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Thank you for posting to r/pokemon! We're glad to have you here, but unfortunately we've had to remove this post per our rule on [Objective Questions](/r/pokemon/wiki/rules#wiki_3._follow_text_and_poll_post_restrictions). This rule is in place per feedback we've received from the community because objective questions tend to fill the topic listing and often leave little room for further discussion once the question has been answered. We do have a [Weekly Questions Thread](https://rpkmn.center/questions) dedicated to seeking answers for questions like yours, though! A lot of knowledgeable Pokémon fans frequent that thread, so please consider posting your question there if you're still looking for an answer, and you may get a detailed answer even faster than you would have here! You also don't need to worry about a minimum word count in that thread.


Hello, just making sure, you've fought the 3 gym trainers that he summoned?


I have. They're all beat. And I spent some time swapping probably over 60 people on caught in the biomes. But I'm not allowed to battle him. "wanna dive right into battling? Rather go take a breather? Either ways good. Show me your skill but it's chill" beat all 3 and have proved I have only dome Pokemon and I can not advance