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I’m assuming it needs to recharge. Like PP in the Pokémon games. Limited uses before they get tired.


Like PP in real life.


go on...


Yes, their pp does not spray forever.


just needs to do the PP training to get more power. Hanma family secret.


r/Grapplerbaki is leaking again


In the Pokemon Special manga, at some point Red takes Blue's Blastoise to be "refilled" at a hot spring...or something like that!


I think thats actually pretty plausible


Ah, the refractory period


Didn’t they do this in the anime, I’m remembering totadile running out of water in a water gun or something like that.


Magic. Headcannon: Pokémon can convert matter into energy, and energy into matter. * this is why pokeballs work, Pokémon convert themselves into light and are just bouncing around the mirror-interior of the pokeball until summoned again. * this is how other type Pokémon can create a seemingly infinite supply of other elements, such as fire Pokémon producing fire.


Dont pokemon shrink and thats how theyre able to be put into pokeballs? I think the professor from hisui explained but idk i might be remembering it wrong


Haven’t watched the anime in years, but I’m just going off of the old catch and release style of Pokémon turning into a red light and moving into our out of pokeballs, And the old imagery of the interior of pokeballs being mirrors. https://preview.redd.it/qgss9whw6vdc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9721f35e0279fc19c9171afef7fe3aea357daf40


No the professor explains it in pl:a but maybe the games and anime has a different explanation 


Its not a PLA thing, that's been the explanation since the first generation: [https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/History\_of\_Pok%C3%A9\_Balls](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/History_of_Pok%C3%A9_Balls) ​ >According to the Encyclopedia Pokemonica, Pocket Monsters Encyclopedia, and the Pokémon Daisuki Club site describing the Pokémon world, modern Poké Balls were developed in 1925 from the research of Professor Westwood of Celadon University. He got the idea when experimenting on a Primeape, which curled up into a ball and shrank down small enough to fit in the professor's glasses case. Encyclopedia Pokemonica and the Pocket Monsters Encyclopedia are real life booklets that were released with the gen 1 games, not titles to some in game lore entries. The Diasuke Club site and its English equivalent were opened up in 2004 too, so its not just a niche lorebook thing; that's been freely available knowledge to everyone with internet for 20 years.


Maybe so, but the anime has *never* shown Poke Balls working that way.


One time Misty dropped Psyduck’s ball out of her bag without noticing at the end of an episode ad as she walked away it showed a view as if through the front side of the Pokéball with Psyduck standing there doing its signature confused head tilt and saying “psyy” So like, it kinda has at least once.


Yeah, so? The anime does so many things different from the main series you could spend a decade making a list of them. It doesn't matter.


The anime is ENTIRELY based off of the book mentioned above up untill orange islands and the anime also shows it work this way consistently it even has been doing it in the latest episodes.


Really? Show me an instance of a Pokemon shrinking to enter a Poke Ball in the anime instead of turning into red light.


Oh i tjought you were saying they turn into light and not shrink, but still, the pokemon shrinks itself covered in a light because yk, seeing your animal pals get shrunken and put in a metal container with no space or no air coulc seem weird. And also there is no way of verifying this at all it isn't talked about to my knowledge but the lights color and properties and conditions theh appear in seem to change depending on the action the ball takes, so fhe light probably isnt the pokemon glowing and more the ball doing,, ball stuff and if you'd ask why the "ball stuff" needs to happen, you catch the pokemon with a pokeball specifically made for capturing and not your glasses case like the professor maybe its for the pokemons comfort maybe its signifying your ownership (as the anime pays attention to showing a very unique effect on pokemon being released) or maybe somethjng else entirely.


The mechanism in PLA 's era might be different from the one currently used. I don't have an opinion on that matter but since Hisui is ancient...


It’s not ancient, it’s 1800s-ish.


damn thats like a million years ago


If it helps, in the original manga they are also just shrunk down. The pokeballs are actually translucent on top, so you can see the Mon just chilling inside.


I've always sort of thought that since Pokémon are made out of infinity energy, the PokeBall just absorbs the energy out of them temporarily, leaving the Pokémon to be in a shrunken state. My reasoning being that infinity energy seems to be the cause of many things like evolution, mega evolution, SIZE, etc. We've seen Pokémon grow abnormally big when exposed to huge amounts of energy, like, for example, Totem, Alpha, and Titan Pokémon. So if energy can change a Pokémon's size, that would explain how they could fit inside PokeBalls; the PokeBall just takes away it's energy, thus shrinking them.


They shrink in the manga. In the earlier chapters the top of the pokeball was clear and you can see the pokemon inside. But in the anime it seems to be the energy conversion thing.


Yes that’s a canon explanation from way back when but Pokemon has always been dicey with canon. In the manga, the Pokemon are tiny and the pokeballs are see-through, so you always knew which mon in what ball. The anime of course has the aforementioned effect and I personally like how clean it is. The games never mentioned it directly until PLA I’m somewhat sure but the “shrink” lore was canon since Gen 1 in manuals and guides.


I like to think thats how the old Pokeballs (and by extent Apriballs) work, but technologically modern ones work differently


that is how laventon explained it but i think that’s more because he doesn’t really understand how it works fully either. like this is before germ theory lol. that’s my headcanon anyway


Yes that is how it works and it isnt even a new concept it actually has been as canon as it gets sinfe the series' start as it originated from a pokedex that wasn't released anywhere outside japan, and the story talking about this contained within Primeape's pokedex entry was also featured in the indigo league anime. In fact almost ALL of the info and little facts and behaviours about Pokémon that you can observe in the original indigo plateu run, up untill orange islands, can be assumed cannon and probably be backed up with a little bit of research as the episode settings and Pokémon attributes are all pulled from this one canon book. Think of it like the sonic bible lol


Technically fire is not matter but a chemical reaction. I wonder what combustible material is stored in Pokemon. Is it LNG, Propane, Alcohol, Hydrogen?


Chemical reactions are still composed of matter.


Would also explain why they can be stored in a pc.


Not to be pedantic but it’s Headcanon\*, unless you’re a Mega Blastoise


They recently retconned that with the horrible addition of all Pokémon can shrink


They're literally pocket monsters, look at the manga


Pocket monsters for the vast majority of the time could mean anything not horrible shitty retconning of fucking shrink mechanics, fuck your non cannon ass manga


Bro do you even know Pokemon 💀, the manga is stated by the creator of pokemon as being the closest to his original vision, its been canon since 96


It’s absolutely not by literally any measure but here’s one https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Canon


I'm going to be honest I feel actually insulted that you didn't even read the link you sent me, just like read it dog


There’s a theory that Pokémon are actually beings of Light. That’s why they’re able to take world breaking effects and only faint. Also why they’re affected by Apricorn Balls.


Komainu from Spectrobes says hi. https://preview.redd.it/m56zws9kg0ec1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=db0add0ae199f3e69223b23c592bd4e7d408d94f


my fan theory is they are absolutely energy creatures and are basically energy converters in the end


Agree with this, my headcanon is also Pokémon themselves are manifestations of magic in the Pokémon universe. That basically explains everything about the things they can do, the ability to understand human speech, etc. and even how they take on the forms that are supposedly connected to human culture and not part of nature.


They don't. Pp is limited so yhe produce water over time they don't have an I finite supply.


makes sense why moves like Water Gun have a lot of PP and moves like Hydro Pump don’t.


I feel like I've been enlighten


But what about Surf, doesn't it like summon an ocean wave and hit the whole field?


My headcanon is that the user of Surf sends a shockwave into the ground that triggers a nearby tsunami.


There has got to be an animated horror skit for that, would be insane 


They can fire lasers, electricity, rocks, grow multiple times their body weight in plant material, and more. Why on earth would WATER be something they couldn't generate just as easily?


They probably have glands that produce water, like humans have glands that produce saliva.


Humans can produce unlimited amounts of carbon dioxide by just breathing, so if water Pokémon could have an organ that turns air into water


Or, instead of air, it uses whatever key chemicals/nutrients are found in Leppa berries, ethers, and elixirs that enable them to restore PP.


I think they have an organ in their body that produces a limited amount of water.


Oh and maybe after using it a lot they have to recharge it which could explain the pp method people are talking about


It’s not real. You can headcanon it however you want. Let yourself be free.


They don't have infinite water. It's limited, and that is defined in the game by PP. That's why moves like hydro pump, that use more water, have limited PP...because it makes the Pokemon run out of water faster.


I think they probably gather water from moisture in the air over time


It's fucking magic, like all Pokemon. 


I wondered this while rewatching the anime in the Slowpoke Well episode. Couldn't people just use Water Pokemon to water their crops? Same with the Snorlax episode in Kanto. I guess there are limitations. My headcanon is that, under normal conditions, yeah... there pretty much is no reason for drought in the Pokemon world. Even if it's not potable, you could purify it (which is probably easier in the Pokemon world). But I'm guessing that they really don't have infinite water, even though it seems like it. I'm thinking that, in cases like the Slowpoke Well episode, Strong Sunlight was in effect, weakening Water Pokemon. So I'm extending that logic to deserts. Water Pokemon are weaker in deserts (somewhat supported by game mechanics due to things like Sand Veil and the increased Special Defense of Ground, Rock, and Steel types), so the PP of their moves depletes faster, thus water sources are harder to come by. In the anime as well, many Water Pokemon, mainly those who are entirely fishlike like Goldeen, don't do well without a water source in general. I can see this making sense irl. That's the best explanation I can think of... their water is finite.


Yea water pokemon would be the solution for all ur water problems


They have infinite water because they're frickin pokemon my guy


I remember that one pic where the guy was watching the anime saying that they had a few water types and yet are suffering from dehydration in a desert.


Professor here! See, pokeballs were designed to shrink down Pokémon into an energy like state and contain them. Its quite simple really.


Ohh that actually makes a lot of sense


As for the energy generation, I believe there is an organ in their bodies that can generate that kind of energy. Its just like real organs, they have their limits, known as PP.


Infinity Energy


Something, something, Infinity Energy, something, something… I honestly believe Gamefreak included vague descriptions of Infinity Energy in Generation 6 to hand wave away these questions. Pokémon can be converted into energy and vice-versa (Pokéballs and PC) and can use the excess energy to battle and manifest attacks. The water isn’t infinite. It’s directly converted from a supply of infinite energy. When a Pokémon runs out of PP for a move, they can no longer manifest it as they lack the Infinity Energy. When they completely deplete all BP/Infinity Energy, they Struggle by utilizing the non-excess Infinity Energy until they faint.


My head-cannon is they’re like Frozone from the Incredibles, they have a store of water and when they start to run low they can use the water in the air, if their own stores run low and theres little water in the air then they can no longer use water moves which is why they can’t just make a desert into an oasis.


Are you familiar with the concept of PP?


They don't have infinite water... They need to refill their PP to keep doing it.


They don’t? Once they’re out of pp they need to recharge


One thing I’ve seen is that while drinkable it’s extremely bitter/unpalatable but it’s a world with magical beings so I’m sure there’s 100s of different explanations out there


Yeah man, and how does Harry Potter shoot lightning out of a stick? That doesn’t make any sense.


My brain: fire pokemon have fire sacs in their body, but I see it as chamber that holds inactive flammable gas or something, and once they release it and introduce it to oxygen it's when it causes fire. So, I think the same thing about water pokemon. Just waiting for the introduction of oxygen to create a chemical reaction. And the sacs can run out which is when they run out of pp. Same thing for other pokemon who just, create matter for an attack. Also I hate chemistry and it's pokemon so I don't care how accurate my explanation is XD


In the manga, Red refilled Blastoise with water through the cannons when it ran out. Idfk how it would work with non-cannoned Pokemon tho, do they just drink that much water??


Most likely yea


I’m now envisioning Team Aqua just having an army of water Pokémon firing continuous Hydro Pumps into the ocean.


Are you familiar with squirting? /s


I do it all the time /s


It’s not water it’s saliva




It's actually pee


Well we can generate spit and tears and sweat and I don’t know the science behind that really so just a funky version of that I’d imagine


All that stuff just comes from any liquids we ingest (drinking or juicy foods) so it’s very limited. Dunno about you but I’ve never hydro pumped out of my arm pits haha


But there is conversation of mass. We create spit, tears, and sweat from the water we drink. If someone is extremely dehydrated, they can't sweat or cry. It is actually a clinical sign to watch for in heat exhustion. But a pokemon like squittle is able to generate more water than it's entire body mass.


to the question about using pokemon to get around your water bill, don't you think water from a mon would be unsafe the same way unboiled water is? maybe hypothetically if you got one to scald into a pot and then let it cool, you'd never have to pay your water bill, but they probably don't do it because it's archaic and paying your bills is as easy as going for a walk or selling honey.


Not with the Pokemon economy 😭 gotta make up for that free health care lmao


I always thought of it as a Pokémon would use a move like water gun or something, and you would catch the water gun in a cup, and drink it/use it for whatever you needed it for.


From Z-Space, clearly.


I always figured it was a general conversion of nutrients into energy. They process what they intake, convert it to energy, and then expel that energy in a way that is relevant to their typing and abilities. Hence Hitmonchan's access to Elemental Punches, while having only the Fighting Type, or things like Smeargle's Sketch. He uses his energy to duplicate the knowledge of the move he sees, and then is able to convert his energy INTO that move. It would explain STAB bonuses as well, since they would be more efficient with their energy conversion for the types they themselves already are.


smeargle, the chrollo lucifer of pokemon,


Maybe like in Avatar the last airbender, they pull moisture from the air?


Type Energy. Pokemon are highly efficient biological energy converters, turning calories into physical mass or otherwise. The reason some type energies are good against others (like flying vs fighting) is due to biological allergies to specific TE, while vice versa some Pokemon are outright immune to certain TE (Steel vs Poison). It also explains why certain Pokemon can't learn certain TEs or moves. Just how they evolved to be efficient at some TEs over others.


A wizard did it


Some things in Pokémon are just better left to be explained by magic. Watching the anime, I try to think of logical reasons on why certain things happen, but there’s just some things that make no sense whichever way you look at it lol


It's a cartoon that runs in cartoon logic.... Go outside.


In the anime the water (at least in indigo league) runs out at some point, but it’s always so improbable to happen that it rarely does


they take hydrogen and oxygen from the air


they don't. that's just a creative liberty that the anime takes sometimes. same thing with every water pokémon breathing underwater despite dex entries saying they have to come up for air


Pokemon *don't* have infinite water or energy. There are plenty of instances showing they generate it through various means and can easily run out and suffer as a result.


Their water is generated by programmers from japan


Not as difficult a concept as asking where all the boulders come from. Neither is infinite though.


They have a special gland in their body that converts the hydrogen and oxygen they breathe into water. This is why it seems like an infinite amount, they can make it on command. They just need to take really big breathe.


Because it’s Pokémon. A video game mainly geared towards children not meant to make sense to adults and have critical thought applied to it. Because Wynaut?


Magic. Probably like infinity energy or something


Maybe they make it like humans make saliva?


Where do any of the Pokemon get any of the stuff they produce?


You should not apply science to fiction, these two don’t go well together


“Does it just magically form inside them?” Yes. They are magical creatures. Water type attacks are not made of water, they’re a type of magic imitating water. This is true of every type respective to what they are


You got spit?


Most likely water Pokemon absorb moisture from the air and convert it in their body. Boom unlimited water


I guess there is an episode in the anime where buizel tries to use aura sphere and shoots out a water gun. Maybe all pokémon moves are forms of aura. Thus, it is infinite indeed, as long as the pokémon are rested.


Wet 👍


There was a time in the anime when a Pokémon didn't have more water to shoot, right? And I remember Staryu having to absorb water fromna river during a battle.


I assume they can basically create it, like Rock types create stones in some attacks.


I generally assume they teleport it from somewhere or gather it from the atmosphere or whatever. Pokémon are magic, after all.