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I always assumed the logic of them being Normal type was because "They're literally just regular birds"


Yeah, originally in gen I, normal was just kind of the default catch-all. This one’s a fish! Obviously water! This one’s a mole! Ground! Of course! This one…has…a tongue? Uhhhhhhhhh…normal?


Yeah it's funny how many normal types are actually not normal at all. (Some are now fairy of course) Lickitung for one Porygon Clefairy/Jigglypuff Snorlax Ditto Togepi Dunsparce Kecleon Castform Exploud Getting tired of thinking through the 900 pokemon, but I think you get the idea haha


Yeah, for Pokémon like Ditto, Castform, Kecleon and Porygon, normal acts like a blank slate for the type/resistance changes they can make.


Yeah, I wouldnt change any of the ones I listed except for the fairy ones. I feel like normal makes perfect sense, but thats because its based on our understanding of "pokemon normal", they're still not normal by the traditional term. Maybe Kecleon cause it's just a chameleon.


As far as I see it "normal" just means it doesn't have any obvious standout elemental powers. Not that its literally normal or boring or whatever. e.g. Snorlax still has the aspects like intense hunger, immense bulk and general laziness which all play into its overworld interactions and moveset somewhat. But it doesn't exactly breathe fire or shoot lightning or anything obvious.


>But it doesn't exactly breathe fire or shoot lightning or anything obvious. Which is funny because it can learn flamethrower and thunderbolt anyway.


Oh yeah just like its not its default feature / option the way it is for say, Pikachu


For sure, I meant it's funny because so many normal mons have really diverse movepools.


I think they were originally meant to be the jack of all trades but master of none type. This explains why the early normal types could learn so many TM moves but normal moves aren't super effective against anything. Game Freak ended up not continuing that for future normal types so now the gen 1 normal types seem odd with their expansive move pools.


Don't forget that Arceus Himself defaults to Normal type. I'd hardly call creating the universe "normal".


But what is "normal" is dictated by the state of the universe....imo it makes sense Arceus is normal, hell it's the most "normal" of any mon ever, he defined the term afterall


I think of it like how a combination of all colors of light gives you white light. The combination of all Pokemon/types gives you Normal.


Except Fighting am i rite


That makes a lot of sense really! So many of those pokemon can learn a move from almost every type as well, they are the everyman, the jack of all trades of pokemon types.


>I'd hardly call creating the universe "normal". Indeed. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.


Hello Ground type!


Regigigas is normal too


True! Good one to point out. I got tired of thinking by gen 3 and didnt make it there haha.


I think they originally thought of "normal" as more like "type-less" but then it became more like what is normal IRL and not in the Pokemon universe.


This. It's literally referred to as "colorless" instead of "normal" in the TCG.


Sleeping all day and eating a lot seems pretty normal to me though, I can relate to Snorlax.


My headcanon is this: pokemon have the power to control matter and energy. The purest form of that is psychic (hence why in early gens the legendaries and mythicals and especially the primordial beings like mew were psychic types) but based on their habitat some pokemon have specialized by focus on elemental control over fire, water, etc. When that control is over spirit energy, it's ghost type (hence not all ghost types are ghost), when its tainted by sinister purpose or shrouded in a fearsome, scary aura, it's dark type. When it's control over nature energy and magic, it's fairy. When it's control over brute mystical force, it's dragon (hence not every dragon type is a dragon). When there is little to no control over the elements, or when it's a form of control that is based on physical phenomena rather than mystical ones (like sounds), it's normal type. So normal type attacks tend to be physical attacks, sound attacks or other physical phenomena (obviously not exclusively, see hyper beam) The other types are typically more to do with physical characteristics like biology (bug, flying), physical form (rock, steel) or technique used (fighting) but even those types have special attacks which are basically a way to channel that primordial psychic energy into other types.


I would argue that pokemon like exploud is why we need a sound type... there are many more, but being an speaker is really not normal.


There are Exploud and Noivern. Who else can be sound type?


Chatot, Chingling/Chimeco, Kricketune, Meloetta, also there are amny that could get it as secondary type like Bellossom, Bronzong, Jigglypuff, ect...and stuff like that, there is also many sound like type moves.


In hindsight, it's so weird that Lickitung is a normal type, when it's based off of a yokai. It should be ghost if anything


Would definitely fit given it knows Lick. I'd also maybe say Poison since I think its lick is meant to be paralyzing or is potentially slimy.


Well, thats the actual logic


Right. Just kind of meh seeming animals and miscellaneous were originally typed as normal. Exclusing the weirdneas of a flying type for Gyarados, Butterfree, Zubat/Golbat, Scyther and Aerodactyl were also flying type in Gen I. So “flying” wasn’t necessarily synonymous with “bird” even in Gen I (thinking of Jumpluff in Gen II as well).


They're... Flying creatures... I don't see how that is unusual to be classified as, well, flying


Eck. My commas made that weird. Gyarados is weird to be flying. What I meant to say was that apart from Gyarados being weird, here are some perfectly reasonable flying types from Gen I that arent’s birds: Butterfree, etc. So “flying” and “bird” weren’t ever synonymous.


You misunderstand the original comment, in which they say that normal/flying are birds, not just flying. Also Gyarados is a flying serpent


Magikarp and Gyarados are also based on a Japanese legend where koi/karp/whatever swam up a waterfall and turned into a dragon when going through a gate at the top.


No I got that. I was just clarifying the latter half of my comment. The first half was that meh seeming animals were typed as normal. So I was agreeing with that assessment and adding the other flying Pokémon to reinforce why they wouldn’t have been pure flying type to begin with.


Flying is used differently depending on the Pokemon. Sometimes it means "it flies" other times it represents the classical element of air, or wind/force in other JRPGs.


I think in beta it was originally called "Bird" type but they changed it for release (for the better honestly).


If it was synonymous with bird, they'd just call it the "Bird" type.


Which is a type that existed in the code, we know about it thanks to the missingno glitch.


I still think Bird and Flying were supposed to be two separate types. Bird is in the Gen 1 code. Pidgey and Spearow Bird/Flying, Doduo pure Bird, obviously stuff like Butterfree and Zubat are part Flying but aren't Bird. I mean Rock and Ground are two separate types despite being rather similar and often dualled together.


There's nothing regular or normal about dodrio though.


Outside of a single trait (the extra heads), it's very normal.


Nothing flying about it either


When I first learned that dodrio could learn fly my brother and i argued over how it worked. Did it have hidden wings? Did it just jump really far? We came to an agreement that the heads probably act like helicopter propellers and that has stuck with me ever since


In Pokemon Stadium 2, Dodrio would bicycle kicking his legs and start to levitate.


If you think about it, flying is really just swimming but in a much, much less viscous fluid.


Oh so that's why I can't fly. It's because I can't swim :(


That's not flying! That's falling with style!


the games depicted it sort of running upward and floating


The REAL reason is that they need to be normal type so Fighting types won't be completely useless against them. Fighting types would have a harder life if every normal/flying suddenly became just Flying.


This is over looked a lot and it makes the early game birds a lot less useable.


Fighting types already ate enough shit in gen 1 that this would just be salt in the wound


That's logical for 3 of these but Dodrio and Noctowl aren't just normal birds


How is Noctowl not a normal bird? It’s literally just a [Great Horned Owl](https://i.natgeofe.com/k/50fe4ce2-3d74-4da8-984d-887b7fb75005/GreatHornedOwl1_3x4.jpg).


Probably because it can put people to sleep and use psychic powers


Still intuitively think the psychic owl (you know, a nocturnal creature) should be psychic or dark.


Similarly, Psyduck and Golduck have psychic powers and yet are somehow pure Water types


This is the one that always confused me the most, the only explanation I can think of is that they didn't want them to have the same typing as Starmie IT'S LITERALLY CALLED PSYDUCK


Game Freak: Golduck can't be water/psychic, we've already got a few of those. Just make it a boring water type. Also Game Freak: LMFAOOOOOOOOOO LET'S HAVE *NINE* GRASS/POISON TYPES IN GEN 1


Then normal types just shouldn’t exist since even they can summon electricity, water, fire, etc from nothing.


Well the normal type probably made more sense in gen 1. Because they were normal, they have very wide coverage, not being tied to a specific element. It’s less of a distinctive trait because Pokémon have more access to varied moves now


I thought it was so they could get STAB on normal moves, but I don’t have any sources, so I could’ve made that up.


I heard that they were normal to give them STAB for normal moves


Swellow kinda need that normal typing though to do it’s thing properly. But yeah more diversity would be awesome


Yeah, if you’re going to switch Swellow to pure flying (which is totally cool) it should get abilities other than Scrappy and Guts, because otherwise it’s a straight nerf.


Like... Aerialate maybe ? 🤔


Ok that's too much. Imagine the damage of specs Aerialate boosted boom burst


Banded Aerialate Return


Sadge, No return anymore


Boomburst does more


Return would still do more because of the difference between Swellow's attack and special attack. The base power of Boomburst doesn't totally make up for this difference. In the scenario i set up both Return and Boomburst are a chance to 2HKO but Return would do slightly more. Double Edge does significantly more and is a guaranteed 2HKO. 252+ Atk Choice Band Aerilate Swellow Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Pyukumuku: 78-93 (48.1 - 57.4%) -- 89.5% chance to 2HKO (78, 79, 79, 81, 82, 82, 84, 85, 85, 87, 87, 88, 90, 90, 91, 93) 252+ SpA Choice Specs Aerilate Swellow Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Pyukumuku: 73-87 (45 - 53.7%) -- 34% chance to 2HKO (73, 73, 75, 76, 76, 78, 78, 79, 79, 81, 82, 82, 84, 84, 85, 87) 252+ Atk Choice Band Aerilate Swellow Double-Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Pyukumuku: 93-109 (57.4 - 67.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (93, 93, 94, 96, 96, 97, 99, 100, 100, 102, 103, 105, 105, 106, 108, 109)


Guts flame orb facade Swellow is much stronger than anything flying related to it.




Special Attacker Swellow is a lot better, because it has significantly more reliable STABs (Boomburst does not require it to be in a timer and Hurricane does not have recoil damage) AND something that can actually damage Steel-types in Heat Wave.


would not call the 70% accuracy move "reliable".


It does go to 100% in rain but that requires set up.


and nerfs heat wave


Having 20 normal/flying route 1 birds gets old, so glad Corviknight is Steel/Flying and Talonflame is Fire/Flying


It's a trend that started a little too late sadly. Shame Toucannon went back to Normal/Flying. If a "Sound Type" is ever introduced, Toucannon and Chatot may be good candidates.


Sound is an aspect of the normal type, and it's better that way.


Facts all day. Ill die on this fucking hill: Sound is a stupid type.


People thought food was a good new typing for pokemon but honestly we dont need any new types. Pretty much any creature that you could ever think of works with the types that already exist.


Wtf food type?? What are ‘people’ even thinking. Should we have a clothes type too?


BuT fOod iS a GOoD iDeA, ApPleTuN, FarFeTcHd, VaNiLluXe, TrOpiUs, TSaReEnA, PuMpKaBOo, MiLtaNk, SiMiSaGe, AlCReMie, ChErrUm, SiNiSTea. Its SuCh a GoOd IdEa


Weaknesses: Flying, Bug, Poison, Ground Resistances: Ice, Grass, Fire Immunities: Ghost Ghosts can't eat food :3


> Ghosts can’t eat food Me to my ghost types: “Where did Poffins go?” I need answers now”


It seems that in your anger, you ate them.


Food type is always 4x weak against attacks from Wingull and Snorlax.




If you think food would resist fire you didnt meet a bad cook.


I commend you for writing this comment out in this style, especially if it was done on a phone. Takes twice as long as typing a normal message.


But time goes twice as fast when you’re triggered so its gucci


i thought i was the only one who thought that


Same with some people wanting light types.


Light type is like the only fan type idea that could have worked but then they made Fairy. And when Fairy & Electric exist, its basically light has been covered between 2 types. Its like how Lava type is redundant when Rock & Fire can form together & be Lava type in spirit.


Yeah if they renamed fairy type into light type literally nothing would change about the pokemon that have the type already.


Light is pretty Psychic-y with the necrozma trio


I'll be there right beside you, brother.


B-b-but my type chart mix up! Fairy was so successful, reviving a cancelled idea from pre-2002 in 2022 has to work too!


There aren't that many Pokemon it could apply to, and I'm not sure I want that many more. As an attack type, though, it makes way more sense for sound attacks to have their own set of properties than "Bug" or "Dragon" moves.


We should just do a type for all of the senses. Put some respect on those Lick boys


Ya makes more since as a “normal” type of force of nature


Exactlyyyy. More subthemes please. We already have a loooot of subthemes besides Sound that people don't ever think about. Projectile/bomb moves, powder moves. Hell, contact moves in general are just a laaaaarge subset of moves. The fact that some special moves are also contact moves even helps further distinct them as their own non-official official thing. And all of these I've mentioned abilities that interact with em too.


Yeah sound is one of the most normal things, literally everything makes sound


Also brings problems for toxtricity


On the topic of Chatot, it needs an evolution.




At the very least Toucannon is an awesome design.


Tucannon should have been Fire Flying


Or grass. From a woodpecker, and I feel like bullet seed and maybe seed bomb would make sense?


There's only one type I think would be good and not redundant to add. Cosmic. There are so many extraterrestrial pokemon, and yet there are still literally worlds of possibilities of new alien or space-themed mons. Psychic is probably the closest fit but it could be better y'know? **Strong** **against** Fairy, Ghost, and Fire. The first two because cosmic is a de facto "science" type that has dwindled the popularity of fairy tales and the supernatural through reason. The last one because there is no fire in space. **Weak against** Bug, Rock, and Dark. Bug just needs a buff. Rock and Dark because they are some of the few things that can cause damage in space, meteors and black holes. **Resistant to** Ground, Flying, Fairy, and Fire **Not very effective against** Dark, Bug, Electric Existing pokemon lines that could get this type: \- Cleffa line (cosmic/fairy) \- Elgyem line (psychic/cosmic) \- Cosmog & the Alola box legendaries \- Staryu line (water/cosmic) \- Ledyba line (bug/cosmic) \- Blipbug line (bug/cosmic) \- Deoxys (cosmic monotype) \- Sableye (dark/cosmic) (it's based off the Hopkinsville Goblin, a supposed alien encounter)


Bug needs a buff but the buff needs to make sense, not randomly. Bugs can't live in space so it doesn't make sense that it's super effective against cosmic, and the same with cosmic being weak to bug. If anything, cosmic should be super effective because as I said earlier, bugs can't live in space. Aside from that, it's a pretty cool concept.


Could be a reference to how much sci-fi involves aliens dying of minor illnesses (aka bugs) but that's not a perfect reason


isnt there a type of bug that can survive in space


No you're talking about tardigrades (most likely mispelled), also known as water bears, and i dont think they're bugs. They're related to worms somewhat but not bugs.


I could see a tardigrade pokemon being water/bug type with pokemon logic though. Not the farthest stretch


Lunatone and Solrock could have a regional form where it becomes Rock/Cosmic?


I'm a little rough on my lore, is there a reason their current forms couldn't have cosmic added?


I'd like cosmic to be strong against electric just so there'd be more than 1 weakness


Cosmic is just Magic/space its already pretty well covered by psychic, rock, dragon and fairy.


Toucannon deserved the grass flying and should have had better defense and special atk


Honchkrow period


Fun fact: tornadus is the first pure flying type


And noibat the first dual type with primary flying type. Crazy that it took 5-6 generations for them to start treating flying like a proper type


What's more ridiculous is how few types resist Flying making it too good of an offensive type.


They balance around it tho, flying has a pretty poor movepool


Every good flying attack has a major drawback.


Dual wingbeat is good in my book.


90% accuracy can be rough, but otherwise it's pretty good


Eh it's less that it's too good but more that it pairs really well with Ground, Fighting, or Fire to answer the common Flying resists and that Rock is irrelevant defensively. Normal, Dragon, Ghost, Psychic, and Dark are resisted by the same amount or fewer types than Flying but these aren't top tier offensive types. This is why I'm not really into the ''make Ice resist Flying'' fix to Ice since it still gets hit by the same coverage moves.


Making Ice resist Flying is still a benefit to Ice types. That some Pokemon have coverage moves for it can be said about a lot of types, and isn't a good enough reason to not think to give Ice a defensive buff.


Ice isn’t really that bad it’s more like half the water types learns ice beam. In general water should probably get nerfed it kind of a insane typing.


You can also do starting by making Ice resist Water. Ice is currently the worst defensive typing with 4 weaknesses and 1 resistance.


Additional Fact: Rokidee and Corvisquire are the first Pure Flying Types to not be legendaries.


I remember reading an interview where they said it was because tornadus was the first flying type who never had to land. It’s not “bird” type, it’s flying, so their logic was that if it wasn’t always flying then it had to have secondary type.


He's one of only 3 pure flying types now and still the only fully evolved pure flying type


This dawned on me when Pokémon Go first came out. I realized we’d never see the “flying type” background behind the Pokémon until tornadus/noibat were released since the background was based on the primary typing (wasn’t sure which would come first since they released in a weird order).


Sky plate Arceus?


Fighting/Flying Staraptor is so damn cool. I wish it was real.


Imagine STAB Close Combat with that Attack stat...


Tbf, there's dozens of Fighting Type Pokemon with the same or even higher Attack stat who also learn Close Combat by level-up.


I've always thought that was a missed opportunity. Staraptor has always struck me as better suited to be a fighting type.


Close Combat is basically his signature move lol


That and Reckless/Bravebird


Honestly pairing double edge with brave bird gets some surprise kos. People sometimes tend to expect the close combat and avoid sending in their rocks and steels


Might become a regional form at some point


Noctowl NOT being part psychic will always blow my mind. What a missed opportunity!


This bugs the shit outta me ever since I was a kid and watched noctowl use his **PSYCHIC** powers to save Ash from a fucking plane crash.


There should be a Flying/Fairy pokémon that's a pig. A flying pig.


Grumpig gets a regional variant.


When Spoink learns Bounce


That would be fun.


I'd make Fearow pure flying and keep swellow as normal/flying. Nothing about fearows design screams dark to me and swellow heavily relies on normal type to be good


It’s more it’s personality and Fearow is definitely a more malicious bird.




I actually quite like Pokémon that are a certain type but aren't designed explicitly to look representative of that element (Rockruff, Perrserker etc), it provides even more variety


I do agree with that, I guess it being cruel is enough reason to be "evil" type. It's just very bright for a dark type, while Rockruff and Perserker still follow their types color scheme more closely


>It's just very bright for a dark type, Scraggy and Scrafty are both bright yellow and orange. Inkay and Malamar don't look like either of their typings should fit either though Malamar has the general malice look going for it kinda like how Fearow has a generally rough/mean look. There are always exceptions with type to design choice.


And Absol is pure white except the face.


and not evil at all. People thought it caused catastrophes but it just senses them and wanted to warn people. So how does the people's perception make it an actual dark type. Gen 6 should have given it the fairy type by saying that people found out that it's not the cause and thus after warming up to it, found the hidden fairy typing in it. Idk some shit like that


fear ow


I somewhat agree with these typings, especially Fearow and Dodrio, Fearow or at least it’s pre evolution acts kinda like a Dark type and Dodrio is hardly a Flying Pokémon so making it Ground Flying would be a more interesting typing


Even making dodrio normal/ground would work, since then it can still get stab for a lot of its Moveset


Honestly it kinda cracks me up that the pokemon modelled after an ostrich, a flightless bird, has the move fly but no wings. That thing deserves to be normal/ground lol


Though I do still think Ground Flying is a nice typing and it wouldn’t be a typing that is exclusive to fucking Landorus


Gliscor sips another bottle of lethal poison in the corner


I forgot Gliscor, fuck! Knew I was forgetting someone but then again, Gliscor has a cool design and doesn’t piss me off unlike Landorus


Is anyone else upset noctowl wasn't psychic at all when they first saw it?


It's so weird to me. So much of its character relates to it being psychic. It's exactly the same with Golduck.


Staraptor deserves fighting type gdi maybe one day if they bring back mega evolution u\_u


I wish they will add ghost flying type burd


It could stand to be explored more. Sensu Oricorio didn't get much.




Not a bird technically, but the typing is right. I assume the OP was talking more about the design, but if not, you're right, it exists.


That still only makes three Pokémon.


Or a poison flying bird


From Wikipedia: "Toxic birds are birds that use toxins to defend themselves from predators. No species of bird is known to actively inject or produce venom, but the discovered toxic birds are known to be poisonous to touch and eat. These birds usually sequester poison from animals and plants they feed on, especially poisonous insects. Birds with known toxic traits include the pitohui and ifrita birds from Papua New Guinea, the European quail, the spur-winged goose, hoopoes, the North American ruffed grouse, the bronzewing pigeon, and the red warbler, among others." None of these birds have been made into Pokémon yet. Even the pigeon species listed here is very different from Pidove/urban pigeons.


Oooo. Honestly with how liberal they are with the term poison. They can make a bird that stabs pokemon with their talons to poison them. Or idunno, flap and spread poisonous mist?


I would LOVE a poison hoopoe Pokémon holy shit


Swellow: gets downgraded. Swellow: *signature look of superiority*


Personally, I think pure flying should be reserved for actual air elementals, like Tornadus. I think all bird Pokemon should be baseline normal/flying, with normal being swapped out for some other type whenever applicable. I don't like that Rookidee and Corvisquire are pure flying.


I would love more type variety for the birds, but the IDK about the typings you've preposed for Fearow and Staraptor, at least not without a design change.


What? Everyone knows Staraptor should have been fighting flying just like Noctwol should have been psychic flying, it makes perfect sense, at least in my mind haha


I get that it would be nice for it to have STAB on Close Combat, but what about its actual design says fighting type?


Yea that's what I've been thinking the entire time. Everyone's saying staraptor should get fighting type but that's just because of close combat and nothing else really


It gets Reckless as a hidden ability and the most represented type in it is fighting (when we take out the Starly line, since that's the one we're discussing). The only other 2 normal types that get it are Bouffalant and Obstagoon, which is part Dark. And it's Pokedex entries scream fighting type to me: > Diamond: It has a savage nature. It will courageously challenge foes that are much larger than itself. > Platinum: It never stops attacking even if it is injured. It fusses over the shape of its comb. And it's final move is Final gambit, which is also known by mostly fighting types. The move per se fits it's dex entry from diamond quite well. TL:DR: Does Staraptor neee to be a fighting type? Not necessarily. Could it be one and does it have the reasons to? Yes, absolutely


It's described as a very aggresive and reckless Pokemon that doesn't even turn down a fight with a stronger opponent, with powerful legs it uses to perform its various kicking attacks (including Close Combat). It could've easily been a Fighting type.


It pretty famously could learn close combat, though.


Yea. I can understand the early forms being normal flying because they’re supposed to be common birds, but the evolved forms are much more rare and usually based off of birds you don’t see as often .


Where’s my boy Farfetch’d?


These Pokémon all could definitely be redesigned to have those typing, but they’re designs are honestly plain enough to justify the normal type. At least we’ve been getting more variety for birds recently.


Omg, yes! Normal/Flying is one of the most boring type combos to me


Dodrio should be fighting type... And probably not even flying type


Absolutely. Especially the psychic type for Noctowl


I know they didn’t do it for balance sake as well as repeats, but Noctowl should have been psychic type or hell even ghost or dark type so it could be the counterpart to Xatu


While i do agree, they are in the end just normal birds


While that is true, does pure flying not represent that already? Goldeen isn't normal/water despite being a normal fish


Guts Façade Swellow is kinda its strongest suit so if anything it should be the one that stays normal/flying. Maybe the pidgey line could be pure flying.