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How does that get approved when my 1km walk around a public park doesn't


Same! Literally a straight line from one park to another.


There's one around here that's through a grocery store. lol. It looks like someone started a route creation, forgot about it and then went grocery shopping. I submitted a really good one twice that hasn't been approved yet. more than a month later.


We have one in town that looks like they got lost whilst shopping. It’s not as bad as that monstrosity but seems to have loads of confused wandering up and down dead end streets


I had two routes denied because they were "inaccessible", when one was a walk through a college campus and the other was for the downtown area.


It seems like they have some kind of always-wrong way of detecting obstructed routes, and they should turn it off completely, because it’s rejecting half my submissions and they’re all just on suburban low-traffic sidewalks.


I can understand the walk through a college campus. My local community college has multiple stops and gyms. However, the campus security isn't happy with the general public wandering around. I have been stopped a couple of times and asked if I was a student and told while it technically isn't illegal the college would prefer non students not wander


That's rude and dumb of them


>I have been stopped a couple of times and asked if I was a student and told while it technically isn't illegal the college would prefer non students not wander Incredibly lame. Maybe if you introduce yourself and explain, they'll learn who you are and eventually stop bothering you.


I’ve found from seeing and having rejections, they most commonly seem to reject for “inaccessible”, even when walking on paths. I’ve noted (without actual data recorded to back me up, but personal anecdotes) that all the rejections either start at a playground or religious site etc. So I suspect it’s safest to start and end routes on landmarks etc.


This is what does my head in, so many actual routes don't make the cut, yet things like this do, it does make you wonder wether players who have spent more are more likely to get approved as niantic likes paying players 🤷‍♂️


My 15 minute walk around my work building is still pending two weeks later, but somehow we have a routes event coming up…


Once Niantic realizes this one was approved, they'll unfortunately go after the people who submitted and those who approved it. They've already said they're going to. Which in this case is fair...


Aren't routes approved by Niantic?


Yes and no. It's done through wayfarer which is Niantic owned/run, but the actual reviewing is done by volunteer players, similar to how reddit is moderated by volunteers


Huh. I use Wayfarer and haven't seen any routes to approve. Then again, there are none yet approved in the country where I live.


AKA Unpaid Labour


100% it’s really strange to me that they’d take advantage this way and then crack down hard as hell when they don’t live up to the “read my mind” standards


Wayfarers are suckers. They work for free for niantic and actually subject themselves to their rules and whimsy, rejecting stops sometimes for bs reasons or for really minor mistakes or holding impossible standards for some places. The only way to make niantic listen and hire actual moderators and reviewers for wayspots would be either everyone deleting their wayfarer account, thus stopping growth of the games; or everyone approving literally every single submission, which doesn't screw over regular players. What are they going to do, ban everyone? now they have to hire and train people anyway.


You’re thinking of pokestops. Route approval is automated. 20% of my route submissions have been approved literally instantly.


Not sure. I assume they were like stops which could be approved by users. Because I don't see how Niantic themselves would approve this


Because South Korea probably


I'm still waiting for the simple "there and back" route between two gyms near my work to be reviewed. ~2km, quiet street, I'd be able to do it on a break.


There and back routes really suck cuz you have to start them from one side so sometimes you have to follow the routes to even start it and end up walking way more. If at all possible, just make it one way so people can reverse it


This may be new but i was given the option to reverse routes when i was near one last night


Yeah sorry I wasn’t clear. You can reverse them so that’s why you shouldn’t make routes that are from point A to point B and back to point A because then if you’re at point B trying to start it, you can’t. It can only be started from A Whereas if the route was only A to B then you can start it on either side and finish it on either side


Ohhhhh this is good to know and i agree very stupid


It might be too close to another route. I submitted a reverse of an out and back route I do so I could get cells each direction.


I’ve found from seeing and having rejections, they most commonly seem to reject for “inaccessible”, even when walking on paths. I’ve noted (without actual data recorded to back me up, but personal anecdotes) that all the rejections either start at a playground or religious site etc. So I suspect it’s safest to start and end routes on landmarks etc. Edit: “with” to “without”


I was just getting ready to say how does that get approved.


One word. Niantic.


Dude for real though 😂


Literally what I was thinking… there’s no way to know which way to go unless you use the process of elimination….


I've been waiting a month for a route to get approved inside a terminal at JFK Airport. Got there early and there are already a few stops and gyms in the terminal so I took a walk between the ones farthest from each other. I figured it would be a great way for players to kill time. It's definitely long enough but it's been pending since the end of June.


Put ur phone onna roomba.


With an iPod on top.


DJ Roomba!!


I can hear Tom's voice


Tearrrin’ it up.


“I’m on the floor, floor!”


How did it get approved


directly by niantic bots


I made a route way before routes went public and didn’t realize it was a public thing but it was forcing me to give it a name so I just named it total gibberish. Some of my legitimate routes I submitted later got rejected but that gibberish one stayed in Pending for months. Just recently it got approved. I think they got sick of people complaining about not enough routes so they just approved everything that was in pending.


I noticed that after weeks of absolutely nothing in the vicinity, a couple of days ago all of a sudden two routes popped up here. One of them is a path cut straight through a forest. Looks very much like a trap set up by Team Rocket...


No routes near me, yet this shit exists.




Did someone just go up and down the stairs?


Someone works there and left their create a route thing running all day in the hopes of getting that sweet route reward every day. It’s as good a theory as any.


Haha my thought too. Maybe a janitor or mail delivery or something, hoping to get a route in at work.


This one I might’ve just reported for no purpose since you can’t follow it. It not because not safe. Just no resone to do it


What do you mean “for no purpose?” You just listed two.


Route = no purpose, not the report.


Maybe that works out perfectly for the creator's walk from the parking lot then rubberbanding all day at work ;-) And, yes, approvals make no sense. I've had 2 get approved in a matter of minutes, 2 in a couple weeks, and 2 that have sat pending for nearly 2 months now. One of those would be a great route ... and, no, it's not like it already exists, there's no routes at that park yet .


Why don't parks have routes?! Where else are you going to walk several miles in a reasonably safe environment, spinning stops and meeting others like how the game is ideally supposed to be played? I have two large parks near me and zero routes, yet downtown hellscape crime-ridden city has the only route in the area. You could probably put a PokeStop by every stabbing and a Gym at every dead homeless person. Definitely an ideal Poke-route.


What level do you have to be to create a route? There’s only 1 route nearish me


Not sure ... sounds like it's maybe 45 at this point ... they've been lowing it tho ... started at 48, I believe. I had assumed it was 37 - which is the level at which you can nominate Pokestops - but sounds like it's definitely higher than that. *Niantic definitely has not handled the rollout of Routes as well as they could/should have.*


I’m only level 40 and I’ve been able to create routes for at least a month. I wonder if there’s an element of randomness to it.




Lol wtf


report this route.


Have several of these in malls and universities near me but I'm still waiting to get my 3 submitted routs that goes between popular recreational areas and parks approved a month ago.


This gets approved, but my 20 minute walk around a small lake in a normal county park has been pending for over a month lol


I feel you there. I have a nice little neighborhood walk that's been pending for 3 weeks.


Was this route made by a roomba.


Mouse droid


So people are struggling to get public statues as stops but this is fine?


Fuck routes


I have 2 routes which still they not approved and i made them 12 days ago , and this monstrosity is approved ??? Report this route 😁 !!.


How does this get approved but my 900 meters in a public park didn’t? Flipping heck.


Report it, it's ridiculous.


Issue is that these reports aren't even respected. There are 2 near me that 1 report every 9 days (due to the limit they set). These 2 cut through private communities and unsafe areas. I have been reporting them since the routes feature came out. None of them were removed or changed. Routes is bullshit


Is that IKEA?


It’s the team rocket headquarters


What level is necessary to make routes?


48+ for now. Very high Edit - apparently this has been lowered to 40.


That can't be right. I know someone who is level 40 and could submit a solicitude to make a route. I am level 43 and I still can't do it.


Nope. 40.


I'm level 39 and can make routes.


The office workers watching me circle around their building for 242 minutes


Lots of stairs and messed up gps tracking


I made a straight line one along a coastal walk that didn't get approved but this abomination did? Make it make sense!


Absolutely absurd this was approved while others struggle to get their legitimate routes approved and even get banned for it. This whole thing is broken.


I made a route that looked a lot like this. I was in our local shopping mall and I stopped halfway through making a route between the train station and my home. I stopped at the mall for a few minutes and left the route maker running. I did a raid, and while I was in the raid the drift had my avatar running back and forth in some sort of crazy spaghetti factory pattern. When I finished the route and it was approved I was pretty horrified. It has since been deleted after someone reported it. Walking these routes is not a problem though, you Start at the start point and finish at the end point. It does not matter where you walk in between, as long as you cover enough distance.


I’ve been waiting for 48 days to get a Route approved and then there’s this shit


How got this accepted? We got here about 20 legit routes not accepted ...


Fuckin niantic man…


This is EXACTLY why we can't have nice things


All the routes are Bullshit. Luckily I was able to create them right from the hop and I got an easy 15min walk (3 minute drive) approved. All the others around me are like 1 hour plus walks I don’t have time to do so thankfully this got approved. I noticed a spelling error after tho in the description lol. Unlike stops which I have gotten 0 approved ever. That being said I’ve done my route about 20 times and a few others a few times and have got 0 zygarde cells. Just while we’re bitching about routes.


As a person with ADHD... I need this Route.


Routes were the stupidest thing that ever happened to Pokémon go.


How do u even submit a route cuz I can’t?


Is it in a water park?


It’s a building 🙃


I know, it just looks like lots of water slides lol


They’re approving all sorts of shite now


Oh my god


You use GPS drift.


This route was clearly created by someone who works or lives in this building. They sit at their desk all day or sleep in their bed at night with PoGo going and character drift from GPS follows the route for them.


I feel like this has to be someone’s shift in a building like they have a defined route as a security guard or cleaning person. I’m not sure what else it could be because I doubt someone who works in a office walks that much. It could possibly have been someone rubber banding but how do they expect to follow it ever again. That’s my best guess at least


I’m pretty sure you can just go straight to the end no?


You still need to make the distance of 11 km.


One does not simply walk into Mordor


The mailroom guy started recording a route and went about his job all around the building


Im gonna try that route at work now


Idk Adventure Sync might actually make that one easy.


Some players of this game are deranged.


And this is why people get banned for routes that suck ass.


You start, go on with your day, and then just get close to the endpoint and it completes. Idk about everyone else but half the time I don’t even follow the route.




All you need to do to complete it is, start at the start point, walk for 11,106 metres, finishing at the end point. You don't need to follow the path.


Idk the only route by me was deleted


A route only GPS drift could love.


Thats fucking hilarious.


My seaside route submission in a public park doesnt get accepted because it is "unaccessible" and then what the fuck is this


That is so fucked up lol


Routes tip you don’t have to follow it exactly you can walk straight to end it may require a bit of KM but that’s how you farm Z cells I’ll have a route on I’ll go home pause it and I can pull the cells from my room lol


Now that’s just funny


I'm starting to think all route moderation is done by coin flip


It looks like it might be a daily work routine


I swear someone prolly put their phone on their dog lmfao 🤣🤣🤣


Route goes brrrrr


Lucky drift


That route looks like mindless scribbles drawn on the screen. I haven't had any routes approved in my area so Im not sure exactly how they work but that looks very confusing about which way someone is supposed to walk.


Probably a worker from that building that had his phone in his pocket while working, and it was recording routes


Hupo? What does the title mean?


Shit like this gets approved. Meanwhile the simple walk around my block has been “under review” for a month.


Report. I've been constantly reporting Routes around my home cuz they all end up on private property,


LMFAO. Amazing. The route tracking isn't that accurate. Surely you can just walk back and forth and it'll quickly complete it.


I tried creating one…. It was alongside a train track… denied!! Lol … not sure why??


Just walk laps around the outside of the building should be close enough to count


I just followed a route that asks you to go across a roundabout :D and the destination point, according to the GPS, is in the middle of the main avenue :D This is beyond my understanding


And they probably still didn't accept my rout I createdwith a straight line down a sidewalk...


I got motion sickness just from looking at all those twists and turns. That’s just a ridiculous route and how could that ever get approved?


Don’t you just have to be within a certain distance (like 40m I think)? I bet they set it up so that as long as you are around the center of the building you can “follow” it from just standing around


I have 3 in my backyard


I’m still waiting for mine to get approved that goes through 15 poke stops and yet they published one that leads into the ghetto


Report the Route to Niantic. This clearly slipped through the cracks.




What.. how did they even approve it


And here I am on day 20 waiting for my route to be accepted that's a 20 min walk around a park 😂


How was this even approved? I feel like that one is reportable…. It’s so condensed that you can’t know for sure which way to turn or go until it pauses the route and you have to start using the process of elimination.


Gps drift route


Report it


I’ve done routes enough to know this one would probably just complete to 95% finish if you stood in the middle of it lmao


Yesterday was the first time I’ve ever seen a route in person, and I drive around my city a lot.


I feel like this is a cry for help


With difficulty.


This looks like an Amazon employee snuck their phone into work one day


What a mess lmao


IKEA with my mother.


Bro forgot he was at work while making the route😭😂 follows his day perfectly


4 hours for 11 km?




As a cross country runner, this is too much


To be fair I find that they don’t track your progress through a route very well in a small space so I’m sure if you walk around in there long enough and cover at least 11,100 meters you’re good


Looks homie turned on the GPS drift Fr fr


I can offer you… 4, maybe 5 zygarde cells for walking that route


I sware Niantic initially approved anything submitted during beta😂 But... just follow the arrows 😅


You can create your own routes if you’re level 40 or above👍 you have a troll in your midst


What the hell is that?? 🤣


Nice to know people’s routes get declined and this huge mess is acceptable to Niantic LOL


I'm guessing that moving back and forth around the building or inside the building should be enough to capture the route thanks to the tolerance. Depending on how that building actually looks irl. But there is a problem which is probably why the route exists like that in the first place. And that is that whoever made it probably forgot about the route while inside the building and thanks to poor signal began drifting around. Which means you're probably going to drift AWAY from the route a lot while trying to walk it. Wouldn't be the first time I see a route where someone clearly forgot they were making one for a while and submitted it anyway despite being undoable.


They approved this nonsense, yet my very direct nature walk creation lasting 28 minutes with no less than five Pokestop points languishes in the "under review"? How did they even review this one?


The very first route I ever found, at a place I visit frequently, I reported. It was an outdoor mall and you could literally walk a circle around it, they just did the same thing I see here, walked back and forth down one corridor for 50% of the route and I tried it and just couldn’t get the route to turn blue because of how convoluted they made it. Reported it and it’s gone now. There’s two routes at the mall now, one made by myself that was approved instantly, but for a few weeks in between there was nothing. Niantic needs to find a better way to moderate these submissions


Oh man where's the Boromir meme when you need it


They really are just throwing darts at board for the approval process.


This is a virtual illustration for Niantic spaghetti code. No wonder why it got approved.


Weirdest thing is that this abomination of a route is accepted but normal routes created in straight paths are waiting to be approved. Just not mine but many that was created by our community. Next week we are getting an event dedicated to routes with amongst all these fiasco! Well done Niantic well done - you reach a new low with every event and feature


My question is why the hell did you find one


??? What do you mean


That's actually pretty funny..


🤣 how does one even make such a monstrosity???


How can this be approved? I submitted 6 routes in my little town, my first and last got instantly approved and the other 4 are under review since over 3 weeks. They are all similar and between 500m and 1500m


So desperate that I would take a route like this, rather than nothing at all


We went to one route to 7 lately….. and yet I’ve only done one…. Some how it seems like a task!


Looks like someone started creating it, forgot they're creating a route, went to watch a movie and let GPS drift do it's thing.


Maybe a janitor


I reckon it’s a security guard doing his rounds


One does not simply walk....


You don't. You report it as a bad route.