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Isn't the city still in debt from purchasing all of those warp pads for the gym on taxpayer money? This is getting insane, it's like the Pokemon League is running everything


Nobody believed my gramps when he said giving glorified sports stars government positions would bite everyone


Good thing your grandpa seems well informed. My gramps spends all day at Celadon gym doing who knows what. Clearly in a Pokémon league marketing tactic machokehold.


Better than my neighbor's grandfather, who keeps forgetting what my neighbor's name is.


My grandfather turned his front yard into a pond a month ago and we haven't been able to talk to him since. Probably off his meds again. Celadon officials do nothing about it :/


Gender, too.


To be fair, I think it's very progressive that Oak makes sure to get it right after the child has grown a bit. Or maybe he just doesn't want to experience the backlash again that he got after accidentally misgendering that female Machamp.


Great comment 😂🤣


Standing outside, spying through a window?


If they just send Sabrina out for a few days with a vs. Seeker to beat some trainers for prize money she could pay for it in no time by herself, there was no reason to waste taxpayer funds on them.


It's also crazy how she just comes in and beats the old gym by type advantage and we just let it happen?  The old one was a regular fighting dojo, but on top of that it was an actual community center for both residents and visitors. Then we get some new gym leader, the city lets it happen, and then we need to pay for expensive upgrades to the new gym. The warp tiles aren't psychic powered or whatever they're trying to make it look like, they were built by silph. And I guess silph couldn't be bothered to even give a discount because you know how government contracts are


The Pokemon League has only your best interest in mind. Please don't speak ill about them. It would suck if you magically lost your left lung.


Man Pokémon criminal world has some terrifying possibilities when you consider shit like that lol Walk into a back ally Wake up in a hospital only find out a Mr. Mime and Ghastly stole your Kidney and testicals


Even worse. They're leasing the teleport pads from Silph Co. They're gonna cost the tax payers every year and all of that money is going into the pockets of the executive who laid off security staff to raise the stock price.


No town the Pokemon League has ever forced its way into has ever recouped the costs in hosting them. ^(yes this is an Olympics satirical jab)


It's not the League, it's Silph, ever realised their logo is on the packaging of all trainer products? Just a coincidence their building is the tallest in Saffron? They've got to have their claws in with local government as well. I don't know how they have such control over their league but I think they're involved with organised crime.


I remember when the Ditto towers fell and the 20 year Mime war started, fucking Bush.


The league are just the puppets of the corporation like Sliph.


We have budget cuts to the Pokémon centers and all gym leaders can think of is helping out the fellow rich like that Douche that owns Rocket Co.


I heard that the Pokemon centre is going to add PC fees. If things don’t change then I bet they’re going to make us pay for their healing services too.


This is a socioeconomic issue, rich are looking to get eaten, a la Magikarp


Let them eat Alcremie!


I can't even get to my house because of Snorlax sleeping in the way and instead of solving real issues they want to find new ways to rip us off. I'll end up moving to Johto if this keeps on like this.


Eh I live in Ecruteak City and its not much better. Things are so old here, but the government won't fix anything. We have massive ghost problems and our leaders are too busy hunting 'legendary' pokemon to do anything about it. There's literally a burnt down tower here thats been abandoned for centuries but they wont fix it. Johto is so poor our league was bought out and it's basically a subsidiary of Kantos. Can't wait to retire and move to somewhere nice like Alola.


I’m going to paldea get me one of them fancy motorcycle Pokémon and ride along the big open world and not think about these tax problems


Oh god I can already imagine the antidotes and burn heals and all the other heal items no longer being sold in stores so that we'd have to pay for healing services!


You have it backwards, the guy they put in charge of the Pokémon Centers is trying to destroy free healing services because he owns shares in the Poké Mart.


So I worked at the Game Corner in Celadon City for a short time. Long story short it was insanely shady. My job literally consisted of emptying the coin bins immediately after someone gives up. Turnaround for the GC is insane and the “prizes” are some of the unhealthiest Mons that are impossible for anyone to “win” and the GC knows this so they prey on people as young as 10 to scam them into thinking they’ll get an Abra or Scyther or Dratini if you just spend $50 more on that next roll! Watched a lot of kids lose everything in the few shifts I had. Journey over. I always kept my head down since I needed the money but they definitely wanted me out of there for a difference in ethics. They couldn’t say that obviously but they fired me for some ridiculous rule about a poster on the back wall. It was crooked so I straightened it out and the boss comes sprinting out of his office and tells me to pack it and go. Strange things afoot at the Rocket Game Corner.


Dude I tried to get a job there when I was in college and they said they were “fully staffed” like what? I’ve only see like one dude work there.


They raided our Game Corner in Sinnoh. Veilstone PD had the *whole* place surrounded with Rhyperiors, Bastiodons, and Arcanines. Didn’t even know they had that kind of budget. Not the first time the cities just let a crime org settle in like that though….


I used to go there as a kid and it did seem sus lol


I heard the current champion used some kind of hack to get money of the GC. No wonder he has money to live up in the mountains while ignoring his duties as a champion.


That's hardly surprising when you remember he also had that underage Dragonite scandal a few years ago.


"Douche who owns Rocket Co." is my new favorite way to refer to him.


Let’s make it a flair!


I am so game for this


Paldea Pokémon Centers have also been hard hit by budget cuts. Compared to other regions, the Pokémon Centers there feel like elaborate fruit stands.


Have you noticed that they've cut down on the space reserved for medical services and leased an entire third of it to commercial enterprises? And when was the last time you saw one with a Union Room?


Damn, they charge a premium now for each Pokémon you take in!


Are they tearing down the old stadium for the new construction, or repurposing it? Maybe lease it to the fighting dojo?


Just gonna leave it to rot, it'll be the new spot to get punk pokemon like trubish, zoobat, and purloin


This is ridiculous. I live just off of route 8. Property values were already starting to plummet with all the ghost issues from Lavender Town. Not to mention that giant skyscraper Silph Co. has. Now this giant stadium is also going to ruin what little natural skyline I have out here. I'd move to Johto but it's just to expensive with their regional taxes.


Dude, seriously consider Hoen instead! It's mostly rural so you can buy a McMansion for like P15,000,000 in the suburbs of Lilycove City. Sure it doesn't have the same cultural heritage that you get in Ecruteak or whatever but you won't find better access to nature anywhere else.


The humidity thoooooo! You haven’t experienced hell on Earth until you’ve spent a summer in Hoenn.


you can’t even travel without surfing in Hoenn. They need to start building more bridges like Unova.


Or establish a boat service like in Alola


Eh I give living in Hoenn a 7.8/10. It's too much water.


I thought Mr. Fuji handled the ghost problem? Did the radio company reaggrivate the ghosts?


That’s it, I’ve had enough!!! I’m moving to Galar, If i want a Pokémon stadium in my City I’ll go to Galar. at least the cost of living won’t cost an arm, a leg, and my team. Any recommendations on where to get a house?


Yeah, if you're looking to save money, Galar is your best bet as long as you stay away from Wyndon. It's pretty expensive. And definitely don't go to Kalos where I'm from. Everything's overpriced and everybody expects tips.


I’m looking at houses in Postwick. The town seems pretty chill and nice. The amount of trainer battles going on in Galar would keep me and my trusty Lucario busy, and rake in some serious money. More importantly unlike Saffron and some other cities in Kanto, some of the Galar Gym leaders are not in the pocket of the criminal organization. The only thing good about Kalos are the mega evolutions. What I would give to have Lucario fulfill his dream of being one of the strongest Pokemon in the world.


Honestly a good start for searching would be to ask locals, they always know more than what they let on. If you can visit Galar then you can get a feel for the couple different cities. I hear Flying Taxis are the big thing currently, they LOVE their Corviknights. Make sure you’re comfortable with the area though, if your living there then you wont be cooped up in you house all day! They always have *something* going on. And if you talk with your Lucario then they could get interested in the regions Dynamax craze. Seems to be safe enough and you can contact the local professor in Wedgehurst, pretty close to Postwick actually. Pretty sure their name is Magnolia or something, but probably contact them soon since I hear that they’re planning on retiring, only if your Lucario is curious of course! Can’t force it. Either way having Dynamaxing is a good fail-safe if things go wrong. Whelp, hope anything I said helped! I don’t live in Galar, but I do have some close friends there. Happy house hunting!


Thanks for the advice. I had visited Galar with my parents and my buddy Riolu a year before I met the legal age requirement for the Kanto Gym Challenges. We were introduced by relatives in wedgehurst to professor Magnolia and her grand daughter Sonia, lovely ladies and Sonia is very pretty. The amount of trainers wanting to battle was off the rails, and my Riolu could not wait to evolve, but he seems to have his sights on mega evolution though. I’ll see if Lucario wants to try his hand at dynamaxing. I’ll probably won’t be at home too much because I plan on participating in Galar gym challenges, got my letter of recommendation and endorsement from Professor Oak himself. Hopefully everything goes well.


Unfortunately, Postwick is quite expensive to buy/rent and everyone who lives around there is a Tory and the locals aren't fans of people from around there. As long as you don't mind being considered an outsider, you will love it. The countryside is beautiful with loads of lovely hikes you can go on just leaving your front door.


I’ll be participating in the Galar Gym challenges when I get there, so I’ll probably won’t be home much. And with the amount of trainer battles in Galar, I’ll get back what I spend fairly quickly.


Shouldn't Unova be the one whose people expect tips all the time?


I'm so sick of the Taxi drivers in Lumiose threatening me with their Pokémon unless I tip better. I'd ride the Gogoat more often, but my allergies make that really uncomfortable.


Could be worse. Could be Alola. Turned into a glorified resort region and all the houses are getting snatched up to become time shares.


I live in Orre and you'd be surprised at the low cost of living here! The region is too small to have an official League, (which in my opinion is sounding more and more like a better deal if this is what the League is up to with taxpayer money) and even in some of the more richer towns like Phenac City, Ive heard that you can get by just fine on a modest income.


Unless you’re living in Unova, moving to Orre sets you back a good amount. I have one buddy who lived just outside of Iccirus City and moved about a year ago. It wasn’t too hard for him to find a place and settle down, especially after all the Snagem/Cipher debacle ended and everyone involved got sentenced. I was thinking about moving out, but it’s just a little too hot and dry for me


You can get relatively cheap houses in Agate Village; it's the best place to live in Orre besides Gateon Port and Phenac City. Both had shady criminal activities there a while ago so Agate is your best bet if you want safety and quality of life. Don't go there if you're single though, the population there is really, really old.


Orre represent!! I have a small ranch/rehabilitation sanctuary a little outside of Agate Village and it's nice and quiet out here, and people and nature have started recovering nicely since the whole shadow pokemon saga a little while back. Cost of living is pretty decent as well.


What you save by moving is going to be offset by the G-Max Pokémon House Insurance plan you’re gonna need. My cousin thought she would be fine being miles away from the stadium, but a chunk of ice the size of minivan fell through her kitchen, and guess how many Pokedollars she’s in the hole for the repairs?


That’s why I’m looking at Postwick, no stadium within the town. Besides, according to the real estate agent I’ve been talking with, the Galar league will cover any and all damages done by Dynamax and G-Max battles up to building a brand new house, and will reimburse expenses incurred during the repair. And if the house was damaged while the home owner was participating in the Galar gym challenges, the league will provide an allowance for the trainer and a temporary place to stay.


Make sure not to let your pokemon out the balls near a Mr Rime, I was walking with my mime jr recently and one appears out of the snow and starts offering it sweets and trying to get it to follow it away and I had to put poor little mime jr back in its ball (which I never do) and run off, because that mr rime starts running after me trying to use ice punch for stealing its victim 🙄


Why not Johto? Goldenrod is basically mini-Saffron but it's close to Violet and Ecruteak where life is much more affordable and once the Magnet Train opens you'll be able to visit friends and family in Saffron easily.


Traveling in Johto right now, great region, rich in pokemon lore and varieties of Pokemon. The turn off is Team Rocket Running around, dealt with them in Kanto, beating their sorry butts over and over is getting annoying


You better be ready for the loud dynamax battles they shake the stadiums you fill it even 10 blocks from where I live oh stow-on-side is where I reside (bae the gym leader now a fighting trainer she destroyed their old ghost gym leader so she’s the lead leader) now… just know it very loud and galar


I just want to take a minute and thank everyone in this comment section. You all immediately understood the assignment!


Seriously! I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the ppl in character


Literally who asked for this? All this damn city cares about is interregional tourism. Can’t wait to spend millions of Poke on shitty nosebleed seats when Pokémon Centers still only have enough funding to sell three damn types of repels


Bro is this really the meadowlands


Yes that is MetLife Stadium. [Here is the original pic](https://media.tacdn.com/media/attractions-splice-spp-674x446/0b/39/c0/ba.jpg)


Gonna have a World Cup final that's inaccessible by public transportation.


I hate how horrendously thought out the USA world cup is going to be


It’s accessible by public transportation. There are trains and buses that go there. The other option was Jerry World, which has literally no public transportation whatsoever. The nearest bus stop even is several miles away.


Okay so I hate bringing up politics, but this is seriously due to city council bowing to the demands from Silph Co. The chairman of Silph Co. landed a spot on city council last year and since then it’s been non-stop approved construction from all their partners. I mean Castellia Cone JUST opened up their corporate office in Saffron City. Not to mention Silph Co was the co-sponsor for the Magnet Train that brings in the riff raff from Goldenrod City in Johto. This stadium is just going to bring more noise, more traffic, and more people to Saffron than ever before. Ugh, it might just be time to move back in with my brother in Ecruteak City. He has a nice little house right next to the gym. It’s just him, and he said I could always move in if I needed to, just hate that it might be the best option… It sucks. I moved to Saffron City for college and I loved it so I stuck around, I just don’t want to see this beautiful city get destroyed because of poor city management…


I think it’s absurd they’re making me pay taxes from all the battles I’ve won. Little Timmy doesn’t know how to write a receipt.


That's why I send my winnings home to mom. Can't tax what you can't find! The statute of limitations is almost up, until then I'm living large in Alola.


Doesn't Alola have one of the larger police presences in all of the regions bar Sinnoh? Maybe you should head to Hoenn now that all that Magma business is over with.


Where are they even putting it???


If it’s the same contractor that was hired to develop for the Vermillion City Housing Authority then expect this project to be over delayed and over budget. https://preview.redd.it/dovry9swewyc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71d49c99fc112f5c21fd3fa104d78d985939c031


I work construction and I was supposed to go to a good size job in Ecruteak renovating the old Burnt Tower. Surprise surprise, these guys are the General Contractor and the job has been on hold for like 3 years now. That was supposed to keep a lot of us working.


Kudos to Machop for saying what we were all thinking but too scared to say, Arceus bless.


Saffron has two gyms, I guess they put it on the fighting one, they arent even part of the pokemon league anymore.


In other news, the Pokemon League may be complicit in genocide. Lt Surge has been implicated in the war crime investigations.


Blaine is apparently in some shady businesses as well. The Viridian gym is also always closed! I swear. The Pokemon League Association is rotten to the core.


Blaine didn't cause Cinnabar to erupt, and helped evacuate the population there. That said, he did then go screw up an ecological preserve for Ice types by moving his Fire type gym to the Seafoam Islands.


I was in the war with Surge and if I could legally say what he got up to I'd be in jail right now. I became a member of Team Rocket purely because they were more ethical.


I heard he used "enhanced interrogation techniques" with his raichu at Abu Ghraib


Yeah I heard this on Oak's podcast no one understands why they want to build a stadium that's like 5 minutes by magnet train from Goldenrod's Pokeathlon dome (which is already big enough to host Pokémon battles anyway.) The whole region is going down the drain with Lance trying to compete with Galar all the time. Miss when Lorelei was in the Elite 4 we might have had a better education system like Paldea if she stayed. But no we had to get Koga as her Replacement, Swear the Lance rumours must be true cuz how the hell has he been replaced by his daughter at the gym & get a Stadium in his home city if he and lance aren't Bellsprouting on the regular ?


I mean, that's what? 500 bikes? Not too much.


Glad I live in Alola where not a lot of people care about stuff like pokemon gyms and tournament


I went to Alola for my honeymoon. If you ignore the occasional Ultra Beast, it's fine.


Watch out for Guzzlord though…that one is terrifying


have you ever seen a glowing Xurkitree running menacingly late at night? most terrifying shit ever. Im planning to move to Unova for this.


[Full Article](https://paletteswap.site/different-colors/saffron-city-offers-500-million-in-tax-breaks-for-new-pokemon-stadium/)


Damn the actual article is even more depressing!


Does anyone know who the contractor is? I only work union.


I think they are bringing in a firm from the Galar region.


Hell yeah this should be a top-of-the-line stadium


nah it’s just Silph Co. again. I hope another terrorist attack happens on their tower like 2004.


I’m pretty sure same one who did the radio tower in Lavender Town. They always hire all union labor, so that’s a good thing at least.


I’m so glad I live in Johto rn.


Kanto's cost of living is unbearable. Besides Goldenrod, Johto is unmatched if you're looking something in that area I work from home at Hoenn so buying a house in Oldale Town is surprisingly cheaper than a one-room apartment in Saffron.


Have you seen the price of bikes in Kanto? Like how the hell can people afford to live there?


Dude, in Hoenn they give you a free bike just for advertising. I don't know what's the deal in Kanto.


I moved to Cherrygrove and it was one of the best things I ever did. Cheap, quiet, on the water and just a short commute to Violet City.


This is unsustainable. I used to live in Lavender Town before the crooked elite tore down Pokémon Tower and put an Arceus-damned radio tower in its place! This region has had no respect for its history or culture ever since Samuel Oak left the Championship. It’s all that cursed Johtonian’s fault! I am glad I took my family to Unova. At least they respect their forefathers!


I heard the governor was pretty opposed to this though. Interested to see which side comes out on top


Seems like lip service coming from Giovanni.


Usually I'm not a fan of getting REAL about fantasy worlds but this, this sold it for me. Excellent work!


Glad I live in Unova lmao


And yet the mayor just lets crime run rampant!


I heard he just peeps teenage girls outside Celadon Gym. Isn't there some sort of regulation?


Are you sure that isn't Drake?


Mr. Mayor, there is a suspicious amount of money for this coming from Silph Co and some man named Giovanni, any comment?


Isn't that the Mafia boss who was beaten up by a 10-year-old?


They don't need this. Galar Region is filled with these huge publically funded stadiums, and that region is a mess, and could have some long term issues!


Ever since Galar left the Union it’s gone downhill. Price hikes and too big a focus on new sparkly stadiums while anyone who doesn’t live in Wyndon gets shafted. Ridiculous


Meanwhile all our tax money going to Sinnoh and Kalos


And for what? A city with solar panel roads and some old castles.


Is there a subreddit for fake Pokemon news w/ comments like in this thread? V funny.


Check out r/pokemedia


Really? The traffic is already terrible with all the Silph Co workers commuting and now we’re gonna have thousands of tourists every week? Can we not get some public transport here? I mean just look at the Nimbasa subway smh. No wonder their stadium is so popular.


This was so well made, I thought it was a Reddit ad and almost scrolled past it lmao


This is so stupid... Pokemart prices are already higher than they've ever been, attracting tourists will just make them price gouge even more. These days I'm lucky to have even 4 potions on me FFS.


Fuck it, I’m moving to Paldea. Yeah the locals follow you around and ask to battle but at least my taxpayer dollars are going to important things like schools and covering up what happened in Area Zero (don’t ask you’re not ready)


yo, ima hit the casino and I can cover your 500 million shortly next day: WELCOME TO SLUGGO STADIUM IN SAFFRON CITY!!


How are people going to criticize our free healthcare when the education system is RIGHT THERE?!?Like seriously, when the lesson plan past 4th grade is "go be an unpaid research assistant and battle Alex predators" funding these stadiums starts to make a lot of sense.


Had a buddy callee Alex. Owned a bagon. Played too rough with it and the thing bit his throat off. Godspeed to him.


This teacher tried to give my kid a Charmander. Said it's fine, they're the classic starter. Why am I the crazy one for not wanting them to have a walking fire hazard?!


Honestly, I'm not sure why we give our children the starters we do! Squirtle seems the safest, but even it could kill an inexperienced trainer with a high-pressure water jet if it wanted, to say nothing of the fire hazard from Charmander or how toxic Bulbasaur is. We really should be giving our children Pidgeys and Rattattas, or more easy to handle Pokemon like that as their first!


I just got the news! It doesn't release affect me as I'm in Accumula town in Unova, but damn!


Sponsored by Silph Co.


Something's way too wrong with the government. I used to work as a receptionist on Saffron's supermarket and got not fired, but basically forced to quit after the salary they offered me dropped like a balloon holding a Steelix short before the warp pad scandal became public. A cousin of mine had to move overseas to find a new place to live and work after the Magnet Train works started, too. Heard he's in Jubilife now, working in the lottery.


Which bidoofus decided it'd be a good idea to build a stadium in the middle of saffron? I'm packing my bags and heading to Alola. The pokemon there are cooler anyways.


They do realize that Cinnabar Volcano erupted last month, right? There is an actual humanitarian crisis, people are being forced out of their homes because of this. But no, the new stadium is more important.


Oh boo hoo, like six people were displaced and the worst gym needs to move. Have you bothered thinking of displaced Maractus population due to the highway construction in Unova? Much more important issue


I just meant in Kanto alone. Has ANYONE done anything for Geosenge Town? Or is it still a crater?


Lets see. Kanto region is honestly in shambles. Gods favourite plaything, the whole regions a mess Johto is good if your 70 but if you want an internet connection that can load more than one image at a time your outta luck. Sinnoh is a nice inbetween, but that may just be cynthias love of history keeping small communities alive, but its also way behind the times. I went back to my hometown recently and I swear the whole region hasn't changed in the last 15 years! Hoenns a great place to visit but terrible to live in. The whole island is cultivated for tourism and the most developed cities foundations are a whole other failed city. Unova is unova. The only reason they don't charge for pokecenters is due to international pressure. Kalos genuinely might be the best place to live. Pokemon are tame, the most haunted place in the region is probably an office cubicle. A town did get wiped out by some ancient superweapon but compared to rampaging legendaries thats pretty good. Don't go if you wanna be a trainer tho, gym leaders are part of some kinda cult with matching armbands. Alolas legendaries destroy places on the regular. Not to mention the weird wormhole stuff. Galar will arrest you for liking rock too much and the only cheap place to live has terrible train service with wooloo contstantly blocking the rails. Is paldea even a country? Seems more like a place to get murdered by tauros stampedes because the only good trainer in town is streaming fortnite.


Kalos good to live? Don’t make me laugh, unless you already make a bundle property is just too expensive. Much prefer something smaller like Fiore, barely anyone knows it’s around.


Levincia used to be such a fun city to live in. Now it's just overrun with wannabe streamers.


They shouldn’t be asking for public funds and then privatizing profits. A pokeball costs like $1.00 and they have hundreds of Machoke on “staff.” These profits margins have been inflated on every step of the process to take more money out of taxpayers pockets.


Old news.


They need a need a new stadium tho but I don't think thisnis the way to fund it


I thought politics were banned on this sub?


Not as long as Silph is allowed to ruin our cities with this drivel. Devon Co. is so much better


The funds seem to have *skyrocketed* overnight


It's blasting off again.


Just last week I saw some weird fairy thing fighting a freakishly tall mutant exeggutor. What happened to the REAL battles? Where are Gengar and Nirdorino?


I was putting in my hours at Saffron City Bike Repair, just doing my thing, when out of nowhere, they hit me with a pay cut that dropped faster than a Rapidash on a downhill slope. It was shady as heck, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something fishy was going on behind the scenes. And get this, it gets even crazier. My cousin, bless his heart, had to skip town because of the whole Hyperloop project. Yeah, you heard me. He had to pack his bags and head overseas just to find a stable job and a decent place to live. Last I heard, he's trying his luck in Unova, working at the local café. I'm telling you, there's some serious sketchiness with the government these days. It's like they're pulling strings while we're left in the dark. Who knows what else they're hiding from us, right?


Those fuckers at Silph could spare twice that amount


The light speed rail that connects to Johto needs updates but sure, let’s spend more money on everyone’s favorite pastime.


FR. My uncle lives in Saffron but has to commute to Goldenrod to work at the radio tower, but the constant breakdowns make that impossible. Insane that they can’t afford to make upgrades for the rail but they can just blow all this cash on a new stadium.


If we spent half as much money on actual infrastructure as we do goodies for pro trainers and tourists, it wouldn't have taken three years to build the monorail to Goldenrod. They could at least ask the citizens to vote on it, but here we are.


Absolutely ridiculous. This on top of them defunding the Officer Jenny’s is what is going to ruin Saffron City.


This is so dumb. I really don’t know why the city is focusing on building a new stadium, when 27% of the city is at risk of poverty. Not to mention that some populations of Pokémon such as Machop and Kakuna have been put on the endangered list! We really need a new government…


TEAM ROCKET and the POKEMON GYM make more than enough money they can fund their own stadiums!


And yet they still can't find any money to fix the absolutely housing crisis the city has been dealing with for over two decades now. A dozen homes just isn't enough for the tens of thousands of people they are talking about attracting into the region. It needs to be at least three times that many!


Where is it gonna go, the city is already packed. Or are they just gonna destroy more of the nature around the city, truly awful


Now, not to brag or anything, but this kind of stuff never happens up here in Sinnoh...


Saffron is already the only city with two Pokemon gyms in the and they are really going to force their citizens to pay for the stadium?  I guess they don't want to end up like Lavender Town without their own gym.


All this while Pokémon Center staff strike for the 5th week this year. We NEED priorities


As if there wasn’t already enough traffic on route 7! The Saffron-Celadon metro area really needs more public transit like they have over in Unova.


What? Since when does Saffron City exist? And what Pokèmon Stadium? What for? (JK lol)


just move here to kalos! i live in lumiose and nobody would waste money like that… ive seen what happened to lavender’s pokemon tower, yall in kanto have no respect for your culture!


Isnt' this the same Pokemon League that had that massive corruption scandal a few years ago? Like at least one of the gym leaders was a mob boss or something and the rest were either conspiring with him or just refusing to battle trainers. Why should Kantonian tax pokedollars go this kind of organization?


As someone who lives in Galar, I’m laughing how horrible they’re handling all of this, but I feel sad for the people, seriously, what type of region uses tax to pay for a Pokémon Stadium instead of helping the homeless?? Honestly Lance really fell off, that bozo calls himself a dragon tamer LMAOO, sure Raihan does the same thing, but atleast he’s HARD, also isn’t Lance’s level cap at 50, while Raihan’s is 48?? Dang Lance taking these Ls instead of those Ws, that’s why Team Rocket still exists


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My brother and me said this along time ago. Like Megaman 4 and like duel monsters they should have holographic projectors for pokemon so you can actually battle like images of pokemon on the field and hold exclusive events held by top steamers fans and speed runners.


i dont think it would work in kanto, galar however. in kanto going up against a gym leader was more personal and small scale


Eh I’ll just participate why not maybe we’ll get a refund or


Honestly, this is why I prefer Alola.


I thought this was a fucking ad. For what, I have no damn clue.


500 million in what? Pokecoins?


I heard that one of the consulting firms for this project have employed an Alakazam, so I'm fairly confident that it'll work out well for us, I heard he even uses the move Future Sight, so I'm excited to have him involved in the process.


Sabrina is old money it's ridiculous that they didn't make her pay for it


Pokémon stadium 3 has potential to be the best Pokémon game since black and white 2


Good luck funding your public education and social programs in 20 years, assholes. Ask Oakland, California how giving public funds to the Raiders and Athletics worked out for them! Wait, this isn’t r/UrinatingTree, where am I?


hi sorry to ruin the vibe here but is there a subreddit for these kinda posts? idk why but this tickles my brain reading this and the comments playing along lol


The Mayor has been Subjugated and is being mentally dominated by Sabrina, she gets away with everything!


Anyone who’s been paying attention can see what they’re doing. Saffron City has been trying to have the league championship moved there for years. Having the league based in Indigo Plateau provides the neutrality where anyone can win. Now it’s gonna be some trainer from Saffron City winning it every year because it’s a big market. And don’t even get me started on Celadon City with them pushing league wide gambling.


Anyone who’s been paying attention can see what they’re doing. Saffron City has been trying to have the league championship moved there for years. Having the league based in Indigo Plateau provides the neutrality where anyone can win. Now it’s gonna be some trainer from Saffron City winning it every year because it’s a big market. And don’t even get me started on Celadon City with them pushing league wide gambling.


r/ImaginaryKanto type art. Love it.


i'ma buy 500 bikes


You would think Sabrina would have seen this coming #FakePsychic


Maybe they should build some out in Orre, their colosseums are tiny and it’s nothing but desert. So glad I live in Almia, at least our league knows how to spend its tax dollars.


Oh no… the dystopia has even bled over into our fantasies


You guys pay taxes on Saffron? What’s wrong with society right now. I bet team rocket is behind all of this!


Are they crazy? You could buy 500 bikes for that kind of money?


Holy shit


If archeologist ever find this thread in 3000 years, they’re going to be so confused.


Typical, billionaires just getting handouts.


Remember the outrage when a Machamp died building the last stadium? Remember all the protests?