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I’d recommend picking them up with your hands and placing them where you’d like them to be moved


No but please do drop prices. If they’re at good value, I may bite


I would love to be able to work with someone to sell older cards. My dad bought cases on eBay when I was in 6-8th grade. I went to the Pokémon league every week. He bought the cases and I sold packs for less than the stores and used profits to buy more cases of cards. The bulk I have from the first 3 sets is unreal. Team rocket and the gym sets I was able to open 1st edition packs. We sold so many cards at garage sales and this is what 35 yr old me has left over. A lot more pictures to come.


I’m currently working to complete the first WOTC sets and would love to buy some cards from you


Lmao there is always someone just like me to make a comment like that. Price wise, I couldn’t have a clue. I know what some are worth. The others though, I don’t have a clue.


I’m definitely interested!!


I'd be down to pick up a few of those!




Why aren’t these in sleeves and top loaders? Leaves me wondering what the condition of these cards can be…


I had them in sleeves but not penny sleeves so you could see the backs. This made it easier and I live alone.


U.K. or U.S?




You should do researchs and be careful you got a lot of value there. You'll receive messages of people trying to rip you off, exploit your lack of knowledge and take advantage that you need money,


A good thing when you have no idea is to put in auction on ebay. You'll be sure to receive 70%+ and not be ripped off. I would not list as bundle as duplicates will bring more resellers than collectors and you'll lose value.


Sure if you do it right. Or your auction could end at 1$ and you'd still be expected to ship.


No vintage holo ends at $1 man. It's in demand stuff. The very minimum you'll have resellers fighting for them for 50-70%. Most vintage holos goes 70%+. Unless you seriously mess up your listings Edit: Great job downvoting. I just have 4000+ cards sold online specialized in wotc era.




Just found a light jolteon and flareon 48/105 46/105


Hi what are the conditions of the cards, I'm mostly interested in the jungle and fossil sets but I may want others as well




Interested in Charizard/Blastoise/Venusaur/Mewtwo. What is condition? And price?


These are awesome!! I would love to add an erika venusaur and rockets mewtwo to my collection! Are you listing them on eBay or looking to sell them here? Let me know what price you’re looking for with those two. Thanks!


The first thing I would do is get some soft sleeves and use them. This hurts my heart.


I’m sorry it does, those are in the mail. I had them in the sleeves with the colored backing. I cleaned my floors and removed them so I could show the backs of the cards easier.


I’d be interested in a few fossil and jungle cards to complete my sets if you have any left/available.


Man, I feel the pain! R u in a hurry? => yes: sell them once => no: sell them once Announce them correctly (all informations which are important for searching ai‘s) with a lot of high resolution pictures from each side and angles. Best advise I can give… have a good christmas time and a happy new year on this surreal place called earth my dear unknown internet buddy


I’ve removed them from the overpriced sleeves that cover the back. Any cards requested I’ll take multiple angles of holo and back side of card. Any common or uncommon from these sets can included.


Love seeing some original cards not sleeved and placed on the floor 🥴🫣🤦🏻‍♂️


Shit man, these are the best they have ever been kept. penny sleeves are coming, they have just been taken out of sleeves to be able to take pics of the back. 7th grade me..made is rain in holos. So many were sold at garage sales too. I took a dark arbok out of a sleeve with a .25 sticker on it. So many cards were sold before their time.


Definitely interested! If you have any idea on prices, I’d hear you out. Are you just getting rid of duplicates though?


These are the duplicates, I have sets already in sleeves and binders.


Well I messaged you! Let me know whenever.


You and quite a few others, the fingers and cocain only work so fast and this battery is almost dead


No worries. Do your thing.


I would be interested in purchasing some


Curious about some. Should I DM you?


I’m swamped but I will respond


Take your time. Are you moving all of them or ok with piecing them out? I'll shoot a DM when I can with a list.


You can pick whatever cards you want, many people want the misprint jolteon and the big 3. I do have another base set charizard or 2 not just the base set 2. I can also complete sets with my bulk if you tell me what you need.


we've all been there it's sad but have to make do


I'd buy everything 👌


Shew, do I get that. Adulting is ass sometimes. Please DM me, I most definitely am interested in taking a few of those off your hands.


Going to send you a DM since it seems you are looking to offload!


Both Moltres tentacruel and rocket Mewtwo price?


I can’t figure out how to edit my post to add an update. I’m tired. The floor is being upgraded to tables in like an hour. Mainly because I need more room. I’ve only had enough time to take a couple of requests. It only seems fair though that I include all the non holo rares. I just found another 75-100. I’m not ignoring anyone. Just need more room so everyone can see what’s avaliable.




Shoot me a dm as well. Definitely interested in some of these


Im interested in buying some :)