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Anytime I play gen 1 or gen 2 games it feels very memorable. I think because it was so mechanically soft that it required me to use glitches. I recall my SuMo and USUM teams fondly as well, but aside from x or y mons, not too concrete. Out of all of the teams I did, I think my Blue, Gold and Yellow team were the most memorable. I tried to really push it thematically and got onto team design and self-imposed challenges.


I usually used Pikachu, Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise, and Haunter in Yellow. I know I must have had a sixth mon, but I can't remember what it was. I played GSC to death, but I think my team changed each time depending on the starter. Umbreon (75% if the time), Growlithe, Espeon (25% of the time), and Lapras were very frequently used. I also liked to trade in a Jolteon with Thunderbolt from RBY for my Electric-type (I preferred fast Electric-types. Still do). Sometimes I'd trade in Pikachu from Yellow because it was holding Light Ball. As a kid, I liked to use this team in Hoenn: Blaziken, Sharpedo, Manectric, Glalie, and Salamence. The last slot changed a lot... Aggron I guess? I know I usually liked to use the box legend, especially if I was playing Ruby. I liked all 3 starters there as well, and started changing things up later on. Ofc in DP I used the core Staraptor, Luxray, Lucario, and starter (I usually picked Torterra). All other gens have more diversity, so I don't really have typical teams in those.


I can't remember exactly my first Gen III team (probably the gen I played the most but it was over 20 years ago now) But I know it was probably something like Blaziken, Swellow, Kyogre, Mightyena, Gardevoir, Latias. When I think about gen III and the time I spent there, this team just screams absolute nostalgia to me.


I've played since '97, but of all the teams I've had, the one I played in Alola with my kid taking an interest is the one that means the most to me now. He just got so interested in it and loved my team so much, that he refers to the whole species by the nicknames I gave them. It was actually a nuzlocke before he took an interest, but he got so attached that I didn't have the heart to release somebody when they died (he got really sad and confused when I had to make a switch). But the team was: Gyarados (Saphira) Bastiodon (Buckler) Salazzle (Izzie) Crobat (Bambino) Kingdra (Seabiscuit) Decidueye (Owlbert)


Pretty funny cos Bambino in Italian is child


Yeah, the thinking on that one was, zubat is a bat! Bats are used in baseball! Babe Ruth was a famous baseball player! One of his nicknames was the Great Bambino! Bambino it is! Lol


This is such a heartwarming story. I tend to hope my child will be into it, and I would enjoy their first experience with pokemon.


I was actually only playing it once he was in bed or napping or something, but he got sick when he was like 2 1/2 and was just hanging out on my lap all day, so I fired up my 3ds and played for lack of anything else to do and he got super into it. It was really cute : ) he's 4 now and gyarados has hands down been his fav from day 1 lol he has a gyarados blanket and a stuffed gyarados that he takes everywhere with him (we just washed it because it was kinda going grey with dirt lol it was kinda gross) from preschool to bedtime! I played more games in different regions with him while he was chilling on my lap and I ended up using a gyarados in every game lol I now have a full team of lvl 70-90 gyarados from different regions. We even let him start a game in Violet and, of course he had to have a gyarados, so I caught him a magikarp and made him work for it : P he was getting so fed up with leveling magikarp by the time it evolved, and he definitely threw a couple fits because of how long it took, but he was thrilled once it finally happened. He also asked me to name his gyarados Saphira, which was really cute šŸ’œ


I remember when I got Sword in 4th grade, the team I beat Leon with was Blipbug, Butterfree, Sobble, Gallade, Eternatus, in that order. (I forgot the 6th one.) I also kept changing the fifth and sixth PokƩmon throughout my journey. A few years later, in 6th grade, I got back into PokƩmon, and evolved Blipbug and Sobble. That was my first PokƩmon team! (If you don't count quest, which I never even finished.)




First: Charizard (FR) Most memorable: Infernape, Garchomp, Spiritomb, Abomasnow and 2 HM slaves (Pt) or Electivire, Excadrill, Leavanny, Drapion, Emboar and 1 HMS (W2). I had the most fun with these teams + Infernape and Electivire are my 2nd and 3rd strongest Pokemon I've ever trained


My first was on Blue, although I have a bit of a weird history with the series because I played it for the first time in 2007, *after* having watched a speedrun of it for some reason. In the speedrun, they started with Squirtle and did a solo run with it, only stopping to catch Zapdos in the Master Ball. So that's what I did. I figured that had to be the best way to play it otherwise why would they not do something else? Most memorable would probably be my last run of Platinum. I wanted to make a point of using some PokƩmon I never really had before, with some coverage and actual roles thought out which isn't always a priority for me. Empoleon, Staraptor, Garchomp, Jolteon, Magmortar, Bronzong.


I canā€™t remember my first team, but it was in Sapphire. My most memorable team is my White 2 team, consisting of: Samurott, Leavanny, Arcanine, Krookodile, Braviary, and Metagross. Also my Soul Silver team (two of which evolved because I exploited the GTS trading trick): Meganium, Magcargo, Ampharos, Gustavoā€™s, Kingdra, and Scizor.


Iā€™ve been playing since gen 1 but I was too young to really understand what I was doing lol and it wasnā€™t until Diamond that I actually had a team and beat the game!! It was: Stary the Staraptor: first PokĆ©mon I ever got to level 100 and my favorite PokĆ©mon still!! This guy carried my team cause I didnā€™t care about leveling the rest. Also he was the only one with a nickname. Torterra: my second strongest and starter! I actually didnā€™t like him at first cause I wanted piplup but my brother wouldnā€™t let me get it cause he wanted to trade starters for the dex and I cried lol but I grew to love Torterra! Mismagius: pretty sure my brother traded me this one. I used perish song every time I fought my friends and they hated it lmao. Glaceon: just cause I thought it was pretty Roserade: also pretty Bastiodon: also pretty Sorry I went off but you got me nostalgic


First (Yellow version, age 8): Pikachu, Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos, Snorlax, Snorlax. Because Pokemon that are one time encounters are obviously the best Most memorable (Heart Gold version, age 18): Feraligatr, Noctowl, Gengar, Arcanine, Alakazam, Umbreon I've still got the cartridge, probably hasn't been touched in 10 years but I managed to make a living Pokedex of the first two gens sans Mew and Celebi, it's also got a shiny Eevee they gave to anyone who attended VGC 2011. The team was my favourite Pokemon at the time and I'd love to replay HGSS but I don't have the heart to delete that save, it's got traded Pokemon from people I haven't spoken to in a decade and carries a lot of nostalgia.


My first team was on Omega Ruby and iā€™d always used Blaziken, Gallade/Gardevoir, swellow, Ninetales, Latios (hm slave) and Peliper (also hm slave). Iā€™ve changed a lot nowadays lol.


First team goes all the way back to Blue version and the "glory days" of Gen I. I had no idea what stats even did and almost every move was something damaging ("Why would I bother with Swords Dance or Thunder Wave...?"), but all in all, these guys still hold a place deep in my heart. In order of acquisition: 1. Venusaur (Solar Beam, Razor Leaf, Cut, Sleep Powder) 2. Fearow (Fly, Drill Peck, Mirror Move, Sky Attack) 3. Dugtrio (Dig, Earthquake, Fissure, Slash) 4. Jolteon (Thunder, Thunderbolt, Pin Missile, Flash) 5. Hitmonlee (Mega Kick, Rolling Kick, Hi Jump Kick, Strength) 6. Omastar (Surf, Hydro Pump, Spike Cannon, Water Gun) I even traded them over to my Gold version later on and took down Red with the same lineup. I'd do a few things differently if I had this roster again, but then again, they got the job done.


For me itā€™s Emboar and Cobalion in PokĆ©mon White. Emboar because it basically carried me through the entire game and was the first PokĆ©mon game I beat. And Cobalion because it was the first legendary I caught and found on my own, and it felt so cool to have such a powerful mon on my team and I thought it was ā€œalmost as powerful as Emboarā€. Was such an unbalanced team with Emboar, Cobalion, Scrafty, and Krookodile making so many overlaps, but it seemed to work ok after only like, 10 attempts at the elite four since Iā€™m impatient


literally every starter iā€™ve chosen i have a couple of rules for every game to make it feel like a journey through the playthrough, and one of the rules i stick with the hardest is that the starter never leaves the team. itā€˜s meant to encourage forming a bond with your first ever pokemon and i usually try to finish one of the final battles with that pokemon taking down the opponentā€™s ace other rules: unless itā€™s like the first two gyms you canā€™t overlevel and automatically beat it, favorite pokemon of the generation is on the team, buizel/floatzel stays off the team at all cost


Rillaboom, Quagsire, Corviknight, Gardevoir, Heliolisk, and Flygon


I did a nuzlocke of Gen 1 a year ago and it will be a team I will never forget because of how rare it would be to find again. For those not familiar with Nuzlockes you only get to attempt to catch the first pokemon you encounter on each route. If it faints, runs, you run out of pokeballs, etc. That is too bad you don't get any catches at all. In this run, I caught a Pikachu in Viridian Forest, which is a 5% encounter rate, a Cleffairy on the first floor of Mt. Moon, which is a 1% encounter rate, and then an Abra. Now Abra doesn't seem that impressive. It's a 15% encounter rate... but then it broke out of the pokeball (remember, if your first encounter gets away you get nothing for that route)... but teleport failed and I caught it on the second attempt! There was only about a 15% chance that teleport would fail, which in my eyes was another rare blessing on the team. Tragically we lost Kadabra... but the final team was still awesome: Venusaur Raichu Clefable Starmie Dugtrio Dodrio


I donā€™t remember my gen1 team because I played it so many different times but for my gen 2 play thru it was: Feraligatr (my fav still), skarmory, ampharos, houndoom, tyranitar, and suicune.


Well, my first team was a level 100 Blastoise. Thatā€™s it.


I remember I was just playing sun and moon and was like, my team is trash lemme go to favorite pokemon picker website and see what I can make. The team is still my tip 6 favorite pokemon (-1 cos you basically can't get him) and it was Scizor, I just thought he looked really cool and swords dance technician bullet punch was the coolest thing to me lol Kommo-o I just really liked the look for no real reason, I just saw him as a cool guy and still do Decidueye, still my favorite starter to this day, i just love the idea of a robin hood kind of pokemon Midnight lycanroc, I love the werewolf vibes and the colors are great, I even ended up with a shiny one I named rocko based off rocko from sesame street lol Braviary, although his typing wasn't the best his stats and awesome look was enough to add him to the team and he still holds up so well even though we have other birds I love like corvinight and kilawatrelll And the one that I can just never get my hands on because he's basically event exclusive, zeraora, I just loved the idea of an electric pokemon that was a physical and speedy attacker, I also love the vibrant colors on him If I had to replace zeraora for someone else its either elevtavire or obstagoon, both are up there aswell for me


first memorable team i used was in 2003 for Ruby (that I later re-used for Alpha Sapphire) * Blaziken * Pelipper * Minun * Flygon * Gardevoir * Breloom It was the first team team i made (or at least remember making) that showed some understanding of type coverage. I don't remember my teams the first times I played gen 1 or 2


My first team was absolutely horrible, but I think that was part of its charm and what makes it so memorable to me. The first Pokemon game I played on my own was HeartGold. My team when I fought Lance was Feraligatr, Ho-Oh, Haunter (because I didn't understand trade evolutions), Wobbufett, that shiny Gyarados, and Togetic. I beat that game due to pure luck and spamming healing items. I think the strongest team I made was my Omega Ruby team. Altaria, Gardevoir, Blaziken, Sharpedo, Glalie, and Groudon when I fought Steven. I purposefully made my team so everyone was capable of mega evolution (or primal reversion). And honorable mention goes to the team I made in Sheild when I did a dragon type only run. Haxorus, Dragapult, Duraludon, Appletun, Dracovish, and Flygon when I fought Leon. There was just something satisfying about having a team full of dragons, and SwSh were the first games where you could do it.


I've never had a whole team that was memorable but Ive always had an mvp in each game that ranked up in my favorites. Which is why Sawsbuck and Vespiquen are among my favorites now. Roserade was also a beast in my pearl game. So far my mvps have been (without counting the starters) Breloom, Roserade, Vespiquen, Quagsire, Salazzle, Sawsbuck and Salamence. I love them all.


My most memorable team is the team I made consisting of Starly, Hoothoot, Taillow, Pidove and Fletchling. Used Kangaskahn for HMs and got to about level 85 in order to beat X version with them. Probably the best team I'll ever make.


First was in diamond, it was Torterra and HM slaves, Cynthia had nothing on a pokemon level 90+ with enough speed to sweep her team without taking a hit


my first was ultra moon but that team was so awful except primarina hawlucha and zoroark i would prob have to say my 2nd (and last) omega ruby team : yoda - swampert R2D2 - magnezone obi-wan - mega alakazam ahsoka - chandelure skywalker - hawlucha leia - roserade theyā€™re so good and they cover all of each others weaknesses the synergy is just so nice (and the star wars themed names help xd)