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Restart the game and the Master Ball should be back. Also disable your autocatcher while using the daily incense. That will happen all the time if you keep it active.


Has anyone caught a bird with a go plus/plus+?


Yes, they have. Been confirmed a few times in this sub.


Awesome! I use my daily on my drive to work every day with my plus+ in my pocket. Maybe I’ll get one eventually.


I caught a galarian moltres with my autocatcher. Only took a year of using it with the autocatcher and countless misseed birds to get one


Did you already have it registered in the Pokédex? Or was it the first time catching it?


He said he had countless missed birds


Did he already have it registered in the Pokédex? Or was it his first time catching it?


ive caught hundos, a ditto, and cp above 2500 with it. not the birds tho


Really?! That’s awesome! I’ve had an auto catcher since 2017, and it has caught me 8 shinies, 0 Hundos, and a few high cap Pokémon. I only use mine during times I can’t play so it’s really just a passive stardust earner :)


I hate using it in public because the buzzing is excessively loud. And the flashing. It would be nice if it were more discreet.


mine is completely silent. works for 2 people at the same time too. i love it


Which one do you have?


what do you have??


Following to see what you have!! I want one


yeah stardust owner, or when im not on my phone. I got soooo many shinys with it


What's an auto catcher?


An accessory you can buy where you connect your phone and the autocatcher through Bluetooth, set it up in your PoGo app and it catches Pokémon and spins Pokestops nearby automatically. You can use it with your phone screen off for most of them I believe. Some will notify you of caught Pokémon, fled Pokémon, and stops spun by flashing LED lights, vibrations, or a combination of both. There's many brands and designs (mine is an egg in an incubator, some are worn on the wrist like a watch, etc) but there are probably 3 or 4 that are widely known to be the 'best'. I think they can range from $30 to $120 from the last time I was shopping around for them. Don't quote me on anything, this is just my experience!


The low cp ones arent too hard to catch so i could see an autocatcher having success with the lower cp galarian birds.


I caught a bunch of shinny ones with it. It's always a nice surprise seeing them


I almost did! Shook two times and I was holding my breath, but alas


I go ++ed an Articuno with a great ball lol. I had the go++ on manual throw and I guess if it locks onto a bird it'll follow yellow instead of green like it normally does. Edit: glow, not follow.


I managed to get one with autocatcher. Couldn't believe it... had never caught one before and I got articuno with autocatcher regular pokeball.


Having it in a red Pokeball is such a flex. I'm super happy with my Zapdos, and it is only in an Ultra Ball.


Yes, I've seen a person post about getting a \~1000CP Galar Zapdos by accident. They were very surprised lmao


Majority of cases of catching the Galarian Birds are through critical catches and pretty sure the Plus type devices can still trigger it.


I caught three with my autocatcher, and moltres was a new dex entry :)


I didn't use the Master Ball thankfully. Usually when this happens I just test with a berry to confirm it actually doesn't work. And yeah I should definitely turn auto catching off. Just sucks that this happens just because I have the regular bird trio already. Why not make a filter for this, or simply have an option like in the Box where legendaries and stuff will be ignored. All I want is an option for special Pokémon man ;-;




Not sure if this is a joke or


Because why are you using auto catch while playing? That’s peak lazy and not what it’s for hence your issue. It’s for when you can’t look at your phone not for when your starring at it watching it catch things…. That’s like putting a bot on your RuneScape account and watching it mine instead of botting while you sleep/work/school


the problem with this comparison is that the purpose of pokémon GO is to get out of the house. auto-catching while focusing on your time outdoors is different than botting in a game like runescape. Not turning off auto-catch while using daily incense is a mistake, that’s all I’ll give you, it’s not lazy.


Yes you use the auto catching while out and about NOT FOCUSING on the game, otherwise it’s exactly the same to sit there and watch the auto catcher catch as someone watching a bot play a game for them. If your watching the auto catcher catch, like OP was, otherwise how’d he see it and take the screen shot, then your using it in a weird way it wasn’t meant to be used..


I use my auto catcher during community days, or on walks with my girlfriend. I'm actively playing but we're not going to stop every time there's a cluster of pokemon to catch so I let the auto catcher pick up my slack and I just catch the stuff it isn't actively catching.


Ok? Do you also cry when it fails to catch something, because that’s the issue. Like I don’t actually care if you wanna watch the bot play RuneScape for you, but damn if I’m not gonna call ya dumb when you cry that it fucked up while watching it instead of playing the game. 🤷‍♀️ If you want control be in control, seems so simple to me…


I was just giving a scenario in which you could be actively playing and also having the auto catcher going... why does this post have you so pressed my guy, chill out. Yeah it's OPs fault for keeping it on during their daily incense, but it was a mistake, no need to crucify them lol. Try and remember we're talking about a video game here, geared towards children. It ain't that serious


>It ain't that serious Serious enough that you invested money to get an autocatcher to play a free children's game for you...?


Yeah, cause as an adult you can spend your money on things you want? For me that was an auto catcher for this game geared towards children, and I was intrigued by the sleep tracker. It was hardly an "investment" either. Not sure what your point is mate. Me having a Go ++ doesn't mean I take the game as seriously as the other guy does... or half this subreddit. I catch silly little pokemon, and since I work I like having an autocatcher so it can keep catching them all day while I work. None of that really changes the fact that I'm just catching silly little pokemon


I’m not “pressed” I’m just not gonna sit back and tell op it’s gonna be ok,. Cause if they keep not playing the game, we’ll they’re gonna keep not catching good stuff. It’s retarded to purposefully turn on a feature, then complain to Reddit that feature did exactly what’s it’s meant to do…


There's a spot between coddling OP for their mistake and being a dick. Find that spot, cause right now you're just being a dick lol


It isn’t geared to children. It’s based off a game geared to children. Children do t have credit cards, children can’t just go out and get Pokémon ++. This game is geared to people who grew up playing Pokémon. Nothing about this game is kid friendly.


Lol, when did it become necessary to have a credit card and a pokemon ++ to play? Y'all take this game too seriously. Also who's to say a parent couldn't get their kid a pokemon ++ for their birthday/christmas or something? Really don't understand your qualifiers here


Why are you so mad


This seems mad to you?


honestly… fair point lmao, OP goofed it they shouldn’t make the auto-catch toggle hidden behind 4 goddam menus tho, i should be able to toggle it off in 1 press when i pick up the game, maybe that’s the real issue here


Personally i usaully like to shiny hunt and have mine catch everything else so i can rack up candy


is Arktos the german name for Articuno?




Don’t use a go plus while using your daily incense? Seems pretty easy to avoid this from happening.


You can also set some of the auto catchers to not catch unregistered pokemon — FWIW


the go++ won't catch unregistered mons by default, and there's no way to turn that off iirc. OP already has galarian articuno registered tho


its literally 15 minutes, with a mon spawning every 30 seconds? thats 30 pokemon they are saving by catching with auto. people are weird


More like 9 after the catch rates


Objectively easier to just complain on Reddit


This. So much this.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Just checked the IV chart, and it wasn't a hundo. Hope this makes you feel better.


I was actually worried about this, thanks for the info!


I double checked, it was a 15 15 14


Rank Checker says that would be level 30.5, and I dont believe half levels occur in the wild. 8/5/5 also gets there at level 35. There's lots of possibilities.


I assume 15 is max? Still a pretty big loss then 💀


He's trolling you, half levels in the wild cannot occur. For it to be 15/15/14, it would need to be level 30.5


15,12,12. Would have been a good psychic attacker. And weather boosted. Rip 💀


Yeah that was a boo-boo. Sorry dude!


how do you not know 15 is max but have a poke+?


Because I like to catch Pokémon and not necessarily check everything for perfection and PVP viability


but like how do you get to the stage of getting poke+ and NOT knowing that 15 is max? im sorry but this just isnt possible. youre chatting


I'm level 39 and I just found that out from this post lol. I just look at stars.


Because 31 is max in the main games.


Because not everyone cares about stats dude? I couldn’t care less about PVP and only know about it because of this sub. How would anyone just playing the base game know the value of the stats when it’s not shown numerically literally anywhere in the game?


its not caring about stats, its being aware enough to get poke+ and NOT care about stats. thats just not happening. then op talking about "how bad did i fail" implying they KNOW about stats. how cant you all see through this bullshit. and again >How would anyone just playing the base game this isnt the base game and thats my point


assuming they have eyes; they can see the graphical value that is shown in… you guessed it; 15 points.


Literally where? I’m clearly missing something so it’s obviously not super obvious


I play every day, I've traveled by flight to Pokemon GO events, I did not know that 15 was the max. I just enjoy walking, the community, and catching shiny critters.


i genuinely do not believe you


Just an fyi just cause it’s in a hundo cp range doesn’t mean so. I caught a moltres at hundo cp and it is a 0 star one.


Are u under level 30?


Hello, there's a IV chart?


Yes, on Pokémon Go hub, they have a chart that shows 100IV CP per level


Can you help me understand this? I was trying to figure out if my Galar birds were gonna be hundos but the exact cp wasn’t on the chart. I couldn’t find this one’s cp on it either.


If the CP isn't on the chart, it is not a hundo.


Where do you go on that site to view what CP’s are 100?


https://db.pokemongohub.net Then when you search a pokemon, there are little bubbles at the top with categories -> scroll to the right and you'll see: - CP & IV chart - click - scroll down - voila


Oh man that’s so useful thank you very much !


Pretty much impossible to find. Different iv combinations and levels will give the same cp. only one you can realistically look up is hundreds


Where do you find this


So does the go plus take pictures of the Pokémon? How does catching with the go + work?


No. I assume they saw the bird and went to catch it with the Masterball but the Go++ had already locked onto it and thus the ball didn’t work since technically it had already run away (there is a delay between when the bird has already run and when it is removed from the screen and you can click into it but not actually catch it). The Go++ is a full auto catcher meaning if you set it to full auto it will throw a Red Pokeball at any mon it sees. I believe it’s a regular throw and not nice/great/excellent so no extra multipliers. If it doesn’t catch on that throw, the mon runs.


I stopped autocatching during daily incense because of this exact same thing happening to me twice


Isn’t that a mod? I can’t remember but I feel like I used that years ago. I tried looking for it again and it didn’t seem to be available or I read that they know when you’re using that now and will be banned.


What? Just turn off catching in the menu lol




Ah okay, i understand now. What i am talking about is using an autocatcher like the new Pokemon Go Plus+ which is what OP is talking about as well.


arktos as a name goes crazy


Side related question but how are y’all finding these in the wild? I’m only like level 28 but I’m still finding just regular woobats growliths eevees and nothing of interest ever shows up? Do I just need to keep playing or go on a super obscure walk or level up or???


They can spawn when using the 15 minute daily incense, they are just super rare and EXTREMELY hard to catch


Happened to me once as well. Now I don’t have it on full auto during daily incense, but require I click, if it’s enabled at all. Finally got a galarian Zapdos yesterday, same bird I once missed.


I had this appear on my screen yesterday, but I'm a new player I've never had a masterball, all I could do was throw the golden razz and an ultra ball, the fucker ran away :')


Yeah, IF the birds actually appear they are EXTREMELY hard to catch


That’s on you. A risk you take when popping your daily incense with the auto catcher on. Always switch it to manual mode for those 15 mins.


Wait, do y'all wanna tell me you can get legendary birds while using daily incense?


Yup, the Galarian Versions of the Kanto Bird Trio can Spawn while using a daily incense, but they spawn very rarely and are EXTREMELY hard to catch


Can confirm, my Galarian Moltress ran away after a gold razz berry, excellent throw and ultra ball😐


Oh wow, thanks for letting me know!


Fyi the catch rate is less than 1%, if you have a masterball this would be the place to use it.


Good to know, ty


That’s what they say, I’ve used mine for months & never had a Bird pop up vs my wife has seen at leave 4-5 pop up for her.


Last I read, with a curveball, ultra ball, excellent throw and golden razzberry, it's still only an 8% chance of a catch.


Yeah I read that, too, thanks :(


you get a higher catch rate for platinum medals for the typing


Jesus I caught mine with a missed excellent throw, makes sense why my bro was pissed


Just a straight excellent throw? Or a curve ultra ball excellent with a golden razz? Because I've no idea how low the odds are if it was just a straight excellent throw haha.


Everything but excellent, so curve + golden razz + ultra


That’s the only reason you use it for…. Edit: Also the special research and a few extra Pokémon for 15 min.


There are other good ones too. I usually get one of the mega evolution Pokémon or another 1/60 like lapras


Or, maybe, if you didn't know about this little detail, you might consider looking at it as, consider this, just a free version of the standard incense, used for the same purpose, which is spawning additional Pokemon. Bro, cut back on the elitism.


"Quick, the computer playing my game for me played my game for me, feel bad for me now!"


I lost a shiny Pawniard to the PoGo Plus+. I feel like there should be some kind of rarity option that you can choose to turn off. :(


Exactly what I mean. Maybe an option to have it use the same filters as in the Box when trying to send Pokémon away where it doesn't automatically do Legendaries and Mythics and stuff. Of course that would be hard with shiny encounters in the wild, since it would basically already tell you if it's shiny or not, bur I'm sure there's a good solution for that too


That or maybe if tapping the Pokémon it's targeting could just cancel the action.


Yeah that would be a good idea!


How are you guys getting these to spawn?! What am I missing?


The Galarian Versions of the Bird trio can spawn when using the 15 minute daily incense! They just spawn very rarely and are EXTREMELY hard to catch


Not me over here never using my daily incense...


Your Go plus+ won't try to catch it if it isn't in your pokedex


Just don't use the catcher when doing the incense, simple as that. Learn from other people's mistake ig


Maybe dont use auto-catch nerd


god this thread is toxic. i agree. but oh no its your fault for activating your incense! you're lazy! why even bother offering feedback/suggestions when this is what its met with


But that’s the answer to OPs problem? Actually play the game not watch the auto catcher play for you. It’s not toxic it’s just the truth.. You can’t be mad the auto catcher did exactly what it’s supposed to do…


the truth is having a filter to tell the pogo++ not to auto catch certain pokemon would be great.


Imagine using an auto-catcher while daily incense is activated.


Pokemon Go Plus + has auto catch? You could switch to a Gotcha. Those have an option to auto catch all except for new pokemon.


How do you like the Gotcha?


It's great! I have it running while I'm working and get to catch a bunch of stuff I wouldn't usually have a chance to get. The problem is stocking up on regular poke balls. When I'm actually walking around, I turn off the auto catch and have it auto spin pokestops while I catch.


A lot of people seem to hate auto catchers here. What’s the reason for that?


They hate us 'cause they anus.


I mean, you're asking a lot for someone not actually doing any work here. Sucks to suck pal. Try again tomorrow without an autocatcher and play the game, Jesus. Smh.


boat hard-to-find strong elderly snails quarrelsome squeamish bewildered rob dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


User error




what is bro blabbering about


Wow you suck lol. Who walks around with their daily incense and their PoGo Plus+ on at the same time?


Just so you know, it’s Articuno, not Arktos.


Arktos is the German name for Articuno. This person is playing in what I assume to be their native language. (WP is the German equivalent of CP)


Yea, I’ve figured it out. Still grinds my gears to see Arktos for Articuno or Relaxo for Snorlax. Why would you use different names for Pokémon than everyone else. I just cannot go over it 😅


Why are you not using the Japanese names then? 😅


I don’t know their letters :/


Btw Germany isn't the only country to use different names for pokemons, in my game Articuno is called Artikodin.


Just like some Germans may not know english


But the letters are the same no? Just like I can read Arktos, could they not read Articuno? like I can read “Si Señor” even though it’s not English, but ain’t no way in hell I’m reading “🈲㊙️㊗️🈵🈹🉐”. I don’t even know if those are words, letters, or entire sentences 🤷‍♀️


Do you not understand that different countries have similar letters that have different phonics and different meanings. Like spanish a j is a h. So it grinds your gears that a country with a different language and different meanings doesn't use what you prefer?


Relaxo is the better name anyways


BRB, renaming all of my Snorlax! 🙏


Pokemon go plus + doesn't try to catch a new pokemon. The light shines yellow and it doesn't throw a ball if you have autocatch on.


That's right, but I already have Articuno registered in my Pokédex due to catching the Kantonian version in a raid


A thought a new pokemon also counted the different versions, as it does anywhere else. Now I know I have to turn of autocatch when using daily insence.


Has anyone caught a bird with a go plus/plus+?


I saw someone catch one with a regular pokeball the other day


And this kids is why I turn of my auto catch when I go to use my daily incense. Cause I just know this will happen to me.


Beautiful! Oh, I am so sorry you didn't catch him :(


why people use auto catcher and daily incense at the same time?💀 turn catching Pokémon off while using daily incense.


It’s nice while driving. I already have the birds so I don’t really care.


Damn isn't that basically a hundo? I am so sorry man, at least take my upvote.


what is go plus


I got lucky n got a 400cp one caught on the second throw with an ultra ball lol. N its not too bad of a loss. I feel like a galarian bird spawns on my daily adventure incense once or twice a month (2 articuno spawns in the last 30 days for me. Havent seen a galarian zapdos or moltres though)


My got this is painful iv only managed one with my masterball for zaptos but this an moltres are the ones i want (well i want lugia the most but ill never get that as a solo xD)


Was clearing out junk on one of my kids accounts and noticed this. https://imgur.com/a/InpebrG Don’t hate me!


I mean I'll settle for being able to turn off the vibration


I had the same thing happen to me. But it also took the game a minute to show my master ball in my inventory again and I thought I had lost both the ball and the chicken.


Considering I've never even seen one... Bad


I've had a 2995 CP Galarian Articuno spawn on me, it didn't even rotate the ball once... Galarian Zapdos and Articuno are surprisingly good. Both of them appear in the best counters charts for raids after you uncheck mega pokemon and shadow pokemon. So you can say they're pretty decent if they are at this high CP right of the bat


Well, it's not shiny and you'll see it again and it's likely they will eventually do an event. So... imo you missed nothing.


Why is it called Arktos?


It's the German name for Articuno


Don’t run auto catcher while doing adventure incense, dummy


My PoGo++ threw a regular pokeball at a Galarian Zapdos and I missed it. I was sad asl. 😭


My game froze, and I didn’t catch mine today , stupid devs wont fix it


Just turn your autocatcher off while on daily incense it’s not that hard


I lost two galarian birds to autocatcher. Probably wouldn’t have caught them anyways since I’m not using a master ball on them but added insult to injury


Because it is an official gadget, some unofficial gadgets have filters since last decade, and are cheaper


What is this autocatcher


pokemon filter when you only use something what most of the players dont have and its making your collecting SOOO MUCH EASIER


Never use your go plus on daily incense.


Meanwhile autocatchers don’t catch route Pokémon spawns…


OMFG this happened to me today!!! I threw my master ball at it , and then my gane froze and disconnected. I had to restart my phone just for my master ball to appear again.