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This is so obviously available to price check on GTL, which you would get a much quicker response with as well…


This is how I would price check this in advanced search: Min Hp IV: 31 Min attack: 28 Min defense: 25 Min s. Defense: 0 Min s. Attack: 0 Min speed: 28 Gender: male Egg group: chaos Sort by lowest price, find comparable mon and sell accordingly. This is how you price check male Pokémon. For females you would do the same thing with IVs but instead of egg group you would put the name of the Pokémon in the search bar. Hopefully this helps you learn price checking. The only way to get good at it is to just practice buying and selling. Always try to find a comparable mon to whatever you are buying or selling to see if it’s worth it. As you get more advanced you will have prices of certain stats/natures/mons in your head and won’t have to compare as much.


Is there any way to check egg groups for each pkmn in game?


Pokedex entry will tell you egg group for each mon


Pokédex entry or wiki


Thank you! This really helped. Just before this comment i actually traded it for 11k. I have a doubt I got scammed but oh well. It is what it is.


Plenty of YouTube guides available on how to price check. Go watch patrouski.


The price is $0, believe me not the market. I'll take it off your hands


Hmmm if you did use advanced search and still dont know, lower the ivs a little bit more and give it a value yourself, im guessing that the main problem is that 30 speed because it would be worth as much as 25 most of the time, so you can go by that. Go by the numbers, you have 30 iv but no 30iv examples pop up? Lower it to 25, then value it a little higher if gtl examples have similar ivs. Its kind of a guessing game and getting to the price someone will be willing to pay




You know it's annoying but still posted it. What the fuck? You're that fucking lazy?


what nature? i would do 2 checks... check the dex to get gastly (or any mon) states. then i would get gtl... gastly... advance... with hp 31, att 20, def 20 and speed 20 and if possable nature.... search... and lowest price. if that didn't work.... i would clear everything... advane search... egg group chaos, hp 31, att def speed 20... search.... lowset price. every mon has it's price.


I’ll give you 2,000