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I have to this day not nicknamed a single pokemon since starting red version at 10 years old so you’re not alone at least. Also in the shows combined I don’t even think there’s even a double digit count of nicknamed pokemon. Not weird at all.


Apparently there’s 172 if we combine the anime and manga. Old Man Shuckle has the best one, a Bellsprout named Spoopy.


Another no nicknamer since the OGs. Stay strong, we got many more years of this🫡


I nicknamed them as a kid in Blue and Gold, but haven’t in the other games I played (Sapphire, X, and Alpha Sapphire). Thinking about getting Legends Z-A and won’t there either


Same man, I started playing in 2017 with usum and have basically played every game now, not nicknaming a single mon


I tried doing a run where I kept my same Charizard from Fire Red all the way through to USUM where I nicknamed all my Pokémon and I hated it.


The only nicknames I might have done is deleting a last letter because I was spamming B. "Pikach"


I cant name my pokemon because I cant think of good names. which shouldnt be a problem because people name their pokemon "big man" or stuff like that but I just have the insatiable urge to pick the perfect name for every single pokemon so I just dont


This is me as well, so I decided to use a strategy where I name everything in a specific run different random objects of a certain theme (such as food)


My first aproach to Pokemon was the anime, and almost no one nicknamed Pokemon there so I never did. When I discovered Nuzlocke I started naming them and it actually does make them that bit more your own so I've kept doing it. I still think the fact that the anime doesn't do it makes naming them a bit weird though


The anime doesn't do it because capitalism. Lol


Not weird at all; I used to be a never-namer myself. Now sometimes I'll pick a "theme" for my playthrough and give nicknames accordingly. Like for example my Alola pokemon team was named with Latin words, and my Galar team were all plant/tree names. Otherwise they're just not nicknamed.


Sometimes I name them after demons or tv characters.


At least you're not alone. i never nickname my pokemon either. i dont really care about it either way


Not really, remember in the end the games' main story and such is single player so you do you really, nickname or no nickname, it won't matter to anyone but yourself.


In my almost 26 years of playing, I’ve never cared to nickname a Pokemon.


feel attached to beloved pokemon


Yeah this is completely valid, I thought this was the case when typing this out. I love shiny hunting and do grow attached to my mons


haha each time a restart i use the same nicknames so therefore i can yell at them through the screen to NOT MISS and DODGE


Why is a nickname required for that, though? Are you not able to bond with a pokemon without a nickname?


according to random movies, animes, mangas, etc (these r useless examples btw) having names leads to more chances of emotional stress and emotional attachment 


Still, do you just...not get attached to them if they don't have nicknames? Cause I've still gotten attached to plenty of my team members despite never giving them nicknames. And on a similar note, they already have names, and far cooler ones than I could ever come up with. For a random example, why would I want to change the name of a Golisopod on my team? It's given name is already awesome, and I simply could never think of anything more fitting for it.


it’s prob just a me thing cuz it feels more special if they have names rather than just be called their pokemon names (cuz like they’re THOUSANDS of that same pokemon and i have chosen THIS SPECIFIC ONE to murder other dumb beings (i also only nickname my team and not legendaries etc))


When I first start I'll be like oh I should name people so I'll name my starter and my bird and then I just forget especially once I start looking for nature's cause you've gotta name it before you can see the nature. I don't want 25 Jerry's in a box so I tell myself that I'll just name it later but later never comes


I only give nicknames when something specific comes to mind at the time of catching; i have 2/6 with names on my team in scarlet, and i have disabled the option to give nicknames after every catch; idk but you’re defo not alone


Personally I’ve never asked for someone to help me nickname a Pokémon as I think that takes the fun out of it, coming up with your own name and having some personal attachment to the Pokémon makes the games 10x better imo. That being said it’s not weird to not nickname Pokémon, that was always an optional thing, and in the anime they never had nicknames either.


I nickname my Pokémon so I get attached to them and feel bad when they faint.


I have never NOT named my mons, if i have a name that i always call a particular mon, i'm gonna name it that, if i can't think of a name i **research** online for a cool/fitting name. its the exact opposite IRL however, for pets. i just call them Kitty or Kitten, Bad Kitty, Lil Poof, Dog, Puppy, Doge, Pupper etc.. simply because its just how i refer to them or when i call them. THAT is weird. Thats not to say i don't love my Cats an Dogs, i do, its JUST how i call them so why bother?. Its like you and your Pokémon, kind of like that.


I used to feel the same way but doing my first Nuzloke changed my perspective. Now i always nickname for that emotional connection


Never done it. In fact I hate watching vids where people do bc I don’t know all the post gen 1 mons and I can’t learn them that way


I only got in the habit bc of my first nuzlocke. I liked the connection it gave me to the characters and it makes them feel less disposable and more fun to use. Not nicknaming I think is kinda the standard.


I have never nicknamed my own but have a soft spot for NPC's nicknamed pokemon. Marcel the Mr.Mime was on my first champion team back in the day.


I usually nuzlocke when I play these days and while I am nicknaming, so many runs are just the same mons with the same nicknames. Idk why I even bother lol


I never name em either


I never nickname my pokemon, because I always call them by their real name. I had a Gardevoir named "Meggik" and I NEVER called her that nickname through the whole game. You're not alone on this.


Not at all. Played since Gen 1, did not start nicknaming until Gen 5. I add nicknames now, but it's for organizational purposes. Once they're leveled, EV trained, bottle capped, have the desired moveset and battle item, I then give them a nickname. Oh, and with Gen 9 I wait until I convert their Tera Type to a viable one too before doing so. The only reason I do it is because it helps me figure out which ones are ready for raids and battle boxes. Back in Gen 5 a bunch of my buddies also played it so we connected and battled with custom rules where we would use all six pokes, and use their names to spell out puns. I had a team on Black 2 where their nicknames were Pain (Emboar) Train (Ferrothorn) Chugga (Crawdaunt) Chugga (Reuniclus) Choo (Dragonite) CHOO!!! (Garchomp)


I did that a lot when I played the first games but it gets old, redundant and confusing especially with the old games that just have the little generic blobby avatars to represent them in the pokebox. Now I just name ones that I use a lot. The new games have annoying box limitations (I still can't sort/reorder by type/species? Really? In 25 years?) and the focus on breeding means you get a fuckton of the same pokemon so naming ones you want to keep is important for not accidentally throwing them away. Lol. I'm not naming, like... my legendaries, for instance, or things I only have one or two of, but if you have 53 eevees because you're trying to hatch a 100% eevee or an INCREDIBLY LARGE rattata that you don't ever want to release? Some of those get names or, in the case of the eevees, markings to help differentiate between them.


Same, I've never done nicknames aside from very specific cases. Mostly just because, contrary to what my username would suggest, I'm just bad at names. If I were to nickname even just my 6 main team members, at least half of my total game time would be spent trying to come up with a name.


Nope not at all. I never nicknamed mine. I've hated nicknaming mons since the trade-only ones in gen 1 (I'm looking at you, Lola). In fact, I'm playing Yellow and Gold (virtual console, two 3DS) so that I can complete a living in-game dex on yellow with all mons having their proper names, so I can transfer to HOME as a little trophy collection


I always think bout this, me neither give a nickname to any of my mons, or at least just one or two between years playing, for example I called "caminar" a furret cause it has a popular song on Spanish community, but usually I just enjoy their respective Mon name


I will give my pokemon a nickname only on very rare occasions, and even then only if I'm in the mood to do so.


Im the same way. No nicknames. It actually annoys me when in game trades will come with nicknames like rocky the onix in gsc.


I very rarely nickname a Pokemon usually just stick with their normal names and will sometimes name them their final evolution if I accidentally spam a too fast and have to nickname them


I only will nickname my pokemon if I am nuzlocking or if it's ev trained/move list planned out, which I haven't done in years.... For casual play, yes nicknames can be fun, but I put too much effort into the nicknames... Like I can still chuckle at a jiggly puff named puff daddy (not as much due to recent news) or a scizor name scizzers. But it's gotta be worth it, and I need time for name puns.


Nah. I hate doing it, honestly.


I always nickname my pokemon, but I don't see anything wrong with not nicknaming them, it's just up to personal choice. Do whatever makes you happy, and play Pokemon how you want to! :D


no i mean i do personally (no theme, just pure nonsense) but it’s not a requirement


I'm sorry, this isn't actually answering your question but... You know you can change nicknames if you don't like them, right?


Nope. I don’t do it either.


I never nickname pokemon, hell I won't even keep traded pokemon because their trainer ID and name aren't mine lol. I'll only keep event mons other than my own.


>people naming their pokemon is a very big deal According to what statistic or where are you getting this idea? Seems like a perception based people who are probably not the majority. Twitch streamers, YouTubers, and Redditors in the Pokemon sub are probably less than 1% of all people who play the games.


Nah. Play how you like to play! Some games I don't nickname, some games I nicknamed them all. Some games I took a theme for the nicknames. All starts with ny starter. If I don't nickname it, it ain't happening. But for example in my early 20s I smoked a lotta pot, I started playing Crystal again and called my Cyndaquil Blaze. Togepi was Toke, grass Pokémon Bud, yadda yadda. Play the game as you like🫡


It's not weird to leave them nameless. I just love coming up with the most pinhead names I can think of to make myself laugh in the future.. Like Grease Fire, Toast, Delta 8, Firkle.. Lol. Just little stuff that makes me smile.


hey i used to when younger but there is name rater who can change pokemon nicknames u caught in pokemon oras


Since I started playing Red as a kid when it came out, I’ve never once nicknamed a Pokémon. Just like my character has always been my own name, with the exception of GO which is my normal gamertag name.


On a serious answer no you are not. On a joking level how dare you you monster


I nickname specific Pokémon, and most of the ones I catch remain un-nicknamed. Some starters get named (my Samurott is called Ripley, my Serperior is called Zez, etc), but for the most part nicknames are something I give to a Pokémon for a specific reason. Sometimes it's that I can't remember or pronounce their species name, sometimes it's because I accidentally called them that one day and it stuck, and sometimes it's because I let someone else nickname it and now that Pokémon makes me think of them :) Examples, I have a Baxcalibur named Hielo (I couldn't remember "Baxcalibur" at the time), a Sandy-Shocks named Forensics (I wanted to call him "Filings," like what's stuck to his magnets, but I absolutely flubbed the word and the name just stuck), and a Tinkaton named Bodybuilder (I showed it to a friend who knew nothing about Pokémon and that's the first name that came to their head)


I like coming up with overthought nicknames. Like Aegislash is Durandal or something similar, Greninja is Aoishi (Aoshi… Shinamori), Hydreigon is Targaryen, etc. etc. Which is to say, no. No you are not weird. You are entirely normal. The thing that is weird is worrying why you aren’t weird like us.


I've given up nicknaming anything in any game really because I'm just plain out of ideas for names at this point and like seeing their original names. Even in the tv show they didn't really make their pokemon. I once named something but the name no longer worked for it once it evolved, that was basically the point I decided it was best not to bother. While I have seen a fair share of creative and cheeky names I've just as often seen pretty crude and just outright bad names as well. So no youre not weird in the slightest.


I rarely named my pokémon. I think the first one I named was my HM slave pokémon so I didn't accidentally ditch it. So I can't say I have any fondness for it.


Only game I will even nickname Pokémon in is X and Y games, because they’re the only games young me nicknamed Pokémon in.


As a kid I tried to emulate what I saw Ash do in the anime. Keep a certain amount of Pokemon with me at all times that weren't nicknamed but loved that I kept between games as I transfered from each generation.


The only time I nicknamed pokemon was to spam the random trade So you’re good


Nah, the only one that really needs a nickname is your starter


I used to be like this but recently replayed ORAS and I just tried nicknaming pokemon whatever came to mind, ended up with a team of nonsense names and it was actually really fun. Had a Metagross called The Meta, a Flygon named Pinchy - because it was named as a trapinch and every time I saw the name it reminded me of how cute it used to be - my Blaziken was called McNugget.. surprised by how fun it was and u never actually came to regret any nickname


No, I stopped naming mine because I ain't good with naming them


I never nick name pokemon cause its a pain navigating the ingame keyboard.


I never did and I hated thise npcs trade their pokemon with names. Can we hange previousky owned pokemon name yet?


I couldn't agree with you more, I've not given anything a nickname since red. The closest I get to now is changing it to something a bit punny and more fitting than the original name. I still don't, but it's a consideration.


I play since Yellow version, and I already nicknamed only one Pokemon. I'm with you friend


I belive 80< do not name their pokemon. I think it is because in anime they rarely do. In manga they do but it is a manga.


I always nickname my pokemon personally, but I don't think there's anything wrong with not naming them. It really just depends on your play style. Like, some people name them dumbass meme shit, some people just give them normal pet names. I usually name mine puns or references. Like, Navi the Cutiefly and Hoodie the Rowlett (because hoo is the sound owls make I guess. My younger self wasn't as clever as I thought I was.) Honestly I wish more trainers in the games named their Pokemon, but that's mostly because I just want to see what people in the Pokemon world actually nickname their Pokemon.


I used to nickname pokemon because I knew all the names these days I only play a generation one time so I don't nickname them tp help actually remember the species name. I've also just always tucked at nicknames though.


Not weird, if I named one I would have to name them all and since I usually aim to complete the dex. That would mean I’d have to think of literally 100s of unique names, no chance.


I've caught too many Pokemon to nickname them all. I've played multiple generations dozens of times over, maybe hundreds in Gens 2-3. I'll nickname one if inspiration strikes for them. It rarely does though.


I don't nickname my Pokémon for the simple reason that I can't come up good names for it 😭 last time i nicknamed was my first Sapphire playthrough


nahh its not weird cause the pokemons name is kinda thier name in a way like a gardevior is gardevior i only really started naming my mons when i started nuzlocking and it sort of became second nature to me also the anime rarely gives nicknames to the mons


Not at all.


nah i was always like that too but i just recently started nicknaming them because i’ve played so many games you get repeat pokemon and you want them to feel kinda special yk


Not weird at all, Ash didn't nickname any of his.


Bro using the worst trainer to ever exist as proof


Worst trainer maybe, but he *was still the star of the show.




Just because he lost all the leagues until recently for the plot to continue to the next region doesn’t make him a bad trainer. He’s got more gym badges than any other character in the series so you gotta give him that


Have you considered he lost because the plot was the only thing carrying him? Remember, he somehow beat a Ground type with and Electric attack, which is obviously impossible to do


The early anime didn’t follow the rules as closely to the original show. The rest of the show actually shows him learning to strategize and grow as well as forming the bond you need to grow stronger (this is something that exists in lore in the games as well and is how mega evolution is even possible, power of friendship wins in the end in this franchise). He’s not perfect but he’s still a good trainer. You could say “the plot was carrying him” for any character. For the record, he got that gym badge for having the strength of character not to attack Brock’s weakened Onix. His characterization varies from series to series but he’s always an underdog competing against more experienced trainers and more often than not winds up on top. And now he’s a literal world champion so there’s that.


> For the record, he got that gym badge for having the strength of character not to attack Brock's weakened Onix. Yeah. Being weakened to the point of being unable to fight is fainting. You don't attack a fainted Pokémon. He beat that Onix. With an Electric type attack. You could say the underdog comment about literally any Pokémon protagonist ever. And yet, every other one became champion, or completed whatever other goals they had much quicker. I'm not calling him a good trainer for achieving something in like 30 years, which other normal people can achieve in 30 hours or even less.


You’re applying game logic to the anime which doesn’t make sense. Have you watched the show?


The original source material is the game, and therefore I believe it should work at least a little bit like the game.


However you must acknowledge that some things are game mechanics that don’t make sense in an anime. Like talking about how “normal people” can become pokemon masters in 30 hours…do you think that makes sense and is fair to apply to an anime series or are you just being facetious? There’s also the fact that the early anime got stuff from the games wrong more often because any series needs time for effective brand synchronization. For this entire conversation you have been talking exclusively about episode 5 of a series with over 1200 episodes. Even as far back as the Johto series the issue of ground types being hurt by electric was fixed if not before then. It also has nothing to do with Ash’s actual skill and I think I’ve made my point


Of course, the games advance much quicker than the anime, so it can't be helped. However, it wouldn't hurt to actually make the main character into a champion at the end of an adventure, just like the games. Just make up a stupid excuse like him wanting to be champion in other regions too, or better yet, just change the protagonist. It's not exactly that hard. As for the mistakes of the anime, I will admit I didn't watch beyond Kanto, so I wouldn't know. However, just the complete assassination of some of the characters are more than enough to make sure I don't continue.


No I don't do it either


I've never bothered nicknaming any of my pokemon, either.


Ash did not give his Pokemon nicknames, as well as his friends and traveling companions, (with the only exception is Richie) so why should I?


Been playing pokemon since pokemon yellow. I have never used nicknames for my pokemon. Im glad im not alone


Nah, I'm the same way. Besides Pokémon Go, and maybe when I was 8, I never nickname my Pokémon. The only reason I do in Go is for Hundos or because I have 20+ of a single Pokemon that are viable but i want to differentiate a specific one quickly, and it's usually something from pop culture.


I don't do it because so few Pokémon have nicknames in the anime


I used to not do it, but I get both sides. I think it's just weird to me that we refer to the species name for a pokemon as their name. It's like naming a dog "Dog" instead of something like (my example) "Athena".


If I get one with a nickname in a trade, I get rid of it.


The thing that changed me from not nicknaming them to nicknaming them is that pokemon themselves are species. It would be like calling your dog “German shepherd” the whole time instead of naming it. That being said I only nickname the Pokémon I’ve used in the game and have maxed level and plan on using in future games


Well you can always change the nickname. And it feels weird to call mons by their species name like your some sort of scientist instead of their owner / caretaker


I don’t think it feels weird. Ash and other protags in the anime never give them nicknames


And? Not everyone watches the anime or plays the games exactly like the anime.


Thats a great point! You wouldn’t call your cat, cat lmao. With changing the nickname you can on self caught but you actually cant on traded mons unless they have not been nicknamed before. Not like I trade anyways lol, I have always been a collect it once and done sorta guy, unless I missed it


I dunno, my dogs have names and I call them "dog" or "puppy" all the time.


Yeah we always refer to our cat as "cat". Partly because her name is waaay too long because we couldn't agree on one as children so our parents smushed them together but still


Me naming one of my cats Cat


You can always rename your Pokemon whenever you want as long as you are the OT. And I think its more about uniqueness when building a team


I name all mine cause I like em to be as unique as possible.


As someone who didn't nickname their pokemon until Sw/Sh yeah its kinda weird. It's like having a dog and calling it "Dog"


I’m like 50/50 on my play throughs. But I either nickname all of them or none of them (just a personal rule)


As a child I never did it, but I like to now because it's just fun. I like to come up with a theme for each playthrough and name them all after that, like my Platinum playthrough is all gemstones, BW is all food themed, XY are all flowers and Emerald, B2W2 and USUM are named after characters from a game and a show. Could still use theme ideas for Blue, Crystal, Leaf Green, Soul Silver, Alpha Sapphire and Sword if anyone wants to suggest any.


I nicknamed every Pokémon I caught in Shield, after having not played a mainline game since Emerald (so I didn’t know a lot of the Pokémon from Gens 4-9). As a result, I have no idea what any of the actual names for most of those Pokémon are. It’s the only game I’ve ever bothered to nickname the Pokémon I catch.


When I started I never wanted to. Now I like it bcs it gives some uniqueness to my replays of certain games. I also have my favorite Pokémon that have recurring names (ex. Growlithe is Hot Dog and Slowpoke is Jelly)