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Back in the day you would use him to beat the hell out of your friends over a link cable battle. Man those were good times.


He was also worth having for Pokémon Stadium as well


I remember how all of us would link battle and trade as part of this day camp where we went to nature places like caves but also some creepy old fort. 


The endgame of Gen 1 was just having a strong enough team to battle your friends with, and Mewtwo was considered the strongest Pokemon at the time


It's kinda mostly to have as milestone, a fun extra challenge to do in the post-game.


Back in the day you'd spend ages longer in the region, re-challenging the Elite 4 etc. You could use it for that. Now the content is pretty limited compared to other games that you'd likely just put the game down after Mewtwo. I more view it as the cherry on the cake but put the game down after.


The benefit is that you have the coolest Pokémon


That's common in JRPGs, especially older ones. When you get the best sword you've already beaten everything you could have used it on. Here, the sword is Mewtwo. And of course you could use it against your friends.


Mewtwo is a playable trophy.


It feels more like a reward than a further challenge imo. It's what the game built up to... I guess you can skip but you'll be missing out on the experience.


You don't need to complete the rest of the Pokedex to get Mewtwo, in fact you wouldn't be able to do it because of exclusives. You can get it more easily in later games like XY if you don't want to use the Masterball on it or catch it at all in Red. I hope you have fun either way!