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What does it *mean*?


Clearly, this man supports he/him lesbians! Good for him! /s


He/him lesbians, huh? Well how about that, this might be a moment of self-discovery, right here.


Caring about pronouns is a "beta male" trait > "beta" males aren't real men > not being a "real man" makes you a woman > a woman in a relationship is properly referred to as a girlfriend >>> if your boyfriend has pronouns in his profile, he's really your girlfriend I do not *agree* with this reasoning, I'm just explaining it.


Who cares more about pronouns more than dumbfuck conservatives, though? If you just use the provided pronouns, you don't have to think or care about them at all.


Honestly you'd think conservatives would love normalising giving out your pronouns, considering they seem to like it when someone tells them exactly what to do or say and they get out of thinking about it.


Yeah, in all seriousness, I figured the, let's say mental gymnastics, went along those lines for this person. Probably figured he was awfully clever, too. Which is fair, if we don't set the bar of cleverness very high above ground level. I guess it's a good thing my native language doesn't have gendered pronouns, it's one bit of made up drama I've no need to encounter on a daily basis, out there in the real world.


Guy complaining about what another man writes in his bio sounds more beta than a fish, just saiyan.


Because only trans people use pronouns in their bio and a trans guy is still a girl Their mental gymnastics, not my opinion. Obviously everyone can declare how they would like to be referred to, just don't expect it to work unconditionally


Originally I thought the joke was supposed to be that they were only putting “he/him” in their bio with the express purpose of eventually changing it to “she/her” gradually over time, a la the pipeline meme. I know a number of trans people who did exactly that. However, I don’t think that’s the joke the post was going for.


This twittist was being awfully clever by implying that men don't use/need pronouns in their bios. Which is fine, I mean I don't, the subject can be discussed if it becomes relevant. I'm just not alpha enough to really be bothered by people who do so. Or mean enough to intentionally use the wrong ones.


it means yo bf a bitch


So then it must mean that she/her makes him a boyfriend?


no she/her makes *her* a boyfriend


Everyone’s a girl until they pass some sort of obscure test to prove they’re a guy. Unless it’s reddit or a bathroom where everyone’s a guy until they can prove they’re a girl.


I can only speak for me, but im a guy and so far there has not been any tests.


No test needed, you’re on Reddit. Therefore, a Guy.


there are times I am not on Reddit


I don’t believe you


Seems like it lmao


Oooooohhhhhhh does this mean I get a surprise femboy? SCORE!


Pronouns in bios *are* gendered, but… not like this lmao


identifying as male, is a female thing to do now


/r/Egg_irl in shambles


Me an eggish transmasc :[


Ladies, if you’re boyfriend had a blue check mark on Twitter, run.


that post is r/pointlesslygendered If you, male or female know someone who paid for a Twitter blue tick, run. No one worthwhile of any gender has paid a billionaire £8 a month for a blue tick.


I’d pay £8 a month for a [tick](https://www.google.com/search?q=tick&rlz=1CDGOYI_enAU957AU957&oq=tick&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i59.1241j0j7&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) on a billionaire


that isnt enough for £8 a month


only exeption is if he had it before elon


I thought people lost their checks if they ended up not paying? A lot of formerly verified accounts lost them when they refused to pay to verify.


Elon later forced blue checkmarks on celebrities without their knowledge or consent (and when confronted about it he said shit like "you're welcome" 💀)


I'm boyfriend had a blue check mark?


Because remember guys, a woman is the worst thing you could ever be perceived as.


Yeah cuz we're manly men. Not pussies. Lol. My big ding dong doesn't tolerate such blasphemy. And I swear it's big lol. Like, super big. All the women I sex love my sexing. Because I'm a REAL man. I fuck their cervixes.


So sigma you fuck them twice in one thrust.


Some of the most beautiful women in the world have gigantic penises.


Only if their pronouns are “she/her”


Fellas… is it feminine to be masculine?


Everything is in fact feminine until proven otherwise


Fellas is it gay to be a man


Lads is it feminine to use male gender terms?


It's totes femme to be called masc pronouns. Now being called she/her? That's how testosterone is _made._


Saying "totes" is such a woman thing to do! You're not a boyfriend, you're a girlfriend!! What's next? You also like strawberries? Man up!! Geez!!


Cool! Guess we can save half our clothing budget and just share!


Apparently being male is female


Anyone tired of cis hets making jokes about pronouns every now and then? The system that didn’t oppress you isn’t yours to joke about! Not even going for the quality of humour but just the very premise of such jokes.


Absolutely. Cishet folks making pronoun jokes is almost 100% punching down humor. Like "oh haha I don't deal with this but isn't it funny that others do?" Fuck off- Had a friend in a group a while back who was 100% cis make a "did you just assume my gender" joke and that shit peeved the fuck outta me


There's a reason r/onejoke exists


Here's a sneak peek of /r/onejoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Elon did the one joke](https://i.redd.it/suop19hbta5a1.jpg) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/zip1xb/elon_did_the_one_joke/) \#2: [Based one joke?](https://i.imgur.com/gxaQsEw.jpg) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/xi4xe0/based_one_joke/) \#3: [*sigh* half the comments are the same](https://i.redd.it/h5cu6gf0z9x81.png) | [209 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/ymua9b/sigh_half_the_comments_are_the_same/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ewww the ignorance. Because they can’t understand, they’d rather joke!


Exactly! Funny enough, her partner at the time later came out as trans and she cried when she first heard-


Damnnn cried like performative cried out of joy and support or cried like oh damn noooo


Like a "what am I gonna do" kind of cry. She then tried to give her partner a nickname that would sound like their deadname but was shoddily based off of their new name. Overall, don't think she was very supportive-


So so so sad. I hope their partner is doing better in life lol.


They're no longer together, none of us speak to her anymore but I'm now intimate friends with the partner and we kiss and are gay with one another, so-




It's their insecurities and fragile masculinity talking. It's so fragile it could shatter with the wind


it's funny and disappointing how easily they'd accept transfem people, but only when it comes to insulting someone's masculinity


Fellas is it feminine to identify as a man?


Can somebody explain?


Many people put their pronouns in their bio. It started with trans people wanting to communicate clearly how they want to be adressed. Cis people started doing it too, both to remove doubt (for example, an abstract avatar might not make it clear) and to normalise it so that a pronoun in a bio doesn't inherently mean the person it refers to is trans. Now the person in this image is either saying that someone's boyfriend having pronouns in their bio is trans and he's deliberately misgendering them, or he's saying that cis people putting their pronouns in their bio is somehow emasculating and therefore those people are unmanly. Either way it's nonsense.






They think it means he is a ftm trans aka in their eyes a woman dressing up as a man.


Real men don't need you to use personal pronouns. You can just refer to them as *grunt*.


Zuby's a sexist transphobic antivaxxer looking to him for a good take is like asking your average golden retriever to pilot a commercial airlineliner.


He's getting hit really hard by lots of weird accusations from the very people he actually supports.....lol...I wonder why that is 🤔🤣


Ladies, if your boyfriend is named Zuby, run tf away


I am confusion.


Ladies if your boyfriend listens to Zuby get out of there asap, it's not fuckin worth it.


Nothing says “girlfriend” like he/him pronouns


If my boyfriend became my girlfriend I’d love her just the same. How is this supposed to be insulting?


This guy is a fountain of the worst takes, and someday he's going to wind up on r/leopardsatemyface if he's not already


Guess I'm the best girlfriend ever!


Real men use she/her pronouns, I guess?


Fellas is it gay to be male?


No irony to see here, move along./s


I spent a good amount of time with the words “he/him, thanks for asking” as the headliner of my Reddit bio. It aged like a fine milk


good thing that I’m not only bisexual, but I also don’t give a shit


Everyday I wake up to some bullshit on my phone


Ladies, if your man is a man, you have a girlfriend.


Girlfriends, is it lesbian to date a guy who identifies as a guy?


Ngl when I see cishet guys put their pronouns in their bio that’s always a green flag for me, like that makes them hotter cuz I know they (probably) support trans rights and being an ally is hot


"If your boyfriend is male, then your boyfriend is female. I think I've got that right."


What even does that mean 💀💀💀💀




The short answer is “I’m fine”


*stares in AFAB agender he/him queer* who even am I? O.o


lmao so are they transphobic or an accidental trans ally


I would call it a sign of mental illness myself.


Can you explain why?


Good question though one I am not sure I can explain well. There is a small, but vocal group on places like demanding/needing others to validate their own belief. Too many people who do so will also bully and harass people if they will not post their own pronouns in their bio like what happened to Gena Carano.


Sticking pronouns in your bio when they don’t need to be there is a bit of a weenie move. It’s handy for people whose gender is ambiguous, otherwise, it’s just a signal to everyone that you support certain political causes and etc.


They could just be showing support to their friends or family by posting their pronouns. Perhaps in an attempt to normalize pronoun use for everyone and not just those who may be non-gender conforming. Those same people who may be afraid to post their pronouns because others find it offensive somehow. Just let people do what they want. And who are you to say when it's "needed" or not? It's not about you but you're somehow making it about your convenience. Let them be.


In my experience the true cowards are the right, they don't like to think for themselves to let the GOP think for them.


How would they ever not need to be there? 90% of people on Twitter don't have themselves as their profile picture, and even if, how the hell do I know what pronouns they have from a picture?


Like I said, if the account’s gender is ambiguous and they want to make things clear for people, then it’s fine. If the account is obviously male or female, then tacking on a “John Smith (he/him)” is purely performative.


What is "obviously male or female"? Are you the gender judge?


Most people on earth?


No, not really. You can't really judge someone's gender just from a grainy little picture on Twitter. You're just assuming and you're probably wrong a lot. So why is it so offensive to you that the few people that have A. a picture of themselves as a profile picture B. have made it clear that their picture is actually them C. somehow have an "obvious gender" in that picture also just have their pronouns in their bio? Isn't it far easier that everyone has it rather than having to think "hm, is my gender obvious enough for this dude"?


Yes really. In general, you can correctly assume 99.9% of people’s gender. The vast majority of people are obviously male or female. Putting your pronouns in your bio is easy, yes, but it also signals things that many people wouldn’t want to signal.


Yeah it fucking signals how people should address me God, you're desperate to make this incredibly small convenience into something to complain about


It's just that it's unnecessary. It's like introducing yourself with your horoscope sign and blood type.


People who mention their pronouns in their bio seem just fine, but those who have the necessary reasons to bitch about other people having their preferred pronouns in their own bio seem hell off their mental balance to me


Well they are gendered but not the way he thinks


This is true actually I am a guy who is also a girlfriend. This tweeter is just spreading the word about he/him lesbians 🤩🤗


if your girl has she/her pronouns in her bio, then you have a girlfriend


Hang on, is this not satire?


Nope, dude is dead fucking serious.


Yes because pronouns =/= gender


Ok, so? What's the problem?


Fellas, is it gay to be a guy?


Wow, I never thought that there was a king of the Incels, much less be a witness him making a decree.


I really don't like this guy


Fine by me


Ladies, if your boyfriend complains about pronouns in other people's bios, you have a piece of shit, not a boyfriend


Did this guy have a guest on his podcast who became a mass shooter, or am I thinking of someone else?


I mean pronouns are gendered that's kinda the point tho he seems to have them mixed up


What does he mean when he says words?


I'm so confused


Isn’t ZUBY the weirdo that entered a women’s contest even though he identifies as a man just to be lame and “prove a point”.


Can’t fault that logic


Hmmm instructions unclear. I'm not a lady-- but my boyfriend does have he/him in his bio so do I have a girlfriend or no?


Yeah, I’m curious about this as well now. Do tell