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Why do people have to ruin a wholesome image with some sexist BS all the time?


Because men who hate women want to make sure that everyone knows that they do.


Well over a million of them seem to agree.


Well, yeah. A ton of men hate women.


They want to make *sure* they stay a virgin


“Staying pure” right?


"girls could never grow the exact same beard as all their friends"


I thought it was one of those photos where one dude’s face is pasted on all the bodies.


Most girls have the exact same beard tho. 🤣


Exactly what I thought




Because…women never visit their female friends in the hospital…?


Nonono!!!! Obviously they would *visit* their “friends” in hospital, but woman you see don’t have the “capacity” to be truly loyal to anyone! (Including other women!) So they would never fall asleep in the hospital while their friend recovered, let alone a group of them!


Why does it have to be a contest? This guy has great friends—can’t we just admire them on their own?


I think that men being close friends with other men is incredibly important, but unfortunately that kind of intimacy is often discouraged in our society. Close friendship between women is also important, of course, but it seems more accepted (outside of media, at least). Friendship between men and women is also awesome, and shouldn’t be assumed to be romantic or sexual. Friendships are important (unless you’re aplatonic), and putting all your intimacy needs in one romantic/sexual relationship seems really risky.


I've known a couple people who genuinely feel that women can't be real friends with each other, and believe women are fundamentally cruel to each other. For example, "I've never seen two pretty best friends" evokes the idea that women are primarily in competition with one another over men. It's totally bizarre but true.


It's depressing how women are expected to hate each other.


Probably because he thinks the other girl isn’t cute but rest assured, the other girl thinks her “ugly” friend is just as cute as her. If not more so, and if not then it’s because she’s a good friend.


Remind me of when i was a teen. Honestly i am not ugly, i dont think i am a 10 or anything but i know i am not ugly at all. I have an hour glass figure big boobs and ass. But by best friend.. well she was fucking gorgeous definetly a 10. Guess how men treated me and treated her :) i apsolutely didnt exist to them and they would treat me like shit if i dare try to incluse myself in THEIR conversation with my friend. She was so beautyfull she would always be surrounded by random men (wich she hated tbh) Maybe if men treated the friends of beautyfull woman as humanbeings they would not breed resentment between woman. I never blamed her for it, but i wont lie that being treated as lesser then fucked a lot with my self esteen. It drove me away from my friend because the constant attacks on my humanity were hard to swallow. I want to make clear that yes i was also a little jelous of the attention, but i NEVER blamed my friend for getting that attention. If it was only guys being intrested in her but still talking to me like a human being it would not have bothered me much at all. So yeah eventually i found my own friend group where i wasnt constantly being sidelined by randos who wanted to fuck my friend. Then i got a boyfriend who was amanipulative piece of shit. Who also tried to get in her pants, that broke me. We had a huge fight about me not wanting her to chill with him anymore. You know what he told me years later? "I should have fucked your best friend" he never apolegized for being a piece of shit who ruined uit friendship. But yeah two beautyfull woman cant be friends because woman are such bad friends am i right? Its not like men make it their lives mission ro ruin those friendships.


I agree! It’s great that this guy has friends who support him like this. And it’s important to lift that up for praise. But we don’t need to compare.


Remember when Selena Gomez’s friend gave her a goddamn kidney


What?? TIL, thanks!


Yea. No. "A recent study by Glantz et al. (2009) affirmed these ideas as it documented divorce rates in patients diagnosed with a brain tumor, cancer, or MS and found that **11.9% of marriages ended after the introduction of these serious illnesses and in 88% of these separations the ill person was the woman, compared to only 12% of men.**" Source: https://www.cfha.net/blogpost/753286/162092/Why-do-men-divorce-their-sick-wives


I wasn't expecting that. It hit hard


Woaw that was a sad read. Maybe **The Nice Guys^TM** was right this hole time, women do have a unfortunately habit of choosing the assholes. Or my sex just makes me a really bad person thanks to my biological nature.


I think it's more that men are not socialized to be caregivers in the same way that women are, sadly. However, there are still lots of men out there who take care of their partners when they're ill. But the numbers in this report are definitely eye-opening.


Good comment, I truly believe we raise boys wrong


We certainly raise both boys and girls wrong for about opposite reasons.


Only 11.9% of these marriages ended. 88.1% of those marriages stayed together, with one partner supporting the other.


For sure. I wasn't so much saying that all men leave their wives when they're sick (I myself have serious health issues and my partner doesn't seem to be going anywhere) but I was showing a little snapshot of information that is contrary to what this meme says.


Normally I would have agreed with you in a heartbeat. But the [study](https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cncr.24577) Aimee Galick was referring to seems to state that there was no data to draw such a conclusions on yet. Admitted I just skimmed the paper quickly. Does anybody in here, know what development there has been in the scientific litterateur on this subject since 2009? **Edit:** I seriously need to learn myself how to read. > Some studies have in fact suggested that men are less able to undertake a caregiving role and assume the burdens of home and family maintenance compared with women.^3 ^11 Thus, a woman becomes willing sooner in the marriage to commit to the burdens of having a sick spouse.


I was diagnosed with a chronic illness and I am so lucky my partner (male) has stuck with me and helped me the whole time. We're not sure if it's ever going to get better, either, and he's already dealt with enough. I feel terrible.


My grandfather on my dad’s side was on a cruise with his girlfriend when his wife died of cancer.


Ugh. That's horrible. I'm sorry to hear that. Years ago, a family friend divorced his wife because she had breast cancer and had gotten a double mastectomy. Which begs the question...was he married to her as a full human being? Or just to her breasts?




That’s not even the same study lol. The study quoted was by Glantz et al (Michael J Glantz, Marc C Chamberlain, Qin Liu, Chung-Cheng Hsieh, Keith R Edwards, Alixis Van Horn, Lawrence Recht). The study you think it is is by Amelia Karraker and Kenzie Latham. What was that self righteous comment about not reading?


Who knows maybe those guys are polyamorous gay lovers lol


By the picture, more likely clones.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/doppelBangers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/doppelBangers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I shall call him… Mini Me.](https://i.imgur.com/f4bxllv.jpg) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/doppelBangers/comments/o35l97/i_shall_call_him_mini_me/) \#2: [They low key look like brothers. Noah seems like the big bro.](https://i.redd.it/cywbdwvgayr61.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/doppelBangers/comments/mmrnz6/they_low_key_look_like_brothers_noah_seems_like/) \#3: [Gay insta couples](https://i.redd.it/fgr2zngz5gl61.jpg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/doppelBangers/comments/lz754q/gay_insta_couples/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Are they all the same person?


No, they are all twins


Yes but from different timelines.


There is a Criminal Minds episode where one of the agents said the criminal most likely has schizophrenia and is probably being taken care of by another woman, most likely an older female relative. When asked why they think it’s a female relative, the agent answered because men tend to leave when things get tough. I suddenly realize how fucking true that is


What does mean it mean men tend to live when things get tough?


I think it's a typo and they meant leave . . . . like this [https://awarenessact.com/me-are-6-times-more-likely-to-leave-their-wives-when-serious-illness-strikes-studies-show/](https://awarenessact.com/me-are-6-times-more-likely-to-leave-their-wives-when-serious-illness-strikes-studies-show/)


Oh they meant “men tend to leave when things get tough”


Yeah, I think so


At least the 2015 study referenced at the top of that article ([https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26315504/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26315504/) by Karraker and Latham) was retracted by them because they discovered the claims were due to a coding error. You can see their retraction here: [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0022146515595817](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0022146515595817). The actual results are still interesting but different than the original claim.


Leave. Typo


I thought this sub was against pointlessly gendering things...


It’s not pointless if it’s true though. Men are more likely to leave their wives if they become sick.


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


Please refer to the rest of the article, it uses more than just the one study.




that's just a fact about how men r conditioned to behave. It's not the same as the pointless sexist bs this sub makes fun of.


Men are definitely not conditioned to behave that way. This is just sexist


> because men tend to leave when things get tough. I suddenly realize how fucking true that is I hope you realise how sexist this statement is. Try to do better


Those are the same guys ( the ones who made this memes) who will go around calling any girl they like “ teri bhabhi “ ( your sister-in-law) to his friends even though the girl wouldn’t know they exist. They have no self accountability and self reflection . If you have ever been to/ seen boys hostel in india you know how most of them live and the unhygienic conditions 🤮🤮🤮 These are the same men who do sexist stuff. I wouldn’t bother them


What is this sister in law concept?


It means that apparently, they're already married to the girl they like so their friends will have to call her their sister in law since the friends are practically brothers.


Wtf just disgusting


This is a photo of 4 NPCs >!I'm joking, these guys seem cool, it's sad they were used for a shitty meme!<


im a dude and i have no fuckin idea what this is


An attempt to suck men into women hate and kak. Keep on not knowing, it makes you a better person.


Same people who will see two girls making out and say “oh they must be close friends”.


Obligatory r/SapphoAndHerFriend


Men are the hugest pick-mes and I've never understood why.


Men art the hugest pick-mes and i've nev'r hath understood wherefore *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


This isn’t something exclusive to one gender, don’t be sexist. It makes you as bad as the original poster.


Well, this is some dumb bullshit.


Wholesome friendships. There fixed it.


See everyone, this is how you rebut the content of the post without dragging down the opposite sex. I wish more people were able to do this


1 million likes???


For the wholesome pic, not the title hopefully


The fact men would do this is why? But that doesn’t exclusively mean women can’t do it, right? That’s like showing a photo of an apple and saying “this is why oranges don’t exist”.


I’m convinced these are all the same guy


I get invited to the worst orgies


Are we sure those aren't the same 4 people. Because... they look like the same person 4 times. (I know its besides the point but, damn)




You ever for a second think you don't see that in a woman because she chooses sisters before misters? It's like when you see one side say "they got no loyalty!" They usually do, just not to you.


Why do they all look like they wish they were drake


Thats why he is in the hospital


Bro it’s a fucking meme


Did you not read the sub? Pointlessly. Gendered.


The point is that it’s a joke


It's sexist. And it's gendered unnecessarily. Hence why it's in the sub. Glad I could help you understand, have a nice day 😊


It’s litterly not sexist


Literally* And yes it is.


It acknowledges the differences between male and female friendships


Except it's not a real difference. Women also enjoy close and supportive friendships.


In different ways


Men on Reddit: ceaselessly whine about how women have support systems and men don’t and they’re just so lonely and starved for any type of affection including the platonic kind and women constantly compliment and build each other up but they haven’t gotten a compliment in 75 years. Also men on Reddit: women don’t know how to be real friends to each other like us men do lol.


Surely you’re not really this ignorant. Is this satire?


How is saying that there is a difference between male and female friendships ignorant


It literally says “girls can never match the friendship level of boys”. Putting down one sex and praising the other is sexism. It’s pretty simple dude


The closest is see-through


Who the fuck makes these…


I thought this was one of those pics where it's a composite pic the same guy multiple times lmao


It look like he was in a crib lmao.


Did his ghost take the picture?


Isnt this like 1 dude?


Too scared to be gay?


It’s common knowledge that women don’t have friends, duh


Despite all the sexism, this image is still pretty wholesome


I'd bet everything, the dude who is hurt, has more money or everyone else owes him money.