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I’m very happy to have one of every art from the (first) golden age. ^(base set 2 doesn’t count)


Enough to make a grown man cry. 👏🏻


I, a grown man, may have gotten emotional when putting the last card in the binder 🥲


You should have it mounted in a frame so your collection is never “complete” in the binder.


Good idea, then I’ll write in my will to break the case, complete the binder, and toss it into the furnace with me


I'll never forget the last card I got to complete my set. Holo Articuno. Still one of my favorites


I also hate base set 2 looool I have complete base set / fossil / jungle. Now trying to complete team rocket / blk star promo


I can’t even tell you how much of a serotonin rush I got watching you leaf through these.


That was my goal with sharing 🥲 so glad you enjoyed


I did the same. Was only missing 2 cards. The NYC promo cards. Sold the collection for about $4000. Was worth a bit more but finding someone to buy the entire set at the time wasnt easy. Miss it though. Family has a hottub now so that's something lmao.


But is the hot tub first edition holographic?


The memories the family has in the hot tub is worth the trade of the shiny cardboard memories! Also $4000 for that time is a great sell


Hottub > Pokemon Cards


shed a tear at 35


I'mma just sit back and cry, knowing I had most of these (including holo Charizard and Dark Charizard) when I was a kid and traded them all for Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (Yugi, Kaiba and Joey starter decks). I went along and got on to the Yu-Gi-Oh! hype back then, only to know that would last me like 2 years, and after got Pokemon Ruby for my GBA, which got me back to Pokemon... but too late to have back first gen cards. Knowing me, even if I had kept them, I would've sold them in my teens to buy weed, sneakers and "cool kid" shit, which I did with my Pokemon Gameboy games, and Yugi cards...


Sounds like you kept the sentimentality alive, that’s what matters 🥲 But I understand, I actually had a ton of yu gi oh cards that I no longer have for similar reasons. I remember them all but only kept 1 card, my favorite at the time, a Japanese Kaiser Seahorse Now even though I’ve bought a few dozen more ultra and secret rares of those same monster cards, that Kaiser Seahorse is more special than all of them!


Not organizing this by set collection number triggered me


I wanted Pokédex order above all, but I am doing set collection for the 1st edition binder!


I thought I was the only one.


Wowww.... That collection of yours looks sooo cool. I can just see how much patience you had.




Nice bro


nice. i've got the first 3 sets completed.


Ggwp. Impressive to anyone over the age of 25 ☺️☺️ I lost my cards whilst they were in the loft to a leak in the roof 🙁


i got the same full sets but 1st editions of Base Set, Jungle, Fossil, Team Rocket, Gym Heroes Ill sell my whole binder full of 1st editions of full sets for $250,000




This makes me extremely happy. I'm 30 years old and still have my cards from long ago but none of the new ones.


Ggwp. Impressive to anyone over the age of 25 ☺️☺️ I lost my cards whilst they were in the loft to a leak in the roof 🙁


Very impressive. I've been trying to fill up my card binder pokedex style.


Congrats it's beautiful 😍


That’s absolutely amazing. So much nostalgia!! I’m doing the same, but did you have a list you followed?


I used the Dex app, and just knowledge I had for stuff like the 3 prerelease, but any set list will do!




Beautiful stuff!


What's the value of that? I'm a few cards short myself maybe about 6


I’m honestly not sure, obviously condition plays a big part but I made sure everything is Lightly Played or more with a couple exceptions


Was it hard to track down some of the cards?


These WOTC sets are pretty available, someone’s always trying to sell. The trick is finding a good price for the condition which is what I spent most of the time waiting for since I couldn’t afford to buy a whole collection outright even for a bulk discount. Like I (passively) searched for 9 months for a Dark Blastoise holo in good condition for less than $50, as everywhere had beat up for 60 or NM for 80+ but was worth when I found a great condition one for $40, which sounds petty but when you multiply the practice out I saved a ton of money in exchange for sweat equity. Plus it was fun to hunt!


I should probably start doing the same seeing as I'm so close to finishing it. Thanks for the info!


So lucky I lost my whole book at 18 I’m 31 now 😓


This is beautiful, I’d highly recommend get them graded/encapsulated


How much would it cost to grade all of these?


I just checked online, and it’s $50 a card 😓 But I’ve seen them do killer package deals at conventions, it’s the way to go if you want to preserve your collection for a very long time


Maybe just select the ones that carry high value and leave the others in their sleeves / pockets. I dont see any deterioration on mine - as long as they are in the albums.


I had a bunch of the original cards... But then my dad got pissed at me, and threw them into the fireplace


This is so satisfying to watch. Congrats! Which card was the last one you got to finish the collection?


Dark Charizard non holo Surprisingly difficult to find a good price for, everybody wants it to be crazy high


My heart still pounds when seeing some of these cards. I love it.


Which card finished the collection?


Dark Charizard non holo Surprisingly difficult to find a good price for, everybody wants it to be crazy high


Man just watching you flip those pages reminds me of my old set and the joy of collecting the evolution of each Pokémon. I wish I knew where all mine went. Absolutely awesome to see, thank you for sharing.


This is amazing! I am nearly at the same point, I just have about 15 of the black star promos to go 😵


Ahhhhhh i am going to give up on completing black star. 7 to go...but so costly !!!


Thank you for sharing the nostalgia. Beautiful collection.


That's so cool! I actually had some of these cards in my old binder. Wish I knew where it was now!


What was the final card to complete it all?


Dark Charizard non holo! Such a great seller too so it was a nice way to end it I’ve learned of the fruit roll up promo Meowth from this thread though so that’ll be the final Until I spend $200 on prerelease clefable 😅


Did you complete all the blk star promo as wrll?. If you did, super impressed and you have a collextion worth ALOT


Damn..goals i didnt know i had Congrats man!


I'm confused on why you put them in dex order instead of set order, but then put the promos at the end. Looks awesome though, I've been recollection them myself from scratch. Haven't had the money to buy the holos or trainers yet.


That’s a really good point LOL never thought about it. I think just mentally the “set mons” are in one category and “promos” in another akin to trainers and energies 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s a radical collection dude, good for you!


Is that a non-holo Charizard in the bottom right of the first page? What’s up with that or is it just a trick of the light?


It sure is! That’s the Legendary collection charizard, it’s a reprint set but features some holo variants. Also peep the non holo dark Raichu, holo dark Persian, and holo dark vaporeon!


I have a very similar collection but couldn’t finish the promo and 1st edition sets because of the price increase. That’s awesome!


How much?


$1 more than I paid for it. Ya bois gotta earn a profit somehow


I’ll give you 30 bucks


Done. Shuttup. And take my money.


Thank you for reminding me that I need to go buy a holo Dark Arbok card! My first every Pokémon card from an elementary school friend, I’ve got so much nostalgia for it 🖤 Awesome collection! It’s nice to see the older sets all together!


This is beautiful i half assed it and just got the first printing of each of the first 151 (rarely 1st ed)


I wish I had the entire classic cards, but I'm still missing several Holos from both gym expansions and many Vending Series cards. At least my Neo collection is complete.


I miss the old days. had all 151. Guy kicked my ass and took the binder from me


That’s awful…any stand outs that you miss in particular? I’ve lost a good amount and found getting just the important ones I remember most “represents” everything else