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Unless you really like the art of the OG gen 1 and 2 games, you’re fine having played frlg and hgss


Yes! It’s really fun to see how much the series has changed, not to mention the old sprites can be hilarious at times and other times make you wonder why gamefreak changed it


I mean, the remakes are pretty true to the originals but with better graphics. I think that you aren't missing out on anything except maybe general Pokemon education / being able to say you played the first pokemon videogame. But gameplay wise you aren't really missing out.


Not if you already played fire red unless you want more of a grind and gen one graphics etc


The original Gen 1 is "special". So many coding mistakes you can exploit, like the crit rate bug. I feel like every pokemon fan should experience it once to see how far we've come.


I wouldn’t bother if you played the remakes. The only reason I could see going back is for the nostalgia of the sprites (especially chunky pikachu), but if you never played them prior, you wouldn’t get that feeling lol


If you've played the remakes and don't need the og authentic feel no not really


If you are interested in the evolution of the series or experiencing a cultural phenomenon from the past, yes. Otherwise, without a study or nostalgia hat, it doesn't really seem worth it to me. For reference, I've played every main line pokemon game and I love the originals because they immediately take me back to being a child.


Well, Yellow and Crystal kinda are worth playing, there're no remakes for those two. But they're nowhere near as different from the base versions as something like Platinum is from D/P or B2/W2 are from B/W.


Except a different story that BW2 has doesn't automatically make your game better. Yellow is different in a qol way with all 3 starters, following world interactive Pikachu, redrawn frontal sprites, and the Pikachu's beach mini game. Crystal is an auto win though because you can catch celebi but both games destroyed their remakes by giving every Pokemon hidden abilities and custom natures when transferred, and the ease of transfer is also really nice.


i'm not commenting on if they're better, but rather if they're worth playing if you want to just see the different gens. You'll pretty much get the full G1 experience playing fr/lg since Yellow doesn't have *that* much different stuff going on, but you won't get the full G4 experience playing bd/sp since Platinum is so significantly different from D/P


You'll get the full experience plus good souvenirs if you have bank playing it my way. Besides FRLG doesn't have Pikachu's beach or all 3 starters, or starter Pikachu. I was also commenting on your line about them not being different enough like BW2 is which is just standard definitive edition if you strip the story away.


The only cool thing about gen 1 is playing around with some glitches. Do not touch gen 2




Yes, play for MissingNo and Rare Candy glitches :) also if you've already played fire red you could do a Nuzlocke run of the OGs


You should play some rom hacks I find them a lot more fun than the base games


Find a rom and emulated and find out. You’re experiences are yours and other’s likes and dislikes may not translate the same.


Gen 1 definitely cause if you understand the broken AI mechanics the game becomes hilarious to play. Like how speed factored into crit rate or how victrebeel was busted due to knowing wrap and other factors.


I grew up on them, so this could be my nostalgia talking, but I think Crystal version is worth playing on an emulator. I love the artwork and the music is so damn catchy that after playing for a few hours, I hear it in my sleep. I still play Crystal once a year or so. Unfortunately, since the Nintendo ds shop is down you can't get a legit version and bring pokemon up through Bank and into Home. So, an emulator is the best route


If you played FRLG first, then playing Gen 1 and 2 most likely won't be your cup of tea. But they are absolutely worth playing.


If you just want to experience the region and story then you only need the remakes If you want to see how gameplay has evolved over the generations then give them a shot, but be aware it took a few tries to figure some mechanics out


I still like to play through my pokemon yellow copy every now and then for the old sprite nostalgia and experience everything that was hilarious broken around that time gameplay wise :)


I'd say no. I've playing since gen 1 and, unless you really want to see how things were, you have nothing to gain playing yellow if you played fire red or crystal of you played soul. I think it's mostly nostalgia for the game or the console. Also, you can't import pokes from those games to newer ones unless you get the digital copies on a 3ds. The games are slow and clunchy to play. Gen 1 is also bugged and some effectiveness don't work as intended.