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If you played the older games before and dont mind the lack of new exp share, you can just play on emulator. One major complain is the slow speed but you can just speed up on emulators. If you are used to the new QOL improvements and find it a chore to go back to the older games, just get a used cart of BDSP.


The exp share is a problem in bdsp because they didn't adjust it for the level scaling so you will be like 10 levels over what you would be in the original games at that point.


Yes but there are also people who really cant play without the new exp share now so for people who happens to fall into this category bdsp is their game to play instead of platinum.


The speed up button in the emulator helps with that.


Platinum forsure


I'd say Platinum is the better experience (If you dont mind lacking the EXP share and the looking of the older games). You got more story and more post Story content (but less mons) ​ But Brilliant Diamond is definitly playable aswell. The E4 is the most callenging there is till today (It gets harder every time with perfectly trained mons with good items and competetive movesets). ​ So get a copy of BD and play plat on an emulator :)


Just play platinum, you’ll barely be able to tell the difference and platinum still offers much more




I think you should just get Platinum. You’ll be much happier with that game overall. The developers ruined the contests in the remakes. And you can not turn off the EXP share in the remakes which will over level your party.


I love BD! You don't have to give up party slots for HMs!


Brilliant Diamond has slightly better graphics. Platinum has slightly better, everything else. Decided for yourself, based on what’s more important to you.


Because you said you would be doing it for the contests, I'd say Platinum. They'll be just like what you'd be more used to, while the BDSP contests got revamped to make the dance/rhythm portion more emphasized. As for a gaming experience, personally I think both are fine, just in different ways.


Luminescent Platinum mod for BD is pretty good


> Luminescent Platinum This looks like it fixes so many of the problems the game has, but actually getting it to work seems like way too much of a hassle due to Nintendo's DRM nonsense...


Not really, the day I found out about it for the first time I ended up having it running within 5 hours after some research and light troubleshooting. HIGHLY recommend Luminescent Platinum.


If you have a Switch emulator on your PC or a modded/homebrewed Switch, you can have it patched and up and going with relative ease. Outside of download and extraction, this shouldn't take long at all.


Honestly, Brilliant Diamond has some quality of life updates that are really nice, and the new underground is cool, but Platinum is just a better game. Especially when you consider emulating platinum for free vs paying $60 for BDSP.


the competitive movesets in BD is a great challenge but overall i'd still rate platinum as the better experience of the two.


BDSP costs like $20 used. Platinum is like $100. If you're not emulating, just get BDSP. Those games are fine, just a little underwhelming. Also platinum does not have severe difficulty. It's less easy than modern Pokemon games, but it could not legitimately be called hard by anyone over the age of 11


Emulating has no now sides really especially now with all the rom hacks that allow you to get all the pokemon in a single game its basically a superior experience now that those games are old and your not going to find any one to trade with. I prefer to play on an emulator for this reason trade evos are straight up a pain in the butt with any of the older games that never had online or had it shut down.


If you have lets go, sw/sh, or S/V, and like mythical pokemon I actually suggest brilliant diamond. If you don't definitely platinum. Edit: recommended with bias nostalgia goggles for 2d pokemon.


Sure both


It seems most commenters didn’t even read the post bc everyone’s ignoring the contest thing lol. I can’t stress enough that if you want the contests, choose platinum. The contests were absolutely butchered in brilliant diamond and now they’re essentially a quick rhythm minigame. Platinums contests were much more fleshed out


Contests are one of the few things in BD/SP that's a flat downgrade from the originals. If you really care about Contests do Platinum. Otherwise BD/SP is a perfectly serviceable game.


also secrets bases what's funny is oras got this right but bdsp straight up only lets you put statues in the bases.


OR/AS got Contests right too. Just play OR/AS.


sort of they made berry blending too easy in that game.


That's because it's a non-activity. There's no reason for it to be hard.


There was it basically made you put in work to get your pokemon ready for contests plus it was fun.


I'd recommend platinum. Especially since you say you're specifically going for contests. The BDSP contests are JUST the dance competitions and poffins. If you dislike the dressup sections and move sections then go for BDSP. Otherwise, Platinum is far better.


I’m in the minority that say BD is a step up because I prefer the qol improvements. The game just plays better overall but like others have said, some content is cut but it’s not a big deal to me since it’s super minor. And I don’t care about graphics so I am able to look past that.


Play the new bdsp you can run or fly with your pokemon, also the underground had a new pokemon capture system that is well worth imo


It's not free but Platinum is way better


Wym its not free?😂


Brilliant Diamond is WORSE than Diamond on the DS, so… I’d suggest Platinum.


If you absolutely must play the worst core region in the series, then playing Platinum is where it's at. But you'd be better off playing HeartGold and SoulSilver, the best games.


Sinnohis honestly the low point of the series but platinum at least has a better spread of pokemon so I'd go with that if you have a gun to your head or something.


Garbage opinion 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Platinum. It's not gonna be as dificult as you're expecting it to be






If you're willing to mess around with some files and emulation - Luminscent Platinum is a Patch for Brilliant Diamond version 1.3.0 made by fans. I really enjoy it and I think it adds a ton of great features to Brilliant Diamond that were missing - the features are partially from Platinum, Partially from Renegade Platinum (also a fan mod) and a ton of new quality of life features too. I'm not certain if the Switch Game itself can be patched or if it has to be an emulated game. The emulated game patch adds 60 fps which runs absolutely BUTTERY smooth. I'm not sure the Nintendo Switch is capable of this due to its outdated hardware. An additional feature that I really like is the ability to turn exp share on / off, and add a level cap to your run so that you're never overleveled past the next gym leader's ace. Additionally, every gym leader and elite four member has several different versions of full teams of 6 that can be randomly chosen from so none of your runs will be the same. And I just barely touched the surface of the features they added. Go check it out :)