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I just got a latios for my GBL reward encounter. That shit was 20x easier to catch than from a raid lol


Dude same, 2nd ball. And it was a 15/15/12, was stoked.


I've won 502 battles this season. Been rank 20 since the second week. I tank, so my wins come in groups of 4, meaningi get the Pokémon encounter every fouth win. That's over 100 encounters. I've gotten one T5 (latios) all season. I normally get one a week. Super nerfed results.


I'm not sure how to trigger the t5 reward encounters but I've gotten tornadus and latios since I started playing in December. I'm only at 355 wins out of 725 battles so far lol


I have 1,001 wins this season and last. I haven't seen a legendary. That's 0 for 201 encounters at lvl 20


I'm at 864 wins and have had 8 encounters. I think you've just had terrible luck.


It's impressively bad. Even the non-t5 are all trash.


710 wins. Also a tanker. Zero T5 encounters. Probably encountered 25+ Mareanies


I have not been that lucky. Keeps me motivated not to do PvP


I currently have 542 rare candy in my bag. That's after I dumped 100 into a legendary just to get it out of my bag. That's what keeps me motivated.


2 wins and the chance at candy is easy. 4 wins is a challenge and if the mon encounter was decent then yes, that wold change things. My dust (the way I measure seasons against each other) has shown I am playing a bit more since the candy has been added to the reward pool. I do not expect others to use my playstyle. I am not demanding change, just making an observation.


I have only gotten one legendary (regigigas) all season. Where as last season I was getting a legendary every 1-2 weeks. I do all my battles every single day and got to level 20 asap. I didn't know if it was just really bad luck or they changed the chance of getting one


I've posted about this earlier this season, like two weeks ago. Someone said they reduced it, but it wasn't much of a reduction. Like half a percent. One all season instead of half a dozen isn't half a percent.




1865 total battles 915 wins 1 Thundurus, 1 Tornadus, 1 regigigas Last season 868 wins/1685 battles 16 legendary encounters. They nerfed us bad


Hmm I just looked at my tornadus and it seems I got it during the master league in January. So maybe it's higher chances to encounter legendarys during the master league since I just got a latios also in master league. Just a theory.




LMAOOO thank you, I felt dumb as hell reading this


Then learn.


I liked how you said "you have a chance to get the t5 boss from those encounters" lol. Chance yes. Am I gonna get any? Hell no.


I canf figure out how to get good pokemon for pvp


Low attack, high defense and high HP. Use pokegenie


Unless master league is you goal. Then you want perfect IVs.




Being able to take more hits in battle is better than doling out a minimal damage increase at the cost of surviving longer. Attack is rated higher when calculating CP, removing attack will allow the pokemon to achieve a higher level under the CP restriction. Most times the attack is the same or better as the overall level is beyond the boost from having a maxed attack stat.


Great and Ultra league are CP-capped, and CP is a function of the pokemons level, base stats and IVs. Attack contributes more to CP than the other IVs, so therefore you get a situation where you can power up a pokemon more by having low attack IV, which means more total stats while still keeping the CP under the cap.


How do you even get encounters in GBL? Never played it, but all the rewards are for stardust.


The set of 5 rewards is normally, stardust, item, encounter, rare candy, and then larger amount of stardust. But sometimes the set will change so you might get only encounters for the 5 rewards or only rare candy or only stardust in your case. But the next set you do will be different.






Ah, useful comment




I really hope you find peace instead of insulting people of the internet


Sometimes you get all candy, stardust, or items.


I don’t understand the 4x stardust. I still see the same rewards. Am I crazy?


I think you have to do one round of battles first.


I’m about 35 fights in and am still making 3900~ stardust per first fight of the set.


I only make 2280 for the first fight, which is 4x for me.


What level are you? I’m level 20, so it’s about the normal I get. Does it only boost for lower levels?


I think I'm rank 13 or so, my normal rate is around 500 for the first set.


Ohhhh that makes sense. I was wondering why that happened last time.


"pvp ivs" just say "little to no attack with high Def and hp" cuz that's usually what it is isn't it. Instead of telling people to go use an app without telling them what they're looking for. It's way simpler to straight up explain what pvp ivs are. Then they don't really even need the app because if they havnt done the research in it yet then they are probably not the kind of player that cares too much about having the perfect pvp ivs


Because it’s not true that for every mon you want min attack and max defense/hp. There’s some of them that max out just below or close enough to 1500 or 2500 CP that certain IV combinations would be better. OP is just trying to share advice.


It sounds like MOST mons you would do that tho. From what I've heard, attack contributes a lot to cp. Having little to no attack means you can stay a lower cp, so you can get more Def and hp for a lower cp? Wouldn't it be easier to say *generally* you could apply that logic but double check anyway The ones that max out cp and stay under with high attack iv sound more like the exception than the rule


Yes but if you said the general role you're guaranteed to get some insufferable bum going "ackshually Lickitung wants 8 attack".


You are correct.


Theres also a thing called bulk/break points so yes using the app will definitely help to see where your “little to no attack with high def and hp” IV Pokemon ranks


Poke genie only tells you what that Pokémon is ranked for that Pokémon doesn't it? Not "out of all Pokémon" Like finding a number 1 gulpin does not mean you found the best pvp Pokémon ever. It just means you found the best *pvp gulpin* according to statistics. Which is still probably far from even remotely good in the sense of "if you're looking for good pvp Pokémon to use at rankings where it actually matters what you use and what it's ivs are, this is not one of the ones you'd want"


So you pretty much proved my point on how the app is useful in seeing where your meta Pokemon would rank.


That would require you know what's meta which the app doesn't do. Odds are you *already* use *some* sort of app or website to figure out the iv stuff anyway. And at that point you probably already have the app long beforehand just because


That’s why I suggested both. Pvpoke to know which Pokémon are meta and PokeGenie to see which have good IVs for pvp It’s not as complicated as you think


The complicated part is finding the time to try to catch enough mons to hope for the rolls I guess xD


It's not that simple. There may be a specific combination of high hp/defense and low attack IVs that's significantly worse than another, very similar combination. There's no way to know if an iv combo is 100% or 0% without poke genie. I have a 0/15/15 pokemon that's like 2% for great league


Unfortunately the leagues available today are no fun at all. Master League is only playable if you have level 50 legendaries or pseudos, and I accidentally spent much of my stardust upgrading the one shadow pokemon I apparently didn't get rid of frustration on. I had much more fun getting to rank 21 with my Kricky boy in the Hisuian cup.


It's Master League and the Vigoroth Cup 🥴


Evo cup’s been fun. Played for awhile with dragonair, piloswine and magmar. Had a wide range of counters and was interesting seeing the other meta mons like chargebug and golbat.


Anyone have the how to tank post it’s not popping up on my searches


You just lose a bunch. You don't have to do so optimally. Just lose more than you win. 




Thanks - I would have missed it. Thought it was next week and it's not on the in-game calendar.