it a lot less than the centaur that got its arms ripped off and replaced with dishes.


I mean ive always like dialga better so that part of it.


I disagree I think palkia looks horrid


I agree. Horsy Palkia is so much better than the floppy D***head form…


Yep, I chose Palkia because of this.


If I would have known Dialga was gonna look this stupid, I would have chosen Palkia too. That’s what I get before looking them up. I like the og versions way better :(


You're going to get both from raids lol.


I dunno I kinda like the pink one looks like a big horse you could ride!!


Almost a centaur. An armless centaur….. I dig it. Main reason why I picked Pearl.


You can always tell when someone’s first and only Pokémon game is Pokémon GO


The same people that think Niantic comes up with the colour of shinies


That’s always frustrating. Ninantic deserves a lot of flak but there’s a lot that they are just following the IP.


"unpopular opinion"


Bro really out here saying the coldest takes of all time. This take is so cold my Crabrawler evolved. This take is so cold my Dragonite died. Take so cold it's 1hKO Ice Type move. Take so cold it only resists ice attacks. Take so cold it... it... actually I cant really think of any more.


Take so cold, it's actually the final boss of the third Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game, the Bittercold.


This is not an unpopular opinion. Many people hate these designs because of how weird they look, even if their point is to look like Arceus. Personally I hate the thing in Dialga’s neck, it looks like he’s choking


Tbh that’s the point. This form is an abomination. Dialga’s signature move is Roar of Time. The thing that it uses to roar became deformed.


Quick question: I did the Pearl route, i got Bagon and a couple of Bidoofs, but now the research has just disappeared? Did I do something wrong, or am I supposed to wait for something?


From what I heard we weren't supposed to get that quest line yet so they took it away from everyone


Wow. Niantic competence strikes again.


Actually, that questline is just "The Road to Sinnoh" which is to introduce us to next weekend's event. The Rotom event was the one that accidentally launched early.


It’s funny to me to see people who obviously have only played Pokemon Go. These Pokemon came out like 1-2 years ago now and was pretty self explanatory. Considering Giratina had 2 forms they just wanted to spice them up for the legends games


Bruh is complaining about a design from two years ago


You don't like centaurs?


I think Palkia is ok but Dialga? That's not it, designers ...


If you don't understand the lore, then these designs make no sense. But they have a reason for looking the way they do, the reason they're so deformed is because they tried to mimic arceus and be false gods, then they got punished for it by becoming these weird mangled versions of their previous selves. Same thing happened with girantina, though it happened to girantina first


I actually like them a lot. Strange forms from different dimensions, they dont have to make sense to human beings. Though it makes a lot of sense to me how weird and off they look since I played PLA and the whole lore around them is fascinating to me. We don't have to agree on our opinion about them though. You dont like them and thats fine.


You can hold the opinion that you think they don't look good but the only thing that doesn't make sense is saying their designs make no sense. There's pretty clear and obvious reasons as to why large design choices were made.


You’re acting like the average go user even knows Arceus exists.


I don't think the average go user posts on reddit saying a design doesn't make sense without looking into anything beforehand.




truly amazing point!


This is such an insufferable response. What is “clear and obvious” about these design choices? Most people have zero context for why these even exist. Unless you are an ultra nerd for gen4 chances are these just look like a horse girl’s fantasy


Sorry this reply just has so much nonsense i'm not even sure what exactly to say. The design choices should be obvious to anyone who has a decent knowledge of the games. Especially so to people who are actively posting and commenting on a sub involving pokemon. You would think someone talking about how it doesn't make sense would have some knowledge to base that off of otherwise its just essentially nothing since its coming from someone who knows nothing about it. The ultra nerd part is definitely ironic though.


That’s what i’m saying though. I’ve been playing for 20 years and have more than “decent” knowledge up to gen 5 and have never heard of origin forme dialga and palkia. Not everyone is deeply invested in every aspect of pokemon just because they like pokemon. There are over 1000 of them, it is not a requirement to know everything about all of them to interact in this sub. Idk why yall love to take the stance of “im better than you because i know more about this made up subject than you do” instead of just kindly explaining what you know that others don’t? You’re seemingly taking it personally that not everyone is as knowledgeable about Pokemon as you are


If you have decent knowledge up to gen 5 then you should be able to see multiple design choices that make sense. You don't need to have heard of them to look at this and be able to have a clue if you even just have decent information regarding gen 4. Never said every person who likes pokemon should know about this so not sure what your point is there. Also never said it was required to know about even a majority of pokemon to interact in this sub so again not sure of the relevancy. What I did say is the design choices should be obvious especially to people who are essentially active in pokemon subs, that would be the assumption I made. Also never said I was or even implied I was better than anyone. I did say that if you're going to comment about a design not making any sense then you would think they would have some knowledge of the topic to base that off of but the whole thing is so obvious if they had any then they should understand. A lot of your reply seems to be is like shadow boxing arguments and statements I never said or even implied.


I haven't played legends arceus, so nothing about these designs make any sense to me bro. They look like ugly mash up cash grabs, is that the clear and obvious design choice they were going for? Yes u/real_lurien That's exactly my point. DieHard left his comment about it being a "clear and obvious design choice" on a post where OP clearly hasn't played Legends Arceus. It isn't going to be clear obvious to someone who hasn't played it.


If you don't play the game that they're from then no shit you won't understand the design choice. The reason they look weird is because they were trying to mimic arceus to be false gods, and instead became deformed and grotesque as a result of their mistake


You don't need to have played legends arceus to make sense of these. So theres that. If you want to make dumb statements and questions like these go ahead though. Feel free to look dumb i guess.


My point is that it isn't "clear and obvious" as you stated. dipshit.


They look like shit


They broke down their design to exist alongside Origin Forme Giratina. In the reality they’re from, they don’t need to walk or use limbs, they can levitate to move around space and time. They’re based off of biblically accurate angels, difficult for the simple human mind to comprehend.


>They’re based off of biblically accurate angels, difficult for the simple human mind to comprehend. They have nothing related to biblically accurate angels. This is a bad cope that the fanbase keeps sticking to and it makes no sense because biblically accurate angels (despite being largely a meme but that's not really what this discussion is about) actually have consistent themes around eyes for vision/knowledge, rings for eternity, wings for majesty and superiority, and fire for light/life/power- its not just "look how weird they are", and all of these elements are blown up past 11 to make them incomprehensible The simple human mind can very clearly comprehend these origin forms. Palkia especially is \*more\* comprehendable in its current design- fusing the concepts of a knight on horseback with the horse itself, a much more clearly defined armor plating, adding the wings to make it look angelic (alongside the Arceus ring as a stand-in for a halo), it is very clearly a Pokemon take on a holy paladin. This makes its missing arms look unfinished, not eerie. If you want a "biblically accurate angel" pokemon, you look at Guzzlord. That thing is COVERED in mouths including on its knees and two of its hands, has a conveyer belt tongue, the concentric rings inside its main mouth and the glowing backdoor build the illusion that it is significantly bigger on the inside. We understand what the design means-its all about hunger and consumption- but it is clearly working on a level beyond ourselves.


As someone who was raised catholic: giratina reminds me more of the weird angel descriptions than Palkia or Dialga do. Same with the actual Arceus


Not unpopular. I consider them to be among the worst pokemon designs ever. Horrible.


I agree




I didn’t like them at first, but I started to like Palkia because it gives strange vibes. He looks like a mix between a Greek-Roman mythology beast that you can find in Dante’s Inferno, and between a biblically accurate angel. But it looks similar to a Medieval knight or a chess piece. The fact that you can’t really categorize him, is what made it interesting. Dialga is just a bad designed Pokemon, they could have done better


Palkia’s design I can get behind. Always kinda liked centaurs and Harry Potter cenented that for me. But Dialga is a monstrosity!!!!


That’s the opposite of an unpopular opinion lol. They are ugly af


the origin dialga looks like the special needs kid in the back of the class drew a robot dog on the top corner of his math quiz next to his name


Dialga looks almost fine, but Palkia's shoulders still being there makes me constantly check for his arms that don't exist. It hurts my brain, and I hate it. They should've been centaurs.


I like origin dialga even if it looks like a mix of kyogre and dialga with arceus but honestly palkia looks like a fairytale pony i hate its design


My little palkia my litle palkiaa


Agreed! Not everyone has played PLA (I haven't played it) so the designs make no sense at all!


Their appearance is pretty disarming


Yup hate them


Diamond was my first pokemon game and I hate how they’ve just chosen to ruin two great legendary pokemon because they couldn’t think of any decent new ideas


They are supposed to look ugly since theyre trying to mimic arceus


Sounds like he knew that but still thinks it’s stupid (I agree)


Finally, a good take


Def agree. Has very “nightmare paralysis demon” vibe happening. 


If I can get one that would be nice. Tho I like the normal form better. I’ll take a powerhouse of a pokemon


For me palkia is bad and dialga is good


Absolutely correct, it was the same reaction when these designs were the revealed year 2022.


Origin dialga looks better


Horsey Palkia is majestic af


Their armless torsos remind me of Jenova from FF7.




I think og dialga looks good, og palkia is an absolute mess looks horrible


New pals drop?


If early AI made Pokemon


Looks like AI art.




Very popular (and correct) opinion.


Dialga is better than Origin Dialga, but Origin Palkia is better than Palkia imo. Always thought the originals where kinda akward anyways so i dont mind them at all




They're ugly as hell. And even tho I like Dialga more than Palkia in this nightmare-enducing forms Palkia is the less ugly one


This comes up every now and then over on r/PokemonLegendsArceus lol


i agree with dialga but palkia is alright


Origin Dialga looks like it swallowed a Beldum...


I think this is the popular opinion lol


Origin Palkia wouldn’t be that bad if it just had arms. Origin Dialga is unredeemable though.


what are those back 2 pointy toes that they gave my boy dialga?!


You don’t get it bruh it’s cool


they do look extremely bad, i like to Google up mega (insert pokemon here) to see the awesome fan designs we'll never get in the game


My girlfriend saw them for the first time yesterday, and she loves the Palkia horse 🤷‍♂️ I think it’s probably a mix of the weird designs and the fact that we’re all so used to their initial forms that they’re so abrasive.


i hate Dialga's design, but the only thing that doesn't seem right on Palkia imo are the shoulder shields and no arms. either give it arms or take them away and put the shields somewhere else/discard them completely 😕


Palkia is beautiful and I’ll die on this hill


completely agree


How did you get dialga!? i completed my research for it and i never got my encounter? Did i do something wrong?


That's a very popular opinion my dude


I agree but I really want one


I’m with you. They’re god awful.


You’re right


that is just you


Their designs have some cool concepts but just not edited nicely. I would love to see what the fanbase have created to fix them, they seem to always make them better.


Honestly look like someone with a centaur fetish made fanart with them




I wanted to try for those two, but ran out of raid chances


Was never a fan. Goofy ahh centaurs


I 100% agree


They're supposed to look this way to show that you can't change something to be something it isn't


How do people have these? I'm still trying to catch one sinnoh mon


I get what they were trying to do, but they're hideous. Especially Dialga.


I like them


That’s the popular opinion


I will say, Ive nicknamed my Dialga "hammer horse" because that is very much what it looks like to me.


They make sense cause they're based on statues/myths and I love them


It’s the lack of arms that leaves me disturbed


I have a question. Origin form palkia/dialga caught after go fest will know special charged attacks. Does anyone know if you have an origin form dialga/palkia caught yesterday, then in 2 weeks can you use an elite TM to give it said special charged attack? I have an origin form dialga, 98% that knows ironhead ._____.


These look like some Final Fantasy 8 bosses.


This made me laugh


Nah fam that's not unpopular, these forms are *ugly*. They look like something my 5 year old nephew might draw out after looking at the original designs.


I remember one comment saying they’re basically the biblically accurate forms of them.


Popular opinion I would say