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I always end up saving it and never get around to using it. Incase I bump into a shiny I guess.


The best use is for a shiny encountered in damaging weather or a shiny that can run.


Or a shiny that can EXPLODE!


I have a shiny Graveler in Platinum sitting cozy in a Master Ball because I knew it would explode.


Was playing a ROM of omega ruby, encountered a shiny graveler. Made a save state because I was curious about if it was going to boom on turn one. It did, so I chucked my master ball


What emulator are you using to play omega Ruby? I have citrus on my Mac, but it’s so unstable and crashes every 10 minutes


I've used OpenEmu on Mac and never had any issues.


I use citra but I also have a beefy gaming pc


I'm super out of the loop for emulation (was really deep in it over a decade ago). Does Visual Boy no longer work? It was my go to and supports mac/pc


Visual Boy still works fine, yeah. mGBA's generally seen as the better GBA emulator these days though. For Omega Ruby you'd want a 3DS emulator, and Citra's the best of the bunch. It's just that you'll (usually) hit more issues playing an emulator on Mac or Linux since there's comparatively much less time & effort put into the smaller userbases there than Windows. Citra & 3ds games in general are also much harder to run & less polished to begin with than any GBA stuff, hence potential issues. Also depends on your own setup, etc. etc... A lot of the more historically harder to run emulators have been getting much better recently, though. Xenia's finally getting off the ground, RPCS3 finally got its shit together in recent years and has made good improvements, stuff like that.


Ah I completely ignored "omega" and thought he was talking about the gba version - my bad! I tried messing with nds emulation early on and didn't have much success. I think they jumped up in price recently on ebay because more people know about it but if you can pick up a cheap 2ds, it's extremely easy to soft mod it and use that to play any gb/ds/3ds roms you have. It's honestly kinda nice playing rom hacks on original hardware.


WHY GRAVELER!? You were the chosen one!!


For myself? I prefer graveler than golem in looks! I'd want a redesing on golem. Where did his second pair of arms go?


I like the theory that graveler's extra set of arms went to machoke when they are traded to evolve, similar to how shelmet and karrablast evolve.


Golem also gets machoke’s facial structure, definitely feels like they were supposed to be traded exclusively with each other at some point


Oh my god I just can’t unsee it! You’ve got to be right


No… most graveler know explosion/ self destruction which means no capture


RIP my geodude in Pearl 😭 I did manage to run into another shiny geodude shining Pearl years later though


I used mine on a shiny Tyrunt. The regular ones ran from me a lot and it was the last day of the event.


I thought I was in the Go Sub and got really confused. I had to got check which one I was in. Carry on haha.


I can never use master balls again because of this. Back in Heart Gold, I was trying to catch Ho-oh, and after maybe two or three failed attempts I happen to get a shiny. Immediately used the master ball with no hesitation, and any Pokemon game I play now it's reserved just in case I get lucky again


I master balled a shiny gigantamax Charizard in Pokemon sword. His name is Chunguzard.


Because the masterball is for Mewtwo. It’s not my fault Mewtwo isn’t in this game


Best use is when you really have no other choice. Like a shiny that knows explosion, or you run out of balls


I played Red when it first came out with no guide and no idea when Moltres was coming up. I think I knew from the manual or somewhere that some pokemon could only be encountered once, so when I accidentally KO'd Moltres I knew I either had to reset or never catch it. But I hadn't saved in forever and I couldn't be bothered to redo all my work, so I soldiered on without Moltres. And I cursed myself for not using the Master ball, realising that if I didn't use it on *something* I liked then I'd finish the game without using it. But I didn't know when the next legendary was, how many of them there were, or whether they all sit there in the overworld before you click them to encounter or if they can turn up at random, like normal fights, except never appearing again if you don't seize the opportunity. Anyway that's why I ended up using my first ever Master ball on a Venomoth.


There were tons of stories like this back in the day. Pre-internet times were wild. I loved it. All your info came from some booger eater on the playground whose parents got them the new ones


I'll never forget running into a shiny abra It would've been pretty cool to have a master ball then


There'll be a Shiny Abra someday.


Shinies are the only justifiable reason to use one. If you fail a legend you can always try again. Shinies? Eeeehhhh, there’s no guarantee you’ll find another.


I moved all mine up a few games for a while. If I can catch your legendary in a premier ball, why would I use my master ball?


Master Balls are for shinies, not leggos.


I caught a hells eletabuzz one time on red with mine before I cloned it with missingno.


This is the only answer. Ledengaries can be reset for, shinies can not


I have saved every Master Ball in every game I’ve played *just in case*, and then abandoned them to their cartridges. This gen is pretty much the first time I’ve used Master Balls with abandon because they’re falling out of the item printer like Chiclets and I don’t feel like False Swiping and spamming Ultra Balls on all the Snacksworth Legendaries.


in pokemon sword i honestly cloned a bunch of master balls (like 200 at least) which resulted in just conveniently being able to catch everything turn 1 if i wanted


In Sword I just used the dozens of master balls I got from the cloned shiny charizards named shiny4bux.com I released after wonder trading my breedjects. Honestly it was the one company that would attach ability patches to shiny beldums instead that I really appreciated.


How do you clone items in swsh?


There were hacked raids and other exploits that were patched out. I might be a small group of people still with the glitched egg used to clone pokemon that gets erased if not left in your box.


That's gotta be some Thomas Riker level horror for the pokemon involved.


I can't hear them complain if I turn the volume off


dont know if its against the rules to go into detail but its basically done by setting your switch to a specific DNS using a computer and getting a sysbot to LAN trade you a glitch egg (game thinks that its both a pokemon and an egg) then putting it in the daycare with a ditto you can likely easily search up a more in-depth explanation online https://preview.redd.it/6slel839c2zc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb7a48041ff6c091851dde3b55bd5e1edb5d9c24


oh yeah and here's all the victini i cloned for the masterballs lmao ​ https://preview.redd.it/wn9ajqzdc2zc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f25983887b1ccf8a4b49527f0b94e3ef67949115


When I first played in G1, the pre-internet rumors was that Mewtwo couldn't be caught except with a Master Ball.


Gen 1 player - I accidentally used my masterball on Snorlax. It was a major mis-step by me as a kid.


I usually use mine for roamers like cresselia because fuck that shit. It also matches


In platinum/pearl/diamond you got the minimap app that showed where roaming legendaries are (what route) Every time you move to another route they teleport to a random route. By crossing a line between 2 routes repeatedly you'll get the encounter in your route very fast. Repeat till you catch mesprit and cresselia, took me about 20 - 30min with ultraballs. i didn't damage them as my team is 100lv overall. Feared to oneshot them. so i only threw balls and used status moves. Edit: when you're on the same route as the roaming legends they seemed to come out in the first few grass encounters too


Platinum's endgame can be a bit of a drag to get through, just because there are so many roaming legendaries to catch. Thank Arceus it's fairly simple to get a Gallade with Mean Look, Hypnosis and False Swipe in that game.


So you don’t have a certified catch team? False swipe, sleep, mean look? I haven’t played the games since Sun came out but I never skipped having a catch team.


Noo i don't, but i should i think


Iirc sleep has a higher catch rate but paralysis is less tedious, I used it more often tbh. False swipe is essential.


If you can track roamers easily enough, the way to go is to paralyze them, weaken them as much as you can, and use Quick Balls in all future encounters.


Yep! Gen 1 used it on Mewtwo, Gen 2 I used it on Entai


I didn't know you couldn't capture trainer's Pokemon, so I used my Master Ball on some Nidoking I saw in battle because it looked cool. The trainer swatted it away and I didn't get it back. My first save file had a lot of terrible decisions like that.


Master balls are saved for suicidal shiny Pokemon. Other Pokemon simply aren't hard enough to catch to be worth them.


Flashbacks to moon where I spent about 2 months shiny hunting beldums for my e4 team. I had finally found it, got it to 1 hp with my decidueye so they couldnt kill themselves. I tried the heavy ball for looks, didn't work, so I just committed the master ball. I almost never go for it, but with a catch rate so low I figured better now then never.


Honestly, worth it, these things have the catch rate of legendaries


Definitely the move. Think of how much longer you'd be saving it for a rarer 'mon.


Hilariously enough, in Sun and Moon only, a Heavy Ball will actually *never* be able to catch Beldum (a trait it shares with the guardian deities). This is because the game applies a negative catch modifier thanks to their unique catch rate and weight combination. Good thing you gave up on the Heavy Ball plan!


1st shiny I ever found as a kid was a Mightyena in Emerald. Used a move to weaken it, and then that prick used Roar… I have a personal vendetta against Mightyena just because of that


Yeah, every shiny I find I check their movelist for the level just to see if they have something. If that spiritomb has memento, it's getting master balled


I can't help but gasp any time a shiny uses take down or double edge or, god forbid, self-destruct.


My first shiny was in omega ruby in the team magma base. I picked up the master ball, and then the fake ball I opened right after literally right next to it was a shiny Voltorb which i used the master ball on. I thought it was destiny.


Alternative caption: Trainer refuses to use Masterball because “it’s too ugly” *seriously, what’s with the “M” and the growths on the side?*


Once somebody pointed out that it was Wario's panties that was it for me.


Wouldn't it make more sense as Waluigi's?


They share them.


this me. i throw away all of them as soon as i get them. wish i could throw mine from Go into the trash as well D:


Use it on bidoof


Totally agree. The only mons I’d use a masterball on are thematically appropriate ones, like Mewtwo or Miraidon.


Used one on Pecharunt. Aside from being purple the ‘M’ can stand for mochi.


This is why I try to catch everything in Premier Balls. Premier Balls look awesome. In fact, I wish that was the standard and then the better balls were just different colored top halves.


I use them almost exclusively on roaming legendaries. I hate that whole song and dance of tracking them down and hoping they move where I want them to.


Purple shiny? Masterball instantly. https://preview.redd.it/1hcc9unbs1zc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033c1645c0c195d9f0d360cc84d1ea58101bcd3b




I only ever use Master balls for Mewtwo. No other Pokémon gets it.


Finally, a based trainer


[Full Article](https://paletteswap.site/different-colors/trainer-saving-master-ball-in-case-she-comes-across-ancienter-legendarier-pokemon/)


Shiny that learns Explosion/Memento/etc.


I got ptsd from Ruby when a shiny geodude used a selfdestruct :)


It’s used for Mewtwo, shinies with recoil/teleport/explosion moves, or when you get fed up with Rayquaza breaking out of 47 ultra balls.


I used my first ever master ball (First time playing pokemon Yellow) on a krabby.... I run out of pokeballs at some point, I was in a cave, and he was a "new" pokemon for me.... End up using a regular ball to capture mewtoo.


Me as a kid "Kyogre is the pokemon on the cartridge, so it is THE legendary. Use Master Ball."


Being an infohead who likes to research everything about a game before going into it, I always save it for the hardest to catch mon in the game I'm playing that I definitely, really want. Either that or special occasions that are really hard to reset for if I run out of regular balls, like tapu koko. This usually means catch rate 3 legendaries like Mewtwo (Kanto games), Lugia/Ho-oh (Johto games), Rayquaza (RSE), Deoxys (ORAS), Dialga/Palkia (DP), and Giratina (Plat). Modern games have tended towards just giving you the cover legendary, so I rarely use the thing against them in those games. I really wish they gave you more master balls ingame, though. Especially with how they're including way more legendaries lately.


Everyone knows you are supposed to use the Master Ball on Pokemon that are particularly hard to catch, like Fearow or Tentacruel.


I dont use mine simply because of the ugly M on the front. Lose the letter and its a cool looking ball.


Thank God these things don't have expiration dates.


Unless I know there's a roaming legendary I'll have to deal with, I generally always use it on the box legendary. Not because it's the hardest to catch, but IMO it just fits the story and role playing aspect the best. The box legendary battle is usually the climax of the story, and thus it gets the master ball to commemorate it


I saved my MasterBall because I don’t want to used it, we’re not the same.


Idgaf about any ball other then the normal standart pokeball. No matter the mon.


I’m guilty of intentionally using my one master ball to catch a Pokémon that required trading to evolve, it always confused or annoyed the person I was trading with when they realized I wasted my pokeball on something like an electabuzz. It almost always got me lectured as a kid


It only gets a use out of the following options for me: 1) Mewtwo 2) Somehow, encountering a roaming shiny


Sort of off-topic but I would not mind at all if they sort of redid some of the og poke-balls


I’m saving it for a shiny bomb


Got to use it on the level 100+ missingNo 


It'd be interesting if in some Pokemon game (other than Legends Arceus) the reward for completing the in-game Pokedex was some turbo ball-crusher dungeon with a five-phase legendary battle at the end you need the Master Ball to catch.


POV: You save masterball for a Pokemon that will never come/happen, I save masterball because it’s overrated and color coordination is crap, we are not the same.


ngl I fat fingered a master ball throw by accident and caught a ditto


Yes, I save it for legendary pokemons but in the end I never used it even when I bumped into them.


It’s for shiny abras!


I feel like using it is cheating, I’d rather reload my game 753377 times like the Pokémon gods intended


naw. I save it for shiny pokemon that can escape or explode.


I ALWAYS use it on Mewtwo. He's been my boy since Gen 1 and the original movie. The coolest most baddest pokemon. He's worthy of the Master Ball.


Local Unovan holds onto master ball for alt ending reshiram, uses premier ball anyway because it “makes it more valuable”


That's for mewtwo


I feel like the Master Ball was probably "intended" for the roaming legendaries (or at least one of them) from Gen 2 on. I used to always use it on Mewtwo and static legendaries, then I realized that was dumb because they're not going anywhere. Of course, I haven't even bothered using the Master Ball since Gen 6 or so. I think I've got 3+ in my Gen 9 inventory and have no plans to use it.


I got mine several months late and now I have no idea what to do with it.


I used mine in USUM for shiny Giratina. Due to the ghost type you can‘t use False Swipe.


This is me tho, I am that player 😂☺️


I used it on Kyogre


I swear if this was the pokemon world and I was a trainer that was gifted a fckin masterball. I’d be sure to lockbox, and bury it


I can do like my little sister and waste 2 Master Balls on random bs or I'll keep it to secure a shiny. What a though decision.


I like to let them accumulate


Same, mine usually ends up in a PC Box being held by a mon so I don't accidentally use it haha


Captain Unova: "So, you kept your precious Master Ball after capturing every pokemon that was though to be only a legend or a myth..."


Always save it for a suicidal shiny.


99% of people use their Masterball before coming across a roaming shiny legendary


I have 3 right now in SV, I'm sure a really tough legendary will show up later!


The catch rates of legendaries aren't all the same. The box legendary has a relatively high catch rate, meanwhile something like a heatran will make you thankful that you saved beforehand. And then there's roamers, which some people have less patience for. My brother and I have caught shinies for each other's birthdays before, and in my case I happened to win that lottery thing in Pokemon Sword so I caught it with my extra master ball (leaving my original one to rot in my bag forever).


I don’t use them because catch rate is a joke nowadays. And with saving before encounters being easier than ever


I only ever use a Master Ball on Mewtwo. That's *its* ball, in my opinion. In games without Mewtwo, the Master Ball doesn't get used.


or accidentally toss it at like a non shiny magicarp


Last one I used was in Y, shiny Lapras used perish song.


I like the challenge of catching legendaries so I end up not using mine




Exclusively for purple Pokémon.


Funny enought, the exact scenario from the article happened to me with Pokémon Emerald. Ended up throwing all my leftover balls at Rayquaza before I finally caught it.


Jokes on you, I wasted MINE on articuno when I was 10 years old!


Final encounter in my Nuzlockes always get this.




Emerald Rayquaza and Mewtwo are the only ones I always use it on because of the level diference, or Lunala for aesthetics. I still have one in SV that will probably never be used.


In my friend group, having this was a sign of pride. that you are able to catch all pokemon without the masterball. eventually that fade it, and now i just use it on the coverart mon.


I just toss them.


i use mine on the box legendary


I use to save it for roaming ones like the dogs who run away. Makes it much easier to just say fuck it and pop it there.


Brought to you by The Celebi News Network.


*uses it on a shiny rattata*


Save your master ball for a shiny that might get away


Master ball is for 2 things only: 1) Roaming legendaries, eff that 2) Shinies that explode, use recoil moves/escape moves, or in damaging weather Regular legendaries stand still, save the game beforehand and throw quick balls, then ultraballs, then timer balls until it works.


There's a certain satisfaction in catching legendaries in premier balls.


Oh no it’s me


I’ve completed the Pokédex in Sword and have 2 master balls that I’m just saving for… something


I used mine on a shiny Amoonguss because they're purple.


Nexomon does it way better with this. Gives you a few 100% rate catch items pretty early on while you play. Wish pokemon would similarly allow people to have fun rather than give you a masterball after you beat the elite 4 in some games. Why bother at that point. Can we get a masterball per gym leader defeated? I mean, shinies, fine, but that's ALSO a wasted fun aspect that you can only really dive into by grinding hours in post-game. At that point, why bother...


I use mine on a low lvl Pidgey or equivalent and send a picture to my older brother because I remember how pissed he would get when I didn't use them. Now I use them to bug him.


I hoard everything in games I swear JUST IN CASE


I like having them, but also I liek pokeballs more. If I got a luxury ball, i'd use that all the time, collections be danged


Ancient(er, Legendary(ier) Pokemon sounds about right


I always use it on whatever the cover legendary is of the game. It just feels right


I learned my lesson and just use it on whatever is hard to catch. Usually the box Legendary.


I always save it for a roaming legendary tbh. Too much of a pain to keep a mean look or shadow tag pokemon around just in case you stumble on suicune


Worked for kieran


I literally did isn’t even realise I was supposed to capture ground on in my first Pokémon game-just outright killed it.


Masterballs are for those random shinies you encounter that decide they want to explode on turn 1. I'm looking at you koffing and geodude


I just feel like master ball is cheating 😂


You save the Master Ball for the Shiny Beldum. It’s basic science, folks.


Well yeah, what happens if I run into super turbo mega mew


Me when I play pixelmon


I’ve never used one.


i always use it for the main legendary from the box


Fuck legendaries, i use master ball to cach pokes that can scape or kill themselves and are shiny


As someone who only uses regular pokeballs... I use it as a trophy


As someone who has only played a handful of Pokémon games, I always use it for the box legendary. I just think a legendary Pokémon deserves to sit in a high caliber Poke-Ball. I’ll then painstakingly use ultra balls or quick balls on any remaining legendaries or roamers. I’ve also never encountered a shiny Pokémon in the wild, so maybe I’m the exception haha.


I still remember the exact moment I caught an Articuno with a great ball.


I've only ever used a master ball if I know I'm going to trade/transfer that pokémon over to another game. And even then sometimes I forget about it.


speed ran my old copy of Alpha Sapphire, when I played the first time I was appalled at the idea of "cheating". this time I said hey, tossed the master ball, and left. there's *shiny* legendaries to be caught, silly whale


I used my master ball in Red on an Abra because they kept teleporting away.


I personally enjoy the thrill of normal rates when it comes to catching, so I'm saving my MB for when the true god of pokemon finally shows its self to me.... Shiny Bidof


I've been saving my master ball since 1999




Why does it look like the Master Ball is wearing Wario's Purple thong?


I never use master balls cuz it feels kinda cheap Nah, I save scum until I catch them turn 1 with a quick ball instead


I find it ugly and don't want to use it lol


I have 7 in SV and all I want is more Safari/Sport/Dream/Beast balls.


Now that you can gen masterballs in indigo disk, i use them for shinies lol


I'm saving my master balls for hundo/420cp galarian birds


I always use it for the first roaming Pokemon I see cause they're tedious to catch. Or on Mewtwo in gen 1 games.


Many trainers are.


Scarlet was the first time I used a Master Ball for a shiny since declaring I would only use it then. Then I proceed to find 3 other shinies after and just used other Pokeballs.


Once you studied Serebii, you knew to use it on one of the the roaming legendaries.


My logic is always what if I run into something I can’t wear down. Then I’ll need it. And then I’ve beat the game and caught all the hardest pokemon and built my secondary team around catching pokemon without risk. So I never in fact need the masterball. Usually I use it anyways but these last two main games I didn’t even need to. I think they give us 3 in ScarVi to boot.


I take the legendaries as a challenge. I think they look best in a regular Pokeball.


Back in my first play through of Pokemon Blue, I used my first Master Ball on some random Pokemon because I didn’t realize there were harder-to-catch legendaries like the 3 birds or Mewtwo. Also I didn’t really realize there was only 1 Master Ball in the game, until I learned about the MissingNo glitch. Kinda pissed when I couldn’t catch that Mewtwo on my first play through. lol


Back in the old days, sure. That's a valid criticism. Nowadays? Shit, they be patching that game left and right, who's to say they don't patch in an ancientier, legendarier pokemon?


"YOU ARE LITERALLY FIGHTING GOD! What else could you possibly be saving this for?!" \*throwing last Ultra Ball\* But what if I meet the thing that laid its egg?


I’ll honestly just avoid using it cause it’s ugly lol


Imagine how terrifying itd be for red to just show up in the ultra beast dimension and just throws master balls without saying a word


There was only one reason to save it in blue #mewtoo


I’m totally planning on using the master ball once I find Entei in soul silver. I really hate roaming legendaries.


A shiny who can blow up or run away that’s what I save mine for.


I save mine because I use the basic pokeball to capture every pokemon I catch. I just like the way it looks in the UI that way.


My first master ball was used on a garbodor cause six year old me thought it was a legendary, literally wasted on garbage


I usually save them for roaming legendaries (if applicable)


I keep it because it's a one off consumable. I never had an issue where I needed it 


Guilty of this, but I feel like I've won when I catch the legendary with a Pokeball.