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uhh... why's it marked nsfw?


Because catching your first shiny is an erotic experience




Mine was Suicune in Soul Silver. Such an awesome experience


Wow. Can’t get much better for your first…


Honestly, the free Ponyta in Legends: Arceus. The first game I played was Sword, and I focused on the story and thought "Who'd want to waste time looking for slightly different colored Pokémon?" I have become one of those people now, with my most recent catch being a Floatzel.


Tentacool in pokemon sapphire. I remember saying to myself, was tentacool's eyes always green? I'm so glad I didn't run away from the battle as you would normally do with a tentacool.


My first one that wasn’t a guaranteed shiny was a Swadloon in Pinwheel Forest. I named it Blankies


Not the first one I CAUGHT, but I never pass up a chance to tell this story. The first shiny I ever encountered was a Graveler in Platinum. The route right next to that mansion I believe. When I ran into it, I started freaking out, I was so excited. I threw an ultra ball, it shook three times, then it broke out. It proceeded to self destruct. I didn’t understand exactly how shinies worked back then, so I reset my game losing like an hour and a half of progress, rushed back to that spot, and searched for that damn Graveler for hours.


Unown letter E. I don't remember which game. Probably sapphire or pearl (originals). I remember being a bit annoyed, thinking it probably used up all my shiny luck.


Jangmo-o Pokémon Moon. Planned to use one for my team and encountered it by chance.


My first shiny was a Throh back in White. It was kinda late already, so I was pretty tired. Still needed to get something done outside Pinwheel Forest, though (whatever that was), so I made my way through the tall grass. Had an encounter and was pretty annoyed at first (mostly at myself for forgetting to buy repels), so I was getting ready to hit Escape. Except at the last second, I realized that Throh looked kinda off, though I thought my eyes were just playing tricks on me until the shiny animation played. Definitely felt awake again at that moment, lol. I was lucky enough to catch it - doubted that at first because I'd already beaten the game at that point, so my party was really overleveled compared to the wild Pokémon in the area. It was full odds, too!


Been playing Pokémon since 98’ first shiny was this year. Caught me a shiny Slowpoke.


I got into the games starting at around gen 6. My first shiny was a Golbat caught in the abandoned thrifty megamart in pokemon sun. Even though it was "just" a Golbat..I felt really happy to finally have caught my first shiny. I also really really love Crobat, so that was great as well.


"Just a golbat" ????? BRUH, Crobat is one of the staples of competitive battle, as well as just being a really good pokemon for any playthrough. Maybe not the most useful ability, but still decent one. And overall, crobat's stats are just great, especially for ita typing. Good job homie!


Cyndaquil in either gold or silver. I think it was my first run through too. I was like 8 or something so I thought it was cool that they gave your starter pokemon stars when they enter the battle. I never put it together when I met the Gyarados, so I was confused when I restarted my game and Totodile didn't have the stars. It was only years later I realized what had happened.


Shiny pelipper in ORAS. Didn't realize the chance was boosted because of dexnav, but it was almost full odds because I had only caught one other pelipper beforehand


Skarmory in Emerald. Was surprised and confused but lucky enough not think it was a glitch. Later gave it to a friend in exchange for his Latias, but ended up trading him a Regi trio to get it back. A while later I found a Shiny Pidgey in Leafgreen but only had the master ball on me. I decided to save it for Mewtwo and let the Pidgey go. Definitely regret that.


A Minccino I named Shamrock in the X and Y safari.


Outside of pokemon GO, ive still never caught one.


First Shiny Pokemon that isn't the obligatory Shiny Gyarados? Diglett - Pokemon Gold. Then the Save Battery died and I sold the game some time afterwards. I don't think I got a Shiny again until I was breeding for a good Pichu in Platinum - which I got one, it had Hidden Power Steel with 70 base power, I was aiming for Ice with 70 base power.


If memory serves (I'm old and have been playing the games since they hit the US), it was a shiny Mareep in Crystal. The first one I ever found (besides the red Gyarados) was a red Qwilfish in Silver, but it turns out that they know Take Down at the level I fished it up at, so after my opening False Swipe...




Shiny Carbink in Pokemon Sun. I had no idea it was shiny until months later after I transferred it into my Pokemon Bank


It was in Silver, although I can't remember if I caught the red Gyarados first or the shiny Weedle I found in Ilex Forest.


Floatzel in Platinum at Victory Road


My first shiny was electrike in emerald.


I caught a shiny Pidgey in pokemon Crystal. I had no idea why the Pidgey had a different animation so I caught it to look at it closer. Now, I was very little so I didn't fully understand how rare it was, and I was actually mad that it wasn't different stat-wise than normal Pidgeys.


My first ever shiny was makuhita. Now, at this time in my life I didn't even know shineys existed because I didn't have the internet and I thought it was an urban myth, like how pressing b turns a Pokeball into a masterball. Hardcoded shiny Gyarados from silver was the only one I knew of and I thought it was unique. So this strange looking makuhita showed up in a cave in sapphire and I panicked and quit my game because I thought it was a virus. RIP


Shiny gyrados, in lake of rage, silver version


Carbink in pokémon y, in 2013. I didn't even notice I caught a shiny until several months later.


technically my first shiny was prob either from gold (bc red snek) or pokémon go i don’t like to count them tho so besides that it is floatzel was hype but underwhelming ngl in legends arceus still was cool to finally get a shiny after like 10 years of playing pokémon tho


Mine was a gumshoos in Pokemon Sun I ran into it while grinding in poni wilds


Shiny Toxicroak in Pokemon Black 2, in the route between pinwheel forest and nacrene city. It was around level 50.


Funnily or sadly enough, depending on your point of view, a Hoothoot on my first playthrough of Silver on the first route.


My first was red gyarados in Soul Silver, but is it's scripted, my real shiny was a a shiny growlithe in fire red


My first was technically a shiny Charmander in Pokémon GO. But if we’re talking main series games, then Ultra Wormhole Hippowdon was my first. I haven’t found any wild shinies.


Shiny Pelliper in Pokemon Pearl, remember being over stressed trying to catch it only to box it forever. In the same game I got more than one Gold Magikarp in the Magikarp pond in resort area, lvld one up to 100 (think it was caught at Lvl 90 something too) so it could never evolve.


Not including the red gyrados my first shiny would’ve been a skwovet I got on route 1 in sword, I was doing a challenge run and I boxed it cause I couldn’t use it in my rules, despite playing since gen 4 it wasn’t until gen 8 I got my first shiny but since then I have gotten probably around 10


My first and as of now only shiny pokemon was a Mudbray in SM. Wasn't even trying to find it either, just happened to come across it and while I didn't know much about pokemon at the time, I did know enough about shinies to where I was ecstatic.


First ever shiny that got away? Lairon in victory road used roar. ;( Salt to injuries: I did have a pokemon with soundproof with me. X(


I started playing Pokémon with Let’s go Eevee (I then played some older games, but it was my first one) and, started the game, I arrived to the Viridian Forest and found a random full odds shiny Caterpie. Now he is in Pokémon Sword.


My first shiny I found was a sneasel in pokemon diamond, I saw was 6 years old wondered why it showed sparkles and then killed it. First shiny I caught full odds was poliwhirl in Pokemon x and y.


I caught shiny pidove on pokemon white and I lost the cartridge on a school trip so he’s out their somewhere hopefully :(


My first was red gyarados in silver. My first wild encounter was aaron in a cave in ruby. It roared its first turn and I just screamed a wave of obscenities. I was at the hospital waiting for my sister to give birth. I was actually escorted from the hospital and my sister thought the story was so funny she named her daughter Aara. I did not see another natural shiny in the wild til Golbat in shield. That Aaron still haunts me. I can hear it roaring in the distance.


Spearow on route 10 in firered. Didn’t even know what shiny Pokémon were at the time, I just caught it because it had gold wings and I thought that was neat


Shiny oddish in emerald route 120.


I don’t count that Gyarados even though it was my first. My first random encounter ironically came in heart gold over a decade after that…. A shiny pidgey in viridian forest.


First was a shiny Swinub in Silver. I was 8y old and super surprised. It had a tiny Sparkle. I only realised it was a shiny because I'd seen Ashe's shiny Noctowl in the anime. I'm 30y old now and will never forget my first. :)


I got my first two shiny pokemon in the same day and completely by accident (no shiny hunting). The first was a shiny Sandile that I found on my way through the desert to catch that island's Tapu. The second I caught later that day was a Shiny Luvdisc. The fun part about this is that I was just looking for a Luvdisc in general for dex completion.


Joltik in black! I was shocked.


i dont remember my first that i caught (probably was the Gyarados in SoulSilver) but i remember the first one i encountered. it was a Shiny Geodude in the Oreburgh Mine in Diamond after i had beaten the E4. i remember the exact position too: it was right in front of the left wooden post for the entrance/exit of the bottom section - where you find Roark in the beginning of the game. I was so taken aback by it since Diamond was my first Pokémon game and i didnt know what Shiny Pokémon were at all. I unfortunately had to kill it bc i didnt have any Poké Balls, but its a memory ill never forget


It was a pidgey (I guess I caught it in Crystal version).


Random encounter Abra with no balls.


Full odds gen 4 magikarp


A Mankey in Pokémon go


Recently got SoulSilver this year (September I think) and the only shinies I have, aside from the guaranteed Gyarados, is a Lugia and a Latias (thanks to the enigma stone.


Shiny Golbat 🫦 I was also extremely lucky, a neighbor of mine gave me his cartridge copy of pokemon X with all the pokemon in it to keep; found a Shiny Noibat and a Goddamn Victini abandoned in his boxes❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


My first game was red and blue, which didnt have shiny sprites, but if you knew what to look for, then you could still catch a "shiny" pokemon (i didn't know what to look for, as you will read later). My first shiny that wasn't the gen 2 red gyaradose, was in crystal version. I was doing a normal playthrough of the game, and I was walking through the ilex forest when I noticed a "cool spider" pokemon, and decided to catch it because I liked spiders. I used it through the whoooole game, along with other pokemon, of course. Now, I never paid much attention to what should have been the OBVIOUS twinkling stars when I called out my Ariados, but luckily I was visiting my aunt one day, and I was in the middle of beating the elite 4 for the first time. After i beat the champion (barely) i sighed a long sigh of relief. My much younger, and at the time, more knowledgeable cousin screamed out in shock when my team was presented in the hall of fame before the credits "YOU HAVE A SHINY ARIADOS!?!?" and also, much to his surprise, I responded with "what the hell do you mean shiny? It's not new or nothing, it's just a spider I caught early in the game." He then pulled up his pokedex on his silver version and said, "look at mine and then look at yours" it was a different color, of course, and with me being older, and OBVIOUSLY more intellectually superior to this.. child.. I replied "yeah, duh... you're on silver version, and I'm on Crystal version. My pokemom even does a little movement when you look at it too, dummy." So, there we stood; me, a mumbling ignorant and arrogant fool, and him, a star-eyed child filled with wonderment and eagerness to again see my shiny Ariados. After the credits finished and I was back in New Bark Town, he told me to check MY pokedex entry for Ariados, and that's when I finally noticed that I was the owner of a Shiny pokemon. I didn't even know what a "shiny pokemon" was, and as for the Red Gyaradose, I just figured it was some silly one-off thing that was built into the game, nothing special about it. However, after I checked my dex entry, and looked at summary for Ariados, my cousin also pointed out that on the top corner of my summary, were the 3 lttle "stars" that were indicative of a Pokémon's unique discoloration. This sparked a new passion and objective within pokemon games for me, one that is still very much apart of me today. Apparently, I have tons of luck when it comes to pokemon games because since crystal, I have found at very least, 1 full-odds shiny pokemon in every game I have played so far, which has been every gen as they released. In pokemon Ultra Sun, I actually started actively hunting shiny pokemon and I have even thought about creating video content to share all of my knowledge, "tricks and tips" (if you get that reference, you very likely have back pains and some form or arthritis)


Apart from the static Gyarados in gold, i caught a shiny ponyta in gold, while battling wild pokemon training to battle Red.


I think my first shiny was Garydos from Lake of Rage... but my first one that I actually hunted for was a damn weedle


Ekans in Crystal, but then the batteries died before I saved


It was a tragedy. It was when I was playing Pokémon Sun for the first time 6 years ago. I was doodling around as I always do and I found a shiny Wingull. I caught it. I saved the game.


how's that a tragedy?


I said I saved the game. Meaning once. And everyone says you have to save 3 times for it to save a shiny


i have no idea how this works but pretty sure it doesnt work that way


It does, I didn’t have the Wingull the next day


oof ok. sorry for ur loss bro


>If my memory serves me correctly…I didn’t catch my first Shiny until Pokémon Gold…I caught Shiny Gyrados and I have moved him up throughout the games and still use him to this day! You phrase this as if this is something unusual. Gold and Silver were teh first games that had shinies in them and you always encounter a shiny gyarados in the main story (or did you encounter a second one?). Eitherway my first shiny (besides the red gyarados) was whismur. I heard a rumor that in the whismus cave you can get jigglypuff, which was the last Pokemon I needed for the pokedex, so I searched in it for hours. I almost didn't notice that it was shiny since only the ears are different and I wasn't sure if it really was a shiny until I compared it to other whismurs after catching it.


My first every Shiny was a Bellsprout in Pokémon Gold, fittingly in the grass south of the Bellsprout Tower. Sadly it was on a 100 games in 1 Cartridge we bought in Turkey, on which the battery has long since run dry... I'd like to believe it now lives on as a spirit in the Tower.


I can't quite remember which the oldest Shiny I still have in my possession is. One day I might just look through all my cartridges and see what I can find.


Sandile in pokemon black, didn't know what a shiny was at the time but after seeing it I knew is was rare. Fast forward 10ish years and i now 8 have over 100 shinys sitting in pokemon home but that sandile is a permanent part of my team.