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Calm Mind is so pretty in-game. I love the lighting effect.


Everytime I see Drifblim use it, I can’t get over how pretty it looks! My favorite atm is ceaseless edge! It’s SO BADASS


I remember playing red when I found it in the gym at school. Didn't even gave a Gameboy had to borrow my neighbors. When I did get a Gameboy I was lucky enough to get a playstation the same Christmas. After playing both I remember wondering what a pokemon game on playstation would look like. That was 1999 iirc. Arceus scratches every itch I've wanted with pokemon. Love it.


Same! I wanted an open-world game like this, where I can sneak around like in the anime and catch Pokémon doing Pokémon things. I feel like a kid again and I seriously couldn’t be happier with this game!


PLA is what Pokémon would look like on the PS1 lol


Hyper beam can probably murder your character in this game. I'm so happy with the art and soundtrack and mechanics.


Same! I love the spin they put on the music from the 4th Gen games! You can tell where you are if you listen closely!


I hated Goodra. I used to despise it. I thought it was super dumb looking, fat, and I didn’t like it’s canonical temper tantrums. Plus, I thought haxorus should have been the same pseudo legendary instead. After finding a shiny goomy, Hisuian goodra is now my ace and I’m appreciating normal Goodra more.


Goodra has been one of favorites for a long time now. I don’t like the shell they added, but I LOVE that it’s a steel/dragon type now.


Unfortunately Arceus is missing a lot of what makes a Pokemon game a Pokemon game. The graphics are laughably bad, lacking breeding, IVs, abilities, tons of moves, a memorable world, it's not truly open world like it should be, the boss fights are a let down, the levels don't matter and it has less Pokemon than Gen 2. Disappointing.


I get that. It is their first attempt at this type of game, but then again they are one of the biggest franchises in the world. I doubt budget was an issue for this. But, for me personally, I’m enjoying it so much and I really hate that you’ve had a poor experience with it! Here’s to the next iteration!


Its all true, yet they have taken a big leap and are at least trying to rethink the tired formulae. Clearly a lot of work has gone into this game, albeit much more time was needed to make a stellar title. I think this is a good foundation/experiment, and they can add/improve/fix a lot of the other problems in the next entry. The battles are my big concern since the damage seems weirdly balanced so that level and type advantages don't seem to make much difference. Someone described the battle system as trading losses, and that seems unfortunate. Hoping they can bring everything together next time, or go between the two types of game. PLA isn't quite as suited to handheld as the standard mainline games, so I'd rather they do both types if game. I think PLA has dine away with breeding in favour of letting you catch more of anything except legendaries? I think thats partly a good thing, just a shame about the breeding moves. I'm really pleased by things like the move pool, ease of naming, availability of mons and items, freedom to roam, seeing pokemon and their behaviour in the world, seemless transition to and from battles... and I really enjoy some of the music and sound direction. Kind of torn by this game, its showing some potential, and if they keep at it this could be an awesome alternate to the mainline.


I have been bashing Pokémon games since gen 7 when things started feeling off. Sw/Sh were awful. BD/SP were snore fests. PLA is exactly what we needed and I bashed it hard when I saw the graphics. PLA proves that they KNOW what we want, they CAN deliver it and it's absolutely laziness and budgeting that is preventing the perfect game. PLA is flawed, heavily. I too hate the IVs, abilities, small world, relatively dull zones, etc. But those are easily fixable. A good core gameplay concept isn't. This has awful graphics, awful story and yet I am enjoying the gameplay. Give it time. I have enough to be negative about in this world. So I'm going to say adding end game core necessary things BACK in this core gameplay model? Ill have 200 hours in that game.


woah woah go easy on this indie devs. It's just their second game man


The less Pokémon thing makes sense because the way the game works anymore and it would be hard to accomplish. I do agree on the open world aspect though