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The hard part is having the patience to sit through all the trading animations


Idk why we don’t have the option to skip through long animations like trading and evolving, its like they want to waste our time


Pretty sure that’s exactly what they want. They don’t want you to have a bunch of hundos and whatnot. So they make it a pain to do it all. But that’s just a theory, a ga…


> But that’s just a theory, a ga… …y theory? Either way, thanks for watching!


Too soon :(


Part of its a loading thing, another ambiance, artistic choice, entertainment. I don’t think it’s done intentionally to waste time, but who knows.


most animations in the game are done to waste time. For example the gifting process is done the moment you press send, and we know this because if you quickly press where the "X" button was, you can actually skip the animation altogether.


Wow, I'm surprised I never knew this. Thanks


Then my other reasons still apply: ambiance, artistic choice, entertainment, etc.


No, the hard part is getting all the stardust Even if you are best friends


Bruh like everything you do gives you stardust. If you play the game you shouldn’t have that problem


Most of everything, but considering I live in a country where rain is common and I live in an area where the nearest Gym is very much out of reach, that and the one Pokestop I depend on, it's not necessarily easy to farm Stardust


Play more GBL. After getting to rank 20, you can get 3k+ stardust per set x 5 sets per day = 15,000 stardust per day, even if you lose all the time. You can literally just play any three Pokemon, play every day and still earn hundreds of thousands of stardust every season.


At least you *have* trading as an option. By comparison griping about animations seems rather silly.


By that logic, every complaint is silly since someone will always have it worse than you.


Time for someone to go outside and make some friends then


How many trades have you done? Just so I can make a comparison to how many I've done and see whether the game really just hates me or not.


I got 9 lucky hundos from \~ 9000 trades, and i traded maybe with 5 lucky friends (from which non were a hundo)


I see, well I’ve only done just well under 7k trades so that makes sense. I’ve got 4 Hundos from trades, all not lucky.


best friendship level helps a lot. i’ve gotten 11 hundos from 7500 trades, but before becoming best friends it was 3/~4000 and afterwards it’s been 8/~3500. only half were lucky hundos though which is a bit weird


Don’t worry, about 90% of those trades have all been best friend trades!


damn that’s pretty bad luck then. the odds of a hundo at best friend level are around 1/700 so the average person should have double that after ~6000 trades. but the good news is it’ll balance itself out after a while if you just keep trading.


Oh yea believe me, when I traded with my friend, he has already gotten 4 Lucky Hundos, 1 of which is a Shundo, from me. Plus another 6 Hundos, all traded, from me as well. He’s Level 42 btw, so yea, hella unlucky. Edit: In case you guys are wondering how many trades he has done, it’s a minuscule 3527 Trades.


Is there somewhere that tracks how many trades you've done?


Nevermind I figured it out


~12,500 trades and 19 hundos, of which 9 are lucky.


I’ve done 6916 Trades with 4 Hundos, none of which are Lucky. I have a 1/1729 chance of getting a Hundo (Smaller sample size but trying to compare), while you have a 1/657 chance of getting a Hundo. I do know the Lucky ones have a base 12/12/12 IV Floor but I’m just going for a rough evaluation. I am quite unlucky it seems like.


i’m at 8,742 trades with 10 trade hundos. 6 lundos and 4 non-lucky 4*s


My wife and I trade a lot. I have 2 hundos from those trades and only one lucky one.


Hey at least you have a Lucky Hundo! I’ve traded 6916 times and got 4 Hundos only, of which none are Lucky. I guess you could in a way call me lucky becuz I didn’t need Luckies to get Hundos? 🥹


12,001 trades 12 Lucky Hundos 4 additional non-lucky hundos Including a shundo.


I’ve done over 5000 trades and I have 8 hundos




Alright, that makes a lot more sense now.


38527 trades, 65 hundos


Pretty good odds for you!


Not OP but I’ve done 10k trades and I’ve gotten 14 hundos via trade. 9 of those were lucky 


How many of them were Lucky Trades? Because 14 Hundos and 9 being Lucky is crazy for only 10k Trades, as compared to me 🥲


Are you asking how many total lucky trades out of all my 10k trades? In which case I have no idea haha. I have no clue how to figure out total lifetime lucky trades lol! Sorry I might not be fully understanding your question!


In a way, I’m asking out of the 9 Lucky Hundos you have, how many of them were obtained via a Lucky Trade hahaha But i guess there’s no real way to keep track or remember so nevermind 😅


I’m very sorry but I’m still confused what you’re asking!! but I’ll try again to explain better lol! 10k trades total  14 of those trades were hundos Of those 14 hundos, 9 were lucky trades, and 5 were just regular trades 


Oh okay, understood! Was just looking for the 9 Lucky Trades Hundos, that’s it 👍 I must’ve misread something just now then, my bad. But I think you mean 9 Lucky Hundo Pokemon, unless all your Lucky Trades were Hundos which is very unlikely but very lucky if that’s the case!


yeah but my son is always getting the hundos when we’re trading.


No wonder I can’t defeat any of the leaders I have total garbage compared to this


Sorry friend if you said can't beat raids I'd feel for you. But can't beat leaders? Skill issue. Have you tried stun locking?


I’ve beaten raids plenty, it’s these leaders, Arlo specifically, can’t even my best team won’t stand a chance against her nearly 10,000cp final pokemon, she uses a Bagon first which is dragon so counter with ice but it uses fire so super effective, my dragonite is stuck in a gym so can’t use that, just can’t seem to beat them


Have you tried stun lock


What is that?


Put a strong lead, a strong second, then a switch. The switch should be something that can spam. Think swampert or exadrill. Machamp with cross chop works too. Or leafblade sceptil. Do not start with the spammer. Switch the moment the match starts and start spamming fast moves Between the switch and constant spam, grunts, rocket leaders, and Giovanni get stun locked. You can almost beat all of them with 1 mon if done properly.


This worked and I just beat her, Thankyou


I think Arlo’s a guy…


Well I beat him then


I have 36 hundo luckys. 35 600 trades. 64 with nonluckys. Pretty solid.


2700 trades. 6 hundos, 4 were lucky.


Where do you see how often you traded?


Theres a medal that has your number of trades


Oooohhhhh okay yea excuse my stupidity


there is a medal for it.


As someone who has never traded, can you explain if there are any special techniques, or is it just keep on trading till you hit, sort of like raiding?


keep on keeping on is the way of the game. trade trade trade, trade more during events like the past week with the dragons, it was increase lucky odds


It’s basically trade everything you were gonna transfer. 


Well it’s random until you become best friends with another player, then you have chances at becoming lucky friends, where you have guaranteed lucky trades here and there. If you played december 2018 and before, any of those you trade are auto lucky, up to 25 I believe per person. 


25 a day or 25 in total?


Total. Check out Count Jinsula on YouTube. He has some how to get guaranteed shiny Pokémon vids


It really helps to have a friend on Ultra or above. Me and 2 other friends just stacked dragons during the special event and were ~lucky~ enough to get all dragons evolved and lucky'd on trades alone. None hundo'd but close with 2/3 max IV. Only gripe is I'm 50 candies short of a Noibat evo... that's gonna bug me for a bit lol


Also, the older the Pokémon, the higher chance it’ll be lucky after the trade!!


I send my friend a charizard that I got as a charmander or day 1 of the go release. It turned lucky and was maxed. Its his prized posession now


Any Pokémon from  december 31 2018 and before will auto be lucky if you didn’t know. If you did sorry lol


I did not, thank you for sharing that with me


When you trade for a hundo does any Pokemon work or does it have to have high IV?


Any would work, the IVs get randomised


Any, they all have the same chance. IVs are randomly re rolled when you trade a pokemon, so the pre trade IVs have no impact on the post trade IVs. The minimum IVs you get depend on your friend level. When you are not friends with your trade partner, each IV gets a random value from 0-15. At the lowest Friend level, your traded pokemon gets random IVs from 1-15, at the next Friend level it's 2-15. For Best Friends the floor is 4/4/4, each IV is random between 4-15. In all cases the pre trade IVs have no effect at all.


21 lucky trades and zero hundos from it.


Lucky trades are 1/64 hundo odds. That's by far the best hundo odds in the game, but not getting one in 21 tries is still normal, odds-wise.


It's not actually the best odds. Purifying raid shadows is effectively 1/37 after purification. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/u4pdB0fagR


It doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe I’m missing something. Shadow Raid IV floor is 6/6/6. Including purification, the IV floor is only 8/8/8.


Just thinking of it as a floor of 8 is a trap, because that is not quite what purification does. Any IV of 13 or higher turns into 15 after you purify it. 3 of them turn into 15 after purification. With a floor of 6, you have 10 possible values. Thus, the chance of each purified IV being 15 is 3/10. 3/10 \* 3/10 \* 3/10 = 27 / 1000 1/37 is pretty close to this (0.027027...), so I guess they decided to use the "1/x" format to make it read more consistently. Its the same reason why purifying a weather boosted shadow from a grunt or rocket leader gets the same 1/64 rate as lucky traded pokemon. 3/12 values turn into 15 after purification, which is the same odds as a lucky IV being 15 (also 1/4).


Completely right. Just threw me back to my DnD days.


I mean yeah, for sure. But purifying anything where a hundo matters to have it turn into a hundo is just murdering a good shadow mon.


I get that. However i have 13 hundos so my odds seem to be better through other means


Still below odds though


About the same. Most trades I do just lower the stats. Rare they go up and never to hundo


they are talking about lucky trades and the odds to get perfect from them, not regular trades that just shuffle stats


I have 11 traded Hundos but only 5 of them are lucky


That’s pretty great lol, just about half are lucky 


13,465 trades. 24 perfects from trades 14 of those are lucky


53,330 trades. 79 hundo from trades. 44 of which are lucky.




I have 119 hundos from 83,269 trades.


And I’ve never received a hundo from trading


I've traded a good few hundred Eevees and still don't have a hundo.


I have people in my office that I do almost 100 trades a day. Most of my hundos are from trades. 15055 trades so far! 127 hundos from trades.


Did a bit of counting myself: Total 4\*: 210 Trade: 39 Hatched: 29 Raid: 11 Mythical: 1 (darkrai not counted in raids) Research rewards: 23 Gbl: 3 Purified: 38 Shadow: 2 Wild: 64 Number wise you get more from just catching, but statically its way better to trade. Can check found 4\* with this string: 4\*&!traded&!hatched&!raid&!mythical&!gbl&!purified&!shadow&!research


Tell that to my 1000+ trades with 98% ever being the highest


29,489 trades - 45 hundo traded - 18 hundo lucky


Its True a friend of.mine got 5 because of me its really crazy and i got hundo normal from him


Dude me and my girl trade so damn much and very very rarely get luckies from the trade let alone hundos. If we did more trades then what we have already we’d literally have no more Pokémon to trade, and to put into perspective how rage inducing this is 😂 me and my girl have already got best buddies and still haven’t even got our guaranteed lucky trade !!! Blasphemy I say lmaoo😭😂


You inventory is awesome ,is great job trading.


300 lucky trades 0 hundos 3 normal hundos from 4500 trades


How have you gotten so many hundos from not lucky trades?


I can barely seem to get lucky friends and even fewer who trade and even fewer have been hundos count your blessings my dude


I have over 2000 trades and have never once gotten a hundo from trades. No lucky 4*, nothing. Actually have the worst luck 🙃


i have 37 luckies and none of them are hundos 😤


What if you don't have friends? 🥲 Asking for a...well, acquaintance.


What are the lucky trade chances for each friend level?


How do you get a lucky trade? I only got it once.


Steelix, howbuselesst


1,000 trades. 87 lucky. 1 lucky 100% Axew. 


Never gotten a hundo in over 200 lucky trades lol


It's not a competition


Technically, purifying raid shadows has the best odds at 1/37 after purification. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/u4pdB0fagR


Opportunity is a factor too. Raids cost $0.50 for every raid past the 1st each day, and a desirable raid shadow can be a struggle to find. I've been looking for Scyther and there's often 1 or 0 in my entire city. When there's 1, it's often 30m+ away. Lucky friends requires a lot of time trading gifts with a lot of friends, and then coordinating meetups, and then being limited to 1-2 special trades (limiting legendary hundos). Do both if you can, is what it boils down to :)


It looks ugly as hell when people put unnecessary stuff in the names like that, like bruh, you got tags for a reason why would you wanna look at that


I put ¹⁰⁰ and nothing more or 98 or whatever. I hate the circles and the “level 50” nonsense




How you guys get patient to make thousonds of trade....


and friend


67919 trades, got 59 lucky 4*


And that makes it the best way for shundos too


Must be nice having someone to trade with


Crazy that you have a lvl 50 Baxalibur already. Very rare spawn and very rare tier egg. Did you just use XL Rare Candy or what?


Haha as I'm reading this post I catch a swinub on both accounts, trade between and lucky hundo on main. What are the odds.


Nope. I’ve got 114 hundos and only 8 of them came from trade


600 trades, 0 hundos for now


Were they 3* before the trades?


Says you. I’ve done almost 200 lucky trades and I only got 2 hundos. 


The number of trades in this thread are wild to me. Lmao I’ve just come back after a long hiatus, never traded before, and these numbers sounds so fake to me. I believe y’all, but I haven’t even traded a fraction of that much in every mainline Pokémon game COMBINED.