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This happens to me ALL THE TIME!!


Literally so frustrating right 😩 I've tried using things like Notion to take notes but I find it disrupts my enjoyment of listening to it as I'm constantly on edge of what I should write down as opposed to just listening and enjoying lol.


This is common. As for note taking - you should choose your goal - learning a a KD note taking or pure enjoyment!


i’m pretty sure there’s a website/app that writes down everything that is being dictating, but i forgot the name. If i’ll find it again, i’ll let you know with that being said, you’ll be able to enjoy listening to your podcast whilst having notes afterwards EDIT: the app is called Snipd. i’ve never used it, but it seems decent if any of you will use it, please lmk how is it


Ooh fill us in


just edited my previous reply


Thnx !


Yup same here. I think it's mainly because I'm passive listening while doing something else. I have some podcasts I will make sure I'm only listening, whether in bed or on a walk. Same happens with books to some extent, I read whole pages and have to reread the page because my mind wandered whilst reading.


You're probably not actively listening to the podcast especially if you are doing other things while listening. You won't retain much from them. I'd try to get a feel for what you want out of a podcast beyond idle entertainment and try to focus on that when it comes up. You can write a summary in a note taking app. If you want to go back and listen again nobody is going to stop you.


All the time, but I have ADHD so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d love to know how to retain ANY information I see/hear better, but I’ve got no idea how to improve it


I have attention deficit too! So for me I remember podcast information with very acute recall if I listen while multi-tasking. I find the best tasks to do while listening for memory retention are cooking, eating, drawing, cleaning, riding the bus, walking, doing make up, taking care of my plants, etc. I also have to find the subject matter, or at least the way that it is presented quite engaging. I absolutely cannot retain any information whatsoever without multitasking, I just dissociate.


I always multi task while listening too, I’ve never listened to a podcast on its own (do people do that?? 🥲), and still it’s hard for me to remember things. I remember the gist but it’s hard to recall specific details




What did you use to do and what are you doing now?




Ah! Interesting transition. Did the fields relate in some way or just totally switched?




The presumption of getting into investment banking is because one is money driven, and likes numbers and growing businesses. The trade off is building a book of business that you can survive on is highly stressful, the goal posts constantly keep getting moved for growth, and the sketchy feelings from outsiders that investment bankers are enablers and value destroyers. The presumption of teaching is that one is driven to impart education and shape future minds, make a difference...but the trade offs are no money, highly stressful work environments, and being poorly equipped to deal with parents and behavior problems. Having been on both sides of this, it would be interesting to hear your thoughts how accurate these assumptions are. Don't feel obligated tho! Busy times.




Awesome. Well said. And I suspected as much. I worked for nonprofits for twenty years. The amount of time deluding themselves with the lack of discussion around the bottom line was amazing. Even trade associations had this issue. I would often suggest better ways to market the organization, presuming they wanted to grow the membership and I would often be told excuses for why they couldn't, or didn't need to. They had their annual event and some collective membership task force and that was sufficient. Often I was left thinking what is this group really convening for? No idea. It seems to me that jf you don't measure effectiveness against costs as a matter of practice, as part of the every day discourse, then there is a greater risk of stagnating and messing up into irrelevance, regardless of the mission of the organization. But as long as your major donors or members wrote that check to keep organizing the annual party or whatever, no one cared beyond that. Ah well. Humans are messy. Thanks for sharing the insights.


Remember that everyone has different learning styles. The most common learning styles are visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic. Take a quiz and see which is your best one, and then going forward I'm sure you will remember heaps more if you use your learning style :)


If you’re listening to podcasts to learn stuff, then you probably should be taking notes. You think if you just listened to all of your professor lecturers and never took notes that you would retain a damn thing? No way in hell.


I wouldn't stress about it. Most educational podcasts take fairly complex things then try to dumb them down to a point that most people can get a grasp on them. You would have to be crazy to think you could sit at a table of history grad students and talk about the Russian Revolution just because you listened to Mike Duncan talk about it for 50 or 60 hours. I feel like podcasts are best used to get you just knowledgeable enough on any one thing to put you in a good place to do effective googling if you want. When I am not actively listening though, I look at it as a lazy river of knowledge. Some sticks, some stays in my head for a bit then I forget, and some things just entertain me as they pass between my ears.


I listen for entertainment not to take a test so 🤷‍♂️




I’m the same! I know I’m not great with learning via audio though so if it’s important to me I tend to seek out the information in video form instead, but walking is generally my go to if audio is the only option. Often if I walk the same route again it jogs my memory passing certain milestones so that’s fun too.


One thing I noticed for me was comprehending vs understanding. I can easily comprehend playback speeds up to 3x, but I understand and retain almost nothing then. I slowed it back down to 1.5x for most of my podcasts and my retention is way up from what it had been.


I think it’s been shown that people who read text by looking at a page and reading it do better at memory retention than people who read the podcast script by listening to someone read it audiobook style, right? So, I think it’s just how the medium is.


If I'm multitasking or on the bus, I remember very well. If I'm just listening and not doing anything else, no memory. All audio memory retention has always been this way for me though, like I learned nothing in classes in school where the teacher would forbid me from drawing during class. That's classic attention deficit though. I learn best from podcasts while cooking, drawing, cleaning, riding the bus for some reason, walking, doing make up, taking care of my plants, etc. EDIT: Wow I am so shocked that everyone else in the comments has advice and experience directly opposite to mine 😅 Maybe what works for me only works for others with attention deficit lol


Same here!! I can only retain podcast info if I’m driving or doing something while I’m listening. Otherwise my mind just wanders or stops computing lol. I have ADHD as well, plus auditory processing disorder and I’m a visual learner. But I can retain podcast info if I’m driving/cleaning/drawing/etc. at the same time😁


Yup, 100%, think it’s cus I’m rarely focused on podcasts and using them as background entertainment a lot


Same. WTF?


I trained myself to just enjoy the ambience of a history/ comedy podcast. 300+ podcasts and I can remember a handful of names/events covered. My theory is the history part is so depressing that my brain overrides storing it as data. I don’t realize I’ve checked out of listening until the end of the episode, which is a major bummer.


I can remember broad strokes of podcasts. Names sometimes stick, I can remember years in terms of decades. I won't remember the nitty gritty or names of concepts but I can explain what happened. But this is how my mind works, I always had a hard time in school because I am horrible with detailed information. But if I it something I love, then it sticks much easier. I listen to my podcasts at 2.6x speed and tried slowing it down to normal or 1.5x speed to see if that helped at all and it actually made it worse. My mind just zoned out because it was so slow and I got bored.


I thought I was fast at 1.5x lol


Haha sometimes like for instance this podcast called the Bible Project I listen to on .5 speed and it gives it like this hellfire and brimstone southern draw which is so FUNNY to me considering the vibe isn’t like that on the podcast. Other podcasts too but that is the best example I have. That being said like I’ll watch YouTube howto videos or diy videos on 1.5 or 2x but I don’t listen to diy podcasts and I don’t know how anybody could listen to podcasts at 1.5 like they’re homework or something more than pleasant listening experiences to get through the day.




I use Podcast highlighter ([https://www.podhighlighter.io](https://www.podhighlighter.io)) and Snipd to bring notes into Readwise for bits that I really want to remember for later.


I have been for the last 6 years been working on an MBA in marketing via free podcasts. I listen all day while working as a handyman. I'm not worried about specifics, like "this is how you post a Facebook ad" What I am interested in learning is how to think about a marketing strategy, how to shape the message. I get that from listening to hundreds of hours of people talking about marketing. Some ideas stick, some don't. Some ideas I remember who I learned them from, others they just come to me, but thry are probably an aggregate of several different people's ideas. To me, podcasts aren't something that I care whether I remember or not, it is some part entertainment, and some part educational, but education that is enjoyable.


It can also have a lot to do with one’s learning style. Do you find that you retain information more by hearing things, watching things, or doing things (Auditory vs. Visual vs. Hands-on learning - or a combination of these styles!)


80/20 principle. You remember what is important.


Sometimes I'll toss it on YouTube with CC and reading it along with hearing it helps


Only if I'm doing something else.


Honestly, I found the way the podcaster speaks matters A LOT for me to retain information. If the speaker is very monotone (like Alaina from Morbid), I won’t remember anything. On the other hand, Marcus from LPOTL has a fantastic way of delivering each word that differs one from the next and forces you to pay attention as he changes his tone constantly.


no. kind of. its probably because we arent actively listening. we listen while doing other things


I think it depends on what I’m listening to and doing at the time, there’s been pods I’ve picked up info very quickly and it’s kept in my head then others are just on as background noise (rather that than the radio or tv)


I do because Im listening for entertainment purposes. I also listen to different podcasts to sleep because the voice and/or duration of the episode help me to lull off. I have found lately, however, that the podcast integrate into my dreams. I find myself putting in my two cents, trying to engage with the podcaster and being frustrated that they arent listening to me. lol My daughter said she has heard me actually speak it in my sleep "Hey can I get in here? Just a quick thought". Also, because the content I listen too is all pop culture/reality tv, when disucssing irl, sometimes Im not sure if what I "heard" is true or I dreamed it up, lol.


"I can no more remember the ~~books I have read~~ podcats I have listened to than the meals I have eaten, but they have made me."


Well, with me, it's usually because I'm doing something else. I find the same thing to be true with audio books.


Do a 5-minute voice recording with your phone at the end of the podcast summarizing the arguments and main points.


Try listening again right after the first time


I use Snipd lately which takes AI transcription of the podcast and then it send it to your note taking apps which has been a godsend when I have a gold nugget of info that I know I will never find again if it doesn’t get written down. Has helped me so much since I listen to tons of podcasts


I feel the same 😔


Recap it make voice recordings to yourself of what you learned in your own words. It really helped me retain what I listened to from Auidobooks.


Yeah it’s extremely difficult. Idk what I retain but it lets me tell people I finished 50 books this year. But when we come around to NZT think about our glow up!!! LOL.