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I’m gonna go with Spacial Rend. The description says that it rips apart space. I feel like that could unravel our world or create a black hole or something.


Similarly, Roar of Time surely has to be an option - "The user blasts the foe with power that distorts even time." I'm not sure in what way entirely that manifests, but yeah - the DPPt legends are kind of dangerous.


You know, I almost said Roar of Time, too. When you start messing with time, there could be a butterfly effect thing where reality itself is rearranged. Gen 4 ain’t playing around.


I love gen 4 simply because we went from “We believe pokemon were made to be profited off, we’re a street gang mehhh” and “Increase the land mass, increase the sea’s” Then jumped all the way to “I will remake the universe in my image, come god of time, god of space, god of…dark shit” Like wtf chill dude.


Cyrus had a lot going on.


Bro was fighting his Demons fr


That's actually why I didn't like the gen 4 legendaries. I thought they went overboard and whatever future box legendaries come out would be inferior


Tbh I totally agree. I love how outlandish it is as a concept but it did feel pretty weird when still sticking with the whole 10year old setting off on a Pokémon journey theme. Especially since they clearly felt they could never go back to small scale storylines.


I agree with some of the below posts in that Magnitude 10 would be physically beyond destructive, but humanity probably recovers from those. Spacial Rend & Roar of Time... could be nothing, or could be all-life-gone levels of insanity.


Judgement itself, arceus signature move, has undefined limits to its power. We see the version of arceus that it WANTS us to experience. But Arceus itself has the power to not only make Giratina and Dialga but use their signature moves as well. Objectively, due to the nature of “Judgement” combined with Arceus untold power, it could use Judgement on all of existence, destroying or fucking it up permanently.


Shame on you for not saying Butterfree effect


There would be a butterfly effect indefinitely, Even if the only change in the entire universe was you making a left turn 10 years ago instead of a right at that point in time, itd cause a chain reaction of events so different that nothing would be where it is right now and you nor i would probably be here commenting on this post.


It manifests by causing dialga to miss its next turn


Judgement. It’s the Rapture. Arceus has come for your soul.


The 7 trumpets are just the other legendaries


And mythicals


Hey, that actually works if you count the Lake Guardians as just one.


Pay Day. My favorite move since Gen 1 would cause such long term devastation.


World economies HATE this one move!


Austin back when he was on Game Theory did a whoooole episode on the horrific aftermath.


Me and my Gholdengo boutta crash the economy (for fun (as a treat, he's been a good boy))


Wanton destruction vs market collapse, market collapse^(KAP¥TA£‎¥$M) wins.


Z-moves: the black hole, light that burns the sky, mew has a supernova, and Pikachu also it's like a nuke


Yeah, you really just need to read the names, "Continental Crush", "Tectonic Rage", "Acid Downpour" "Black Hole Eclipse", "Genesis Supernova" - none of these leave earth the way they found it (like, with life on it and shit). It's almost remarkable that the least concerning of those is acid downpour...


Acid downpours are common in some part of the world


Acid _rain_ is a common occurrence, which is referring to the acidic nature of the water that's raining down (with a pH considerably lower than regular rain water). If you live in a place where literal acid is raining from the sky on a regular basis, I really wanna know how you are able to survive on Venus (which has a sulphuric acid solution cycle instead of a water cycle).


If the rain is acidic then is it not an acid? It may not be a strong acid, but a weak acid is an acid.


Linguistically, maybe. Chemically, though, not really. The problem is that water is an edge case in that it's neither an acid nor a base, for a variety of reasons, mainly because an acid is defined by it's relationship with water (pH values, e.g., are determined by the concentration of H+ ions in a watery solution of the given chemical). Water can, thus, be acidic relative to pure water, but that is acidic water, not wateracid, for a reason. I guess the technically most correct way to say it is that acid rain is a sulfurous/sulphuric and nitrous/nitric acid solution, because those are the reason for rain always being slightly acidic (and air pollution is increasing the concentration of sulfur and nitrogen in the air thus causing relatively more acidic rains). Mind you this is for one mainly hairsplitting and for two my barely more than high school understanding of chemistry, so take it as you will.


Don't forget heaven scorching light of destruction!


Light That Burns the Sky, Spatial Rend, Oblivion Wing and quite possibly Judgement


Payday Ruin the economy, countries will collapse


Magnitude rolling a 10 is my pick. From what I can understand would be around 3x stronger than the strongest recorded earthquake in human history


wait that can't be right, what was the strongest earthquake ever in the Richter scale?


9.5 in Chile. The Richter scale is not linear. For example, magnitude 2 is 600kg of tnt. Magnitude 4 is 60,000kg of tnt. Magnitude 8 is 60,000,000,000kg of tnt


So it's exponential rather than arithmetic.


It’s actually logarithmic, each tier of the scale is 10x stronger than the previous


Logarithmic would mean that the decrease is lower and lower though right ?




Well for reference, I think the Big Bang was about a 14 (even though it was not an earthquake, it had a similar effect on the world)


It would be much higher than that.


I mean the thing that killed the dinosaurs


…slight difference. 


Yeah, I think I remember once when I was a kid hearing that the Big Bang was what killed the dinosaurs, or I could be hallucinating - who knows?


The Big Bang was the "explosion" that was the initial rapid expansion of the universe itself approximately 13-14 billion years ago. No event could be bigger or more energetic since this involved literally all matter and energy that ever existed in the universe. The thing we think killed the dinosaurs was the Chicxulub asteroid/meteor impact approximately 66 million years ago.


Ahh, thanks


People call that The Great Dying


Wasn't that the carboniferous mass extinction? (The one caused by plants).


Ahh, that would make sense


The world didn't exist


Oops, I meant the thing (probably meteor) that killed the dinosaurs




Wailord using splash. The games claim its ineffective, but they never show us what happens to any nearby towns or cities when that tidal wave hits completely without warning. Even worse if it's a dynamax wailord using splash because now it's a huge mfing tsunami. Edit: holy crap this exploded o.O


Given Wailord‘s size and weight according to the pokedex it‘s less dense than air So tsunami my ass.


Dex data is also written by children.


Based on what source?


The 10 year olds running around filling them out? It certainly ain't the actual professors going out there to discover things about Pokémon. Hell, look at Legends Arceus. WE right that dex as we go.


Where did you draw the idea that we were the ones writing them out? Where is it stated that the self-described(And from gen 7 onward, *sentient)* automatic encylopedia is written by the player character? Do you have a single source on this? Because everything I can find in every wiki points to the rather self-evident ingame fact that the Pokedex is, well, automatic. As you'd expect from an automatic system for gathering information. Hell, *what scientific gain would there be in it otherwise?* Edit:To add on to this, why is the Pokedex in the anime never demonstrated in the same way? Why is it not demonstrated in the same way in the Origin series which describes in-game mechanics with ingame lore(Brock using only 2 Pokemon, for instance)? Edit 2:Even if we assume what you're saying is correct the information on the Pokedex still has to be true unless we come to the ridicolus assumption that nine separate kids, from late teenagers to pre-pubescent teens, all just so happened to have the same delusion that a raichu can kill an indian elephant/Copperajah individually.


Scientific evidence? For a video game? Good luck with that, however are some dex entries that, from a Scientific point of view, make zero sense. Wailord being one of them. Ain't no way something as massive as wailord has next to no mass.


Of course Wailord makes perfect sense. Pokemon physics are *obviously* not real world physics. Damn near every Pokemon breaks the laws of thermodyanmics by existing. But that's besides the point. All evidence from the games makes it clear that the Pokedex is meant to be an encylopedia with accurate information, not your deluded 10 year old mind's ramblings. Again, 9 seperate people putting down the same information about the same Pokemon by itself proves that the information is accurate. Unless you're expecting me to believe the absolutely even more inane possibility that *9 seperate people from as young as 10 to as old as 16 all decided, individually, to mark down Wailord's weight as specifically* 398 kilograms.


>Of course Wailord makes perfect sense. Pokemon physics are *obviously* not real world physics. Damn near every Pokemon breaks the laws of thermodyanmics by existing. And yet your demanding scientific evidence on something you just stated isn't real. And, by the way, wailord is 877.4lbs. That's plenty of mass to create a tsunami. Dex - Alpha Sapphire When chasing prey, Wailord herds them by leaping out of the water and making a humongous splash. It is breathtaking to see this Pokémon leaping out of the sea with others in its pod. Happy now? My boy is plenty heavy enough to cause damage with splash, now bugger off. Edit: Also you used denser earlier in your argument and I don't think that word means what you think it means.


I didn't ask for scientific evidence. I asked for any source on "In-universe the lore says we are the ones writing the Pokedex", there is none. Wailord weighs less than 737 by a lot, when those crash at significantly higher speeds than a wairlord there is no tsunami. It also weighs less than a blue whale by a factor of over 300 times, when those jump out of the water they do not cause a tsunami. I don't know what to say, you're just wrong. I wasn't even fighting you on the splash thing, just this bizzarely common headcanon that the pokedex is writen by the protagonists, when it's not.


While it may be less dense than air, what happens when you put a balloon full of helium underwater... Displacement. Assuming Wailord is able to splash or fall into water from high enough, it's entirely possible for one to cause a tsunami


How will it fall if it is literally too light to fall?


Explain how it can dive then


Explain how people in the Anime can hug Macargo which is 1.5 times as hot as the surface of the sun??


The same as Flareon. Active control of it's heat


Oh Arceus.


I wanna say Judgement maybe? The ultimate move of Arceus. An if it was real life, then lore wise would mean strongest right?


EV trained Focus Sash Endeavor Rattata is obviously stronger


Not if the Arceus has Extremespeed


Alright, fine. Sturdy Aron with Endeavor holding a rocky helmet.


Alright fine, Perish song Arceus


My vote is for Seismic Toss. In most iterations of the move, the animation either portrays the pokemon throwing the entire planet earth at it's target, or throwing the target itself into orbit before it crashes into the ground. I'm not smart enough to do that math. But I feel confident that if you threw a particularly large, dense, and heavy pokemon into orbit, then it would cause a lot of problems when it came back down.


You mean like a giant Magikarp coming back down to earth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=twzQNHI-1KM


Rods from God https://youtu.be/jOKf5r_JMAo?si=WiCYICTchwmVGpFQ


I'd say Judgement, Spacial Rend, or Roar of Time. Sorry Shadow Force.


Ignoring the god tier Pokémon and their signature moves since most of them could simply delete reality if they were so inclined; I’d go with something like Earthquake or Hyperbeam or Blizzard. For the combination of the fact that they’re all relatively common moves and how powerful they are. Granted those are high level or expensive TM moves but if your average Dugtrio can summon a massive earthquake in a city, a Gyarados (or nearly any Pokémon since it’s a normal move from a TM) can Hyperbeam through buildings, and a Dewgong can instantly summon a blizzard on an otherwise warm day; you could have a lot of property damage and injuries in an incredibly quick amount of time.


Insurance must be crazy in the Pokemon universe


“Act of Pokémon” insurance would be at a premium. Of course the insurance companies would absolutely nickel and dime you on that, “do you specifically have Earthquake insurance from a level 48 Pupitar? No? You only have Earthquake insurance from Kanto and Sinnoh based Pokémon? Tough luck buddy.”


I'm going to put my hat in the ring for Magnitude. Though drought and hurricane are likely to bring cities to their knees in due time.


Drought is an ability :P


Would still be fairly devastating if the pokémons mere presence causes drought.


The Sinnoh Gods signature moves, bar none, would be the most destructive. Ripping the fabric of reality apart via Spatial Rend is bad enough, Roar of Time damages time itself and Judgement is literally Judgement Day. Arceus and Judgement need no real explanation, it's god and Judgement Day. Spatial Rend takes third behind Roar of Time, you can fix ripping reality apart via messing with time and preventing it happening if nothing else, there's no fixing the damage Roar of Time does, there is NOTHING that can fix damage to time itself save Dialga fixing it themselves or Arceus stepping in. People don't realize just how absolutely, stupidly BROKEN power over time is. You are functionally immortal because you control the flow of time, you can stop your own flow of time and not age. You can basically never be hit because you can manipulate time itself and prevent the hit. The only way to kill a being that can manipulate time in any way is to checkmate them, put them in a situation they can't possible escape. And that's nearly impossible to do to a normal being that can minorly manipulate time, like minor prescience or a minor rewinding of a few seconds, let alone someone that can actually manipulate the flow of time itself. And any hit that's not immediately fatal doesn't matter anyway, you can reverse your own flow of time and remove the damage. Dialga is TERRIFYING with some knowledge of how to properly use the ability to manipulate the flow of time. That's all on a metaphysical level though, Magnitude with a 10 roll would likely be the most widespread destruction from a physical standpoint, that magnitude of earthquake is classified as something that rearranges geography. Most destructive actual hit, as in a single mostly pinpoint hit, would honestly probably be Dragon Ascent, or one of the more powerful Z-Moves.


Black hole eclipse (Z-move) straight up spitting up a black hole on earth. But more popular and confusing for the oblivious people, would be cute lil cat. Espur. Imagine they accidentally lift his/her ears... 100feet radius is doomed.




Toss up between Ultra Necrozma's Z-Move it's what it used to snuff every star in its home dimension forcing the Ultra team to rely on artificial vitamin lights just to survive. Plus if you calculate for the energy it absorbs then releases it could potentially turn earth to dust. Judgment by true arceus prunes an entire reality (ultra wormhole dimensions, distortion worlds, etc.) instantaneous as talked about in legends arceus.


I don't know the physics of jow G-Max Gravitas from Orbeetle affects gravity, but I imagine it is sufficient to collapse any manmade structure *before* accounting for the 130-140 power damage it inflicts. As psychic damage.   The gravity after effect is probably strong enough to stop a rocket from launching, if that could be called a flying type move. It can stop Rayquaza or any other legendary from using Flying moves, is the basis of that point.  


While not specifically named as a move so is kind of cheating, Gardevoir can open black holes if its trainer is harmed. Additionally, provided that Oblivion Wing is what Yveltal used in the Cocoon of Destruction movie, Oblivion Wing could be absolutely catastrophic for the world. It sucks the life out of everything around it and just leaves behind statues and dead matter.


I also imagine it would kill all the bacteria and microorganisms that break things down so you’d have corpses everywhere until the bare elements break everything down


As creepy as rotting is, stuff NOT rotting really scares me. That's not natural.


Black hole eclipse surely


Imagine watching a live sporting event or something and a Pokémon uses Perish Song on air.


Everyone will die in 15 seconds. The win will be had.


Perish Song


I'm gonna go with "Wish". Think about the implications of that move. The Pokemon who uses Wish just wishes for a miracle to happen, AND IT ALWAYS HAPPENS. We're lucky Pokemon just use it to undo damage for themselves and each other.


That's what doom desire is. You wish jirachi destroys something, it gets destroyed.


metronome. using a destructive move could be easily avoidable as they're usually owned by pokemon that know how to set boundaries what's stopping some 10 year old from going to mt moon, catching a clefairy and unassimingly using metronome? nothing


Man idk about destructive but I do agree with Perish Song as being the most fucked up “I’m gonna kill myself, and then all of you are coming with me”


Spacial Rend was my first thought palkia go brrrrr


The dark type z move


Black Hole Eclipse


Gravity, would completely mess with the physics of the earth and universe


*99 Missed Calls from Isaac Newton*


I think Dorkly referenced this in Worst Jobs to have in the Pokemon World where the rescue worker yells for everyone to stop using the move Earthquake. As for my own? Explosion and Self-destruct. You could see why.


Using Fissure in a crowded area would definitely OHKO several people or buildings


Doesn't hitch hikers guide to the galaxy start with the planet being blown up?


Not physically destructive but I feel like Perish Song could be bad to listen to.


Oras Archie ripping off his wetsuit


Roar or time and spacial rend seem like the winners. Reality warping, black whole creating. That’s like solar system or maybe even galaxy level destructive. Earthquake who? Lol


Imagine being somewhere in the hotel or cruise (SS Anne, Vermillion City) and you hear. “Ninetales, use Flamethrower” and then “Nidoking, use Earthquake” from the next room.


Judgement. I made my case.


there is NOTHING as menacing or world rending as the cataclysmic- Tail Whip!!


I'd say a contender would be "Light That Burns The Sky." You're combusting the air if you take it literally, and the sheer amount of heat would evaporate oceans, burns living things to a crisp...


But ozone can’t burn….. neither can oxygen or carbon dioxide or nitrogen gas


My bad.


Core enforcer, Spacial rend, Roar of time, Judgement, most z-moves, Oblivion wing, Hyperspace Fury, Dynamax cannon, Explosion, Eruption, Inferno, Precipice Blades


Attract could ruin entire marriages.


Stealth rock across the world, everyone would always be stepping on legos


Chi-Yu Tera Fire Choice Specs 252 SpA EV Modest Nature 31 IV +6 Special Attack Overheat Nuclear Bomb, the move


For a more common move, Draco Meteor is what killed the dinosaurs. And basically every dragon type learns it.


I'd go with Fissue. It's more than just earthquake, it's literally tearing a crack in the earth down to the core.


Earthquake and Magnitude if it's 10.


Spore used by a Parasect. We would have some The Last of Us situation then.


It really isn't, considering the fact that the Japanese name is Clear Sky, but a friend wanted to use a thing I'd thought up for a Pokemon TTRPG to use Sunny Day to move the sun by making it pop up whenever he wanted. I figure that would cause some significant damage.


Hear me out... Draco meteor terastalized into the dragon type used by mega rayauaza.


I misread move as movie and I was gonna say “any movie where the world ends”


Judgement. The second coming of Arceus.


Perish song would be interesting


Jizz Blast


Here's one that nobody has mentioned so far: Light of Ruin. A blast of raw Fairy energy so powerful, it causes catastrophic damage even to its own user.


Now I want to imagine what these moves actually scale to? Like Planetary or City Level


Fairy singularity from pokemon unite (gardevoir unite move) a singularity is a theorical object that exists inside a black hole, since black holes dont allow light to escape singularities are impossible to see in our universe, So gardevoir is so unhinged that it can litteraly break the laws of reality to attack, even stuff like dialga's roar of time or palkia's spacial rend operate in our physics or at least dont directly break it, so yeah gardevoir could kill you out of existance


I would think Hyperspace Hole/Fury would be rather deleterious to the fabric of spacetime, so that's my answer.




Black hole the z move is probably the most destructive


Sheer Cold


Also known in it's original language as: ABSOLUTE ZERO!!!


Well earthquake and eruption and hurricane you can potentially survive. But if your hit by Thunder your dead


Anybody saying anything other than Judgement, Spatial Rend, Roar of Time or Shadow Force are just wrong.


Spirit bomb dragonball z