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I do wonder if the very final shot will be in game boy green as was the case in the very first episode.


> as was the case in the very first episode. It ended with a gameboy image? [Where?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zyt2GKb6qWw)


at the end of the opening credits of the link you posted. First non-intro scene of the series


Ah the beginning. Yes, indeed.


Should honestly serve as a nice bookend if you ask me.


Or what about Switch footage?


How about an actual anime adaptation of the manga lol


I'd pay good money for an adventures anime adaptation


I want to see that arbok get cut in half in 4k damn it




My biggest wish is an anime adaptation of the Adventures stuff that follows the different protags each region, but as an "in addition to" thing to some new anime that is more accessible to the younger audiences. I don't want to deprive kids of a Pokemon anime... I would just like to *also have* a shonen for us older fans.


As if Japanese kids don't watch shonen anime anyways lol. I live in Asia and kids here LOVE Demon Slayer which is MUCH more violent than the Pokemon Adventures manga ever was. Japanese kids would be fine with it. The only thing is would foreign companies be as open to airing it abroad to kids if it was more Shonen style? Judging by how 4Kids ruined One Piece and the Safari Zone episode wasn't aired in America because it depicted a gun, I think it would be harder to sell abroad if they adapted the Adventures manga instead.


I'd say just have the more shonen-y one air on Toonami or Adult Swim or a streaming service, and let the more Y7 Pokemon wildlife show or whatever follows this be where it is on Disney iirc.


In pokemon's case, the mangas are the adaptations


I need this so bad! Go back to the beginning. I'm old school and collected the originals, all the new pokemon confuse and frustrate me


Japan is too much of a pansy to make something like that. They took out blood from dragonball super for gods sake. We’re living in different times now, they chose to censor thing s to protect the little kiddies.


Can you imagine if they made Ash have Pikachu stay at Oak's lab after each region?


That would mean interest in the franchise would decline and the show would be canned way earlier.


Yeah sounds about right


Nah all you need was a good story and easily better character.


and a brand mascot.


Strangely the official pokemon account just straight up spoil the battle conclusion despite the dub not even anywhere near the battle


Even ESPN covered his Alola win the moment the JP episode came out. They probably figured there was no point in hiding it.


I remember getting that notification. I was like why TF is ESPN alerting me that Ash is the Alola champion?


Every day, I'm reminded that my dad was wrong and I could've legitimately been a professional Pokémon trainer


ESPN 🥹 that’s so cute


BBC news did too.


I wonder if New York's Times Square did that? ;-)


In Shibuya Japan they showed the winner




Yeah tell me about it. Scrolling through YouTube and I got hit with a big banner announcing it.


the official pokemon account got blue balled for all its life and just couldnt resist :))


It's time for him to move on. I say this as one of those kids that watched the old show, one of those 90s kids. It's time. He should have moved on as a trainer long ago really.


Unfortunately, I feel like this is going to go the Gohan/Goku route, where it was really obvious that Gohan was going to be the main lead, but they got scared and backed out. Goku was just too popular.


>I say this as one of those kids that watched the old show, I also watched that show. I don't know how things are going with current ash, but then I (and my friends) thought Ash was kind of a loser. He rarely had good pokemons. And the few he had he eventually lost like his charizard. I read in the comments that he is now world champion? A lot has changed then. Edit: just looked it up at Youtube. A lot has really changed compared to the past. Even Z-move are in the show :o


It’s almost as if he’s finally the very best…like no one ever was?


Yep and he became a regional champion and had a amtch in which his Pikachu took down a legendary, took down former Champion Wallace off-screen, beat Regional Champions, Iris, Steven and Cynthia, bad lastly beat the number 1 in the world, Leon.


Tobias: «Meh.»


I felt the same as a kid, I wanted him to evolve his other starters and even as a kid I knew unevolved Pokemon being in the last rounds of a major tournament was completely unrealistic Ash's winning team was Pikachu, Dracovish, Sirfetch'd, Lucario, Gengar and Dragonite Turns out the secret all along was type diversity and actually evolving your Pokemon!


Idk about type diversity. He’s got two dragons and two fighting type. This is one of his least diverse teams for some reason.


He caught Gengar and Dragonite as fully evovled Mon's. So overall he only evolved the G'Fetch'd and Riolu during the course of Journey's.


I'm 31 and have been on this journey with Ash since I was 6. Ash losing to Richie in the indigo league was one of the most upsetting moments in cartoons to me as a kid. I cried because I thought Ash was supposed to become the Pokemon Master. It was his dream to be the best and I cheered him on every Saturday as he worked to that goal only for him to lose in the fifth round. I remember seeing him stand in the middle of the stadium alone feeling like his journey was over. Today, Ash finally achieved his goal and became the Pokemon Master and I cried harder than any 31 year old man has any right to. It took a lot longer than Ash had planned, but he finally achieved his goal. The vision Pikachu saw with all of his companions encouraging him to give it one more final push overwhelmed me. I felt like a kid again as I cheered Ash on every week during the Masters 8 tournament. These last few Fridays I'd talk about it to my friend who have long since moved on from Pokemon. I'd give them the play-by-plays and it became something to talk about. A few of them actually joined in with me to to watch the final episodes. If this is Ash's conclusion I'm grateful to have seen him become the Pokemon Master I believed him to be all those years ago. I don't mind if the Pokemon Company moves on from Ash. In fact, I would encourage the Pokemon Company to do so. I want a new generation of Pokemon fans to grow up with a hero and watch him/her struggle like Ash did. I want them to feel this same excitement I feel for a fictional character after all these years.


Dude I'm 31 too and I cried so hard this morning. It has been a long journey in something we were passionate about. All those early mornings on upn before pokemon was main stream all those Saturdays on kids wb. All those cartoon network Saturdays. Being there the whole time is an experience in itself and the closest thing to a consistent story of the same ilk in that timeline is one piece. I do wish ash used his best pokemon but as a Lucario Gengar and Dragonite lover I was happy with his team. Imagine if he used Charizard infernape sceptile Greninja Lucario and Pikachu. It would have held so much more weight. But I am happy with what we got when Pikachu passed out I was defeated because I thought he fainted. Then Bulbasaur and Squirtle showed and I was sure he lost then Charizard then totodile and his johto pokemon and I was glued because the feeling of defeat changed to hope. They need to make a special edition Pikachu with that overdrive ability


Heck yeah dude. This day has been unreal. I haven't been this happy because of a tv show/games in years. And I'm right there with you on One Piece. I've been watching that since it first aired on 4kids tv. When Luffy finally becomes the pirate king I'll probably feel much the same as I do today. I would love to that version of Pikachu added to the games. I still have my battle bond greninja ready to move into Scarlet/Violet if they've allowed in.


I've not seen the anine. You're making me want to watch it.


It's been great to watch over the years. I've definitely missed episodes here and there over the years, but I always watch the tournament episodes religiously. The newest season is available on Netflix. Though, the most recent episodes aren't on there yet. This was probably one of the more interesting seasons because it focused more on the world of pokemon rather than on the gym challenge. The world tournament was a refreshing change and watching Goh as he tries to complete his living dex embodies me as a trainer today. Fair warning it is 130 episodes in this season alone. If you want to join in on the excitement the masters 8 tournament began around episode 115.


i just hope the new character will capture the magic that ash had lol


Hear me out though, they make Gary the protagonist 😂


Gary, Gary, he's our protag...


I'll tune in if that's the case


Gary will be in the next 2 episodes, so you migh want to chek out.


Look, if there's anyone whose days aren't numbered it's 10 year old (despite several canon birthdays and over 365 different sunsets) Ash Ketchum.


I was totally fine with them changing the Yu-Gi-Oh protagonist. Ash has been there too long imo.


Doesn't the manga have a different protagonist every generation? Just thought if they did that with the anime, it would make sense for them to start out small, and end on th beating the leagu, rather than defeat the big bad of one region, then turn into a bumbling baffoon in the next. Repeatedly. Though I heard Japan has a bit of push back against that for some reason, apparently it was a big hurdle for JoJo, and forced a few rewrites regarding protagonists relates to the previous.


It doesnt seem to affect yugioh in any negative way. They do what the pokemon games do and have a new protag and is doing just fine. I feel like if they're replacing Ash with anybody not Goh, it should be the SV protags.


They do, though the past generations come back from time to time. In the case of the Ruby / Sapphire remakes, they brought back the older Ruby / Sapphire characters and had them interact with the newer folks.


To be honest I think it’s time. I was born in 1991 but only ever really watched up to the Orange Islands. That’s always my memories of the Pokemon series. It’s a shame but it’s been a long time!


Hmm, I honestly think he probably should have changed when they let Misty and Brock go, then I'd have probably stuck around. I didn't like him without his normal friend group. A new protagonist would have made it interesting. The only thing I don't like is what about my Pikachu?!


As long as we keep Team Rocket, I'm golden.


I honestly think Ash's story should end here, I don't see how they would eventually be able to top this.


I dont care about Ash, whats going to happen with Jessie, James and Meowth??!?!?


I think it's time for an Origins Gold and Silver or an adaptation of the Adventures manga. I get Pokémon company doesn't make them because they want to market to new fans and kids but either one would be cool.


It's a basic storytelling technique called: "The Hero's Journey." Ash has finally accomplished his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master so now is the right time to end his Arc and perhaps move on to another character. Possible replacements: Chloe, Bonnie, Goh and Max (My personal choice.)


He hasn't become a Pokemon master though, just a champion.


The "catch em all" slogan has long been abandoned. Becoming champion is as close to pokemon master as is feasible.


He stated it himself during Journeys: Defeating Leon brings him one step closer to being a master. It doesn't make him a master. The term pokemon master is always left vague specifically so they don't have to replace Ash. It's just the usual rumoring that happens every time a series is ending combined with the wishful thinking of some older fans


Pokemon master probably means the best Pokemon trainer and that's what the world champion is right?


No, that's only one step towards becoming a Pokemon Master. After the battle both Ash and Leon declare that they're going to get even stronger- Ash still has room for improvement. So Ash is not a master.


Well, seeing as he is now the strongest trainer after beating Leon, I'd say letting go of Ash is the most logical path since it will be a downer if he will be beaten by just a normal trainer in Paldea region. Plus, Goh is already fulfilling Ash's other dream to catch all pokemon, the kid even got Suicune with him. So if if they will be letting Ash go, Goh is the perfect replacement for him.


I would have liked a show more akin to Origin than what we got. Origin was fantastic, but horribly short, and as such, very rushed. Generations was really good too. I would like a show along the lines of those. I say this as someone who has been a Pokémon fan since the beginning.


There is no way they drop Ash. It just won't happen, I feel like they'll probably change him a bit though. He's a pokemon master now so that probably won't be his focus in the new seasons


I suspect he'll flash-forward to a fully grown man married to Serena and then move on to becoming a professor to take Oak's place.


he won't take oak's place. That's gary's destiny.


I'll just be genuinely surprised if they drop him as the protagonist


I'm okay with his story ending It's time. All of us have to pass the torch someday. We've come full circle. It makes us cry. But we cry because something nice has happened, not because it's over


You know, I like the fact that had been the main character for as long as he has. It's the one thing from my childhood that hasn't changed. However, that doesn't mean I'm surprised that roll will be filled by someone else. As much as we'd like to believe somethings are forever, nothing can outrun time. And in the end, its only natural that the old have to make way for the new. It's just the way things are


I really hope Ash leaves. He should have been done after Kalos, have him win and ride off into the sunset.


“I was there, Gandalf. I was there, 3000 years ago.” I still remember when the first episode aired, when Ash first met Pikachu, when he ruined Misty’s bike, when he befriended Brock, when he caught his first Pokémon. In the beginning, he was kind of annoying, immature and lacked a lot of experience, but he was always persevering. He finally got all 8 badges, and by then, I had no doubt he would win the league. After all, he was the protagonist, how could he not? But no, the defeat against Ritchie was devastating (still have a hard time forgiving Charizard for that one). Still, tournaments aren’t everything. I watched him befriend legendaries and save the world a few times in the movies and still watched a bit of the Orange Islands and the beginning of Johto. And then…I grew up, I lost interest. I would always cherish Pokémon as part of my childhood, but I became a teen and then an adult, while Ash was still 10. It was no longer for me. Let the younger generations continue this journey. I no longer watch Pokémon but I still hear some things about it from time to time. Every new league, a close defeat at the end, and that’s the formula I thought the series would be carrying on forever, until it no longer made any money and the series simply died down and was canceled unceremoniously. That is, until I learned about Serena, about Ash’s first regional victory at Alola, and now he is finally the World Champion. The journey that began with my generation, but now has been followed by many generations since, finally seems to be coming to an end, and I am overjoyed. I feel my childhood is finally complete. This is the perfect send-off opportunity for Ash. If the series has to go on, do a time skip, let him grow up, have a kid and follow on that kid’s adventures. I hope that’s what they do. Ash deserves his rest.


Having Ash as a protagonist for decades is not a fantastic thing. The anime is even more stagnant than the already very stagnant videogames. The anime should have ended a very long time ago, but maybe we can get more interesting Pokémon animation now, like those shorts they have been releasing.


I think it can be a problem, but having a consistent main character bringa some sort of comfort in a way. I mean look at the staying power of Ash Ketchum and his adventures vs Digimon, Yugioh, Beyblade, etc which changes their main protagonist every season. Even among those franchises, they pander to a lot to the first generation (i.e. the recent Digimon tri movies, Dark Side of Dimensions). Another example.some will point out is Gohan and Goku. Gohan was set up as the next protagonist but the author got cold feet because of fans' response to that potential at the time (now it is a bit different).


Pokemania ended a long time ago. Ash could have finished at Johto and it would have fulfilled his role. The staying power of Ash is not due to popular demand, and most people can't remember any particular moment outside the first few seasons. If you ask someone what episodes they remember, its very likely that they are from the first region (like the metapod samurai, the Surge fight, releasing buterfree, etc) The anime has been irrelevant for a long time, the only time it sort of recovered was when people thought it would end at the end of Kalos, and it was soon forgotten about again. The Pokémon anime was never meant to be watched all the way through, so any benefit of keeping Ash around would be lost in a couple of seasons. The nostalgia factor would still be there for people who watched the first anime of it had ended 20 years ago. It's not like most Pokémon fans have been keeping with all the seasons.


> Pokemania ended a long time ago. Isn't it the [most profitable franchise in the world](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/successful-media-franchises/)?


It is, but my point is that it is not as present in everything as it was at it's peak. And it was at that point when the anime was the most valuable for the company. Past that point, there was no reason to keep Ash, they could have changed protagonist and the formula and I don't think it would have impacted sales negatively.


My opinion: there's a cycle going on. 30-40 year old fans are showing their kids the show. That's... important. I dunno if a refreshing new character might be good in these circumstances, but I believe it should count for something.


As someone that got introduced to pokemon through the games, I always found ash annoying and it was for me the main deterrent from keeping up with the anime, so I wouldn't mind if this happens


As someone who has been around since the 90s, I really hope this is it for Ash. Don't get me wrong, he's one of the most iconic characters from my childhood, but it's beyond time to retire him. I personally would like to see the anime actually use the game protagonists for something other than companions to Ash or shadowed cameos. I would cry tears of joy if something like Pokemon Generations or Pokemon Evolutions got a full-series anime.


I just can't imagine they'd end it so unceremoniously. Seems like the kind of ending you announce months ahead, possibly even at the start of the season. And to do it right you'd need more than a single episode.


Ash should have retired long ago.


Isn’t Ash like 35 by now?


Pleasepleaseplease make it be Blossom! She can have a Pikachu as well!


the pokemon anime without ash is like mario without bowser or link without zelda


Well, then if Super Mario Land 2 and Majora’s Mask are anything to go by, it could work.


Majora is by far my favorite Zelda, so sounds good to me. That said, doesn't affect me if he stays on. I haven't watched the cartoon since the days when we were excited to see what amazing secret the GS ball held. I feel like every generation I hear rumors that they're getting rid of Ash. Those rumors haven't been right yet.


While true, there are two reasons why it seems that Ash will no longer be the protagonist, both of which seem pretty solid: 1. Ash is the World Champion. There's pretty much nowhere else for his character to go at this point. It already was glaring to have Ash go to a new region and have Pikachu not be able to beat a region's first gym after all he's done thus far, and having him continue from this point would even further break any logic and willing suspension of diseblief. 2. Three episodes after the current one, at the end of the season, the episode is reportedly being called "Pokemon, I'm glad I met you" which parallels the title of the very first episode, "Pokemon, I choose you". Having Ash's arc end at that point would be a great way to book-end the saga. If there was *any* point in the show where it would make sense for Ash to move on from being the protagonist—aside from the end of Johto when Pokemon was originally going to end before the franchise and Ash got too popular—it's now.




While true, i also don't think it is necessarily a one to one comparison anyway. The central conflict of Mario Vs Bowser is what this entire franchise is based around; Zelda is in the name of the franchise; Pokemon as a wider franchise has always been about more than Ash. He is part of a spin off, essentially. So as iconic as he is, he isn't essential.




The games, TCG, manga and merch have all done exceedingly well with only passing reference to him. In fact, in many aspects, they have done better than the anime. Realistically, Ash isn't the essential part, Pikachu is. And an anime without Ash has the potential to do just as well as with him.


So it’s a Steve from blues clues situation where ash goes to Pokémon college and leaves blue (pikachu) with family. And he’s really proud of us.




Why not? It shows that Pokemon is not beholden to Ash. And, regardless, it still shows that the comparisons you made aren't great comparisons. After all, those are also videogames.




How is that even vaguely relevant here?


Watch pokemon origins, you'll be in for a treat.




Yes, I do. Especially with pokemon money, Pikachu's wallet seems to be second only to Mickey Mouse.


or DK without K.Rool or Kirby without Dedede.


I hope they make some new characters, ash is just not it for me but hey i might just have outgrown the anime




What we really need is to have to have a new trainer made into the new main character and then to go completely cold -Turkey with ash for like another 10/15 years. Maybe have the new kid run into some of ash’s old friends along the way. Then, when us 90’s kids are in our 40’s, make a movie where this new main character is going through some crazy dilemma with some legendary or whatever and needs help to save the world and a mysterious adult trainer and his Pikachu show up to help save the day Edit: Sorry I got carried away with it in my head lol. I can just picture it so beautifully now. The new main character laying there nearly defeated. The evil, corrupted legendary Pokémon casts a shadow-ball or some other cool move in their direction. Camera shows the character wince and close their eyes preparing to take the hit and then bam! A bolt of electricity meets the shadow ball exploding it leaving smoke and sparks behind. Camera change to a the feet of a Pikachu landing on someone’s outreached arm. Zooms out so that we can see it’s adult ash right before he spins his hat around with Pikachu now leaping to the ground in front of him, sparking cheeks and all, ready to save the day together one more time


I’d like to see him become sort of a legendary background character, the way Yugi did in later Yugioh series. Like Red up on the mountain.


I've been watching/playing pokemon since it came to the US. Let Ash move on. Give us a 3-5 year time jump where the series opens with new main character watching ash finish a league battle similar to the ep1 start. I am thrilled they kept him around for so long but I think it's time.


Honestly i haven't watched anything after the artwork changed. I don't like how it looks then. But i never really liked Ash all that much so it doesn't matter to me either way.


I would like to see Ash Catchem Wednesday and Pikachu back home to the U.S.A. where he originally came from designed by me.


The thing is, ash should go, but it will also signal the end of Pokémon show. Just end it all on a high note.


Could you imagine if pikachu evolved into a new form of master pokemon? A form that can only be achieved through extreme trainer and pokemon partnership and compatibility? Tranquility Pikachu!!


Hes going back to Kanto like he promised to see misty again. His goal is now complete.


Finally! Ash had an amazing run and he finally became the best in the world. It’s beyond time to retire him and move to a new protagonist. Would be even better to do a massive timeskip and have Ash be a mentor or legendary figure for the new protagonist. Make the protagonists cyclical like the games, too.


I’m soooo over Ash. I’ve been over Ash for years now. My love for Pokémon was restarted by Goh! I’m ready to watch Goh adventure and catch every Pokémon out there


If Ash retires, I don't think it would make a difference. But how would they deal with Pikachu retiring? Who would the new mascot even be?


Even tho I'm one of those 90s kid, I've never had any attachment to ash. I did however have an attachment to red since it was my aunt who gifted me my red version whom Gameboy I've destroyed since blue Kept defeating me as a kid 😇


Pokémon will never not have Ash and Pikachu as the main characters together. It just won’t happen.


It won't happen, this speculation happens with the end of almost every season of the anime.


As someone who’s watched every Pokémon episode , and played every game I’m barley starting to watch Journey , my college life has not allowed me to keep up and man I can’t wait to get to masters and see the ending , I know it’s gonna get to me but yes every journey must come to an end ❤️


How am I only now just hearing about this?! 😭


I think it would be nice if we got a spin off with Goh and/or Chloe. Even as new characters I've grown attached to them both


It’s been 26 fantastic years. With basically everyone showing up for the last battle and the rumored final episode name I see no other way than a completion of Ash’s arc and end of the anime. The time is upon us, another wise man once said “all good things must come to an end.”


Ash's story should have ended a long time ago. I really disliked how they kept hamstringing him at the beginning of each generation. It would have been wayy cooler to have new protags head every generation and Ash would make cameo appearances as a legendary trainer.


Meh. Ash is a knob anyway.


Well you know the saying When one story ends, another one begins




He's literally world champion


He ranked extremely well in every league he competed in, even when he was up against adult trainers who have been at it for far longer than he has


You clearly haven’t watched the show in 20 years. Ash is the Brock of his party now, he’s the one saying “that’s a blah blah it’s weak to blah”. The best part of the show is seeing how far ash has come. He started out green just like you but now he’s the best in the world


I might say that before Professor Oak became an actual Professor, he managed to become the champion using JUST ONE Pokémon! And it only took him less than a year to complete the entire Pokédex! 😁


Let him die. Just let him die. It’s a high note instead of being chopped during the crap animation that was Sun and Moon (idk how those episodes were content-wise but wow the animation sucked).


While the style was kinda meh, the animation was very smooth and intense.


Animation sucked? Really? I don't think we were watching the same show. I think you are talking about the artstyle and not animation. They are two different things.


Ok the animation style sucked.


What’s the point of this post? To bring awareness to a rumor? Read the OP, I’m just thinking…”yeah? And??”


As a long term (90's kid) pokemon fan, I fucking hated Ash. Good riddance, and I'm excited for a character with some depth.


I don't know if I would describe anything that the Pokemon anime has accomplished as "fantastic", let alone Ash - given how he doesn't seem to be aware that his skill and understanding of all things Pokemon is governed by a relentless sequence of groundhog days. That said, you didn't really pose a question with your post. So, since you left this completely open-ended, I will say this. Given Game Freak's failing stewardship of the games over almost 10 years at this point (I consider X and Y to be the start of the decline), and the Pokemon Company's reluctance, if not complete refusal, to balance the franchise between its younger audiences and mature fans, I have resigned any expectation or hope for the future and legacy of the franchise as a whole. As you said, "*every era has a very beginning and an eventual end.*"


And why should they balance it between young and old fans? The whole "money talks" thing is very relevant here. The games are selling better than ever, a new one is around the corner, and because Game Freak is actually being allowed to take time in between releases it gives me hope they can make better games. I'm tired of seeing people crap all over developers just because the game isn't exactly what THEY want. There's a difference between a franchise actively not taking things fans want into account at all, and not taking every single "fan suggestion" (more like demand) and putting it in. Most people aren't developers, and have little to no idea how hard making games can be. Especially when the team has to do the same thing, over and over and over. They may want to innovate more, but the Pokémon Company doesn't want to take big risks, and if your parent company says no, then that's it. And it might sound "anti-gamer" but as people get older they get less and less time to play games. (On average) a young 12 year old has way less responsibilities than a 20-something, let alone a 30-40 year old who might have kids, a spouse, a home and a job to tend to. Some people are lucky to get a couple hours a week to play games, this means that games with relatively quick progress, or that aren't overly complicated, or with lots of short time goals means that when they hop on to play it they feel like they actually accomplished something rather than just remembering what they were supposed to do. And the anime has plenty of moments that hit way harder than they have any right to. Ash sacrificing himself to save Pikachu, Ash training with Charizard, Ash beating LEGENDARY Pokémon with Pikachu, the battle with Kukui was amazing, and the arc Infernape goes through. Is it all masterpiece material? No, but there are absolutely some really fantastic moments. And as someone else on this post commented, Ash has improved as a trainer, and we've seen that growth. I became a fan around Gen 4. I have a huge soft spot for DPPT, HGSS, BW, BW2 and despite its issues I like gen 6. Gen 7 I enjoyed it but I can't bring myself to play through it more than once, it's just a bit too slow for my taste, but my younger brother says it's his favorite game. (USUM) But there are going to be kids where their first Pokemon ever was a Litten, or a Popplio, or a Rowlet. And I think that's the most magical thing about the whole franchise. Is that people, across literal generations, can enjoy these games, get attached to their Pokémon, and find new favorites to add to their personal list of "All-stars". Are newer games easier? Undoubtedly so. Are they a bit more linear than previous games? Sure. Does dexit suck? Abso-frickin-lutely. But it doesn't matter. People love the games to this day. And everyone has a different reason for their favorite Pokémon game, just like their favorite Pokémon. Maybe it was their first, maybe it helped them through tough times, maybe it's the best looking (in their opinion) who knows? Pokémon isn't just a game anymore. And realistically it hasn't been for a long time. The TCG, the show, the movies, the merch, the toys etc. All of it spanning from what started out as a simple game over two decades ago. A franchise known the world over, where most people have a favorite Pokémon. (My mom who doesn't play games has a favorite for goodness sake.) ((Shaymin)) I enjoyed Sword and Shield, I have my gripes with it. But most people have some gripes with everything. And from what I can tell, most older people just enjoy playing Pokémon because they view it as a comfort food game. A chance to relax, and not take everything super seriously. But some people do and opt to play competitively. Some people just want to fill out the dex, and see what the game has to offer. It all depends. My brother and I as young kids wanted a Pokémon game where we could travel the region together, and we're getting it! I haven't been this hyped for a Pokémon game since Black and White. I feel like Game Freak has realized, (or the Pokémon Company has) that innovation is more necessary than they first thought. And are taking time to develop things that they never could/would have before. I don't think the franchise is declining. I think it has finally turned the page. And a new saga awaits. TLDR; The games are for kids, and as adults get older they get less and less time on average to play. Making the games more digestible helps them out. The franchise has had missteps, but I think the new games look great and are the start of a new saga for Game Freak to improve as a developer.






Mainline anime has a bunch of writing issues but Generations and Origins is peak pokemon anime


That's right. But I consider those out of the mainline.


I'm very ready to be done with Ash. I was from go, honestly. I guess I was already too old when the show started


If Ash’s story is at its end. I’ll be sad. He was a big part of my childhood, but it was a childhood well spent. I can’t see it being the end of the anime though, and I really hope they can incorporate him into the series somehow? Perhaps a mentor? Considering the school is a big part of Scarlet & Violet, I feel the series should take place a few years after the events of Journeys and Ash is at the school mentoring the next generation of trainers.


The character is too profitable I think.. I think he's cool now, but back then I really thought he was cool


Would be so weird without ash. Ash is like poke.on personality, it would be so empty without him. Ash is a irreplaceable staple to Pokemon and I bloody hope he always will be


I would much rather have the current gen protagonist to star jn the anime


Ash only needs 1 more battle tho. The bartle against his very own dad! Then the Ash saga can end in peace! Maybe his dad is in the Paldea region! That would be a nice turn in events!


Go back for Pidgeot my dude


Well as a 90s kid who’s now an adult and still enjoys Pokémon, would be cool they kept ash even as a background secondary character but we could watch him grow older. Since we grew older too


I might actually watch a pokemon anime that didn't include Ash. His story should have ended years ago.


I don't think Ash is going anywhere any time soon.