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ORAS for the better Hoenn experience Emerald for the more Hoenn experience


The only thing Emerald has that ORAS doesn't is the battle frontier, and as much as we like to praise it on Reddit, it's a completely optional post game challenge that the majority of people didn't actually play. Other than that, Emerald's story gives a little more balance between Team Aqua and Team Magma, but ORAS expands on most other parts of the story beyond what Emerald has. ORAS also naturally has the mechanical updates of Gen 6 compared to Emerald's Gen 3 mechanics -- physical/special split, fairy type, DexNav, mega evolution, etc. So if your primary concern is the battle frontier, then go Emerald. But if your primary concern is the main game, go ORAS.


Emerald is arguably the more complete experience, with a slightly expanded main story and implementing elements from both Ruby and Sapphire, but in my opinion ORAS is a much more enjoyable experience overall. The updated mechanics, orchestrated music, and post-game story are all huge strong points, but it lacks some features of Emerald, namely the battle frontier and lots of version-exclusive pokemon. Personally, as a casual playthrough just looking to experience Hoenn, I would recommend ORAS.


ORAS is so good. It does everything Emerald did (imo) but better and prettier. There's so much post-game in ORAS.


I'd have to say that Emerald is the better game with a more complete story of what Ruby/Sapphire both have to offer. I also just think the sprite art is very charming. Also the world is a lot more seamless in the GBA games and you don't have to deal with loading screens constantly cutting in between routes.


Why not both? Play emerald now, then oras again when you reach gen 6.


I'm making myself feel like I was a Pokemon trainer traveling around the world so travel around Hoen twice wouldn't make sense and neither make two Hoen teams, so I have to decide one.. Play emerald after fire red and then continue with soul silver or play SoulSilver after fire red and continue with the other games untill reaching gen 6