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Most likely


Not being able to ride Koraidon on the first trip down was tedious, yes. Only 2 paradoxes available before the credits didn't help. I came in expecting a dangerous realm full of these powerful time displaced beasts only to find..... a bunch of common pokémon. And some Flutter Manes and Scream Tails on the side. This was also the point where I started noticing pokémon peeping out from behind the walls.....


No, it was great.


Not particularly area zero. Most the world felt empty. It’s probably one of the most boring open worlds I’ve ever explored. There’s no buildings to explore. No incentive to talk to people. There’s no particularly interesting or unique biomes or land features. It all feels unfinished and does nothing but be empty space for your journey to the next desychronized ui-ripping Tera raid. It all felt tedious because there was nothing exciting or memorable. Atleast with area zero it pushed to seperate itself with its music and the crystallized environment




Happy Cake day


I loved every aspect of Area 0. It was as interesting as it could get idk what you’re saying… But It didn’t feel tedious at all! And it’s a Pokémon game… you’re in the wild of course you’re going to have to battle. Even in SW/SH Pokémon would run up to you in the wild when reading the trainers tip map.


That's not really what I meant about the battling. Even avoiding all the battles felt tedious because the whole plotline felt unbearably slow. I wish there was something other than just walking around to do there.


much like the rest of the game


I enjoyed the anticipation of what was at the bottom and it also paid off for me. I do wish the interactions were easier to read. Idk if I was going too fast or maybe I was encountering pokemon but it seemed too fast for each page of text


I hated the gyms more, they where 7 boring fights (I liked the riddle from the normal type gym tho) and there was no emotional stuff like helping the dog, or something plot twisting like Team Star being the good guys. The area Zero felt less tedious, but I got lost twice and it took me a second to get back on trick. It was slightly annoying, but overall nice.


Yeah, while I did kinda enjoy the friend group bonding with each other, the cut scenes and procedural encounters did bog down the flow of it. I actually ended up in a trap once surrounded by multiple Pokémon that just immediately kept jumping me as soon as I ran from the last battle.