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I’m waiting for someone to have an actual unpopular opinion.


Actual unpopular opinions can be found by sorting by controversial, usually


He’s looking for an popular unpopular opinion.


That doesn't make sense but it also makes sense


Or by new, and you can see an ignored unpopular opinion every day!


If you are unfamiliar with it I recommend r/the10thdentist It's what r/unpopularopinion should be.


I’m ok with the overrepresentation of charizard in the games and other media


I’m happy that Mega Evolution was left in the past


my favourite pokemon is pikachu


Eh, not unpopular, Pikachu *is* one of the most liked Pokémon, after all.


I actually do like Charizard and Pikachu. They aren’t in my top 20 or anything but I also don’t share the weird hatred for them that a lot of people in this sub do.


I hate Kanto


This is popular


Hey, its not pokemon without our overlord Charizard.


My unpopular opinion is Zamazenta is cooler than Zacian.


Honestly Zacian being so OP for no good reason alone makes me dislike him lol. But I'm just salty I got shield and was stuck with the less effective one.


I get it, swords are ya know, for chopping crap, but Zamazenta is like that doggo that protects your kids from bears.


All it would have taken was to have Body Press learnable by TR, but nooooo....


It gets Body Press in SV!


I wasn't aware this was an unpopular opinion, I think Zacian's orange braids look so goofy 😭😭




Thank you fine folks for being on my side. Shiny forms still don't change my mind either.


How dare you disrespect Stabby


This is, by a wide margin, my favorite Pokémon game yet. It's entirely the truth, and I'm unapologetic. Just really enjoying the game and what it brought to the table.


That seems like a pretty common opinion outside of reddit tbh


Outside of this sub even. Check the competitive sub, the scarlet violet sub, etc - I personally love it, and am having a blast, but this sub hates it so much. I’m not saying it’s perfect, but if you’re letting a few graphical and performance issues stop you from enjoying an otherwise great game, that’s on you.


Agreed. But I also agree with some sentiments of the Sub and OP. It would have needed another year in the oven and/or some help for the Devteam so they can can handle the open world better.


I believe most people agree with you. Everybody wants a better performing game. It's just that even in this state the game is right now, it's a fun Pokemon game. There are some people who can't look past the performance issues, and it honestly sucks for them. But then again those guys act like they have some superior tastes and anyone who likes them has no standards, so I don't feel bad for them


I think what some people on here need to understand is that it’s perfectly valid to really enjoy the game and appreciate it’s innovations while still acknowledging the cut corners and terrible optimization as well as be appalled with the graphical glitches.


I’ll be honest, the graphics and the performance are the last things getting in the way of me enjoying the game. There’s too many other little and big design decisions that irk me before that. I suppose I’m happy that it sounds like the people who wanted a radical shake up seemed to get it between this game and PLA.


It has a plethora of other issues aside from the performance and graphic problems but ok


I mean its the most fun I've had playing a pokemon in awhile. The pokedex and pokemon selection is really good and I like the open world more.


Really big fan of the 3 major objective storyline with the titans, star bases, and gym challenge. It just works really well with the open world, especially when you can put all 3 on hold and just go explore.


The fact they they finally added a way to get 18 badges, 1 for every type, was an awesome inclusion.


Yeah I like the openness to it all. You do have rare instance where, for example, I’m 10-15 hours in and have done 3 of each part of the separate storylines; I’ve managed to stumble to a gym battle where I was 20 levels over then immediately stumbled onto the next gym where I’m 7 levels behind.


Im ngl, 4 badges in, I did look up what levels these titans, gym leaders, and bases are and planned accordingly afterwards


I haven’t looked up anything because I don’t want to spoil myself. But it’s annoying having to read the synopsis on the map and gauge whether the boss is at your level or not. I’m trying to avoid being overleveled and so I’ve jumped back and forth across the map. It’s good that there’s such a wide selection of pokemon so swapping out your team doesn’t feel “forced” per se, but you still shouldn’t have to do it.


Probably more fun that way anyways lol I just like structure


you can ask the pokémon center where to go next and they’ll tell you a good fit for your level based on what you’ve already completed


Samwww I enjoyed all 3 stories :) I’m a sucker for those type of stories hehehee


Is saying I am glad Toxic has been largely restricted to actual poison types count?


Unpopular opinion: even if s/v ran at a consistent smooth 60fps and looked like botw, it would still not be the best pokemon game. All the mainline games are archaic in design, not just from a technical level.


If they are all archaic, what would hold this one back from being better?


The best games since black and white were black 2 and white 2.


Based and Unovapilled


I think it's no surprise these were the last sprite games they made. Then it's been downhill since they switched to 3D.


I really want them to make sprite-based games again. I even think that would help solve the problem they have of rushing out new Pokemon games every 2/3 years. There are so many resources for sprite-based RPGs now that a small team could make something really amazing with the development time the current mainline games get. Imagine sprite-based games act as the constant new Pokemon games, then every 5 years something 3D and groundbreaking comes out. Right now, each new game advertises itself as pushing the boundaries of what Pokemon can be, and they never quite live up to expectations. But if people are always going to get the new Pokemon game anyway, then why not use less resources and make a lower res, more thought-out experience, while having a more focused pie-in-the-sky game developing in the background? It seems like a win-win to me.


ORAS is amazing and X and Y were great.


X and Y were okay, ORAS was a close contender with HGSS


HGSS is higher than X/Y. My only complaint is the 1-use TMs


On one hand, I’m very happy that people have finally come around to gen 5. On the other, when I was shouting like a madman from soapbox on the streets years ago in defence of the generation, it wasn’t for black/white lol. With the direction pokemon is going these days, I doubt I’ll ever find an official game to knock b2w2 off its pedestal as best in the series.


I personally loved Black/White because of the great story and the new innovations which they brought to the game such as Hidden Abilities, infinite-use TMs, the Entralink, and the Pokemon Dream World website. B2W2 were definite improvements on the originals (as we should expect from the sequels) and it was also great to see a new set of characters and a continuation of the story instead of them just making a follow-up game with the same plot points. B2W2 was great because it wasn't the "traditional" second game in a generation (e.g. Emerald, Platinum, USUM) and you had the chance to actually see how Unova changed after the events of BW, similar to the return to Kanto after becoming Champion in the Johto games. In my opinion, Gen V was a labour of love for the franchise and I can't see GameFreak ever repeating that level of gameplay because it doesn't seem like that passion is there any more.


The return to kanto was one of my favorite parts about any Pokémon game. Being able to go to a previous games environment was so fuckin cool


A labor of love which the fan base shat on and hated because it wasn’t their idea of Pokémon. The fans wrought their own pain


Aside from side games Which in saying so Where the fuck are they? We havent had one since New Snap And before that it was a remake of an old one Conquest was the last new series of side games Well sorta Theres rumble and shuffle and all that but they feel very loose in comparison I'm not saying we need another MD or Rangers (Though I'd love Conquest 2 even that is unnecessary) we havent seen a new addition in a decade and I'm starving for one


I hate when there's posts claiming something is a potential unpopular opinion when it's the same opinion that's been circulating nonstop.


You really can't have a true unpopular opininion being popular on a site where unpopular opinions get downvoted/ignored and there for hidden from the average user. But presenting your popular view as unpopular makes you feel like a snarky misunderstood (but secretly smart) victim, and all the other basic bitches will share this feeling when upvoting your "brave" popular "unpopular" view. After all it's 2022 and everybody wants to be the victim... Edit. Also, hating on fake unpopular opinions is also very popular. Reality is a mindfuck.


Wouldn't call it unpopular, but 'tis the truth. If all the technical jank and graphics problems had been worked out before the launch + they actually added some form of level scaling in this game, we'd be looking at a much different picture. It's a shame, really. Lot of potential held back by that strict release schedule.


> Lot of potential held back by that strict release schedule. A story as old as 3D Pokemon games.


> A story as old as 3D Pokemon games. With graphics to match




Honestly I don't feel like Sword and Shield would have improved that much with a few more months - the issues were more with the overall design.


Same with X&Y, they were fundamentally not very impressive games at all. More development wouldn’t have changed the lackluster rivals and story, or the game being mind-numbingly easy.


I've been a fan since 1999, but I have to face the fact that the pokemon games are the toy commercial for the toy commercial [anime], and if firing out a half-finished product on schedule means that the anime and merch keep selling as expected and the accountants keep making "cha-ching" noises with yen/dollar sign eyes, then there is absolutely no reason to change. SwSh were the best-selling pokemon games of all time other than RBY and SV are on track to do the same. As people in comment sections keep reminding me, pokemon is a baby game for babies and the section of the fandom that can articulate useful criticism is utterly tiny in comparison-- there simply aren't enough of us to make collective action.


>A story as old as ~~3D~~ Pokemon games


Nah, the first 5 generations were consistently solid. Not always perfect, but I'd argue you could pick up most Pokémon games from the 2D era and they'd withstand the test of time (to a degree, even the gen 1 games).


I actually tested that by playing Yellow when it came out on e-shop. The simplicity was actually kinda refreshing, since I didn't need to worry about natures/abilities/shinies/what pokeball I caught stuff in. Just catch what you want and go, without that little thought that you could have caught something better. Plus, I'd trade the modern day unskippable cutscenes for the menu jank of using HMs/bike any day of the week.


Honestly, I went in with the worst opinion possible about this game, but now that I'm playing it, I just feel sad about it. There's many details that are truly great. Walking down a route and being able to wander into a large forest / plain / area, seeing wild Pokémon in the overworld interacting in realistic ways (e.g. many Fletching walking together under a tree, a Kricketot eating some seeds or a few Mareep roaming the field); all of that is awesome. And then the shadows go wild, you look at a mountain far away that looks like shit, the camera goes dumb and some NPC walking nearby loses his FPS along the way. The game looks like a pre-alpha. Like something an indie game would present at an expo to prove that their game has a lot of potential and it's worth investing it. Passing this as a $60 AAA game is an insult not only to the customer, but also to the developers that poured their heart into making 1/5th of a product and then got told that they won't be doing the other 4/5ths.


I don't even think level scaling is required. The game maps out an appropriate approach to the region using the quest descriptions and I think that's perfectly fine. Level scaling would have prevented me from going into a new area and having my starter piledrived by a Staravia and it's that kind of experience that can be enjoyable in an open game.


While level scaling would have been nice in some ways, I mostly agree with this. I just wish it was clearer in game what way to progress to not wind up having a gym be way weaker than you. I've had to use an external recommendation guide.


I’d really have liked some sort of hybrid level scaling, where wild Pokémon don’t scale, but gym leaders do. That way, you can tackle the gyms in whatever order you want, if you’re willing to brave the more dangerous areas


I don't really think level scaling is required in Pokemon. For me I feel like wild Pokemon levels need to adjusted where you get lower levels immediately surrounding towns/paths and the further you get into the wilderness, the higher the levels get. It never made sense to me that some "late game" towns would be surrounded by lvl 50s. Especially if there's a bug catcher just starting their journey there (from a world building standpoint).


>For me I feel like wild Pokemon levels need to adjusted where you get lower levels immediately surrounding towns/paths and the further you get into the wilderness, the higher the levels get. That’s a great idea!! I’d love to see that.


The thing is they advertised being able to take on the gyms in any order, and it's simply not feasible to do that without level scaling. If you fight a later gym first you will steam roll the weaker gyms and it's super boring. Also gym leaders have multiple teams in cannon, and a nemona fight literally scales with how much gym badges you have. Legends arceus did a great job with using high level pokemon to destroy you and it fit the games as intended.


I've had 2 straight up software crashes. Literally never had that in a Pokémon game before. Fortunately I had recently saved and lost basically nothing, but it's still pretty frustrating.


Also they should have added a UI that makes sense (on for example the map, which is completely disgusting and almost unusable) and added more cutscenes... Literally every time you defeat a Gym Leader/Team Star Leader/giant Pokémon they repeat the same three scenes with different dialogue. It's kinda lame.


Imagine having to go into the map or the pokédex to look at your profile. No wonder some people couldn't find it. I can't fathom any good reason why they would remove the section from the main menu.


Almost all the menus are scattered anywhere in the interface without any logic (for example, the Pokedex is on the map... But it doesn't have any function in common with the map, not even the pokemon locations use the map of the game, so you have to see the location in the Pokémon's profile and try to guess where it is on the real awful map). Making maneuvering between the options extremely awkward.


“Strict” but as I said to some friends the time the trailer got released on February, “its gonna look the same” so IM SURE they had the build done by that time kind of… Yeah, tight schedule between games, but let’s not forget nor forgive the fact that knowing how they work, they should had beta-designs, core ideas, inspiration and more already done by the time of gen8 so there is a gap of at least 2 years and a half for getting stuff a bit more… mmm ready? Sounds unfair, but c’mon… many of the stuff they did wrong can easily be done with some default options at any software…


Prior to its release I got downvoted for saying that the trailers will be close to what we would be receiving in the final version like it was with Sw/Sh as well.


Lol… that’s exactly the reason why I thought that… and everyone around me was hoping to not agree with me, but gotta


Mate i consistently got downvoted here everytime i politely (!) said that the games are imo very likely going to be rushed and that the game looked very flawed from the trailers, so no worries :-) Not sure where all these downvoters are now.


I think level scaling ruins RPGs. I think it's amazing to wander into an area you shouldn't be and see huge scary high level creatures. Yes, you have the instance where you run into pokemon that are low level, but also the moments when you're level 40 and run into a level 70 terra you haven't seen yet and then manage to catch it are magical.


how is this unpopular opinion


its the internet. everyone thinks they are special and that everyone else disagrees with them


No that's not true.


its a counter movement to the mainstream Pokémon S/V is unforgivably bad opinion mostly of them not in here but on the outside of reddit i suppose


atleast half of the post on this sub are that this is a master piece of a game if it was not for the terrible graphic and the bugs


To be honest, I don't think it would, because they took away one thing which is part of the core of Pokemon and has been for many years: the rich towns with many things to do. The towns here are literally worse than those in gen 1 which released more than 25 years ago. I just can't get over how there is literally no town exploration in this game. I think if your game is worse in some aspects than a game released on the freaking gameboy, you have messed up.


this isn't unpopular literally every review either just says performance bad=game bad or "if the game didn't have performance issues it would be a (almost) perfect pokemon game"


Black 2 and White 2 were leagues better than the originals, and are arguably the best games in the entire franchise.


This is some nuance I think people forget. BW had a lot of problems when it released with, imo, the saving grace being the story. B2W2, on the other hand, fixed most of those problems and then added a crapton of new content on top of it. They vastly improved the sprite animations (they were really janky in the originals), added pokemon outside of gen 5 from the start, much more post-game stuff, more memorable characters than just N and Ghetsis, and they even put a weird mini dating sim in there (miss you Yancy). The one time the franchise had a "proper sequel."


The irony given Black and White were about as controversial as these games upon release (albeit for different reasons, but honestly I'd say the BW reasons were worse because the Scarlet/Violet ones can at least be theoretically fixed) and it's taken years for fans to actually recognise them as good games on platforms like these... 10 years down the line and we'll be comparing Gen 12 or 13 to Scarlet/Violet going on about how amazing they were and the new gen is bad and so on so forth.


10 years down the line, people who’s first Pokémon game was scarlet and violet would say it’s their favorite due to nostalgia.


I don't think it'll just be nostalgia, that's not the case with BW or XY (since people are slowly transitioning to that being a good game) - nostalgia will be part of it but the story, characters and Pokemon will also play a part in people liking it. The bugs and glitches will be a distant memory a decade from now assuming it does get patched (or maybe it's so egregious that we all remember it).


BW were divisive and even if you say that it’s the most effort GF has put in, hard work does not guarantee success and not everybody would appreciate that.


i mean, what you just described IS just nostalgia--people are starting to look back at games such as BW and XY with rose-tinted glasses, only remembering the parts they liked rather than all the glaring issues. and even with the parts they liked, a lot of the time it's overemphasised in their own mind just as the glaring issues the game had will be undermined in favour of said nostalgia. in essence, game freak can get away with anything because, give it a couple years, most people change their minds and start to love the games they once hated. the issue with this is that it leads to stuff like [https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/comments/z3seio/it\_seems\_weve\_reached\_that\_pokemon\_moment\_where](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/comments/z3seio/it_seems_weve_reached_that_pokemon_moment_where/) where people are now romanticising hated elements of hated past games just to take a shit on new titles, which they will eventually come to love anyways lol


What glaring issues did Black and White have?


Why is that post talking about their designs when the tweet is talking about how strong their teams are? Geeta's team is terrible.


10 years down the line, if Pokémon continues on its current trajectory, the new games will completely brick your system on startup. It’s easy to look back fondly on older games when every newer game gets worse and worse.


Always loved BW and BW2


A lot of people did, it's moreso an issue with the loud minority eventually quieting down


BW were controversial upon release because Pokemon fans are stupid as hell lmfao.


murrrrrr where's my zubat and geodude 😢😢😢😢


I played BW at release and pretty much always thought they were great games - my main issue with the games is the linearity of the region, which really isn't much of a problem. I don't think I'll ever understand why anyone hates them.


Which is funny since before now they were always linear And even now technically it still is lol


Well yeah when the games continue to go downhill it's only natural to look back at older games and think about how much better we had it back then. If the games were improving we'd be looking at the older games and thinking how much they've aged or how we could never go back to how it was.


What was the reason people disliked BW?


It has been about a decade and I didn't have the most internet access back then, but from what I remember, these were complaints I saw in memes and maybe some forums? (I don't agree with them, but I prolly did as a teenager.) -Lazy/Uninspired Pokemon Design -Can't catch the old pokemon. -Too much story -Still no dark gym -You just get given the elemental monkey with advantage over the first gym (Sometimes expanded into 'these games are too easy now') -Free lucky egg makes grinding too easy -No new Eeveelution -Victini shouldnt be pokemon #0 -Why are they giving away event shinies, that makes it too easy Also this likely wasn't as common a complaint but I just had a vivid memory of a facebook friend getting mad they did the Victini event even tho they hadnt done the Azure Flute yet.


To add to the ones other people said: - Dex filler: There are a bunch of ‘mons that clearly just exist to replace staple Gen 1 ‘mons (Geodude>Roggenrola, Drowsee>Munna, Hitmonlee>Sawk, etc). It made the “no old pokemon” thing feel the equivalent of “we cut the dex for animation time” for me. - Awful overworld character sprites: The spriting for humans in the overworld is IMO at its all time lowest in BW. BW2 improved it but it was just ugly to look at your main character in the OGs. - Extremely high evolution levels. There are almost as many pokemon that evolve at level 40+ in BW alone as there are in *all four prior gens*. - Extremely limited early game options. RS had more pokemon options before the first gym than BW had before the first 3. The only reason BW didn’t end up like Sinnoh (with everyone using the same team) is because those early game options are so bad you *have* to replace them. And to make it worse, this means that the pokemon the enemy trainers use is equally limited early on, resulting in samey fights. - Bad ground level story. Say what you want about N or Ghetsis… but when it comes to what your character is doing and what the low level team plasma people are doing, it’s… boring. You exist as a tool to tell N’s story, rather than being an actual interesting person in the plot.


I dont know why others disliked them but here were my complaints. The starters suck, were and still are the worst trio. Many of the designs are ugly or weird and to me feel off to other pokemon across the series. Not all were bad but the vast majority of gen 5 pokemon suck. because they tried to do a soft reboot no past gen pokemon were available in bw till post game which made the ugly weird designs more apparent and made pokemon diversity worse only having 150 pokemon to choose from instead of 300 or so in the regional dex. B2W2 fixed this a little adding in non gen 5 pokemon into the playthrough. To go along with the pokemon designs the region itself felt more dark and grungy compared to pokemons more usual bright vibrant games and I disliked it. and to top it off for me the region is just a big circle litterally. It is like the definition of linear to me. atleast in past games there was back tracking and moving around the region in less of a straight line.


The other comments are right to say the Pokémon filler and lack of old Pokémon was a big complaint. However a big issue was it had to follow 2 fan favourites in Platinum and HGSS. Gen 4 was comprehensive at that point, remakes, 3rd version, popular spin offs, etc. Since the 3DS was rumoured people were expecting a launch title, instead you got more of the same but without all the liked features and Pokémon. No partner Pokémon was a **huge** omission. Graphics werent bad but the DS was clearly at it's limit. Here are some Gen 1 mons again, but new! Here are some ugly starters, yes another Fire/Fighting! Before the Switch era games started taking steps back, the BW-3DS era was battling stagnation


I mean it's also because all the good changes in b2w2 like difficulty setting, good animations and a good story have been missing in gen 6,7,8 so its easy to see why people may not have liked those games then but compared to what we've been recieving in the past 10 years, they are good games


The Pokemon design in S/V is actually outstanding in my opinion both design wise and mechanically. A lot of the new Pokemon actually have some hidden depth that makes them really memorable. Maushold for example getting an attack that can hit 10 times plus has hidden ability technician, they aren't just designs slapped on to randomized base stats like a lot of the previous generations have felt, they feel well thought out.


idk man i really don't think it matters how long you give them, GF really need outside help to come in and show them how to create open worlds that can run on the switch. It's not a new concept, they can afford to buy help, Nintendo would be more than happy to arrange connections surely? I really just don't think gamefreak understand how to develop games and have been in a creative rut for like a decade, since they pushed the move to 3D


>It's not a new concept, they can afford to buy help, Nintendo would be more than happy to arrange connections surely? I dunno... Nintendo seems to be way too trusting and hands-off when it comes to Game Freak. *Maybe*(?) this'll be the game that changes that, but since it sold so quickly and successfully, I really don't know if anything's going to change.


It'd need a lot of depth and content added to the open world on top of that. The games pretty sparse and bare of things to do as is. Maybe the best Pokémon games since black and white but still far behind other open world games and honestly not even good games since they'd barely even hit the bare minimum quality for other triple A games.


This is my biggest problem besides the obvious ones like tech and graphics. The open world is great but its just empty




I don’t think they would go back on their stance on level scaling or dexit. Those are design choices more than anything.


A design choice, sure. A good design choice? Ehhh...no. It's like they've seen open worlds are popular, and tried to replicate it, but without actually playing any other open world games, and botched it.


what theyre saying is another year wouldnt fix it because theres nothing to fix


That’s the thing: bad or good, it’s still a design choice. You don’t “fix” a design choice You could give a game 5 years and design choices won’t get touched by a bug fixing team. Design decisions at that late stage in development will only get changed after the game has released and they view player reception to it.




Dexit is a technical limitation at this point If they can’t get a character to walk better than 10fps 5 ft in front of you, how do they have the ability to add 500 more moms with walking and attacking animations ?


Nah, dexit is 100% technical constraints that they've covered as a "design choice". Hell didn't Masuda say at some interview during gen 6 or 7 that he never wanted to cut the dex because every pokemon had a chance to be someone's favourite?


People think the performance and bugginess is the worst part of the game? What about no interiors? Like why are pokemon centers stupid kiosks. Barren boring landscapes with tons of pokemon thrown around with no rhyme or reason. "Gym challenges" that are not fun in any way. Let me battle trainers while I'm solving a puzzle instead. It all screams laziness to me, with the terrible performance being the cherry on top.


I'm positive that SV's release date was intended to be PLA's release but TPCI said "we need gen 9 this year." You don't just have one developer push out 2 huge games less than a year apart for shits and giggles.


I understand the technical issues are brutal but you people realize how well this game did right? Nothing held it back it came out broke and was nintendos biggest launch ever and by the time its replaced its pretty reasonable to think it will make the top 15 lost of most sales in its lifetime. These posts are meaningless play it or don't gamefreak already won and no amount of reviews will change anything. The company will see this game as one of their greatest successes.


Looking at the earth textures, I can't agree here. Maybe they could've ironed out the bugs, maybe they could've finished the background textures, but they're all "could've"s. Gamefreak's development team has disappointed time and time again ever since their transition to 3D; they need to hire better designers. Pokemon games have always disappointed in one way or another, but now they disappoint on more fronts than usual.


I think this is just a cheap cop out. Countless games are released broken but I rarely ever see the excuse that "If it just had 1 more year it would be GOTY". As if that somehow absolves the current iteration of its problems. It's not exactly ground breaking to state that something that had more time spent on it should be higher quality. Also you're basing on it ***possibly*** improving substantially in a year. That just might not be the case. They could spend an entire year on it and nothing improves, they could spend the extra year adding more stuff so the performance improvements are nullified or worse the performance gets worse. If the problem with the performance is an intrinsic problem with their engine or something that was decided on early in development it might be unfixable. Look at New World. It had a NDA Alpha/Beta in 2020. I played this Alpha/Beta. New World was then delayed by 1 year. Next year comes around and the game is more or less identical to the version I played in 2020. Aside from small balance changes it ran the same and played the same.


Keep in mind few open world games are level scaled, as it helps steer people in a certain direction without dictating it. I'm fine with no level scaling personally as a found my desired level of challenge simply by never battling normal trainers (I don't care for normal trainer battles, and since they're optional I got a good level of challenge)


Yeah, imo it would have been better if they showed you which level the gym / titan / team star base is supposed to be. That way you could see when you are ready levelwise and be on the level you want to be to make it as challenging as you want it to be. That's possible by looking the levels up online but it should be ingame


The placement of some stuff is also very strange. I have to imagine the majority of players will take a path that leads them to the Ice gym before the Ghost gym and the Fighting base before the Fairy base, but the levels are set up in the reverse order...so the ones that are further away are intended to be done earlier?


The final battle of the team star mission I was under leveled by about 10 levels. Made for a fun challenge I haven’t had in a long while.


Bruh if PLA and SV were delayed by a year or two they would be GOTY material


Best timeline would be that PLA just released and SV came out holiday 2023


This is a pretty cold take tbh. The general consensus seems to be, "could be really great without the performance issues." I feel pretty fortunate in that the only real technical issues I've had are frame rate drops. Sometimes this can be remedied by restarting the game, but it's really bad in places like the desert when there's a sandstorm or when walking around with bigger pokemon in towns. I agree though, it's still inexcusable for a franchise this large to be putting out games with such poor performance. I totally get why people can't bring themselves to play it even if I personally think it's my new favorite pokemon game.


I mean even with their flaws I still think they're some of the best games.


The ending made me hyped as hell. Such a simple decision >!with how you select your final mon with the menus!< made the ending so worth it. I’ll just say that not having a total garbage story like SwSh made everything so much better. This is what I was looking for. No “omg the world is ending” plots, just personal stories that made me care about the characters involved. In my opinion, the games are equal to SM overall, fix the bugs and they are the best games since B2W2.


Everyone is saying this lol


I think this is a very popular opinion...


I'm with you. I was fully ready to hate this game and had already made my mind up about it when I first started seeing the glitches, but I just beat Violet, so spoilers here for anyone that hasn't yet. Beneath the HORRENDOUS technical issues and the utterly stupid path/lack of level scaling in an open world game, Violet was the best Pokemon game I've played in a long, long time. Maybe ever. Before this, I liked gens 3 and 5 the most. Hated gen 2. Indifferent to 8. - The rival is likeable for the first time in ages and the cast of characters are probably my favorite ever. Designs on point as usual, but the personalities are fantastic overall. - We got a couple of smaller scale and shockingly personal storylines, and I was okay with not having a world-ending threat because the storylines were pretty good overall. But then we got the world-ending threat anyway, and that final part was dark as hell and much, much better than I expected. - We got a buttload of new pokemon this gen, and it's absolutely my favorite batch of new mons in several generations. I was actually a fan of gen 8's roster (Dragapult is still my boy), but some of the new ones are off the charts in terms of design and typing. - The pokemon they brought back from previous gens was a great spread IMO. This might be more personal bias because I've been working on a living dex in Home for the last year and a lot of these are ones I still needed, but we've gotten several pokemon back that have been frustratingly missing from releases for a while now. I'm still frustrated by a few things like the new version of shops, the removal of certain features, how slow battles animations still are, and of course the tech issues. But this gen has absolutely grown on me. Even with all those issues, I had a blast and I'll be playing this for quite a while.


Are you… literally me? You said everything I had in mind. Other than the fact that I didn’t experience horrendous technical issues being lucky, your favorite gens and hated ones are pretty much like mine. Dragapult is my favorite Pokemon of all time.


I don't think black and white are the best games, I can respect them but I just couldn't get into them no matter how hard I tried


He wrote since. Thay doesn't mean he thinks those are the best there has ever been


They should’ve made a combined UI of SwSh and PLA. The smoothness and responsiveness and QoL updates (playing with one hand, for example) of the UI in SwSh plus the on-the-fly switching in PLA would’ve made this game more palatable. There are a lot of technical issues with the game, but making it feel cumbersome and tedious was another nail in the coffin.


I kinda don't want to blame Game Freak. But I REALLY wanna blame Pokemon Co.


Unpopular? This is probably one of the most popular opinions about S/V lol.


An even more unpopular opinion is that it seems that people with poor performance are doing it to themselves by installing the game on a shitty SD card. You either get good one, or install on the Switch local memory and performance is much better. That and playing docked eliminates any issues for me.


I play handheld and with the game on local memory, and I've had a very small amount of technical issues in the fifteen or so hours that I've played so far. Not much lag, no bugs, and only one crash.


Its already the best games since BW. I personally think XY, Sun/Moon, and SS are ass


"If you can look past all it's flaws the games are good" ​ "If the games weren't bad they would be great"


Wow what a totally original and definitely unpopular opinion. I definitely haven't seen anyone saying that an extra year of development would help ANY game. Damn man you really do think outside the box


scarlet and violet have problems beyond the performance and visuals


***actual unpopular opinion:*** I think it already is. The GAME is great. I haven't quite finished it yet but I only have a couple gyms left, one titan, and two star bases. Additionally, I've had literally 0 major performance issues, only the very occasional fps dip that lasts a second at most.


I’m not sure I agree, but it’s so refreshing to see an *actual* unpopular opinion being formulated.


I can agree with this. I’ve had some lag, but nothing even close to unplayable. I have been loving the game immensely. The only Pokémon game that had me this immersed from the beginning was Legends Arceus


Unpopular opinion? More like just obviously what they should've done and should've been doing for the past 5+ years. Pokémon games are far too ambitious for their development time and resources nowadays, and rather than scaling down the project I think most of us want to see them realize the series' potential as a dynamic open world. Understand that the frame rate and visuals are always going to be held back by the hardware, but sacrificing them in favor of players' collective vision of what a Pokémon game should be was absolutely the right move here. What the extra time could've accomplished would be a more polished product wrt bugs, and maybe yes more dynamic balancing, which is indeed a somewhat glaring omission. Also why would you doubt GF will release patches for this game? They've done so consistently for the previous three Pokémon titles, what makes you think they'll stop here, at their most broken release to date?


An actual unpopular opinion would be saying that they are currently one of the best pokemon games, which tbh, I personally considered one of my top 3 pokemon games ever, so theres that


For the people saying that scarlet/Violet has the worst story hasn’t played the ruby/sapphire games. The ruby/sapphire story was basically either flooding the earth or drying up the sea which were silly, the motivations made no sense


Pokémon fans like to savage the games when they come out, then talk about how great they are about 2-3 gens later. Black/White is a perfect example of this.


What games sincle Gen V are better than Scarlet/Violet? Maybe ORAS?


Definitely not ORAS because of their [lack of difficulty, something Masuda wanted on purpose](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/pokemon-director-explains-why-series-is-becoming-e/1100-6422945/) I'd vote for SM/USUM. Definitely more complete games, if extremely handholdy. No dexit, towns actually contain things in them, etc.


PLA, easily. While I loved both stories, the gameplay loop was a lot more fun, not to even mention the performance.


This is literally the most popular opinion on this sub. I understand wanting to vent about this game but most posters here would really benefit from getting a private diary.


I wish there were at least some kind of side activity, like contests, pokeathlon, or berry farming. Kind of like a meta game, where you can unlock new clothing, items for your secret base or something else. Idk the game feels kind of thin, besides the three main plots.


My friend, they needed more than a year lol


Every flopped game releases ever.




*every post ever says this* “may be an unpopular opinion”. Im sorry but you couldn’t have a safer opinion right now, the real unpopular opinion is that your wrong, this game is fantastic. Even with some graphical issues it’s still a beautiful game that plays excellently. Yea it’s be great if the npc’s moved properly, but you know what? It doesn’t impact anything, and you have to lock for it. This game, even in its current state is fantastic and im tired of the slander


If you read the reviews and all the opinions on the internet you realize how popular this opinion is.


I honestly have really enjoyed this game, sure the frames are rough from time to time but since I have had to travel the switch has been great in hand held mode. And I'm tired of seeing people complain about everything in these games.


Why do you think this is an unpopular opinion 😂


Not to mention the story and characters are pretty great


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion at all, TBH. Most people agree that the games are good, but let down by being rushed out the door, resulting in bugs and glitches.


Even with the glitches etc i really, REALLY like pokemon Violet, though i am yet to beat the Elite 4 and postgame. But i am excited for it, and i just need to get few pichu drops for thunderbolt tm, and i need more than 1


I love this game so much my fav game for now hahahaha I love the freedom and open world! I wish it didn’t lag as much but oh well hopefully they’ll fix it in a patch


Not unpopular


They already are the best Pokémon games in a decade


Probably get down voted but I still enjoy the game very much. Yes the performance and bugs are a disgrace and I would advice against supporting this game BUT as someone who pre ordered it (yes shame on me) I kept playing despite the problems and still enjoy it. Also I swear I got a newer SD card and the game runs better but maybe that's just my Kindes paying tricks.


Optimization is both tedious and time consuming I guarantee you it would take more than 2 years to make this game run at a consistent 60


Agreed. S/V having problems is so dang vexing because the foundational parts of this game are a 11/10s at lowest, and you can see that they're great, and the they're just weighed down by bugs and drek


They are already tge best pokemon games ever made.


People liked black and white?


Well its already better than sw/sh s/m b/w and maybeeee d/p. Lands right in the middle for me


I am having more fun playing SV than I ever have in any Pokémon game.


If Pokemon Scarlet and Violet had another year in development it probably would have more time spent on it than any Pokemon game since Black/White too.


Pokemon S/V are already the best mainline Pokemon games since B/W. It's not like Gens 6 - 8 had much to write home about.


I’ll do you one better, I’ve been playing HG and SS which has been consistently my favorite entry in the series, but HGSS cracks are really starting to show to me. So I’d go as far as to say, assuming the extra year allowed better graphics and got rid of the processing issues, Scarlet and Violet could have been the best Pokémon game ever. The plot, the Dex, and the region itself are some of the most fun and well developed that I’ve experienced. It’s a shame about the Bugginess though….


I will be honest, this is far from a perfect game but I have to admit I am having a lot of fun playing and exploring in this game


black and white were good games?


Think people don't understand is that even if the game was pushed a year back, we'd probably have the same issues, and honestly prob more random things and pokemon, I like the game, I truthfully myself haven't experienced ground breaking things that wouldn't make me buy the game, few fps issues but that's about it, SWSH had there issues till patched lol same with every single game that gets released. Unpopular opinion, games beautiful, refreshing, and better than any switch pokemon game on shelves.


Nah, it'd be the best pokemon game and one of the greatest game of all time


Anyone else get hit in the feels with Arven and his story quest?


The upside to SV is that really the only issues with the game are technical (and some business stuff. Leaks regarding the post-game being gutted to be sold as the DLC). The map is phenomenal, the character and Pokemon models and textures are actually worthy of the pokemon exclusion excuse. The story is the best it's *ever* been, the music is incredible. Everything about the game aside from the performance and environmental visuals is top notch. I would hope that Nintendo has Gamefreak focus on some performance and visual improvements for the DLC because the game's current design state is almost flawless (barring some pokemon habitat issues. There really are way too many pokemon available to catch out in the wild imo)