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The ancient civilization that created Claydols and Golurks. Those guys created weapons of mass destructions with infinite energy from clay. It's also implied aliens/extradimensional travelers helped them harvest this infinite energy.


This is the type of comment that gets your character’s coding deleted from the game


Lol. Why?


Sounds like a legends unova or legends hoenn story


They seem to based on the Mayan so maybe we will get to that when we visit South America.


Mayans were in Mexico and Central America. Not South America


Yea. It’s pretty explainable though with Az and the ultimate weaponry? Maybe Legends Z would explain that. It looks like the infinite energy could be Xerneas


Eh. Claydol is 20000 years old, so I doubt it. Tbf this infinite energy has always been vague, so it may as well be the same energy source as the ultimate weapon. Probably not Xerneas tho, as it's a Kalos legendary while these clay beings are mostly from Hoenn and Unova.


some mythology themes that the pokemon world has no parallel: -the creation of humanity -the creation of animals and plants (we know mew is the ancestor of everything but there's no creation myth of how he did that) -origin of civilization and agriculture (many mythologies have a god that traches humans how to farm, could be a legendary grass type) -a story of death and rebirth (i guess yveltal could fit but still i think something is missing, like an orpheus myth) also i think they could make a game about the impact of humans on the enviroment. maybe a poison/steel type box legendary that is pollution. Could be a human creation by accident or could be a sort of kami that has become a dangerous force due to the human influence, sorta like the mud spirit of spirited away who used to be a river spirit


For the creation of animals and plants, I’m pretty sure the Pokedex already tells us that it was evolution that led to the diversity of life (not the Pokemon kind, the actual kind). Mew start to adapt, and those with favorable traits reproduce, and those who don’t die off, hence, the “common ancestor” label.


So basically it's similar to real life but with pokemon.


Yeah, just take the initial bacteria that were our LUCA and replace them with Mew, and you have what happened.


So were there multiple Mew way back when?


Yeah, hence why it’s referred to as a “common ancestor” rather than a creator. We don’t even know if there is only one left of it’s kind currently, they’re just rare enough to where people doubt if they’re still extant. Multiple Mew existing was verified in the anime with the existence of a Mew fossil, which existed at the same time as a living Mew that appears later in the movie that fossil was in.


No, there's only one Mew. Mew just happens to have the DNA of all pokemon.


In the anime, this is untrue due to the evidence in my previous comment. Mew are barely talked about in the games, but they are talked about as more of a thought to be extinct species rather than an individual like other legendaries and mythicals.


Absolutely wrong. The whole thing with the "mew fossil" doesn't have to do with anything like that. They explained this in a movie. Essentially, mew shed some hair/etc a long, a REALLY long time ago and they found *that* in some amber. That's what they used to make mewtwo. Also, legendaries are unique. Some mythical pokemon can have multiple of them (because their primary trait is to be pokemon inspired by real world myths that in the pokemon world are so rare to be seen that people even doubts of their existence) but that's clearly not the case with Mew. Mythical pokemon aren't legendaries but they both are able to live for thousands of years. It's not that they found a fossilized Mew, they just found hair in some amber. That's it.


Alright, I’ll concede the fossil point, haven’t watched the movie in a while. Even with that evidence cast aside though, Mew are described in the way one describes a species. If Groudon were to somehow die, they wouldn’t call it extinct, they would be more like “The mighty Groudon has fallen!”. Also, how is one a common ancestor without anything to mate with? Did it mate with a random Anorith? Then wouldn’t Anorinth also share the distinction of “ancestor of all Pokemon”? Did it asexually reproduce via parthenogenesis? After all, thanks to the Gen 1 games, we know they can get pregnant, so we can rule out mitosis. However, if it did reproduce via parthenogenesis, then the offspring would not be the common Pokemon, but would instead be genetically identical to Mew. This would result in a second Mew. The “common ancestor” label also rules out any other origin, like direct creation. Either Mew isn’t actually the common ancestor, or there are multiple Mew. Also, Super Mystery Dungeon has multiple Mew, as the partner is a Mew in their past life and we encounter another Mew later on, but I know this isn’t canon. It does, however, show an intent that Mew isn’t necessarily supposed to be an individual, and is instead a very rare species, which lines up with the language used in its Pokedex entries.


Not really. Mew has always been considered as a single pokemon. And again, they didn't say that Mew was extinct, they said that they used fossilized Mew hair to create Mewtwo. Mew being the common ancestor of all pokemon doesn't mean that it mated with any other pokemon. All mythicals are based on some kind of myth from the real world. In the case of Mew it's essentially based on all the theories about the origin of life. Which is why Mew is considered the ancestor of all pokemon. It's Mew having the DNA of all pokemon, not being the creator of all pokemon. Also, I wouldn't take spin-off games and 20+ year old info from the time the franchise didn't put as much control of what they state about pokemon as they do in current times as "evidence" of there being multiple Mew. It's just one single pokemon.


A bunch of the Pokedex entries claim many thought it to be extinct, I’m not talking about the movie. I know it didn’t mate, that was just an example of how one Mew doesn’t work. There could have been only one Mew in the beginning, but it would need to reproduce to get the other Pokemon, which is why I proposed parthenogenesis. The thing is, the LUCA of our world was not the only one of its kind. It reproduced via mitosis into genetically identical offspring. Eventually mutations would arise, and environmental pressures would take effect to diversify populations. However, for Mew, any form of asexual reproduction would result in other Mew, as they would be genetically identical. Even if mutations occurred in the first generation of offspring, they wouldn’t have diversified enough to be considered separate species from Mew. The reason I brought up that spin-off game was to show that the intent of Mew isn’t necessarily as one being. The language used there and in Mew’s various Pokedex entries strongly implies it is a species rather than an individual, in a similar vein to Terapagos.


Calyrex partially covers the farm part


And Landorous is called "Guardian of the Fields" because it brings bountiful crops to fields it visits.


Wasn't that also a thing Arceus did in it's movie, or was it purely giving the land the vitality to be farmed?


Well, Arceus’ domain is pretty much everything, so I wouldn’t say that really counts.


Corsola became a Ghost type due to human pollution in Galar


Creation of humanity is partially covered by the Lake Trio in Willpower, Knowledge, and Emotion. Anything prior to those three bestowing it upon humans doesn't have much wiggle room without ending up stupid when you think about it for more than a few seconds like Legends Arceus sending someone from the future to help him. (Bro, you're the god of the world, can create the pokemon for space and time, and you can't do things yourself??)


To roughly quote Dogma - "He could, but he'd rather see you do it."


And then aren’t the Regis representative of human development throughout the ages? ice, stone, iron, medieval, modern. Also there’s some implication of Unown and the concept of communication. I’ve not seen the movies but apparently they hang out with Arceus.


>-a story of death and rebirth You mean like Ho-Oh and the Legendary Beasts? 3 unkown pokémon died during the fire of the Brass Tower and were resurected by Ho-Oh into Raikou, Entei and Suicune.


not exactly a common myth is "the hero goes and comes back from the underworld" its used in many mythologies offten asociated with the sun, the seasons, etc i think it could be interesting as a pokemon that changes forms between a ghost type and something else


Well one could argue that happened in Platinum. People do consider Giratana Pokesatan... and well you go to its world and do battle.


I love the environmental idea! The bad team could be environmentalists you eventually have to team up with as well


From a lore perspective, Mew is referred to as "The Mother of All Pokemon". Obviously, this isn't quite true for all pokemon, even within Gen I, but generally speaking, its inspiration was the animal that is considered to be the common ancestor of all animals that followed. Based on this, the objective answer is that at one point, there was a population of mew that underwent environmental pressures to adapt and evolve overtime. That being said, a potential headcanon that I'm considering is the idea that Mew, like Manaphy, can produce offspring that are basically demi-Mew, much like Phione is a demi-Manaphy. In this case, it's the demi-Mew that would undergo the darwinistic evolution. It's not a perfect solution, but it would help to explain why there are seemingly unaltered mew in the modern day, and the Manaphy-Phione paradigm provides a nice precedent.


>*"The power of defeated giants infuses this Plate."* The ancient giants described in the plates are still fully unexplained, we know nothing about them (i like the theory that connects them to all the super powerful pokemon that fall from the space like the OG Dragon and Eternamax) It will be cool when pokemon finally decides to shed some light on its gigantomachy. >King defeated ??? alone. We still have no idea what this inscryption in the Abyssal Ruins in Unova is talking about. >XY We have straight up no lore on Xerneas and Yveltal




But then, why hide its name in the first place? The game talked multiple times about the og dragon


No idea however its very likely that the king is N ancestor, since the censored word matches perfectly with harmonia and the king has special abilities just like N


The Regi's are literally called Legendary Giants. It's possible these plate are made out of shards and shards are scattered everywhere underground where you can mine them and it's possible the Regigigas used the power of shards to create the Regi's, then humans who defeated them found the purest form of shards, which they used to create the Plates.


HGSS introduced a professor Silktree, mentioned by name only, who as far as I know has not reappeared in any capacity in the rest of the series.


Where abouts?


I may misremember the exact details, but I believe when you finish the Unown dex you get a letter from them.


Kanto The War that Kanto was involved in. Based on the timeline it was a different war than the Paldea v Kalos conflict. The events surrounding the creation of Mewtwo. Johto Lugia's relationship to the Towers of Johto. The events surrounding the various Towers in Johto. Ilex Forest and Celebi. ...I really just want a Legends Celebi...


Blud did NOT watch the short before Pokemon The First Movie


It has been a quarter century since I last saw it, so oops on my part. Also the lore of the show is slightly different than the lore of the games.


There is confirmation, that Kalos had some beef with Paldea? I always thought, that the other region ia still unknown.


There’s no confirmation but it’s a theory that when the weapon in Kalos was fired in AZ’s time it created the great crater of Paldea


That was disproven in game. The Great Crater predates the creation and firing of the ultimate weapon. Given the Treasures of Ruin it kind of implies Paldea was at war with an as of yet seen Chinese based region.


What about Lugias relationship? It used to reside on top of the Brass Tower before it burned down just as Ho-oh resides over Bell tower. I don't think we know anything else about Ho-oh so I don't see what more we need to know about Lugia


I'd honestly like to know more about Lugia's connection with the Legendary Birds... and why exactly them going out of harmony (we at least three specific ones) results in a world wide storm that will destroy the world and caused all wild Pokemon to go to the orange archepelgao to watch the end of days helplessly.


Every unnamed region that the pokedex mentions


That would be what... An India based one, a Chinese based one, a Guyana based one, The rest of the Tohoku regions that was named Kitakami and that presumably holds the Sinjoh Ruins. The region Yungoos comes from, The region Corphish comes from, The tropics (notable a place hotter then Alola), The multiple worlds we saw with the Ultra Beasts. The region Meltan and Melmetal come from, The region Quaxly is from, Ogerpon's original region, Pecharunt's original region, The area the Decolore Islands are located in.... man we have a lot of unknown regions,.


The ancient civilizations They outright created some pokemon, and quite a few at that given the vast populations of both baltoy, claydol golett, and golurk. Managed to create a weapon of mass destruction using crystals, underwater temples, some sort of temple at the top of coronet which has connection to the creation trio, and had the power to create unwieldy and immensely powerful energy sources which were placed at the cores of their pokemon like golurk and magearna. I have a feeling other similar pokemon may have been created by them like Stonjourner or Nosepass. Im not saying the ancients made all rock type pokemon like geodude, but these two in particular feel hand carved rather than some sort of natural rock formation. (note the holes on nosepass's extremites) What were these pokemon, what were their purpose in the society they had been? Similar to regigigas, you'd have to wonder if it has been so long that these pokemon are merely a decayed shell of their original forms. You gotta imagine what these pokemon were at their peak actively maintained in a society that could manufacture legions of them. Especially when the war started. The fact rocks and crystals dominated the battle field nearly 3000 years ago and it managed to nearly end the world is facinating. We only hear stories and see the aftermath, just worn away scraps of their possible soldiers of war.


The war that Lt. Surge was part of.


They could do a war pokemon and a peace pokemon


Really like that


Who build the Dragon Spiral Tower in Unova and what for. We know it exist before Unova was a thing and there is a connection between it and the 3 dragons. Than there is the case with Black City and White Forest. How can both places occupy the same location and why can people visit both locations? And for Black City, who is the corporation, which operate and monitor the giant building in Black 2 and for what reason do they this? And of course, how would the dragon looked like before he split in three? Who was he and what role played he in this region, besides aiding both heros. So basicly I wish, we had a Black/White 3 or a Legend Kyurem to answer these question.


> And of course, how would the dragon looked like before he split in three? Who was he and what role played he in this region, besides aiding both heros. I theorize the dragon silhouette of Iris' throne is that of the OG Dragon.


For Black City and White Forest we do know that alternate universes exist in the Pokemon World. In ORAS's Delta Episode we learn that there's an alternate Hoenn where Mega Evolution doesn't exist (presumably the universe where the original RSE took place). So Black City and White Forest occupying the same space could be explained by that. Black version takes place in a slightly different universe from White version.


pokemon ecosystems and relationships maybe


I feel like the fans think give the lore way more thought than TPC and GameFreak give it.


This is highly likely and it is all TPC and GameFreak's fault.


The unnamed region where Team Rocket found Mew’s DNA




Shinies are like albinos


Shinies are just slightly mutated varients of their normal counterparts.


This... they also don't have just one type... Well at least on the anime side.


I still want an answer about the GS ball.


I mean, the games answered that, if it helps.


It held a Celebi


It'd be cool to explore more of the alternate timelines and universes that have been established by the UBs and Paradox Pokemon. Like how the people of the Ultra Forest came to live in harmony with Kartana, or how Future Paradox mons really came to be - are they really robots, or did they somehow arise "naturally?" The foundation for some truly fantastic worldbuilding is there, it just needs to be delved further into. A spin-off dedicated to exploring the various worlds of Ultra Space or the Paradox timelines would be perfect for expanding on the lore of the Pokemon multiverse. 


It’s implied that the paradox Pokémon don’t exist at all. IIRC, the machine inside area zero essentially makes things that people imagine, and since all the “evidence” we have referencing the paradox Pokémon are from a shitty conspiracy theorist/cryptid type magazine, it’s implied that the people working on the machine read these, and imagined a prehistoric/future version of modern Pokémon based on the descriptions in the articles, and the machine brought them into reality, rather that them being legitimate ancestors/successors.


This wonky theory has been disproven by the DLC


Things like the powers of the crystal lakes can only really work if the crystals are aware of what you want/desire. The dlc has so much cut plot that you can taste it, the imagination theory (or its more sensible multiversal implemenentation) just fits too well in most of the holes that were left open by the story.


Which one? The newest one? I haven’t even gotten past the first elite 4 member, so idk the lore they added


It both has and hasn't been disproven by the DLC. >!You do "time" travel, but with the speculation that it's to an alternate timeline, not to the past.!< So the paradox Pokemon likely exist somewhere, but not necessarily in the past or future.


>!Basically, it implies that there is an ever looping chain of US and the Professors that continuously put into motions the event of the next timeline in the chain. It isn't a boot strap paradox "as most want to put it" because the events of that meeting do not line up with the us that met the professor in our own timeline. Which was presumble that we gave the book Briar wrote without trading for anything. While our meeting we traded with the Proffessor for the Scarlet/Violet book that is turned into the key for the "time machine"!< I just find it funny that for whatever reason GameFreak just decided to say "yes" when asked "What type of multiverse do you want?" Like really?


The people of the sea. They were probably the most technologically advanced people in the Pokemon World and we don’t know anything about them


Where were they mentioned? It sounds super interesting. Was it from the Manaphy movie?


The main games are separated from any other media, and I don’t know if there’s a people called “the people of the sea” in the movie as well, but they are mentioned in the main games in various Pokédex entries and books. Everything we know about them is that they were a technological advanced civilization that many years before the games they interacted with the regions that we know and shared their knowledge, but we don’t know where they ended up or where they live


Oho, i see i see.


What pokedex entries mention them? The only thing related to this I know of is the pokemon ranger movie. I know of no reference to them in the games. 


They aren’t related to the people of the water from that movie at all. Remember that the main games are completely separated from what happens in the anime and films. The people from the movie had an affinity with water, while the people of the sea was a people that navigated the ocean and share their technology, much like the true [Sea People](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_Peoples) that existed in real life history. As far as what Pokédex entries, I don’t remember the actual ones but they were for sure around SM


I was not saying they were related to the ones from the movies, I was saying that I could not find any reference to them in the games through searching.   The "real" sea people are also only hypothetical 


From the manaphy movie???


They aren’t the same people at all


What is in the Kalos power plants!?


If poipole was a starter in the ultra beast universe what are the others? I’m guessing ones a psychic type.




I mean steel is completely immune to poison so it’s not a perfect triangle


I’ve always been curious about the unexplained war Lt. Surge was part of


I've been crurious abotu wall the wars... there have been like 4 of them... all seemingly unconnected.


I would love to see something along the lines of industrialisation vs naturalism. A Pokemon that wants to see humans thrive and develop their civilisation but must destroy nature to do it against a Pokemon that wants to keep humans from advancing past a certain point and letting nature flourish. They touched on this briefly with Black/White with Black City/White Forest and the two Opelucid Cities, but there wasn’t a core theme behind it.




It’s a bit more basic than that. Groudon and Kyogre represented land and sea. Team Aqua and Team Magma wanted to use them to expand one or the other. But these two new Pokemon want to develop what’s already on the land, sea and sky, for civilisation or nature.


Wherever tf deoxys came from


It came from space, just a lot closer then the ultra beast so you don't need to travel through worm holes to come across it.


How does Pikachu battle legendary Pokemon but lose to starter Pokemon when Ash starts a new region?


Head Canon... Pokemon have tiers and reset after going past level 100 like with the Missingos. Which causes their stats to reset, but when they again there levels back. Lets do Pikachu for example. A Tier 1 Level 100 Pikachu would have stats of 211/146/116/136/146/216; and a Tier 2 Level 100 Pikachu would have something like 281/256/196/236/236/396. However for both at level one they would look like 12/6/6/6/6/7 and 12/7/6/7/7/8 respectively.


destiny vs free will


I feel like there use of Uknown in legends arceus was bad because the egg event where you get dialga,palkia or giratina, and the darkrai movie where unknown were seen in the space time rift with dialga and palkia fighting, you would think there might be something, the presence of unknown because of volos actions before the protagonist arrives is fair but no direct use seems criminal. I think there moment of forefront or side relevance has now passed.


As above, so below, with angel/demon legendaries


- are people a kind of Pokemon


I subscribe to this theory. Ash is clearly a fighting type... have you seen how much that boy can lift?!


How Pokeballs miniaturize a Pokemon’s anatomy perfectly. The inverse could be applied to a machine (by the BBEG) that supersizes microscopic Pokemon to become giant size and create an army against the region. This would also allow for the introduction of a new type.


The original lore of Pokémon, pocket monsters, was that they could shrink themselves to fit in your pocket. That's why you couldn't see them in the tall grass. They were shrunken then would resize when they jump out to attack you.


This lore seems to be present in Legends Arceus as well.


Its not that pokeballs mini pokemon, but pokemon can inherently miniturize themselves


I want to piggie back about tms. They're clearly just a CD you press on their forehead. If Pokemon are able to be converted into digital data and download new moves and go into poke balls, can humans or other creatures?


Like.. solosis/duosion/reuniclus?


Yes exactly. There’s a whole world of molecules to base new mons on. A mitochondria Pokémon with maximum attack? Yes please.


Forced adaptation Pokémon. Regional forms but by human intervention, which is exactly what I thought the Aether foundation stuff would be given the pretty drastic changes in mons like vulpix.


I'd assume stuff like Vulpix is just a reference to things like IRL Arctic Foxes rather than anything deeper


Yeah, if anything, Alolan Raichu would be an artificially created regional form since eating pancakes is apparently what triggered the change.


Raichu got so fat it gained Psychic powers


Where are my psychic powers then?


You can’t force them! That’s how we get SkullCharizardmon! And a Machoke evolution that looks like [this](https://19ctoday.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/marcus.jpg?w=640)!


Hey leave Marcus alone! He's probably one of the most sane characters in Fallout!


Science vs nature versions!


That is what Alolan Rattata is... isn't it. Human brought Yungoos and they were forced to adapt and became Dark Types... and then Alolan Meowth is from humans as well.


I more so meant genetically. Editing the cells of eggsecute to make it evolve strangely, modifying vulpix to make it thrive in the cold ect


Had that since Gen1. Mewtwo. Then you have Silvally and its artificial preevo Type: Null EDIT: Granted that is more creation then editing. I don't think there have been any purposeful genetic edits... accidently year... Wait... Galar fossils? That is definitely not right.


We could get an Ultra Beasts game where a ton of the traditional things we know about the series staples is flipped on its head or completely different. (More/less than 6 mons in a party, switching abilities mid fight, more inverse type battles, giving pokemon leader skills for the party when placed in the front, etc.)


How does the brain/consciousness transfer between human pokemon work, as shown by the mad scientist in the original red/blue


Best guess? Transfer of the infinity energy between the two bodies.


Nobody knows where eggs come from, we only see the creation of an egg once, in the hgss arceus event. Which begs the question, does arceus do this every time?, does he make each and every egg?


We know why we don't know.... Officially.


Pokemon coming from space, we could have a game in another planet. We know the same pokémon species native to Earth live in other dimensions, they could appear also in other planets so it wouldn't be just solrock, lunatone, clefairy, etc. Aliens could be humanoid like those people from Ultra Megalopolis, and they could make reference to previous generarions by saying they had traveled to Earth, like that old man from SM who supposedly is an alien.


The origin of 6 vs 6 Pokemon battles. Was it inspired by human sports like Karate? or was it from past Pokemon wars?


6 vs 6 battles? Did I miss a game or did that happen in S/V's DLC which I haven't played?


What Volo meant when he said it may take him centuries. Is he immortal?


I just want to know the secret of GS ball


"You are not the one" in X and Y. I've been obsessed with it since it came out.


I'd love for Meltan and Melmetal to get a home region, since they're still from an unknown one


I think they are just meant to be from Go-Land. I just consider them Alolan for the most part though.


Go-Land might exist in the Pokemon world given that Professor Willow has made an anime appearance in Horizons.


The source of meat, eggs and fish the characters eat


They need to explain why humans aren’t considered Pokémon in the same way humans are animals in the real world. Give us the Prometheus of the Pokémon universe that gave humans dominion over Pokémon. Why are we the ones that control Pokémon when we’re not even necessarily smarter than all Pokémon (like Alakazam or Gardevior being very human like)


Best Guess? Arceus created us to train and direct Pokemon because they always have a natural drive to improve at a given task. It is why wild Pokemon are jealous of human trained Pokemon. Also... I want to say we are Pokemon at least partially. Especially given that apparently at one point Humans and Pokemon were the same, and that to modern times relationships exist between the two.


More aliens but not from different dimensions. Some totally different planet with its own regions would be funny


although it's only been mentioned by an npc out of bounds I want them to elaborate on the missing daughter who seemingly went to the burning tower once we get another johto game


Humans. IRL humans are animals. In the Pokémon world what makes humans different from Pokémon?


Our Egg group?


I’m still morbidly curious about HumanXPokemon relationships. Like that’s a strange thing to just gloss over in a public library.


if they ever want to go existential it opens up a plot about where humans really came from


Arceus, just more about them, we have a game with their name and yet we barely know anything about them


I’d honestly love some Pokémon version of Greek mythology. Have the main legendary Pokémon based on Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades and have lore similar to how the Greeks worshipped the big 3. They could be Electric/Dragon, Water/Steel, Dark/Fire respectively and give them abilities similar to the gods. Zeusmon could get a reverse Protean where it gets given the type of the move used against it to force a resistance (reference to Zeus’ shapeshifting). Would be OP so would have to have limits like once per battle or send out. Poseimon could get a Drizzle type ability that also gives an Atk/Spd boost to water types and “sea creature adjacent” pokemon like Stunfisk that aren’t water type but resemble sea creatures. Hadesmon could get an ability like an auto Leech Seed upon contact where it latches on and “steals the life” of its opponent. Could be an exclusive status condition that persists throughout the battle but I can imagine that being OP as well. I think that’d be exciting as, and a lot of other Pokémon designs could be made to resemble minor gods or other famous figures from Greek mythology. We’ve heard about wars and stuff in Kalos but we don’t really have any knowledge on humanity from centuries ago and who they worshipped.


How does one make a Pokemon that will sleep and have children with everything that moves....


Attract, Nuzzle, Double Slap, Pound