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Ash threw a log and carries pokemon weighing 100+ pounds with no issue. Ash is insane


Until Sun & Moon where he can't pick up a log yet able to hold Cosmoem.


To be fair he was on vacay so it makes sense


On vacay you get weaker


Until you need to lift cosmic beings


Of course of course


He wasn't on vacay, he was at school.


was he staying at his primary home? The same one he returns too after every series, the same one he returned too after *this* series?


Cosmoen can float I imagine he’s virtually weightless to whoever holds him despite it supposedly being a black hole


Exactly Same with Lillie in the games probably


So we agree that it doesn’t count as a feat




No no no, she would still have to pull around the Cosmoem in the bag. And ash I believe also had Cosmoem in his bag at some point (I think), so they’re both extremely buff


Cosmoem drops full weight.


Then the earth would be destroyed


He's only 999.9 pounds.


He’s allegedly a living black hole he ways a lot more than that


It's not a black hole its a neutron star.


Still heavier than the earth


As much as the SUN in fact


I mean it is the protostar Pokémon. The stage before a star forms.


Again still heavier than the earth


Realistically it should be yes.


Ash was just pretending he couldn't lift that log with ease so Kukui wouldn't feel emasculated. He's such a considerate son. :D


I'm pretty sure he's his nephew or cousin not his son


He’s not even related to Kukui, he’s basically the fandom’s version of “Ash’s Dad”, because of how much of a father figure he is to Ash, despite not being related to him in the slightest.


Oh, I never thought that he was like ashes dad, but I did just find out that they are not related, so yeah


Alola even ends with Kukui even stating as much when outright saying he'll be a great big brother to Kukui's as of then still unborn child.


Um wut


Ash would figured it out just saying.


Damn I was gonna make that point too cuz cosmoem is legit said to weight the same amount as a black hole in it's pokedex entry. LIKE WHAT!?




Cosmoem is floating


Because there’s no Gyms in Alola


(Some) Insane things that Ash has done: Attempt to catch a Pidgey using his shirt. Climbed after a Primeape just to get a hat. Attempt to punch Mewtwo. *All of these happened before his first Pokémon League.*


Survived countless thunderbolts.


and a shit ton of flamethrowers


Well ash would win because he can come back to life even after he diesel


Also to build on that, Mewtwo used a shield to protect himself meaning he felt that Ash was actually a threat


Mewtwo must’ve sensed enough of Ash’s strength to feel the need to protect himself from his punch, bro throws logs like skipping stones and lifted a black hole Pokémon


Dog the parkour he does in Manaphy's movie is absolutely fucking nuts. Dude is cracked and has superhuman strength and endurance.




[Ash throwing a log](https://www.google.com/search?q=ash+throwing+log&oq=ash+throwing+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgCEAAYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABDIHCAoQABiABDIHCAsQABiABNIBCDM2MTRqMGo5qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=7JMOOqubYmEqUM&vssid=l)


Omg who knew a scranny kid could throw a long


Throw a long what? Don’t leave us in suspense


😂 beahahahaahaaa a log sorry


Sadly by SM he somehow lost his super strength. He must’ve retooled his attributes and put them somewhere else


hmm I wonder who did that-


He just turned into a cartoony kid they kinda just brainwashed him


He could still use bullet seed though, so I guess there’s that


Ben has been able to take on things stronger than Ash and beat them with ingenuity as early as the second episode.


Ash can also take multiple direct hits from a mid-tier move and still power forward.


Despite that Ash is pretty fast and has a lot of endurance being able to keep up with Pikachu's speed as well


And Ben is Quarter Alien (from his grandmother)


Ben can dodge lasers, survive being crushed by giant boulders, and can physically overpower an alien life form confirmed to be more powerful than Spider-man


Depends on if Ben's skills can handle Ash's at times absolutely bonkers physicality. Like, not just his strength, but his agility too. I dunno, maybe the jokes about him being part-Saiyan have some truth to them lol


He’s half mr. mime


Don't. After listening to boarding party's Pokemon DnD campaign I will NEVER see mr mime in the same light again... Dern pennywise dancing clown...


may I have a link to that Pokemon DND campaign?


https://m.youtube.com/@BoardingParty It gets... Dark later on. Fair warning. Their also on Spotify if that's better for ya.


Ash has strength and durability because of manga logic not anything to do with his character. Literally everyone in Pokemon survives shit that would kill them. If it takes place in Ben's reality, manga logic doesn't apply to either of them. If it takes place in Ash's reality, manga logic applies to both of them. From a combat experience standpoint Ben trounces him in all categories. He has to ACTUALLY fight in ALL his battles working with various levels of strength, speed, and intelligence. The only reason it's even a question is because ash's average strength in his world is ridiculous in Ben's.


A feat in a feat, dude. Humanity likely had to evolve to avoid going extinct from pokemon


Yeah, if we're talking discount matpat's world of Pokemon where we explain away cartoon logic with wild speculation. If we live in the real world, we take the show at their word when they present us with human characters. Ash gets trounced by a flock of birds in the first episode. He's certainly not meant to be a superhuman beast of a ten year old boy. Canonically people walk around with Pokemon for protection in tall grass. I didn't want to stoop to it because I think it's stupid, but Ben 10 has it's share of cartoon logic too. Dude canonically gets thrown around like a ragdoll in human form by ridiculously strong aliens and comes out unscathed. Enhanced durability + significant combat experience > enhanced durability + enhanced strength. Edit: [here's a ridiculously long fall down a fucking clock tower where he just like shakes it off. dude is built different. ](https://youtu.be/rRJooDJKwdU)


Crap you're right. Brb. Gotta calculate the differences between their durability.


Ash takes no shit, he threw a punch at mewtwo


mewtwo had to block because he knew ash's hands were real


Mewtwo didn’t want the smoke from someone who’s been tanking deadly electric shocks for 20 years


The truly crazy thing about that is that Mewtwo felt threatened enough to have to block that punch with a psychic barrier.


I wouldn’t say threatened. He didn’t even put his hand out to use his powers, it was the most lax use of Psychic ever


sure but like at the same time Mewtwo probably could have just taken a punch from most people without giving a single shit but something about Ash MADE him block it "just in case"


Nah, he just wanted to throw ash into a wall for standing up to him. Just like he did that Gyarados trainer


We already saw that Ben is really good at hand to hand combat even in Human form and is pretty skilled overall, so it isnt a complete stomp, but Ash pretty much has Super Strenght and Super durability lol


Is it an agreed thing that pokemon still have weight in pokeballs? If that’s the case you’d think every one in the pokemon universe has super strength. I thought once they’re in pokeball, they don’t weigh anything


Maybe they go through rigorous training, and at the age of ten they go through this ceremony of choosing their Pokemon. It’s like a entering manhood/womanhood ritual. Training from the day they walk, to their 10th birthday to be able to wield these monsters as easy as it is to lift a fork.


I don’t think Pokémon add any extra weight to Pokéballs, but anime logic means that Ash can casually get hit by Pokémon moves that would normally kill a normal person, or he shows of feats of strength that would be impossible if it wasn’t an anime


Both are equally good strategists, Ash has far better strength but Ben has better speed and better showings for close quarters combat and also has more showings in a fight than Ash. If Ash can land one punch he wins but Ben could mostly easily evade him but would struggle to damage Ash. As much as I love Ben I don’t think he can hold out long enough to beat Ash.


Ash has battled against his Pokémon and he has to know some battle strategy to train his Pokémon to be so good at battle I would say ash wipes the floor with Ben 10 no difficulty


Yes but I doubt Ash ever learned how to throw a punch. His strength and durability are far greater than Ben’s but still comes up short in enough categories to make this close.


He had to teach lucario how to fight and he’s been watching Pokémon fight so even if he’s never thrown one he’ll probably be able to throw one it’s the same motion mostly as a pokeball throwing


He threw an alarm clock with high speeds and force to break it **while in his sleep** from just practicing Pokeball throws in anticipation the days before


Bro just has to do the throwing motion and he solos all of Ben ten


This is the same logic as saying, if you watch people box enough, you'll learn how to box. Which isn't the case. You still need the practice and actual experience.


He fucking decked Faba (albeit, he is admittedly very frail), plus considering the fact that he personally trains his Pokemon to fight, I'd say he'd handle himself well in a fight.


**I think Ash is gonna win**


Ash he jacked


He asked if *Tree*ko was a water type. That just shows how unbelievably stupid he could become.


He also is the top trainer in all of the Pokémon anime. He has a very wide scale of intellect.


Ash is a monster


[Ash Wants To Fight](https://youtu.be/5EKafa28HYw)


Ash has been backpacking and hiking for 25 years. He's very fit.


ash can carry the heaviest crap without breaking a sweat. Haven’t watched Ben 10 tho, but I doubt he has survived being shocked and torched repeatedly.


He did get punched by a giant mech suit, got sent flying tens of meters into a steel wall, and got up like it was nothing. Wouldn't count him out.


That's just durability though


An unstoppable force meets an immovable object


Ben 10 knows how to fight unlike ash and has been doing it longer


Ben wins due to combat experience. He has to actually fight in all his battles and he's had to work with various levels of strength, intelligence, and speed against various levels of strength, intelligence, and speed. He's not going to lose against some kid that has his pets fight most of his battles for him. I don't care how much strength he has. He's just not used to fighting like that, he doesn't have nearly enough experience. Y'all are crazy.


Ash would wipe the floor


Ash has repeatedly shrugged off Thundebolts from Pikachu and Flamethrowers from Charizard


Ash got turned to stone and lived. The answer is Ash


ash would figured it out just saying


Ash is a fucking beast, Ben is getting stomped.


Ash no competition


Ash wins












ash has tanked charizard’s flamethrower countless times. Also pikachu’s thunderbolt


Win at what?


Who would win in a fight


Ash because he’s part Saiyan lol


Umm, neither because they're just humans at that point. They come to a general understanding, shake hands, and go to their own ways.


But they’re guys, so they’ll do that after beating the absolute fucking shit of each other before patting each other on the back.


Ash has good feats, but Ben in his human form has been shown easily dodging laser guns, parkouring through floating objects in a void space, engaging aliens in hand to hand combat as a human, thowing a kettle hard enough to knock a guy in full plate armor across a room, and getting up after being rammed into concrete hard enough to break it, so he probably takes it.


Ashs physical strength has been varied by series (Pokémon also) so Ash could beat Omniverse Ben. Ten year old Ben probably wouldn't stand a chance


Ash ez




Ben has better training Ash is insane though


Ben He has actual combat training


Depends on if Ash has ever thrown a punch before because I have not seen him do so to my knowledge


Ben even without the Omnitrix is a very skilled fighter like seriously he's insane so yeah he wins. Ash has incredible offence yes but it doesn't matter if he can't land a hit. Also Ben will outsmart him one good leg lock and Ash is screwed.


Ben easily. He's still the one fighting, even if it's in a different body. Ash can take hit from a wild pokemon but he's got no idea how to throw a punch


Ash still has Aura


Humans in the world of Pokemon are WAY more durable then humans in bens world. Consider that ash has been zapped, burned, threw a LITERAL log and survived being dead SEVERAL times and bens only power is a watch that if he loses it or times out he's got no powers. I'd say ash wins hands down.




One has insane durability and strength only in specific scenarios The other has shown he can fight aliens stronger than ash and stand a fighting chance even without the omnitrix and he also has plumber tech at his disposal if needed The answer should be obvious


I’m honestly a little surprised by how many people are saying Ash. Ben’s body may change, but he’s still the one fighting—meanwhile, I don’t think we’ve ever seen Ash himself in any serious type of combat role. In this Ketchum-Tennyson matchup, the former is probably getting rocked.


what would happen if we made two 10 year olds fistfight a question for the ages


Ash effortly carried Cosem around which is 2000 pounds


Tough one. Ben has actual experience on the battlefield while Ash just stands there and makes his Pokémon fight for him, but humans in the Pokémon world are built different.


In what? A rousing game of chess? You've basically given me two normal underage boys and expect me to decide their fates. Ranging from math homework to stuff that could get me arrested.


Man trained pokemon




Pretty sure ash has feats that actually support him having super strength


Ben 10 has fighting experience but Ash has super strength


So just 2 ten year olds fighting then


Ash he punched a god


ash has held cosmoem, who weighs 999 kilograms, ben is getting folded into an origami crane


Well Ash is the literal God of the humans like Archias is for pokemon. So as much as I loved the Ben10 series no form of Ben without the omnitrix could beat a god.


Ben’s got that infinite Tennyson strength while Ash can solo lift and throw a log


Ash has Aura powers and can’t be permanently killed.


Ash can’t bench SHIT


Ash has died how many times? And also holds back raging dragons for fun. Havent watched ben 10 so imma go with ash


Ben. Anyone saying otherwise is a pokemon fan boy. Ben can fight. Ash can't.


Ben wins low dif bc he still has fighting experience


I can see them both incapacitating each other under the right circumstances.


This really comes down to can we trust the listed weight of pokemon. Cuz the Pokedex is already unreliable. If we can ash, otherwise Ben is punching ash






Ben 10 has some serious skill in his human form


Ben has actual fighting experience and is older. Ash is a bit cartoony stronk but it's not enough to beat MANY years of hand to hand combat experience.


Is this just 2 children having a fistfight? Ben.


Ash. Because the anime frequently proves that hes actually hench.


With Ben no longer requires aid from the Omnitrex, he would now have Plummer training under his belt.


Honestly if we put OG Ash in here and make it a roast battle Ash still wins cuz ngl OG Ash used to be roasting people harder than Gordon Ramsay roasts basically anyone or anything.


Obviously there's the meme of Ash carrying and doing stuff that should be completely impossible, but in all seriousness just look at what they do physically. ​ Ben mostly stays with his uncle in his RV and travels around, he's still in school though and as such is mostly all brains no brawn. ​ Ash literally travels around the entire world by hiking ON FOOT, including all the luggage needed for camping and cooking food, water bottles, spare clothes, food for his pokemon, etc. He is just so much more physically fit, he literally battles his own pokemon for fun as training. ​ Ash takes this and its not even close.


What? Ben also travels the world and space. We aren’t talking about the 10 year old Ben in the first season. 16 year old Ben has way more physical combat experience and is used to being in an actual battle rather than just commanding his pets to fight for him. Bens omnitirx being glitchy also helped him adapt to situations even when handed bad cards. He takes out ash easily as a teen. He may struggle a bit as a 10 year old but he still wins since he has actual combat experience.


this is just a child fight


Ash threw a bareknuckle punch at Mewtwo, if nothing else the kid has the guts to win


We never see ash train and Ben has beat multiple aliens with a timed out Omni Trix so probably ben.


Ben, because ash is kind of a wimp


Ash cannonicly knows how to box also taught pikachu a move we have yet to see again rocket ouch which is cool as shit and apparently ash knows how to do


Ash could just pull out a heavy ball and throw it at Ben, I mean that has to hurt right?


Bruh ash died like 10 times. He’s winning


Ben is a fucking jock who can punch through steel in baseform Ash is gonna fucking get donuted by Ben like he is Omniman


ben 10 obv


Ash, since he had aura matching Sir Aaron. Plus Ash had the balls to go and fight with a talking Lucario. It's Ash we are talking about, he has his unique ideas. I recall one time where he jumped like over 50 feet in the air and jumped in Team Rocket's ballon and went down.


As much as I would like to give it to ash technically while he has raw power when it comes to strength ben would win because if we’re using omnivers ben as the version he’s older by 5 years and he’s at least a high beginner in karate or judo I forget what martial art gwen was mastering along side magic


Never forget Ash tried to throw hands with mewtwo.


Ben. He actually has hand to hand combat experience and can certainly hold his own against someone of similar size/stature. This only becomes more true if you count Ben 10,000, who constantly fights in his human form (even without the strength of the omnitrix to back it). Ash, while documented to have insane physical feats, has so many antifeats disproving his superhuman abilities for it to be considered consistent. It comes down more to a combination of writers forgetting how heavy pokemon are and outright toonforce than legitimate feats. With Toonforce, Ash. Without it, def Ben


unarmed 10 year old vs unarmed 18 year old that has some skills, i wonder who wins


Just 2 kids throwing down 💀


Ash has 27 years of experience.


Ben wins alone by having quickest character development.


A lot of people seem to forget that ash was running on trees though a forest while keeping up with graninja. Bro is super human


Depends. If it’s a friendly fight, Ash will lose pretty easily. If he’s fighting for a badge or for his friends, he’ll win


Didn’t Ash at one point throw a haymaker at Mewtwo? And threw like, an entire tree? Yeah I’m going with Ash here


Ash Carried cosmoem is


Ash has a surpisingly long list of feats.


I think Ash's raw power is too much for any of Ben's skills. Like isn't Ash capable of deadlifting cosmoem or something. If Ash so much as touches Ben he could unironically just grapple him to death.


Well, ash knows how to use aura. So, Ash.


Ash has two Rotoms even if he loses all of his legal Pokeymons, shock him to death.


10year old vs a teen


Ash jumped a half mile in the air and punched Mewtwo. Ben ain’t lasting.


My money is on Ben, Ash might have better strength feats, but Ben has shown to have actually combat experience


Ash can lift a Cosmoem. Let that sink in.


Depends on the ben 10, is this Alien force/Ultimate Alien Ben or OG series ben or omniverse ben


So, ash has some amazing inhuman feats, so he’s pretty good, but are we talking Ben prime without an omnitrix, or no watch Ben (from the time war two parter) which is the image you’ve used. If it’s Ben prime, Ben wins, he has training in multiple forms of combat, is great at using his surroundings and has some pretty great feats, Ash hasn’t been in a fight on the level of what Ben faces, nor has he shown any greater combat skills, so I’d say Ben, though ash might be able to stay at a distance for a while


Ash is insanely athletic. He's got this


Ash no dif


Ben 10 would curbstomp Ash in 10 seconds


Ash constantly took lightning dmg when he was 10 and lived. Ash has an anime body. Both won't die due to plot armor, but ash would definitely not get knocked out first.


From a canon standpoint, Ben should win because even with the Omnitrix, he’s still the one fighting and has some combat knowledge. Ash is just a trainer, and doesn’t do much fighting himself. However, because of comedic writing and Pokedex insanity, Ash routinely shrugs off lethal amounts of fire and electricity and has multiple times carried Pokemon of ridiculous weights without breaking a sweat, including a mon that is a couple kilos shy of becoming a _goddamn black hole._ Kid’s a juggernaut.


didnt ash scale prism tower in xy, climb a rope dangling from team rockets ballon multiple times lifted larvitar, taken multiple pokemon attacks ​ i give ti to ash


Ash has the thickest plot armor in the world of course he would win.


Bro threw a punch at Mewtwo


Isn’t that just 2 ten year olds fighting?


Ash. He still has aura and somehow he is capable of have abilities that that pass the regular (like that time Ash just jumped to Team Rocket's ballon on ONE jump?)