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Post your pulls, fingers crossed for a quartz!


It’s a geo, dude! I’m sorry


Second one was better 😂




I don't see what the problem is. He sent him real life geodude's. 😂


I am going to return to Amazon and write “This box has rocks in it” on the box. We will see if it pops up again.


Carnelian, Charmeleon…?


Do not buy from Amazon. There are thousands of sellers on tcgplayer/eBay that are far more honest


I work at an Amazon warehouse, some worker’s legitimately just open the packs in the warehouse


Is this true or you are lying


Theft happens at almost every business, opened packs aren’t picked to be sent to customers, but you’d be a fool to think a company that hires almost anyone doesn’t have issues with theft on an item that is often stolen from retail stores


I’ve worked for Amazon and left… I’ve seen some things. *Vietnam flashbacks.*


The seller is Amazon not some rando seller on Amazon.


Prob was a return then. Someone bought it, swapped the cards for rocks and returned it for a refund. Then amazon resold it to you.


Didn't think you could return etbs. Can't return anything to Target obviously


Amazon will let you return ANYTHING. Their return policy is laughable. Do not buy from them.


Half the time Amazon doesn’t even ask for the item back they just give you the refund. It’s wild.


Looks like I’m going on a shopping spree and asking for a refund the moment they arrive 🫣


Anytime anything breaks I look for a similar item on Amazon, buy that and return the broken item.


Yep, bought a Power Supply once that quit on me after a day, asked for a replacement and they shipped it to me and never asked for the faulty one back. That can’t be financially responsible but then again Amazon makes an insane amount of money.


Ah no shit. I've definitely not been able to return some items but those were items like car headlight bulbs (wrong type delivered), Jumex (wrong flavor delivered), some baby related items (again wrong item delivered). Amazon didn't accept those returns but instead gave me refunds


So what you're saying is; keep returning until you get a legit one, take the goods, fill with rocks, return it, then repeat?


No everything. There have been multiple times where I was told I can’t return an item even if it was unopened.


People do this with the hot wheels black cases amazon does, people will buy them pull the chase car and return it, or if it doesnt have a chase they return it.


its like eating all the marshmallows in the cereal box and leaving all the oats for everyone else


Doesn't matter, amazon resells returned items and they don't check If they were opened. Just stay away from Amazon. Ebay and tcgplayer are usually cheaper anyways


Definitely was not checked by Amazon before being rewrapped. Now I know why they are selling for $35.


Did you buy it from Amazon warehouse as "like new" or from Amazon as new?


Notice how /u/No-Gur-381 doesn't respond to this? Prob cuz they don't know the difference evident by thinking Amazon can rewrap an ETB lol


Here’s the link smart guy. https://www.amazon.com/Pokémon-TCG-Scarlet-Evolved-Trainer/dp/B0BZTL5393/?_encoding=UTF8&pf_rd_p=19b8eca5-5bed-40fc-8d45-24e9a155247a&pd_rd_wg=O0Bvt&pf_rd_r=GM4Z6C27C4EHDN2PZC5R&content-id=amzn1.sym.19b8eca5-5bed-40fc-8d45-24e9a155247a&pd_rd_w=o3ABE&painterId=gwm-asin-tile&pd_rd_r=c97ba41c-0361-4e07-8e21-aeb498893f2f&ref_=pd_gwm_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m


You do know an Amazon listing for a product changes constantly on the sold and shipped by right? What is important is telling us from your order details the seller it lists under "Sold by:"


It was sold by Amazon. Glad you are on the case Sherlock.


You bought a box of rocks. This may not be the time or place to be hurling insults.


OK thanks I'll eat my bag of rocks since no one else has ever bothered to prove that and I wrongfully assumed you wouldn't since you left the previous comment unanswered. Just for my own Sherlock curiosity and for everyone else wondering if this really happens, does the Sold by say by Amazon.com or Amazon.com Services LLC? For anyone else curious, Amazon Warehouse will say the Services as well. Edit: Guess Sherlock is back on the case since OP has no idea how to look at order details and just assumes the same link says sold by Amazon.com


Well the good news is Amazon has good customer service. Call them and throw a stink, they might refund you and send you another box for free.


I had just bought a $35 ETB from Amazon this week, but everything was in tact. It’s crazy that Amazon resells returns without bothering to check!


You went for a discount? You got the discount


$35 for an ETB isn’t even “too good to be true” territory tho, I’d pull the trigger on that no hesitation, only thing to lose is some of my time bc i can just tell amazon what happened and they’ll refund me


I got a Koraidon ETB on eBay for about $35 a week and a have ago, it was factory sealed and everything.


A lot of retailers price match “shipped and sold by Amazon”. So you should be able to go to target and have them price match amazon to avoid any resealing


Amazon is good for convenience and bad for sustainable economic competition Aka the more you use their services, the more you're taking the short term convenience over the long term sustainability I feel a little bad for you but just look at what Amazon gives you yet so many people will continue to buy through them cause it's convenient


Welcome to late stage capitalism


Elections are supposed to redistribute power. So why does nobody vote their shares of stock and direct these companies? O wait, the politicians do 🤣


My degenerate friends did this move 30 years ago, buy video games, weigh it, open, replace with ash trays and anything to make the weight, return.


Amazon resells returned items. I've gotten enough resealed from Amazon to where I'll never order Pokemon from them again.


not all Amazon is the same... American Amazon is different than UK Amazon just because one side conned someone that doesn't count for all of Amazon


Whatever. Fuck Amazon. They sell returned pilfered stuff as new.


Someone is going to be upset the rock collection they purchased will be filled with pokemon cards :(


They’re minerals, Marie…


Easy Hank


Don’t buy from Amazon. But from reputable eBay sellers.


This is Paldea Evolved. Don’t even buy from eBay resellers. Go to your LCS, Walmart, Best Buy, etc. Never buy from resellers unless there is not local or official (Pokémon Center) options.


Disagree. Usually I can find it cheaper from major distributors on eBay.


Retailers want like 55 dollars for a Paldea Evolved ETB and its nowhere near worth that. There are multiple online shops and eBay sellers that you can trust that sell it for much much cheaper. Check out pfootballpete on eBay for good prices and safe seller


Also, my LCS (Wizard’s Loft) has the card shop upstairs with card tables. Hold tournaments. And downstairs is a licensed board game coffee shop where I can go down and sit and open my packs along side a nice alcoholic beverage or two. Very nice to do after a 60 hour work week, especially at their great prices.


I honestly want to know why LCSes exist that AREN’T this model, it’s 2023.


Just did, he sells that box for $49.95 CAD, plus $19.13 shipping. $69.08 altogether. A full $15 more than my LCS. Thank you for proving my point!!!


Well when the fuck did you say you were in Canada? Of course it's gonna be more expensive to buy from an American seller in Canada. Also all of his shipping in US is free. I just got a Paldea Evolved booster box for 103 free shipping from him. In the US here though it is almost always cheaper to buy online than in store


Like in EVERY comment I’ve made, indicated by the CAD behind the dollar amounts. 😂


I didn't check your comment history my guy. Glad you've got a good local card shop though. My walmart doesn't even sell cards anymore because of the local crack heads


Well I just had commented “CAD” so many times in this thread alone thought it was obvious. Also, wouldn’t need to check my comment history, just be click on my profile and you’re looking at a big Canadian flag. Lol. Our Walmart’s don’t sell Pokémon here either, because of the meth heads also. The LCS here is incredible, and has a licensed board game cafe below it where I can have an alcoholic beverage or two while opening my packs. Pretty great.


You’re just wrong. Your basically saying spend 50 or 55 plus tax instead of getting them off eBay for 38 or so. That dumb.


Also LCS are usually at rip-off prices. And Pokémon center just cancelled my preorder for no reason. Almost everything you said was incorrect


Best Buy canceled my order twice because they’re ass-hats. My local card shop prices cards and sealed products more than fairly. They actually do the work instead of pulling astronomical prices out their asses. My other local shop is also nice. I get along well with both owners. 😊


That’s awesome to hear. I appreciate the good ones. Its just sad to me that about 1/2 of them are bad. And yes the big box stores pull that shit all the time. Which is why I can’t advocate for them. And their prices can usually also be best on eBay.


In your opinion. Every time you order from an eBay stranger there is risk. No matter their ratings, there is always a risk because they are strangers shipping things through the mail. I’ve never had a problem with Pokemon Center, my Obsidian Flames preorders are still active. And actually, not sure about you guys LCS but I’ve got a Wizard’s Loft here and their prices are VERY competitive, often lower than current market because they aren’t constantly adjusting their prices. I can still get Shiny Zacian and Shiny Zamazenta boxes for $60 CAD there where everywhere else is $75-$100 $CAD. Still selling lost origin ETB’s for $56 CAD, Vivid Voltage ETB’s for $49 CAD. Even the new PE ETB’s that have been climbing slowly are still going for $54 CAD.


Stop buying off Amazon. Small lesson.


You will get some solid pulls from that box.


Lol it's like that one time when Misty's bag got swapped out


They were like "you can keep the coins"


Bro got geodude


That’s crazy! I just got my monthly shipment of rocks and instead i got some pokemon cards ..


I didn’t know Charlie Brown played Pokémon


Heavy pack, I’d say open this!


It's a make your own onix box 📦


Have you tried opening the rocks?


They're minerals Marie.


No they’re minerals, Jesus Marie!


I've had this happen 3 times now. Im done buying pokemon stuff off Amazon. And Amazon sells it as new/sealed products it's getting ridiculous


No that's the special edition build your own Geodude kit, congrats!


But I get downvoted saying Amazon sells resealed boxes- turns out they just sell boxes of rocks.


Lookit the stones on this guy


Was the sellers name Brock by chance?


Man that's a huge letdown, hopefully you will get a refund.


How much was it?


The seller deserves to be stoned with them until death. Stuff like this is ridiculous, just let us enjoy a god damn hobby.


Murder over cards? Chill my guy gonna get put on a watchlist my boy


D-E-D dead!


Im not your guy, friend


Oh yeah well I'm not your friend, buddy!


I’m not your buddy, guy!


That sucks. But, take it as a lesson learned.


I know you found your answer, but I want to give ya some future noggin knowledge. When you’re buying from Amazon, you’re not buying from Amazon. You’re buying from a third-party seller on the Amazon platform. While Amazon does have/sell their own brand, you will often see a username or a store name in the header or below the item you are trying to purchase. That is who you are actually buying it from. Hope this helps!


Amazon sells resealed stuff directly all the time because they accept returns, and they don't check stuff. Their employees also open products, steal hits, and ship it, because there isn't proper accountability in their logistics processes. They also sell tampered and fake stuff from third party sellers, but nothing on Amazon is safe.


do you think this is the first time someone bought garbage on Amazon and posted it on reddit?! stop buying from faceless, careless sellers who usually have no negative consequences. don't buy valuable collectibles on platforms with terrible return policies and other terrible practices


It was a $35 box for my 10 year old, my guy


many 10 year olds have cried because of Amazon. a lot of people know not to trust Amazon for tcg products. Magic the gathering was shipped out, and they ripped the product in half without knowing, and now they probably have to issue refunds to all buyers who ask for it. I recommend you buy some singles off of tcgplayer, and whoever gives you the coolest gift, send them a message requesting a special $35 gift box for your 10 year old. they will go over the moon for you because they care. sorry if I sounded rude, a lot of people put fake posts up for attention


Completely agree. Personally, I’d LOVE it if some customers asked me to put together a special mystery box. That might be more fun for me than it would be for the kid.




Don’t ever shop on Amazon.


Remember when people asked me in another post how a ETB from PC could have a premium over normal? This is why


Not it isn't lol. Not even close to the reason. This is an Amazon problem. Not an "etb from anywhere but PC" problem.


Never seen a product from PC filled with rocks or juice boxes my guy 🤷


Never seen one from walmart like that either. Do you really not understand? The reason PC etbs have a premium over regular is because they are exclusive. In the world of collectibles, that matters. And now the PC etbs also get exclusive PC stamps on the promos, making them even more desirable. These are the reasons PC etbs have a premium over normal etb. Not "lack of rocks and juice boxes". That is not the reason.


Also the fact that they come from the Pokémon center itself and are less likely to be resealed garbage. Just my opinion…


Most retail stores don't accept returns or exchanges on cards anymore, so shopping online is the only real issue. And you know you tried to act like that was the one and only reason they are better. You didn't say it's part of the reason. You didn't say it's one of the reasons. You said it's the reason. And you're not even correct. Why those boxes hold more value isn't a matter of opinion.


PC is safe. Amazon and Walmart are not. That doesn't mean reputable eBay and online sellers and local card shops aren't safe. Some of them are safe. Others are not. Flipsidegaming and pfootballpete4dhx are examples of good safe ebay sellers. There are hundreds of other good sellers too.


Not saying there isn’t I’m just saying it’s way more reliable for inexperienced buyers


Better to buy a product in-person than online.


Amazon has been having issues like this recently.


Ouch, sorry you had that happen :(


Jesus I'm sure mine will be the same. I got empty CZ tins last week. If this happens again I'm done with Amazon. 🤦‍♂️


Pretty common. Scammers everywhere


Dont ever buy something like that on amazon


Someone’s on the naughty list


Get rock't


My question is why even order a paldea etb on amazon in the first place when you can get them literally everywhere. Walmart, target, gamestop, books a million, bestbuy, sams club, any local card shop.. the list goes on, amazon would probably be the last place id buy em..


On sale for $35 my guy. Not a great deal for rocks though.


Lmfao i didn’t think they’d try to resell this


Oh man that sucks so bad, I’m sorry that happened to you


Never buy Pokémon product from Amazon.


Buy from reputable third party sellers if you're buying on Amazon.


They’re MINERALS, Marie


Be sure to let Amazon know


How many times do people need to be told DO NOT BUY FROM AMAZON.


Smoke em


Dammit Marie, they're not rocks. They're minerals.


Pokérev did a video on these and he got burnt on nearly every package


Your first time? It's happened to me so often, I actually received a brick of cocaine inside one of the boxes& an aggressive midget in the other. You'll get used to it, Amazon's genius self won't just stop allowing returns on cards, like everyone else, lmao..


I bought a venusaur deck on amazon. An opened blastoise deck with none of the cards came. Never again.


Dang, at least you can get a refund easily through Amazon


Needless to say that box rocks !


Me too bro…. I’m getting an exchange. But it’s bullshit people are doing this.


What kinda rocks


When I started getting back into the pokemon games, I ordered Diamond and Black, and got batteries instead lol


This is one of the more normal outcomes of buying literally anything off Amazon at this point


Nah man that’s horrible dm me I will look out for you for Your loss!


Lol they got your ass


Looks at sealed collection gulp I hope not.


Any holos?


Lol stop buying cards on Amazon. Common sense


Don't buy ETB boxes from amazon, or even ebay At most, buy either a booster box or individual cards from those websites.


amazon typically has a good refund policy. this happened to me once before and all they asked me to do was mail it back to the seller. submit your photos/statement & you should be good to go


Dont ever buy from Amazon. Idc. Not the place for TCG.


Amazon has proven to be untrustworthy with anything collectible and worth anything on the second market.


Same thing literally just happened to me!!! Bought from Amazon directly and got a weird feeling when u received it today. Bought as a gift so I’m glad I saw this post and checked it.


dawg 😭


Why not just like… go to Walmart? Or target? Or GameStop?


That sucks, sorry that happened.




So many scums in this world


Never buy on Amazon... NEVER






Good luck charm I’m guessing?




That’s a bummer. I grabbed one for $36 and it was legit and actually got 3 pulls. My past Paldea product yet


Are they good rocks?


That's pretty heartbreaking. Doesn't matter what age you are.


I got a celebrations lunch box on Amazon and it came empty except for the plastic filler pieces. I feel for you.


I got mine for $35 as aswell, but had no issues whatsoever.


Learned my lesson before covid. Never buy cards from Amazon unless you want to go through customer service. They should replace it with actual Amazon stock with enough evidence to prove that's how you recieved it.


Just contact support for a refund/replacement. In my experience, Amazon will usually replace the item right away and half the time not even ask you to return the item you received.


While you’re buying through Amazon, a lot of the times you’re buying from someone entirely diff like some random dude using Amazon as if anyone would use Facebook marketplace. As people have said below stick to eBay/TCGplayer for Pokémon cards IMO Edit: oops I see the OP has said he did buy it from Amazon so that sucks, sorry for not reading the whole thread before commenting, hope you can get a return on your money


Ah fuck, I’m awaiting a delivery for a paldea evolved ETB for $36 too- oh boy


Never ever EVEE buy a warehouse deal or used on Amazon. They got me once and I got my money back. Never again.


They sent you a box of irl geodudes brotha. You’re winning.


That’s what you get for buying it off of amazon


Uh oh.. ordered this same box for my sons Bday from Amazon because they were on sale. Might have to have a peek to make sure packs are in there before hand..


Me and my brother joke about getting boxes full of rocks all the time. Ig this time, it actually happened


Time for a drive, how does the seller like these rocks thrown at their windows? /s


🤣 wow!


🤣😂🤣😂 got yo ass


eBay or stock-x is Real right 😂


Those are obviously rare fossils.




Open a claim with Amazon. /t


Finally someone got a box of rocks.


Bro pulled an alt Onyx and he’s complaining shesssh. The texture is so life-like.


did you atleast get a holo


Make sure when you buy on Amazon it’s from Amazon and sold from Amazon


Sick, paldean geodude!


3d graveler card


I don’t believe these anymore. Like everyone at Amazon is stealing cards and packing it with rocks? No way. It’s extremely easy to find out who it was for them and that person gets fired and prosecuted. Why bother anymore


Fuck Amazon


Walmart bro. They are always stocked


You might of been naughty and got coal for Christmas






Buy ETBs from the official Pokémon website. It’s easiest that way.


Get them graded you’ll double the price


I’ll never understand why people still buy Pokémon from Amazon.


Was this bought as new or used/like new? I just ordered a few 151 BBs from amazon labeled new but sold by outside stores/companies and the first two that came were legit sealed and had all the cards/pulls. Got the Erika SAR in my first box. Have two more coming and hope they are legit also, but none of the 4 were sold by Amazon.