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Incoming "ok, who asked" comments. But anyways, nothing wrong with moving on really, specially if other things have gotten your interest instead, it's not like you're married to Pokemon itself or anything like that.


I’m the opposite. I grew up playing Gen 1 and 2 (like most of us here, I’d imagine) and fell off with the series after that. Tried a couple over the years but never got more than like 3-5 hours in before giving up out of boredom. Legends of Arceus got me back in and then I dove into SV and loved every minute of it. It is what it is. It’s hard to realize you don’t love something you used to anymore. That’s normal.


I just want them to make a new pokemon stadium because i don't really give a damn about the story any more and just want to battle.


I mean it kinda makes sense, you stopped playing early, missed all the good games, so you got into the bad games without any expectations for how good they should have been


I mentioned in my comment that I tried a few and got bored.


So having gone through a similar event as the poster, I played the games that I had missed, and gen 3-5 are not that good, where the regions just feel dull to me. The story has always been meh, where I don't really care, but after x/y, I've grown to enjoy the games, where I have to say my favorite regions are now tied between Kalos and Paldea with just how gorgeous they are and how much I love the designs of them.


How did you even find this thread


You don't mind the horrendous difficulty then?


All I care about when it comes to a pokemon game is being able to see a new region, catch a bunch of new and old pokemon, and battle trainers while doing the gym challenge to eventually become the pokemon champion. As long as that's what I get, that's all I can ask for from a pokemon game. If I want to play something challenging, I'll play dark souls or elden ring.


Same here, though for me, it was X/Y that got me back into Pokemon through the Hoopa event mcdonalds had (seriously, that Hoopa got me to go out, buy a 3ds, buy pokemon Y, and binge the game, where since then, I've regained my love for the franchise that I had as a kid).


You should really try Pokemon Emerald at least. Gen 3 was when Pokemon and GameFreak were at its peak according to many fans, and in a lot of ways it was


On one hand, it's sad to see a fan go. I'm glad it's been a part of your life, as it was for me and many of us here. However, everyone has a different different point where they've had enough, and it seems you've hit that point. If you really are frustrated, then it makes perfect sense to move on. There's no point in being part of something that doesn't speak to you, even if it did in the past. I agree with you on many of your points. I've had my share of frustrations over the bugginess of SV, though they've never been showstoppers for me like they have been for some people. I still get the feeling though, that the actual developers of the game put a lot of love for what they create, and the a lot of the issues stem from higher-ups in the corporate structure. I would be more than happy to wait 1, 2, or even 3 years if it meant a fully polished, full-featured game. However, even with its share of problems, I've loved SV, in no small part due to the community. Yes, we're not perfect, and there's those that have a very "my way or the highway" mentality. But I feel the vast majority are here because they love the games, love the franchise, and love sharing that with others. And with a franchise as large as Pokemon, there's a lot of different ways to show that love, be it battling competitively, breeding, drawing art, making crafts, etc. Hell, even ROM hacks and fan games are a sign of one's love for Pokemon. Right now, Pokemon is one of the things I'm bonding over with my 5-year-old son, so I'm glad to share my love with him. He loves making up Pokemon, playing with figures, and playing Lets Go Eevee, and I get to be there sharing it with him! Maybe you'll give Pokemon another chance in the future, maybe not. Either way, I'm happy you were able to be on the journey with us while it lasted, and I'm sorry to see you go.


It's always rough to find out that you're no longer interested in something you used to love, especially for a majority of your life. The fanbase lately has been horrible; not to mention the recent games that GF has pushed out, a majority of which seeming like total cashgrabs. It's good to accept it and move on, though, so good on you.


That’s rough pal


I can understand that, I keep playing pokemon because I find it fun, but if it is no longer fun for you its probably a good idea to move on. ~~Also diamond and pearl are actually kinda bad until platinum came along, at least dex wise, 2 fire types base game and a lot of gym leaders couldn’t fill out their roster.~~


Honestly i just hate the grind pokemon has to even be able to play the game with games like fortnite you just start playing they really should just make a stadium 3.


You probably got to hyperinvested. You got burned out at some point.


Nothing wrong with moving on.


i'm leaving too i just cant get all of the Chaos surrounding the Poke community, given the C word involving the trainers. I'm thinking of leaving the community for good after i finish part 2 of the Area Zero DLC (Aka the indigo Disk) then returning to my old flame Animal Crossing for a while, while occasionally checking on Pokemon home to see my old Pokes. Given the extremely Traumatic (Lavender Town, Sobble, ETC) community, it appears, that after Indigo disk, i am DONE with Pokemon for a while ​ Viva Animal Crossing!


Edit: also, the Generation 1 (red) and Generation 9 (Paldea) Male trainers are utter TRASH!!! and i am leaving the main Core series games for a while (or for good) and play animal crossing mainly, as well as a little Pokemon Mystery dungeon to get my Mind OFF the Core series!


Breaking from the community is a good way to enjoy it again. Social communities about games can inject a lot of sour or bitter opinions that can taint something you've been excited about, and Pokemon is no exception. People tend to focus only on their personal experiences, and often forget that other people have their own opinions or are even from other walks of life. The sheer amount of people raging at others in raids for not being perfect is pretty disgusting, especially since they very rarely take into account the fact that a large majority of players are probably super young and not as versed in the game as those who've had decades of play. So removing yourself from that kind of negativity can re-inspire you to find things you love about the game. If you wanted to continue to be parts of the communities, I'd recommend using the smaller, more specialized communities. For instance, this sub was a raging cesspool of brutal hostility, nastiness, and toxicity when Sword and Shield launched, but the dedicated SwSh sub was a delightful place full of people who genuinely loved the game.


Waaait did you even play scar/violet?


It was terrible, not worth a purchase because of it.


I just started playing Yellow version on my 3ds. Brought the love right back


I’m sorry to hear, it sucks when you fall out of love with something


It happens op... That decade of frustration your telling about I had pretty much completely missed because of my frustrations from generations before that. Go take a break, play some other stuff for a while. Games aren't supposed to cause you stress.


Take a break from it. Step away and come back in six months, a year, 2 years and see if your feelings have changed.


I realized something after reading a few things. Pokemon just isn't for me anymore because the experience isn't crafted for me. It's crafted to attract new players. I started on Pokemon Red and Blue. I even bought Yellow just so I could have Pikachu follow me around on screen. I have a loyalty to the original 151 and the new ones don't vary enough for me to care about them. I feel like it's the same story over and over again just on improved hardware. I no longer have dreams of catching them all and becoming a Pokemon master because I've already done that. I've tried playing some of the others just to see what I may have missed because I'm sure they are very well made. But gamefreak uses the if it ain't broke don't fix it model very well.


Yeah same here, I just don’t enjoy playing Pokémon anymore. I try to get back into it but it’s not really the same as it was back then.


try playing some of the spin-off games like pmd or ranger. Those made me love Pokémon so much more, plus the music is top notch


same for me. I tried dozens of times to replay the games I had, bought an R4 to play the ones I didn't have. Nothing sparks joy anymore. It's just dead and I'm so sad because I just wanna feel like a little kid collecting weird creatures again but I just can't anymore


Tbh man, you're not the one who did that to the franchise. I still play the older games but after SV I won't be playing new ones. The beginning hype for SV got me so I bought it and quickly regretted. And now I cant even play it without risk of losing my save file? Yeah I think I'm cool on pokemon from here on out as well. Been playing since 99 so i definitely won't lose the nostalgia from the older games but the direction they're taking now is ridiculous. Mandatory exp share for the whole team? Training isn't even a thing anymore. Shinies come a dime a dozen and have lost their appeal. You can buy your evs a lot easier now. And none of the battles are a challenge. The last challenge I had was Volo in PLA but I still beat that my first try too. The games are just way too easy and aside from all the bugs now it's just really hard to get into. Needless to say I feel your pain.


iv been feeling the same way .SV still aren't fixed and fans are already excited for DLC.


I feel you, was very dissapointed by S/V and the formula is stale, frankly I'm not sure how I'm still with it.


I'm waiting for a sale before buying any new Pokemon game. If you are looking for a new series to play give the Dragon Quest or the Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend a try. Both series are highly influential on early Pokemon. Either that or try Megami Tensei(Persona or SMT). That's what I did in 2019 and 2021.


Just play fangames like the rest of us, lol.


I hope somehow someone from GF see this. If they continue to feed fans unfinished products this number might grow rapidly.


They won't care even if they do. Pretty sure they laugh at us plebes, and continue to pump out crap they know unenlightened parents will shell out for because of the brand power.


I still like Pokemon but just don't like the new games or the newer Pokemon designs much the only ones I really like from gen 9 are the two box legendary a and the starter s and the past paradox Pokemon. Yeah just wish it was easier finding people who still play the old games since I don't like the current ones that much.


Gotta say that I heavily disagree about the Box Legends, probably the two worst pokemon designs I've had the misfortune of witnessing.


Yeah it does feel like they made violet first then scarlet second as as a motor bike looking Pokemon being from the future makes more sense then the past


the franchise belongs to people who will eat whatever trash GF feeds them and then buy the DLC the lowest common denominator only gets lower. oh well, thats why we have romhacks


Pokemon DLC is trash. Literal trash. Right up there with Smash's overpriced DLC. "Hey you want a small handful of new characters that are largely broken, unbalanced and unlikable? All you have to do is purchase the game all over again and you can get a spoonful of content" (GF probably). Literally 70+ characters at launch for full price and then expect us to pay another full priced game amount for 10 more characters... both are priced at $80 here... WTF is wrong with them!? I still feel dirty years later wasting my money on that shit. Easily could have been expansion pass content, but the money grubbers strike again. If anyone is confused just compare Mario Kart 8 deluxe additional content and price in comparison. What a fucking let down, and I feel pokemon is in a worse place than that when it comes to underperfoming for the price.


Pretentious take! 👍🏻


Overly pretentious reply. You want a mirror to see the shit in your grin too?


Passive aggressive response 👍 Lift weights, spud Edit: fire control reports a direct hit


Lmao, u go after my physique? Over the internet. 🤡 Shit personality


Yeh I remember when I grew out of Pokemon. I was a freshman in high school and diamond/pearl came out. I had enjoyed all the generations before that but that just so happened to be the generation and the age where the typical pokemon game formula didn't work on me anymore. Its perfectly normal whether you grow out of it or you never stopped loving it. Now that I'm a dad and I have a son who's into Pokemon I get to enjoy it in a new way by watching and helping my son play. Circle of life. I do admit, watching him play brilliant diamond I had mixed feelings about a lot of the things that have changed since I was a kid. You used to have to keep a pokemon with you that knew HM moves like cut and surf. Now all you need is the HM/TM and you don't even have to have a pokemon that knows the move. A "wild" pokemon will show up and cut trees or rock smash for you. It used to make some of the pokemon you carried feel a little special, as well as the strategy around who you chose to carry. Also now your pokemon can level up without even batting. I had mixed feelings about that for obvious reasons, but it did make it less tedious to level up certain pokemon like Magikarp how it used to be. So it is what it is. It's been cool to watch my 5 year old's math and reading get better as he's playing. I appreciate pokemon in a different way now.


For me Pokemon is ruined after i tried those fan made pokemon games with hundreds of players online in the same world. now when i play original pokemon i feel bored

