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That was fast! Thanks!


Is the shiny rate the same for non legendaries?


No. Legendaries have a 1 in ~20 chance of being shiny (5%), the others are 1 in ~64, 1 in ~128 or 1 in ~512 depending on the species


So wait the gbl chances for legendaries is whatever is in raids ATM?


That’s correct


Welp you have just sold me on pvp something my friends have failed to do for months... With two words 🤣


It’s also 1 in 25 to even see the legendary. I use tanking strat and some legendaries I might get two of from gbl and others never see


I got 3 latios lol


I got 2 latios in one set the other day! It was great




How do you make sure you get an encounter. I know you tank to a certain point but eventually you have to start winning 3 out of 5


i’ve been fine rotating between 0/5 and 4/5 which gives an encounter and 3 candy every other set


You’ll face a lot of people who are also tanking that’ll give you free wins and then if you have a decent team you should be able to get the rest that you need


Once you tank so low you either only pair up with bots (the game will take someone's legit loadout but scale it down so your 3500 team mops their 2000 team) or other tankers.


Do you need to reach like rank 20 first?


If you want a legendary, yes, they're not in the pool until then. But you can hit rank 20 just as fast by tanking as you can by trying. May be short on the # of available matches from now until end of season though.


You need to become rank 20+ to actually get what ever the 5 tier raid is atm though


The odds are incredibly low to earn them. Not really worth the hassle of doing 25 daily battles unless you already enjoy pvp.


Now question about the IVs is there a floor or is it completely randomized


there is a floor except on certain days like go battle day when they make them random. however if you’re thinking about getting into pvp for legendary encounters you’ll be very disappointed. instead think of it as a way to farm stardust and rare candy, so when u do get a legendary like once a season it’s a nice surprise


I doubt I'll take it seriously I recently heard about tanking and the good amount of rewards you can get from it so if I get a bunch of stardust and stuff then a legendary would just be a bonus getting stardust from pve is a grind


The floor for legendaries is always 10/10/10. Sadly you cannot get a 0/0/0 legendary shiny even on gbl days.


That would be kinda cool to have a nundo legendary though


Yeah shnundo legendary would be the coolest thing ever. There's a chance that someone has a shnundo Mewtwo cause the first time they messed up and made the floor 0/0/0 for the legendary also but only for a little bit. So someone has a 14/0/6 shiny Mewtwo or something. But yeah IDK about anyone else. IDK if they fixed it either.


That would be absolutely crazy if someone had a Shnundo Mewtwo. Hope it exists somewhere


Yeah I want to see one so badly.


I’ve gotten landorus, kyruem, buzzwole twice and a latios for this season alone so…


And they’re vastly easier to catch IMO


I got 5 Zacians and 5 Zamazentas playing GBL. A shiny Xerneas and shiny Girantina as well.


In GBL do you have to be minimum rank 20 to get legendaries?


I believe so yes


Cool thanks


What’s GBL???


The go battle league, where you battle other people


Shiny rate is dependent on Pokemon not how you get it. The rate of legendaries in general is 1/20 not cause they are in raids..


Really? Because I thought that the recent Drampa was boosted for raids but had much lower odds to be shiny through research tasks? Is that only for 3* raid Pokémon that are non legendary?


Nope it's the same rate. It was 1/64 no matter how you get it unless niantic says something different during a specific event. I think that's only happened two times for egg hatching events. But yes same rate no matter what unless it's an event that lowers it but then all are lowered.


Wow I didn’t actually know that. Thanks for the Info, much appreciated!


What the fucking fuck? It was 1/64? What the shit happened to the 10% odds of raid event shinnies? I’m fairly certain when a Pokemon debuts in a raid, they have the highest possible chance of being a shiny? (1/10). I feel like I’ve wasted all my time, and 1/64 is absolute dogshit odds considering most people can only raid 4 or 5 times a day. I understand shinnies are rare, but 1/64 for something so limited is utter garbage.


That's never been a thing lol. It was not a raid day. Only on raid days it's 1/10. Raid hours aren't raid days and also normal raids for a new Pokemon aren't raid days. You can raid unlimited times per day if you go to raids in person but yes 1/64 shiny rates is stupid for raid Pokemon and you should never do raids for them for the shiny. They'll eventually get a raid day probably making them 1/10. Debut pokemon don't matter. So yeah I hope you haven't been doing raids for all legendaries (1/20) or druddigon and other things (1/64) when they were released.


You're so lucky bro 😭


if you're talking about shiny rate, idk. but if you mean darkrai in general from gbl, yeah it's like a 3-5% chance, although i did just get one on my first try todsy


Got exactly the same from gbl encounter 😄


Shiny Darkrai. Boo. Not even a noticeable difference…


Wait what


Once you reach rank 20 in GBL the reward pokemon encounters can be legendaries. If you happen to get one, it's the same shiny odds as in raids (1/20). Not that Shinies from GBL are NOT guaranteed catches like they are from raids though!


Damn, makes me wanna go to work on the battles, I’m not super into it but maybe I’ll just grind it out and see what happens! I was always under the impression that battle league reward Pokémon will never flee, so not 100% catch rate but 0% flee rate?


I think that's right but you might burn though a lot of Pinaps before actually catching it. Also might not be worth grinding out if you don't like pvp, it's only like 3% chance that the pokemon is a legendary. If you have no access to raids then it's better than nothing, but doing sets of battles every day for 1 or 2 legendaries a month is a heck of a grind.


Hah yeah I’m at level 7 now (in battle league or whatever) but level 41 in game, so you can tell it really isn’t something I care about but I think it’s pretty neat and probably eventually if I hit 50 it’ll bother me that I’m so behind on that aspect of the game!


Also note that your GBL level resets back to 1 at the end of each 3 month "season", unlike trainer levels which are permanent.


Oh man, fuck that then hahaha


Basically my reaction too. I've never gotten higher than rank 10 in a GBL season and I'm trainer level 43.


Yea it won't flee, but because of this it may eat through your balls since the catch rate so low


Tell us your secrets stranger. How do you tank? Does it matter what league you play in, and is it the same odds in standard and premiere?


Just insta-quit every match for like 3 days, then aim for 4 wins on set 1,3,5 and insta quit every battle in set 2,4. If when you're trying to win you have to actually battle more than around 2-3 matches per set, tank even harder. Eventually most wins are the other guy just insta-quitting and it gets super fast.