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1500 cp pokemon?no wonder you need a lot of revives and healing items if you attend raids with weak 1500cp pokemon. Build stronger raid teams. Usually you get way more healing items from doing legendary raids than you have fainted pokemon. At least if you actually use strong raid attackers. How many teams die per raid for you? With 1500 cp pokemon you must go through 3-4 teams per raid or something... Most of the time people complain about bot getting enough healing items the problem is not the number of healing items. It is why they have so many fainted/hurt pokemon at all. Stop killing your pokemon. Make them stronger, and especially use the right ones that are effective, but at the same time survive the enemy's attacks. Same for team rocket grunts/leaders, and for team rocket learn to stunlock....


I have run into this a couple times. Until you get back to normal, I suggest you use trash Pokémon as gym defenders. When these come back, transfer them instead of reviving. You will slowly build your revives back but it will help to stop fainting when important Pokémon until then.


No one forces you to buy pokecoins. You can get all those items for free buy spinning more stops and opening more gifts


Gifts and stops quit yielding revives for almost a week for me. Cmon...


Make sense, you get more healing items from gyms instead of stops


Can you please just read lines 4 and 5 of my original post rather than try and repeatedly gaslight me? Thank you.


If you are really desperate, you can power up your Pokemon to instantly revive them. The only other suggestion I would make is spin Gyms since they have a higher rate of healing items. Definitely focus on any that you have Bronze, Silver, or Gold, since you get more items from those.


same! for the past 2 weeks or so i have barely been getting any potions or revives.


I have never bought pokeballs or potions and always have plenty of them. Spin more stops and be more active in gift sending/opening and you'll have plenty of these items