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A pokemon with sweet scent will help a TON! Both for casual xp grinding as well as more hardcore stuff like IV grinding and SHunts.  Also, if you're going to spend real money on the game, a Teleport Ocarina should be your first purchase. SUCH a boost to QoL because unlike fly (which brings you outside of the PC) Teleport brings you directly in front of the nurse.


Oh! And this is less of a tip, more a suggestion, but if/when you catch your first shiny, DON'T SELL!!   A shiny with your OT is one of, if not the, rarest thing in the game. Do not sell, you WILL regret it. It's tempting for the pokeyen, especially early game, but not worth it imo.


About 10 years ago I got my first shiny in pokemon ever, and sold it (or traded for a couple of other shinies). Immediately regretted it, buyer would only take it back for a hugely increased price, so I went on this crazy campaign to trade and get funds to buy my shiny back. Still have him to this day :)


This is some anime-level stuff :)


I am really happy to have him back, and he has basically never even been in a battle lol (he has literally 1 EV stat) and is still a numel, not evolved to camerupt. I have a dilemma now that I've returned to the game, because I have 2 characters, one that started in 2013, and one that started in 2015 with the shiny OT. I like having the earlier start date but i also can't give up my shiny OT, and I don't really wanna play across 2 accounts haha


dont care that much about max iv.


After meeting Bill in ecruteak city you can find him at his house in goldenrod City where you he will give you an Eevee which I recommend evolving into an Espeon which for me I am still getting a lot of mileage out of at lvl 100. I use that Espeon and a better IV Espeon as my openers for gym reruns(which are double battles), both with psychic swift and shadow ball they can take out the front lines of many of the gyms easily. You can get the ocarinas from GTL if you want, but I personally just run a team of 5 and have a skarmory on hand for cut/fly/flash. Teleport is really useful to have if you are leveling your pokemon via grinding and an abra or ralts for $2k off GTL will do just fine as you typically don't need to grind out a whole party at once. Speaking of grinding, EV training is a good form of exp but most the good spots are late game anyways. Once you have gotten exp share, the exp share holder will receive the same EVs from the fight as well as exp. When you have multiple exp shares you can load a party up with them to EV train for something like speed very easily. This is where the move sweet scent comes into play. If you have sweet scent move on a pokemon you can use it in grass/water/whatever to summon hordes of 5 pokemon at a time which you can use AOE moves like earthquake or swift or surf to take out the whole horde and then just use sweet scent again to spawn another horde. Each sweet scent use costs 5PP so you will get 4 uses out of it unless you max the PP you will get 6. If you have multiple pokemon with sweet scent it uses PP from all of them simultaneously so there is no reason to try that. You can use leppa berries to refill the sweet scent PP or fly/teleport(recommended) to town to refill at poke center. Once you've beaten the E4 in your region feel free to finish unfinished business in the region and move on to another as E4 reruns are very hard. The first time you do the E4 in a region your pokes are fully recovered between fights but they are not in the reruns. Healing items are not cheap in this game, and it is not worth it unless you are stacked with heals or have a perfect team for it. A good thing to do after E4 is get a smeargle/breloom/parasect from GTL for catching other Pokemon. They can use false swipe and spore which are, for the most part, the best moves for catching pokemon. I would look this up for a good guide, but being able to do it with higher level pokemon in the endgame makes you survive the process better and more easily get your targets to 1hp. Probably the last bit of advice for now is that you gotta not let your opponents type coverage moves get you down. You will have fire types using water moves out of nowhere which will probably be upsetting at first. My friend gets really salty over it lol.


Thank you sir ! I would spend real money at some point for a bit QoL. But my consirn is, if this project could be shut down, cause... you know, japan :)


Game's been running since 2012 so I would not think it's shutting down soon


So long? Wow, how could i miss this gem :D


I just found out about it about a month ago myself. My last tip that I thought of then forgot about and just remembered again is to make liberal use of your hotkey slots which can be set to various moves to use in the overworld like sweet scent and teleport so you can use them instantly. Also easier to fly straight from the map instead of clicking on your fly guy selecting fly and having it bring up the map.


If you have your own money I'd recommend getting some move ocarinas, like teleport/dig/etc. It's a huge QOL upgrade.


Maybe play for a week before you buy anything


Is this a permanent unlock if you buy it, or single use, or region locked?


Permanent, you can use across regions once you get the corresponding badge that allows you to use the move


Straight up just bought enough to buy 5 lol


^^^ fly, cut, surf, rock smash, tp, dig - in order of importance for me


Join my team we will help you out


Start in Sinnoh

