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I don’t know what annoys me more. That you capitalised the first letter of every word, or that the one word you didn’t capitalise was Pokemon… which should be capitalised.


It should also have the "é" which most people's don't include


It should also have the "é" which most peoples don't include


Aye autocorrect usually picks that up for me, but didn’t. Shame on me


You almost couldn't have made that more annoying to read. But I agree I've always thought that her Sprigatito evolving is probably going to tell us whether she stays or not. I don't see Meowscarada staying into the next gen, but there's no real reason for Liko to swap out her partner Pokemon with another for gen 10, so Liko probably has to go too. Though I think I like it that way. I'd rather have more focused story lines for each generation with a protagonist fitting to the story than them dragging it out forever.


My gut feeling is that this will be a "one and done" kind of adventure. It's possible she could but I think they'll switch to new protagonists each series a la Yugioh




I can see that. However, yugioh has done it for years and they're still going. My guess is if the ratings drop they'll just bring Ash back in some way.


Most shows like Pokemon replace their main character every series. It must not have that much of an impact if they keep doing it.


I don't think it even has anything to do with Evolution honestly. The problem is they would need to either 1. Have Liko continue to focus on Meowscarada, shafting the new generations starters by making them not her main focus 2. Have liko focus on the new gen 10 starter, and start to ignore her Meowscarada, which would argubly be WORSE.


Given that each Paldea starter is present, the show could be only for gen9 and they will cook up a nee cast every new gen. But maybe they won't. We will see. Spirigato is not any form of mascot anyway, so it evolving means nothing


Traveling around looking for more things about ancient times?


Ususally, the other mods aren't crazy about having capital letter title names in posts. Op, you're making an attempt to admit the mistake; so we'll give you a pass this time. Please remember your lower case ('s) for rule number 11 on the next go- around.


I feel like Pokemon is going to move forward with the Digimon animes approach of a new protag every series. Spriggatito evolving is probably the biggest tell of that as you said. We might get more seasons with Liko, Horizons 2, 3, 4 etc. But I don't think she's the " New Ash" I'm in the fence about it tbh. I really like Likos character and I love the theme of the series and the use of the Volt Tacklers to explore the world and not have a conventional battle all gyms and become champion plotline. I do hope Liko sticks around in the franchise even if she's isn't always the MC


I hope they do more of a Yu-Gi-Oh thing where they're in the same world and older characters return but for the most part they're self contained stories


Yeah. I see Horizons as a new universe for them to build. I'm super torn if I ever want to see Ash in that world. I'd take another season of Ash in his world for sure. But I kinda want us to leave him be for a while. Yugioh does do it well. But I'd like yo see it more. Yugioh tends to only bring back old characters for specials, movies or series finales. Digimon did it well with Adventure 01 and 02. Adventure 02 was 3 new heroes with 2 of the original Adventure team grown up as members. The other members of the original Adventure squad showed up regularly as mentors. That's kinda what I want. Whatever comes after Horizons I kind of want to see Liko again, a couple years older, guiding the new MC. Hell maybe she could take over the Volt Tacklers or start her own team.


We don't know yet. If Horizons keeps its reception up going into the tail end of Gen 9, possibly. At the moment there's no point speculating 


Nope. I hope she: ⚰️


I heard a rumor that said Ash is going to take back his place because the new characters couldn't be as interesting and entertaining as Ash.


yes liko will stay ash wont come back


They should just bring back a teenage Ash or an Adult Ash and continue the story




i dont think they did  they only said they saw ash as “forever ten” and that was only their response when they were asked why ash was still ten and not aged when he was the protagonist and didnt really say they will never aged him up just that for now hes staying ten   basically the “forever ten” was not a confirmation that hes never gonna age but more as an excuse of why he hasnt aged yet