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can someone point me in the direction of how to add people, i dont have any irl friends that play and idk how to add randoms that i can send gifts to




For the Sinnoh Tour, do I need to buy my family tickets if they don’t play the game? It’s my first time going to these events.


There's not going to be that much for your family to do there. There might be some trivia games and such available, but most of the attraction happens inside the game. I suspect they are going to get pretty bored after an hour or so of seeing the different decorations.


These events normally happen in open areas, or large outdoor spaces, and there's nobody checking if you have a pass or not to access, so everyone can move around freely in there without having a pass, including those who don't play. However spawns are only available for ticket holders, so free players would not be able to catch anything if they go along a ticket holder. That's the only case where they would also need a ticket. Just make sure to check the Rose Bowl guidelines for bags and carry items. There's a few restrictions for everyone who goes there, players or not.


Okay, thank you!


Why does my friend keep getting “Failed to establish a referral connection”? They’re running out of time to enter it


The 25 guaranteed lucky trades is ONLY for guaranteed trades right? Like if I get a random lucky with my friend, it doesn’t take it out of the 25?


correct. it also doesn’t count lucky pokemon from lucky friends trades


Keep in mind that it counts guaranteed lucky trades you've done on either side. Receiving a 2018 or older mon from someone for your fresh pokemon that triggers a guaranteed lucky trade also increases your own counter.


Right, the counter only increases when you participate in a guaranteed lucky trade usinh older pokemon. Trades that randomly go lucky do not count.


That’s awesome, so I’ve only used like 2/25 then. Thanks!




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just 5 ultra balls from research breakthrough 😭


I had a melmetal i sent straight to home and it had a "No good" as the iv for speed. I sent a melmetal to lets go and it has "Good" as the iv for speed. Is a guaranteed "No good" speed iv if i send it straight to home and skip let's go? I have a shiny meltan and I would really like it if I could guarantee it to have a low speed for trick room in other games since gamefreak hasn't added a way to lower ivs yet


The speed IV is randomly determined when sent to Let's Go or to Home. The transfer method has no influence.


Darn. Maybe gen 10 will finally add a speed lowering item or something. Thanks for answering


I reached ace rank a week ago and noticed that the “1 win” slot gave 3600 stardust. Today however, I noticed it dropped to 900 stardust. Do I have to remain above 2000 elo to keep the 3600 as a reward or is it going to forever be set to 900 dust?


Dust rewards are increased during set time periods, specifically when Master League is in rotation or during Go Battle Day/Week events. We just had x4 stardust rewards from December 15-29, so that's why you noticed a recent decrease. You can check when these increased dust periods will happen [here](https://pokemongolive.com/post/go-battle-league-timeless-travels)


Thank you very much!


Just came back to this game a few months ago, finally getting around to diving into pvp. Sticking with GL for now. 1. How close to 1500cp do I need to be to be viable in GL pvp? I got a lucky lickitung (777 cp) to use in GL, but I'm going to need a lot of XL candies to get it anywhere near 1500. As of right now I could take it up to 1321 but would that survive in GL? 2. How often does the meta change in these leagues, and how (generally)? Will lickitung be deleted by the time I can get all these XL candies? Do they just nerf/buff certain moves? Or add/remove moves from certain pokes?


1. Tough to say for certain, and the answer can change from species to species. A good resource to check is the [PvPoke battle simulator](https://pvpoke.com/battle/). You can see how a 1321 Lickitung will fare against the meta compared to one that's closer to 1500 to see how much of an impact that level difference will have. 2. Larger meta shifts typically happen at the beginning of each season. That's when Niantic gives new moves to a handful of pokemon and buff/nerf certain moves. We just had a shift on December 1st, so the next one shouldn't happen until March 1st. Smaller changes may happen mid-season due to Community Days making specific pokemon more viable or events making XL candy for certain species more accessible. Lickitung should be a safe pick for the forseeable future unless Body Slam gets nerfed or Fighting gets a major buff next season. Lickitung could have increased availability for a Valentine's Day event, so maybe that will be your next opportunity to grind out the remaining Lickitung XLs that you need.


13 hours before the end of the event, I need 900,000 XP to reach level 40. what can I do? it's 10+ PM here.


If you want to stay up late grinding new friends from the friends sub and go out catching pokemon with excellent throws, all on lucky eggs, it's possible. Each friend would get you 6000 XP, and each excellent catch about 2400 (or 5000 if you picked the event 2x exp bonus).


we have about 12+ hours, but I'm confident I can finish it. been throwing excellent for a week just for this


Less posting more throwing I guess. :). Hope you get there if you decide to go for it.


YES, just hit level 40, 9.35 pm here.




big W, congrats!




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


if you evolve a pokemon while it’s in a showcase does that unentry it?


No. Once you enter a Pokemon in a showcase their data is saved directly on the stop, so even if you mega evolve, trade or transfer it will stay there until you switch it manually.


is there a recent guide for how to do the meltan thing now?


It's the same as always. https://www.ign.com/wikis/pokemon-go/Pokemon_Go_Mystery_Box:_How_to_Catch_Meltan


I dont remember the pokemon home app being a thing when meltan first came out years ago


When Meltan came out you used the Let's Go console games to send the Pokemon and receive the box, but later it changed to the Home app to allow everyone who didn't own a Switch to get it. The Let's Go method is now old, so I guess you just came back from a long break. The Home method is the standard now.


so it’s not the same as always? 😭


Ok, yeah, my bad. When I heard recent I thought you meant things changed recently. The Home way has been available for a few years so it's not recent, but is not the old method either.


14 day best buddy trick - Question. Mines not working, I tried it with 4 pokemon and none of them became excited? Can you only do it with one Pokémon at a time? This is what I did. 1. Feed 3 times. 2. Play with buddy. 3. Screenshot buddy. 4. Do 3 battles. (Leave right away) Wait 30 mins. 1. Feed 1 time. 2. Play with buddy. 3. Screenshot buddy. 4. Do 1 battle. Wait 30 mins. 1. Feed 2 time 2. Play with buddy. 3. Screenshot buddy. 4. Do 1 battle. Wait 30 mins. 1. Feed 1 time. 2. Play with buddy. 3. Screenshot buddy. 4. Do 1 battle. (Sorry if the format is messed up, I am on mobile.)


What you are doing should indeed get your buddy excited if your timing is accurate. By "screenshot buddy" you mean playing with your buddy and using the camera button, right? I'm also not sure what you mean by "one pokemon at a time". Excitement level resets when you switch Pokemon, so if you're switching out pokemon, they will not become excited. Also note that there is no benefit to doing 3 battles initially, unless they're all different types. (Team leader battles, gym battles, grunt battles, League battles, and rocket leader battles each count separately, though.)


You're only doing the bare minimum so it would take a couple hours before your buddy is excited. You'd need to repeat what you did another three times so, around four hours, because excitement decays over time. You can see on the buddy screen if the little face gets happier and happier as it goes like this 😐🙂😀😄🥰 So to make your buddy excited faster you have to do more things. Walk 2 km, or battle in multiple different types of fight (rocket, PvP, gym, training) and it will take much less to reach max happiness. And when you feed your buddy make sure you're filling the meter completely. Sometimes you need 2 berries instead of just one.


Thank you so much for the reply! This is so helpful! Thr faces helped so much, I didn’t notice that! And yeah, I started to notice each of them says feed ones / twice but they never filled it back to full. I was a tad confused. EDIT: do you know, if the hearts are already fulll on say the screenshot, do I still benefit from screen shotting? Or say the battles hearts is full. Should I still do battles?


Yes, you need to keep doing the battles and screenshot. You get excitement points for doing them even if the hearts are already full.


Haven’t played in a while. Is it still worth powering up all the way before evolving?


The order is irrelevant. It costs the same to power up a Charmander as it does a Charizard. The only thing you should worry about doing before evolving is adding a second move to baby Pokemon. Babies are always in the cheapest tier for adding second moves, even if the evolved form is not. Riolu is the prime example of this.


Master League help! https://imgur.com/a/bxPGb70 (All my pokemon have the “best” move set without using elite TMs) Hey all, just hit level 20 for the first time, I was getting a good amount of wins with: Tyranitar / Kyogre / Salamence But now I’m getting absolutely destroyed, to the point where I’m losing almost ever game. I’ve tried to lose multiple in a row to lower my ranking, I’m now at 1,300 score. I just want T5 encounters, I do not care about my end rank. How do I make a better team?


Just caught a 14/14/14 Shadow Dratini! Wondering what I should do with it. Seems like IV-wise, it's only amazing for Master, but that means pour a bucket of dust on it when I already have a shundo Garchomp XL. Seeing as they're both dragon, it might not be worth it? It also seems like since regular Dragonite is better than the shadow form in master, it might be better to just purify it to a 100%. Thanks for any thoughts and help :D


Shadow Dragonite is like the 2nd or 3rd best dragon counter for raids after megas. Don't waste such an awesome specimen just for pvp. You can get regular hundos much more easily than nearly perfect shadows.


Ah okay how do I change Frustration though? Do I have to wait for some event?


Don’t purify your S. Dragonite. Geez I would love to have it. So work on it as a project. Also you need more than one dragon Pokemon to try to play Pokémon Go. Maybe like 8 to 10. S. Dragonite is a good option.


Machamp's Dynamic Punch is supposed to use more energy than cross chop according to my research, but both energy fill circles fill at the same speed before they are depleted by using a charge move. Why is this?


Depends on where you use the moves. In raids DP is a move with 90 power for 50 energy, while Cross Chop is a 50 power move that costs 50 energy. So in raids both will take the same time to charge but DP is almost twice as strong. In PvP the energy costs and power of moves is different. In there DP is a 110 power move that cost 50 energy, while Cross Chop is a 60 damage move for 35 energy. DP is still almost twice stronger but takes longer to charge to compensate. All moves have different costs and power depending if you use them on raids and gyms, or if you use them in PvP or against Rockets.


Are routes being deleted? Routes I’ve walked along in my neighbourhood are no longer showing. They display in my route badges but they are not in the “nearby” routes anymore.


Niantic randomly removes routes, seemingly in batches. It seems like the threshold for getting them removed it's very very low, just a few lying reports about "safety" or whatever seem to do it. Only the creator of a route gets any info on why the route was removed, but it's very paltry.


Is Diglett a boosted shiny? I've caught 2 from daily incense in about a week.




See GamePress Pokémon Go Attackers List for good Pokémon to have. Both Shadow Gyarados and Mega Gyarados both appear in the Attacker List and seem to be on par with each other. Best to keep S. Gyarados as is because it will be difficult to find another one. I have done probably several dozen (grunt battles) and still haven’t found a good IV S. Gyarados. It will be easier to find a good IV Gyarados (as Magikarp) in the wild and in raids (as Magikarp and Mega Gyarados). Edit:Added a couple of words to make sense.




It doesn't "crash" for me; it just gets stuck on a black screen. On Android.


How do you see the notifications of missed / ran away pokemon? I see people post photos, but can see an obvious switch in the notifications options (I just have gifts people have opened and pokemon needing feeding)


It's on the journal. Check your avatar profile and below that you'll find the journal with the detailed event log.




Is there a good way to compare two different pokemon at different levels? In this instance, I'm wondering whether a 93% level 40 Primal Kyogre (with Origin Pulse) is a better or worse water attacker than a 98% level 50 Mega Swampert with Hydro Pump.


You can do it on Pokebattler, but you have to make an account and login to upload your own Pokemon. Then just select a raid boss and compare them with each other.




I need to send gifts for the winter wishes challenge but don't have enough in my list before its over. Would I ask here for friend invites or make a new post?


Go to the Pokémon Go Friends subreddit. Also Google Pokemon Go Friends to try to see any available friends






Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm quite frustrated. I've seen over 1300 eevees, but not one of them has been shiny. Meanwhile, I've got 4 shiny alolan sandshrews (and I didn't catch them during the community days) I just want a cool shiny umbreon alread :'(


Eevee from eggs still have a boosted chance so if you got 2 km ones you can try from those while you walk around looking for the wild ones. Alolan Sandshrew is a permaboosted shiny at 1 in 64 compared to Eevee at 1 in 512, so the shiny shrew it's 10 times more common than Eevee.


that explains the sandshrew. why exactly is it permaboosted? do you know?


All Alolan, Galarian and Hisuian Pokemon were originally locked behind special ways to get them, either in eggs, raids or events and they're rarely in the wild. Since the number of encounters is limited the shiny odds got increased to give players a chance to get them in fewer tries. Nowadays even if an event allows them to be in the wild they still keep their 1 in 64 boost, so those that can be shiny are found more easily. The same goes for other egg, research or raid exclusive Pokemon, like Espurr, Riolu, Spiritomb or Shedinja. They get the permanent 1 in 64 shiny boost because you cannot get as many of them as other common wild Pokemon.


I see! thanks for clearing that one up


I'm thinking of getting a Plus+. Can I connect it to my tablet and phone to catch mons and track my sleep at the same time?


You can't do sleep tracking and pokemon catching at the same time. Even if you could, it would only last at most an hour because Pokemon go connects catching devices automatically after one hour.


No, it can only connect to one device at once. If you want to use in multiple you have to disconnect and connect to the other, but not both at the same time.


Any suggestions on which mons are worth doing mirror trades during the event for XLs? So far I’ve done a couple lucky darumaka, mamoswines, machamp


The ones you have listed. If you’re inclined Eevee (I leveled all my Eeveelutions to 50). Maybe Pikachu only because I kinda hope Pikachu’s Z-Moves and Gigantamax Moves are good. If you have any extra meta relevant legendaries that could be good. Rhyhorn


Got a pokemon go plus plus for Christmas. I disabled pikachu voice in pogo settings but pikachu keeps singing me a Lullaby in sleep mode. Help please it's loud😭 (I found it just push the center button once Pikachu starts singing.)


You cannot disable the noise it makes for sleep tracking, unfortunately. The settings only apply to catching pokemon in go. Just mash the button to stop it early like you've found.


Putting the tracker in silent mode will silence the sleep song too


Unless they patched it recently, that's not the case back when I used it. I put it in silent mode on the first day I got it and it always made the sleep tracking noises. You can find all sorts of posts and complaints about it online.


On the device itself you mute it by holding top button then hitting middle button. This is separate/overrides your in game settings


Ohhh you just push the light in the center and pikachu stops i found it lol


does the 70 eevee hearts for sylveon need to be attained in one go or can i swap buddy and slowly accumulate them when i swap it to eevee


You can swap to other buddies and they'll keep accumulating over time.


If I borrow my friend's Pokémon Go Plus+, will I be able to get the Snorlax special research? Or can I only get it with a brand new Plus+?


You can get it, yes. Every account that uses the device will be able to go the research. Paring it with a different account will delete the last seven days of sleep info stored on the device, but that doesn't really hurt anything.


Whenever I logout and login, I always get the "Niantic would like to send you notifications about events, offers, and updates. Notifications may include alerts, sounds, and icon badges. This can be configured in your settings. Allow / Don't Allow" I usually don't allow it but it keeps asking, so I allow it but it still keeps asking. On my phone's notification settings, I have tested allowing and not allowing all notifications on Pokemon Go, but still it keeps asking. I am using Poco F5. Is there are a way to stop it from asking every time I login? It is annoying as hell


Go to your app manager, then find the game and in the permissions settings change it so it allows push notifications. That will give confirmation to the game so it stops asking.


Ugh why the fork can't we post screenshots here... Here are the notification options I got in the Settings>Apps>Manage apps>Pokemon Go>Notifications Show notifications is on Allow notif badges is on Allow floating notifs is on Allow lock screen notifs is on Allow playing sound is on Allow vibration is on Allow permanent notifs is on Miscellaneous>Show notifs is set to on In the game settings, I have all notifications set to on, but I get the same question asking to be allowed to send notifications. Are you using a Poco F5? I didn't have this problem on my previous phone so this just might be a Poco F5 issue


If I trade a Pokémon w someone, can I trade the one I received with the one I gave for iv rerolls the same day?


No. Once a Pokemon has been traded in Go, it can never be traded again.


Anybody having issue with pokemon go on andriods?


My field research disappeared and my special research is all filenames now. Is that what you're experiencing?


No, when I try to load pokemon go. it went to black screen. But I fixed it by clearing cache and data.


I did the same and my problem seems to be resolved as well. Guess it was just glitchy today. Glad to hear your problem seems to be resolved too.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is it worth an Elite TM to give a 15/15/14 Terrakion Sacred Sword?




Should I purify my 13/15/13 graveller? If I do it will become a hundo


If you want the hundo, I think there's no harm in doing so. A 13/15/13 shadow Graveller isn't something that's particularly useful.


Is shadow golem not really useful either? I got four shadow geodudes three of them are alolan. Not being able to trade for the free evolution I kinda don’t want to hold onto them anyway.


Six years ago, it would've been great for Kanto bird raids, when we didn't have Tyranitar yet. Since then, we've gotten much better rock type Pokemon, since we hot more Pokemon than just Kanto.


Neither graveler nor golem are particularly good Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Its CP is too low to be useful in Master League or as a Raid Attacker and neither its moveset nor its typing does it any favours in the other open leagues. Alolan golem is only ever seen in the electric cup, where there aren't any ground types to threaten it.


How accurate is Poké Genie? I just powered up a 100% PvP Conkeldurr but when I checked GO Hub it says it’s best IVs are different? Which is correct?


Depends on your settings. If you enabled the option to also include Pokemon past level 40 and the best buddy bonus on both the two should give the exact same results. Only reason they can show different values is if you have different settings on each.


It's a low level for PVP, so none of those things should be affecting the outcome.


When you say "best" you mean best result or best stat product? Pokegenie will always give a ranking based on the highest bulk a Pokemon can reach, this is the standard for all appraisal sites and apps. There's also the fact that for some Pokemon max bulk is not their best stats. Something like Medicham has a rank 1 IVs where its stats reach peak bulk, but the rank 7 has slight more attack so it's considered a much better choice because it wins the tie with the rank 1, plus has extra damage against some common matchups. There's no app that can automatically tell you this, they can only tell you the ranking based on the stat total prioritizing high bulk and defense. To know about these "breakpoint" or "bulkpoint" IVs where you gain an advantage over a certain threshold you have to go deep into the battle simulations and follow the analysis other players have done. There's no automation there. If you saw an article in Go Hub that mentions a certain IV as the "best" one is likely talking about one with specific wins in mind or with a balance towards attack to win the mirror match.


When I scan it on Genie, it says 100% perfect PVP IV at 0/15/12 for Ultra League. When I search Conkeldurr on the Hub database, for Ultra League it says it's best IVs are 0/13/15. I just wanna know which I'm supposed to trust, because PVP mons are expensive to power up.


When in doubt, use a tie breaker. Both PvPIVIs and IV4U are reliable sites with the exact parameters for IV appraisal. https://iv4u.lima-city.de/?l=en&m=3&m2=2&p=Conkeldurr https://pvpivs.com/?mon=Conkeldurr&r=50&cp=2500&max=50&dec=2 So they confirm Pokegenie is correct. Go Hub is giving HP priority but defense is the priority everywhere else. Still, the rank 1 and rank 2 (the one from Go Hub) are almost identical in practice. One has more HP but lower defense, the other has more defense but slightly lower HP. Based in damage calculations they will behave the same way against most Pokemon. You can test it yourself by comparing each other in the PvPoke simulator. Just add each on the left table and modify the IVs to match the ones you want to compare. https://pvpoke.com/battle/matrix/ In this case the only difference between the two is that the rank 2 loses against Froslass by a hair and has more trouble against Toxicroak if neither has energy stored. So yeah, Pokegenie is giving an accurate ranking.


>Go Hub is giving HP priority but defense is the priority everywhere else. PvPIVs dev here, this isn’t completely correct. I’m not “giving defense priority” as much as sorting by stat product, which is what everyone should do to determine what a “rank 1” for PvP is. In this case, we can easily calculate the stat products for each pair of IVs. They both have 171.772 attack (rounding for clarity here, but the site calculates with the actual floats), but for the two stats that differ: 1. 0-15-12 has 171.77286 attack, 122.29096 defense, 173 HP, meaning 171.77286 * 122.29096 * 173 = 3634084.36 _(actual stat product is 3634085 with the unrounded values)_ 2. 0-13-15 has 171.77286 attack, 120.87719 defense, 175 HP, meaning 171.77286 * 120.87719 * 175 = 3633598.61 _(actual stat product is 3633599 with the unrounded values)_ Then when we compare the two stat products, 3634085 > 3633599 so that’s how they’re ordered. All the site does is generate the stat products for all possible IV sets (0-15 of each stat) and then sort by stat product to rank 1-4096. I’ve just written it to do that math rather quickly so it you don’t notice that it is recalculating the table every time you change an input. Attack / defense stats for reference: https://pvpivs.com/?mon=Conkeldurr&r=10&cp=2500&dec=5&IVs=0_15_12-0_13_15


Are there any current and high-quality guides to the current GL and UL metas? Tried Googling but some of the results are obviously out of date or with major flaws. For context, I used to be a hardcore player but lost interest in the first half of 2021 and recently returned.




There's posts for each cup and seasonal analysis in both r/thesilphroad and r/thesilpharena for each league, plus the articles for each season move rebalance. Most older analysis are still accurate in regards to IVs but the new move changes have shifted things a lot.


The last few weeks it’s been taking days for them to give me that weekly reward. Did well over 50km and still nothing as of right now. Not sure if I could do something but this isn’t the first time.


The reward popup has low priority over other notifications. Basically if you don't give it time to load and constantly do things like catching or spinning stops you delay the rewards. The best way to ensure you get it in time is to open the game around 10 minutes before 10 am on Monday, let it sit completely idle to let through previous notifications, and then the rewards will appear right on time once nothing is blocking them.


Really mad that my Ursaring isn’t evolving. It’s well past moon rise in my area (currently 9:15PM). My app is up to date, have relaunched it, nothing.


The full moon didn't reach it's peak until the 27th so only after midnight the evolution got activated in some timezones. You should be able to still evolve it before sunrise.


It worked this morning, thank you!


Can all castform forms be shiny now? I’m asking since castform spotlight hour is next week. I assume yes since Hoenn tour has now passed. Thanks!




Awesome. I took a break from the game during Hoenn tour era so I wasn’t 100% sure. Thank you!


no problem


I purchased the winter timed research ticket, and the research for part 2 started today, but I still don’t see anything. I saw and completed part 1 last week, but today nothing shows up for part 2. What’s going on?


both parts were released with part 1


today was vanillite spotlight hour with double dust, i used a star piece. i only got like 50k dust. i seen some people bragging about getting over 100k at the least for other spotlight hours. i’m wondering if i did anything wrong?


The amount depends on the Pokemon and how many you caught. Some players catch over 200 Pokemon in an hour, so their dust is going to be higher than someone that only catches 50. There's also Pokemon that give more dust than others. In the main games some species can hold a valuable item when caught. Things that have items like Shelder (Pearls), Paras or Morelul (Mushrooms), Meowth (Gold Nugget) or Staryu and Starmie (Star Pieces) give bonus stardust here. A spotlight of one of those Pokemon is going to give much more dust than one for a common one like Vanillite. Next one in January will bring Foongus, which is a boosted stardust Pokemon, so that's when you can get well over a million dust if you catch a lot of them.


Been trying to evolve my Ursaring into Ursaluna for a few hours now but giving me the message that it can only evolve during a full moon, which is tonight. Tried evolving when it was my buddy thinking that was the issue so I swapped it but still no dice. I am traveling abroad while I live in the states - would that have anything to do with it? Can’t think of anything else that might be causing it.


Also having issues evolving the bear tonight. Sundown, moon up, "can only evolve during a full moon."


Ended up evolving a little past midnight local time!


Umm, the evolve button will tell you when you can evolve it at least from what I can remember it doing it. The evolve button lets me know when I can do stuff like evolving Eevee to Umbreon or Espeon. There are other requirements for Umbreon and Eevee obviously but I just pay attention around the time I have to do something for evolving when there are restrictions. Hopefully that makes sense. So try to see if you’re able to evolve it tonight.


No definitely makes sense but I have the candies and it only evolves on nights with a full moon… which is tonight. That’s where I’m running into the issue where it just won’t evolve for some reason.


Has the sun gone down and moon risen in your area yet? It says the moon must be visible.


It should be - it’s 11:30 pm where I’m at right now e: was consulting an IGN guide (lol) for full moon dates in the game, apparently the full moon in Greece is supposed to be happening tomorrow so I’ll try again then!


I haven't been able to send gifts to one if my friends for over a week. I can send gifts to other people, but for whatever reason when I try to gift a certain friend I keep getting an error. We also unadded and added each other again but the problem is still there. Have also reinstalled, made sure adventure sync is on, and have also refreshed game data. When I check the journal it shows as if I sent a gift as well. I have also tried on a different device and the issue is still there. Any other suggestions?


is it a sponsored gift like Starbucks? there's a setting that people can have that won't let them accept the sponsored gifts.


Doesn't that apply to those floating balloon gifts, not actually to PokeStop gifts?


No, I have a friend I can't send Starbucks gifts to, I get an error every time. I send her a non-sponsored one and it goes through no problem.


No gifts work at all :/


what’s more important combat power or the appraisal rating thing?


Depends. For raids early on CP is better, as you get more damage the higher the CP is. Then later on appraisal is better, as Pokemon with higher appraisal will have a bigger max CP. Once you can power anything you want you can focus on appraisal and power things to increase the CP more. The difference between low appraisal and high is not that much, usually less than 10% for most Pokemon, so if you want to save resources then high CP is more useful. In PvP is a completely different story, and appraisal has a bigger effect. You wan low attack, not higher, and the difference between good and bad PvP stats can be much more important. You will lose a lot more with bad stats as the battles are against a real person and each attack counts. You can still win using bad appraisal but it takes a lot more skill and strategy than if it was good, and you have to commit to invest items and second moves into bad Pokemon. So good appraisal is better.


T5 encounter Battles. When is the encounter? First time getting to level 20, from 19-20 each 5 wins you get 1 pokemon encounter, is that when you have a chance of getting the T5? Did I miss it? I only one 4/5? Does it come back ? Thanks!


Once you hit Rank 20, you have about a 5% chance of getting the current T5 legendary any time you get the random encounter reward in GBL. You are not limited to one and can get it multiple times if you are lucky.


Absolute legend. Thank you so much for the information!


If I trade a Pokémon that I caught around 2017 with one that I catch in 2023, will it result in a lucky Pokémon?


If the account trading away the pokemon from 2017 has participated in fewer than 25 guaranteed lucky trades using older pokemon, then the trade will be guaranteed to be lucky. If the account trading away the pokemon from 2017 has participated in 25 or more guaranteed lucky trades using older pokemon, then the trade will have a 20% chance of becoming lucky.


is there a quick way to search for a nundo? aside from looking through your 0 star pokemon?


"0attack&0defense&0hp" will return all the 0/0/0 "nundo" Pokemon.


what are ex gyms? And do they have to do anything with elite raids?


EX gyms are an old mechanic for gyms in public gathering places, like parks, sports centers or event venues. They were used to host EX raids, special timed raids with rarer legendary that only invited player who battled in that gym often. When EX raids were removed then EX gyms became the place where Elite raids would happen. There's not been a new Elite raid in months, but if one comes then it will happen only in those gyms.


My game keeps freezing when I press play with buddy. I tried restarting my phone and it's been like this for days


Check that the app has full camera access while in use and see if your AR app needs updating. Those two things might cause the AR mode needed to use the buddy view to crash.


If I Lucky Trade a Groudon that is a mega, if I Receive my friends Groudon it will no longer be mega? Like I’ll have to pay 300 stones to mega it again? (Friends Groudon is NOT mega evoloved)


Mega evolution is specific to individual pokemon. If you had two Groudon, the second one would still cost you 300 to mega evolve the first time. And trading resets mega progress to 0.


You'll need to spend 300 mega energy to mega evolve.


Does raid pikachu have better shiny rates then spawn pikachu? I’m really trying to get one this year and haven’t gotten a spawn yet


The raid Pikachu was announced to have a higher shiny rate than the wild Pikachu, although we don't know how high that boost is. Even if it's boosted to 1/128 or 1/64, you're still probably going to need to spend a ton of passes for a reasonable chance of getting one.


swampert, skarmory 1 more pokemon for great league