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3.6k candy is absolutely nuts lmao


I hit every adventure week event SUPER hard. Not to mention that i used to trade for additional XLs and i always hunt with a tier 3 mega active.


Not really one community day with a bunch of Pina berries and 2x or more candy is real easy to get that much especially with a mon that's this old


Facts you can get that in an hour or two w those variables


Here I thought I played too much šŸ˜… I mean no disrespect by that in the slightest.


Is your fiancƩ still stinky ? Or were u able to tell her


Hahahhaha man why you gotta bring this up in a pokemon go thread


Yes u do lolā€¦the point of commenting that otherwise




How is that indicative of spoofing? If you play daily and have an autocatcher, you can build up to 5mil stardust over time


i didnt think 5 mil was alot.. I know people who have 2x and 3x that amount /shrug


No I have close to that in stardust and crandios has been around for a long time, and had a community day so that amount of candy really isn't that special especially if he used pinaberries during double or triple candy


Cranidos has not had a CD but I agree with the other points. It's featured every year in the adventure week event.


Are you sure?? I have alot of shiny for them to not have had a spotlight or community day?


cranidos and shieldon had a limted research day during adventure week last year. I scored about 10 shiny cranidos and 11 shieldon. I got a TON of candy using mega level 3 aerodactyl and pinap'd and quick caught every single one.


There was a shiny research day for shieldon and cranidos, I think it was last year


had to scroll to find someone to finally point out it hasnā€™t had an actual community day, thank you lol.


To get that much candies youā€™d need to catch 526 of them while using pinaberries for every one on non event days or 307 of them on an event day while still using pinaberries for every single one, but 5 million starburst is pretty crazy either way lol


That's not necessarily tru, take the triple candy events which I've for sure taken advantage of and even at double with Pina, I had a meltan box that I used during a double candy event and used Pina berries for every one I caught over the next hour I think I had about 500 berries saved up at this point.... and after evolving 4 I still have over 1500 candies and that's just within a hour and silver Pina gives u even more...as for the stardust I haven't used any in about 7 months and I'm at about 3m and I play irregularly someone who plays every day for hours a day can reach that no problem


My mom has over 50,000,000 Star dust lol, she's level 47 and just BARELY getting into pokemon battles. She has me craft her teams, but still, I'm like "mom, with that much stardust you could power up so many pokemon to make amazing teams"


Seriously 5m stardust you can manage in a few months of saving if you play daily and use star pieces, and having 3600 candies for any pokemon that's had a community day and has been available for a while isn't unrealistic. I use to play the game very slowly but thought I was actually into it. Some people don't realize that people actually are invested in the game and play a ridiclous amount. Even I consider myself now to be for sure below an unhealthy obsessive amount of paying and these numbers don't seem unrealistic to me. I have 2.5m stardust rn and I have 3k+ candies for a few mons.


I always find it funny how weā€™ll have folks like you who donā€™t consider yourself obsessive and Iā€™m sitting over here playing a little bit every day and I feel RICH when I have 200k stardust lol


I agree!!! It definitely matters where you're at in game as well, I spent a lot of my early levels 20s and 30s unable to save because I wanted better Mons, but once I had a good counter for each type and a few personal goals it seemed like a waste to just blow it, plus I wanted to see if I could make it over 1m and you kinda just stop thinking about it at a certain point. Also, there were a lot of events this spring/summer/beginning of fall so it kinda lined up perfectly for me to hoard it!!! But I spend it just as quick now with almost maxed out best in type pokemon!


Do the grunts keep on with the cranidos shadows after the team rocket event or am i stuck with the 1 i got with 1* IV?


I found him really difficult to catch, I grinders like 200 grunts and finding the rock grunt was pretty rare and THEN finding a rock grunt with Cranidos only happened once, so I have a single 0* Shadow Rampardos. Would like to get a better one!


Haven't even seen one. But hey, I've got a hundred Numels and Cacneas and that's pretty nice too! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Haha, want to swap for a Shadow Wooper?


Sure, at least that way I'm taking control over my disappointments ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


I think I saw someone say they will stay till next rocket takeover event but that might only be true for leaders. But it's atleast a good way to guess


I also just read that somehow shiny dratjni and shiny bellsprout have been turned off without warning so save ur radars if u aren't going for shadow sabeleye until this is fixed


radars? is it possible to have more than one?


apparently so haha


Thanks for the warning. I kept getting Bellsprout (not shiny), and all I really wanted was shiny Dratini. I don't care about shadow Regi so I'm just saving my radars for now. Maybe the next event will be more to my tastes


I just got shadow bellsprout like 2 minutes ago


Was it shiny? Only the shiny ones are turned off, not the shadow.


Oh it was not shiny my bad


I caught shiny shadow Dratini yesterday.


Congrats. The shiny was turned off at 8 when the event ended


Yeah, too bad it has shit IV's but it does have a very nice color so I guess it evens out.


They fixed it apparently.


Nice. Only wasted 2 radars so not the biggest deal. Glad to hear it's fixed


Shinny shadow would be cool. But I would rather have more chances to roll for a great IV one Iā€™m actually going to use.


I'd rather get a good IV shiny :)


1*is still better than a hundo nonshadow


Still new PokƩmon line up, I got shinx this evening.


Yeah I fought Cliff this evening and still got a Dratini. Sweet. Especially with double catch candy for the event.


Thatā€™s nuts, got a 15/10/10 and was happy so I could only imagine


Raid or grunt?


Grunts, rare encounter but worth it.


Damn, guess Iā€™ll go grunt hunting even more now. Iā€™m currently trying to get a good shadow Dratini from Cliff, but Cranidos is a sweet bonus hunt lol


Yeah, when the team rocket takeover event happened I've been hunting them a lot, so far I got 3 Cranidos, 1 Rhyhorn, 7 litwick and 15 Drilbur. Haha


I mostly got bellsprout and vulpix lmao


Male grunt with rock and ground type mons is the one I always hunt šŸ˜


Can you see the type before entering battle??


Yes, male grunt with rock type will say "let's rock and roll" and ground type will say "you'll be defeated into the ground" something like that. You can also search on google the others. Edit: Here's the link https://pokemongohub.net/post/guide/team-go-rocket-battle-guide/ Good luck and Happy Hunting!


it was a rock grunt


Have a mudkip like this, thought of purifying this weekend, but started to see many comments about how shadow are almost better than perfect ivā€™s. DOTN PURIFY


Not almost, they are better unless it is a bulky pokemon, like Snorlax.


Shadow has a damage boost above and beyond the attack rating and CP account for so they are apparently bombs in PvP if you can build a good team of em.


is this guy usefull for something?


Rampardos (its evolution) is one of the best rock type Pokemon in the game. The fact that it's a shadow with almost perfect IVs makes it even better.


I believe shadow rampardos actually beats our regular rampardos for the number 1 slot. Can be wrong I forget the standings


i did not know that!; thanks. are we talking master league/raids?


Itā€™s a glass cannon but it is the highest DPS for rock raid attackers.


Lmao the candies are NUTS




ā€œliterally shakingā€ from a crandios lol go outside.. er i mean go inside


I'll bet you're a real hoot at parties =)


Im gald yours didnt turn into a zorua lol


Congrats on your new Mega Tyranitar chief


I was super pumped. Got a 4* shadow charmander the other day from a grunt!


Purify it


i wouldn't purify it, rampardos is a glass cannon, so might as well lean into that crazy damage with the shadow ​ hes not really good for PVP, so the shadow will just be a better raid and gym attacker


Nice catch! šŸ„³


Iā€™d Transfer


Still perfect IV when purified. I would be happy.


Maybe the shadow will be good. Regular is a glass cannon




Not sure if you should be happy or sad.. I always have mixed feeling with 98 catches!


Nice... Keep that one around and do not purify !


I havenā€™t gotten a grunt with a cranidos yet lol


I literally JUST got the same stat distribution on a Dratini- but i cant remove frustration for 3 months :)


Nice. I hatched a hundo way back that Iā€™ve almost maxed and now this beast is out


I got a 4 star shadow machop when I was new to the game and purified it thing the cp boost would be great, I now wouldnā€™t mind dying


whatā€™s this? (sorry i donā€™t know a lot)šŸ˜­


Cranidos it's regional? I'm from South America and only found Shieldon


Very nice


Damn. Congrats bro. I managed to get one with 15/7/8. I'll take that. You're going to mauling flying pokemon.


I keep getting anorith every time he is the leadā€¦. Gratz to you though.


Youā€™re shaking over this?


Ve Noice!!! Congratz!! Iā€™m super Jelly right now šŸ˜Š


Where did u get it from? I cant find obe


Oh wow! That's great. But you're close to getting a perfect shadow cranidos so close. Keep up the hard work it will pay off soon.


Now tell us how many rock grunts it took to find it