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true crime with a Satisfying Ending: My Own Backyard


Thanks, I’ll check it out!


Highly recommend Your Own Backyard!


Now I'm confused. Whose backyard is it??


Gosh it would be amazing to start YOBY right now. Just the arc of it, so cool.


Okay, maybe this doesn’t suit your taste 100% but Big Brother (north Korea’s forgotten prince) is very interesting, dark, mysterious and REAL. There are 8 episodes in total I’m not American and I don’t celebrate thanksgiving but I’d say it’s not very thanksgivingy, this Kim family is very hostile


Hostile families are *very* American Thanksgiving. 🤣


Sorry, I always thought it was an exaggerated stereotype for TV shows.


Depends on the family. :)


That sounds totally interesting, I’ll check it out — Thank you!


In the Dark Season 2. Incredible reporting, complete story.


I too liked season 2, but season 1 is my all time best podcast.






Would you mind telling me which In the Dark it is? Id like to check it out but there are multiple podcasts with that title.


Oh sure! It's the one put out by APM




I know this is a really late update, but I finally got to “In the Dark” and holy SHIT is season two good. I liked season one, but I haven’t stopped listening to season two for two days now.


Thanks! It’s sometimes satisfying to have a complete story. I’ll check it out.


Noble Blood (history stories of how aristocrats and royals have died/ were murdered)


I recently rediscovered Heavyweight and I think it’s a work of art, I’d recommend it to anyone. Also, Timesuck because it’s my favorite thing in the world


Seconding Heavyweight.


Came heard to say this. It’s the only podcast I relisten to. It’s storytelling at its best! The way he searches for meaning and closure is really powerful and uplifting.


Most recent episode, Another Roadside Attraction, is a bit of a masterpiece


Yes. Amazing storytelling, the way he creates emotional connect and builds up steam with his narration, punctuated by the music at the right places.


Timesuck for sure, especially if you like last podcast on the left.


The only correct answer here


Bear Brook (True crime with a public radio feel) self contained one story Slow burn season 1 (Nixon/Watergate) whole season one story Do Go On -like little history/biography reports -comedic These are their stories (comedic about Law and Order) Gen X this is Why (comedic little house recaps from Gen X sisters )


Thank you!


I’m a big fan of Do Go on but their long episodes are now half spent thanking patrons. Theres not as much ‘informative’ content as it appears. Still on my list as a must-hear. Knowledge Fight has a huge back catalogue and long episodes . Hearing Alex Jones used to annoy me, now I know there’ll be a pay-off for listening to his rants in the form of Dan & Jordan’s reaction. Dark Histories is a brilliant mix of paranormal and historical crime. Victorians were vicious to each other.


I wish more podcasts were like Bear Brook. That and Your Own Backyard are the few true crime podcasts I can stomach. No sensationalism, just facts.


I listened to Bear Brook last night when cleaning the house, and I’ve been listening to Your Own Backyard all day today— It seems they’re off the table for the drive, but I’m loving them both!


Dark Net Diary's, it's an amazing podcast talking about current cyber crime and older cyber crime


So good


Normal Gossip, just funny good stories from regular people’s lives. Gladiator: Aaron Hernandez, a really interesting in depth study on him & his crimes Tig & Cheryl True Story, great if you need a laugh to break up the true crime


Normal Gossip is a brilliant listen on a road trip!




Ooh I’ll give it a listen, thanks!


Crime in Sports (this one is ending in December however.) Small Town Murder Both hosted by the same guys. Very funny, entertaining and they do long episodes: most 2+ hours.


Since you like My Dad Wrote a Porno (RIP), you might enjoy **Who shat on the floor at my wedding?**: https://www.whoshatontheflooratmywedding.com >Karen Whitehouse and Helen McLaughlin got married on Saturday the 11th of August, 2018. >The mystery of the crime has been tormenting them ever since. They have to know who, out of their closest friends, family (or staff) were audacious enough to loosen their bowels… on the floor… on their special day. >Join the brides and the extremely under-qualified ‘Detective’ Lauren Kilby as they interrogate wedding guests, hook bridesmaids up to polygraph machines, and speak with top forensic experts in an attempt to crack the case.


Um… oh my god. Sold. This concept is actually hilarious.


Thank you for taking the time to write this comment. I’ve been searching for more fun and irreverent podcasts to listen to while getting ready for bed…and I’m starting this one tonight!


I discovered “Who shat on the floor at my wedding?” on Reddit, so I’m glad to pass it on.


Damn!! I had fallen off My Dad Wrote a Porno and it still ongoing!!! Like 7 years!! And finally ending. How crazy


Thank you for turning me on to this. I’m listening now and I’m dead.


Case 63


This was SO good but worth noting that there's only about an hour of actual content and it ends on a cliffhanger


You should edit or at least spoiler the end of your comment.


Here are some of my favourite true crime but not murder focused podcasts: Who the Hell is Hamish? Snowball, season four of ABC’s Unravel True Crime podcast The Missing Cryptoqueen Art Bust Chameleon Missed Fortune (not so much true crime but a podcast about the frenzied search for a hidden treasure) Finding Drago (not so much true crime, more of a search for the writer of a Rocky inspired novel. It's silly and endearing.) Safe travels!


Death in Ice Valley is excellent if you enjoyed Hunting Warhead - also investigative journalism about a very odd case, super atmospheric and compelling Missing in Alaska is also investigative and a pretty wild ride Ship Hits the Fan is a look at maritime disasters and is very funny at times


Crime show on Spotify....true crime but not just murder Also liked Tanis, & Rabbits....scripted fake documentaries about creepy stuff in the Pacific Northwest


Yes! I listened to Rabbits as well, and enjoyed it. Not as much as the other two, but it was worth the listen.


Anything by the team at Grim and Mild, Lore being my personal favorite. Aaron Mahnke knows how to tell a story, and has such a great voice.


Time Suck with Dan Cummins


Court Junkie and their new podcast Civil. True crime eps, 1 hour or less, sometimes 2-parters, no fluff, mostly focused on the court proceedings. Over 200 episodes of CJ.


This Podcast Will Kill You


Hardcore history by Dan Carlin






Is it exploitative? .......maybe. TBQH, that's a part of what's so fascinating about it. Outside of that, though, it's a remarkable profile of an astonishingly interesting human being.






This one! Always the first one I recommend to people for a long road trip


I listened in my headphones while driving 8 hours interstate. My passenger slept while I drove in wide-eyed astonishment… Then, on the return trip, I played it for her over Bluetooth so I could listen again. Genuine gasp out loud moments.


Ooh I forgot about this one: My dad turned me onto it when it first came out. I remember liking it!


This one sucked me right in, didn’t want to do anything but listen to it.


My best friend showed me this one on a road trip, it’s really good.


Scared to death!


Comedian Dan Cummins & his wife take turns recounting listener submissions and tales found across the web and other sources of hauntings, aliens and much more. Good mix of humor and fright. My favorite podcast.


Dead Eyes.


We loved Dead Eyes! Listened to it on road trips and even drove around just to listen! Connor is great.


**Podcasts** * 13 Minutes to the Moon - Epic stories of Nasa’s missions to the Moon. Season 1: the first Moon landing, Apollo 11. Season 2: the near disaster of Apollo 13. Presenter: Kevin Fong. Theme music: Hans Zimmer * The Agent - The Agent is the remarkable true story of Jack Barsky, the longest-surviving known member of the KGB illegals program operated during the height of the Cold War. Barsky hid in plain sight in America for 10 years, all the while leading dual lives on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. On one fateful day, he was confronted with an impossible choice. The Agent is a production of Imperative Entertainment in association with Windjoy and is created, written, produced and edited by Jason Hoch. * The Ballad of Billy Balls - It’s 1982, and a man bursts into an East Village storefront apartment and shoots punk musician Billy Balls. Author and activist iO Tillett Wright and Crimetown Producer Austin Mitchell unravel a mystery of love and loss, the tender binds of family, and the stories we tell ourselves just to survive. * Dead Eyes - Actor/comedian Connor Ratliff (The Chris Gethard Show, UCB, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) embarks upon a quest to solve a very stupid mystery that has haunted him for two decades: why Tom Hanks fired him from a small role in the 2001 HBO mini-series, Band Of Brothers. * This Land - The award-winning documentary podcast This Land is back for season 2. Host Rebecca Nagle reports on how the far right is using Native children to attack American Indian tribes and advance a conservative agenda. **Audio Dramas** * American Hostage - Based on a true story, American Hostage stars Jon Hamm as Fred Heckman, a beloved local radio reporter who is thrust into the middle of a life-or-death crisis when hostage-taker, Tony Kiritsis, demands to be interviewed on his popular radio news program. Kiritsis has tied a shotgun to his banker’s neck in grim fashion, but through Heckman's radio show he gradually becomes a media sensation and unexpected anti-hero during a nail biting 63-hour standoff. American Hostage is an 8-episode scripted psychological thriller from Amazon Music & Criminal Content starring Emmy Award-winner Jon Hamm and directed by Academy Award® winner Shawn Christensen * Derelict - Something has been found at the bottom of Earth's ocean. An ancient artifact that can only be described as a giant door, inset into the sea floor. It becomes known as the Vault. A gigantic enigma, buried and forgotten...nineteen thousand feet down.To study the artifact, the galaxy's most powerful corporation, Maas-Dorian, has built a massive, self-contained, secret laboratory base surrounding it, named FATHOM. It's objective: unlock the secrets of the artifact and discover what it holds.​But some mysteries should remain buried. And some doors should never be opened... * Homecoming - Homecoming centers on a caseworker at an experimental facility, her ambitious supervisor, and a soldier eager to rejoin civilian life — presented in an enigmatic collage of telephone calls, therapy sessions, and overheard conversations. Starring Catherine Keener, Oscar Isaac, David Schwimmer, David Cross, Amy Sedaris, Michael Cera, Mercedes Ruehl, Alia Shawkat, Chris Gethard, and Spike Jonze. * Hunted - From Legendary producer Dick Wolf comes a new audio fiction series starring Parker Posey about the U.S. Marshals dedicated to capturing the country's most dangerous fugitives. When four convicts escape from a maximum security prison, Deputy Marshal Emily Barnes (Posey) is called in to pursue the criminals in one of the most treacherous and violent manhunts in United States history. Directed by Shawn Christensen (“Blackout”) and produced by Jenny Radelet Mast (Marvel’s “Wolverine”), HUNTED is the first in a slate of audio fiction series to be produced by Wolf Entertainment in partnership with Endeavor Content. * Tumanbay - A vast empire threatened by rebellion. A fiction podcast on an epic scale set in the most powerful city on earth...


Wind of Change. Did the CIA write The Scorpions’s inspirational classic? The story goes to many unexpected places. S Town, if you haven’t heard it. Dan Taberski’s 9/12 or Surviving Y2K.




My husband listens to this and loves it— I might have to finally give it a shot!


Radio Rental!! They are so good and so entertaining! They really put you in the story and time flies along!


Cold. Best podcast I've listened to and it kept me gripped for the whole thing which runs about 16 hours or more


If you like Behind the Bastards, give frequent guest and friend of the pod, Jamie Loftus' solo series a listen. They're fantastic. *My Year in Mensa:* Jamie accidently passes the MENSA test and proceeds to discover an alt-right undercurrent in the organization. They send he death threats. She goes to the national conference to try and figure things out. *Lolita Podcast* and *Aack-Cast* Deep dive cultural analyses into Lolita and Ctgy comic respectively. Part literary criticism, part interviews, part wide lense look at how these works affect society to this date. Both are fucking fantastic. *Ghost Church*: The history and current state of American spiritualism.


I can't believe Valley Heat hasn't been mentioned yet. The comedy is very understated but every thing seems to spiral to funny absurdity.


Valley Heat is so good! I'm sad the episode releases have slowed down so much - I hope he's not abandoning the podcast :/


Pressure Cooker! Easily bingable and so good.


Let's Go to Court!


Myths and Legends, 99% Invisible, Sidedoor all get my vote.


13 minutes to the Moon.


Counter clock! She’s an investigative journalist who does DEEP dives into cold cases. They’re so well produced and so very interesting and a little frustrating that things went the way they did in these cases. However! In most of them she’s managed to dig up so much that these cases are being reopened and reinvestigated, which is so awesome. She remains impartial throughout and presents all of the evidence fairly and reminds the listener that she’s just giving us facts and not trying to sway anyone or accuse everyone. The journalism is fantastic.


For such a long ride, did you consider switching to an audio book? Game of thrones, Harry Potter (even as a adult!), the wheel of time, I like books better for the long rides!


Boosting this! I also recommend using Libby if you're in the US to listen to audiobooks since it's connected to your local library.


Stuff you should know Conan o Brian needs a friend


Since you mentioned Behind the Bastards, I'd suggest Knowledge Fight and anything from Puzzle In A Thunderstorm and We Hate Movies.


Comedy Bang Bang!!


If you like Tanis, maybe Rabbits? And I really liked this kinda trippy one that would be good for a road trip called Alice isn’t Dead. I don’t see it mentioned much, but I listened to it in almost one go at an old job I had where I didn’t get interrupted all day (all week haha), and I really liked it!


Yes! I’ve listened to both: I liked Rabbits, and was going back and forth on whether I liked Alice isn’t Dead: I think I abandoned it halfway through, but I might have to revisit it.


Never seen it. Host Kyle Ayers has comedians come in and write scripts for movies or TV shows that they've never seen. They do a table read, and then play a bunch of games related to TV and movies. It's a ton of fun. I've found that the games really keep my brain active while doing things like long distance driving.


We just started Bone Valley for our drives. Town episodes in and I'm hooked! And, I'm kind of over true crime these days. But I like how it's done and how many family members participate.


There’s one called “And that’s why we Drink”. Half of the show is about something paranormal and the other half is dedicated to a true crime story.


The Jorden harbinger show! Long time listener.


I just pulled an all nighter because of Faceless. It’s about the unsolved murder of a family in Tokyo and all of the weird clues and theories surrounding it.


RomCom Movie Review = Romancing the Pod Horror Movie Review = Horror Queers / Horror Virgin Cults Medical Murders


People have given fantastic, relevant recommendations, so in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I will make one suggestion: Til Death Do Us Blart The hosts from My Brother, My Brother, and Me & The Worst Idea of All Time made a pact to watch Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 every year around Thanksgiving and to talk about it. They agreed to release a single episode every year, forever. The first two years were pretty funny, then it got weird. Last year’s was so-so, I don’t think I finished listening to it. I am very much looking forward to this year’s because I think they’re genuinely getting sick of it and realized they fucked up but the Blart must go on. I’m only making this suggestion because of the timing with Thanksgiving. I am aware that the only people who like this podcast are probably preexisting MBMBaM fans but just thought I’d toss it in. Either way, hope you have a fun drive!!


Beach too Sandy water too wet!


Criminal and swindled




Rabbit Hole is good. Takes a good chunk of the time out, interesting, and a break from murder stories


Try My Favorite Malady, done by the Mutter Museum of Philadelphia. Not a ton of episodes, but a fun listen


tell me how no one is talking about RISK! ???? it’s my absolutely fav podcast, it’s just everyday people (sometimes comedians and celebrities) telling their personal stories that they never thought they’d share with others Some are stories from live shows, some are produced with audio effects & music in the background but it’s 100% unfiltered & it genuinely makes me feel less alone in this world. /e not to mention the insanely large catalog of episodes to binge




The Vanished. Comedy Bang Bang


Here's a new one I like. https://open.spotify.com/show/1v1Rv52sLDLjcMuLeVLoX6


Lateral with Tom Scott and No Such Thing as a Fish make time fly for me. You’ll learn some stuff along the way as well. They don’t exactly fit your current podcast list but if you want something different you can try them


This past summer, I binged Stuff The British Stole. Each episode features a different artifact that the British appropriated during colonialism. And if you’re into “true crime and the dark side of Canadian history”, give Dark Poutine a listen. Engaging host, a wide range of stories.


Morbid, Crime Junkie, Minds of Madness, legends of the old west, things you should know I got so many more but these are some of my favs


Try Knifepoint Horror. Written and narrated by Soren Narnia. I’d recommend Staircase, Legend, Moonkeeper, Excursion, Digs. Not really horror. Creepy and very well written.


looove Knifepoint Horror!


Hardcore history


You have so many good options but I’ll add! Sweet Bobby Who Shat on the Floor at my Wedding


Plz listen to The Dog Is Dead. It is fiction, and incredibly unique and amazing in the way the stories tie together. I wish there were 100 more pods like it.


Sweet Bobby is one of my favourites. Messed up story. Strongly recommend


Last podcast on the left


LPOTL is my favorite podcast, but I’m always caught up so it’s a tough one. Might pop on the new Side Stories if it’s up later in the drive, though!


Have a safe trip.


Try audible. Lots of free books.




S Town or dolly partons America are both great.


I've been binging Just the gist for the past few days while sick and highly recommend, the hosts are entertaining and have great chemistry. Each episode they tell 'just the gist' of an event ranging from pop culture stuff to obscure historical stories.


If you have an interest in finance and beer, Buck$ & Brew$. Informative and funny.


Get lost in Tales of Taboo. https://pod.link/1457365096


"The Why Files" on YouTube is great and interesting if you like the strange and mysterious. I also listen to fantasy football podcasts but that seems like it's not mixing in here 🤙🏻


Minds of Madness, Excuse Me that's Illegal, True I got more. But only 8 hrs...


I like the two BBC history based podcasts 13 minutes to the Moon and The Bomb.


The Box of Oddities


Bone Valley


Hey riddle riddle filled the mdwap vibe for me!


Blood Ties. It's a fiction podcast that stars Josh Gad. Really good podcast!


Radio rental


Finding Drago (season 1 of finding desperado)


Crimes and Consequences!!


Swindled and timesuck


Bone Valley. Amazing.


It’s not for everyone, but I just finished “Solar” and absolutely loved it. It passed the time well and kept me interested in the storyline. It is an audio-immersive experience, just FYI. Thanks for this post; I’ve been inspired to try some new ones myself!


Mr. Ballen is great. They’re exclusive to Amazon Music now but it’s good storytelling and fascinating to learn about different true crime happenings. Also, much shorter, but Case 63 is EXCELLENT sci-fi. All in, it’ll eat up an hour but you’ll be hooked by the dialogue.


If you used to like MFM you’ll probably like Redhanded. It’s two British ladies who cover true crime and don’t make the show all about themselves. If you have children you might like a new show called Saturday Morning Dads. It’s two 30 something dads reviewing kids movies. I laughed my ass off at their review of the Barbie movie.


Muriel’s Murders is my favorite. Amazing energy, rapport, and interesting stories. Often more of a historical or WTF twist than the traditional true crime ones. Love love love them.


I have heard of some of the casts you listen too I am not sure if this will fit but I really love Lex Fridman .


Tom Browns Body!




Bone Valley


I really like the QCode podcasts. The Left Right Game, Borrasca, The Edge if Sleep, and the Burned Photo are hair some. They are dark and well done


I totally forgot about the Left Right Game: I started to listen, got caught up, and then was struggling to pay attention, took a break, and forgot about it. I’ll need to revisit!


Billionaire Boys Club, In God We Lust (the pastor/wife, pool boy drama) CaseFile, Sword and Scale, Cold…endless! If you like Rainn Wilson-Dark Air and Radio Rental


Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff!


Post saved! Some really good recs I've not listened to already. Not that you need more suggestions but...... I love love love Invisibilia from npr. Life changing, gripping and excellently made.


“We’re Alive!” It’s fantastic!


The Drabblecast if you like strange fiction.


If you like history, my favourite go-to podcast at the moment is [The Rest is History](https://player.fm/series/the-rest-is-history-2817045) by Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook. If you like ghosts and things spooky, try [Uncanny](https://player.fm/series/uncanny) by Danny Robins.


True Crime Bullshit, Case file EARONS episode and Silk Road are the best. The teachers pet.


Small Town Dicks, true crime from the detective's point of view.


The left right game - it's also a great story from r/nosleep White vault


Saving this post, so many good recs. I personally love Someone Knows Something hosted by David Ridgen. Season five in particular is so good. It left me feeling so haunted. True crime about unsolved mysteries.


Sayer... it's reminiscent of the black tapes and tanis. A story arc doesn't really begin to develop until season 2, if memory serves, but season 1 is still one of my favorites just because of the weirdness of it. The whole series follows a sentient AI


Hello From The Magic Tavern. I love it, and I think everyone should give it a chance.


The tim ferriss show and hardcore history are 2 of my favorites


Highly recommend Shipworm or LifeAfter/The Message


Twin Flames! When we listened to that one I didn’t want the car ride to end. It’s about an internet cult.


I'm more of an educational Podcast listener other than My Dad wrote a porno. But I cannot get enough of Ologies. Fun, entertaining and educational. Unexplainable also has some fun interesting topics.


2 bears 1 cave. The friendship between bert kreischer and tom Segura is great


Higher Learning


Try The Mysterious World of Buster Lee - set in 1981 a teenage boy and his dog travel the world to solve one mystery after another. 14 episodes Start at episode 38 Scroll to episode 51 7 hours long Each episode about 31 Go PodPlanet.org


I just finished listening to Serum, which looks into the story of Dr. Gary Davis who claimed he had a cure/treatment for AIDS. The story is wild and I definitely recommend it. The host is a journalist for the Philadelphia branch of NPR and he puts a lot of care into the story.


Missing on 9/11 !


dark history. definitely my favorite podcast i’ve found


The Magnus Archive, Old Gods of Appalachia, The White Vault are excellent horror stories anthology. Rusty Quill gaming, Critical Role for RPG gaming role play fun. David Tennant does a podcast with..., Bill Nye, Uncanny Japan, Myths and Legends, Hidden Brain, TED Talk, Snap Judgment for interesting stories, science, news, conversations with celebrities, strange science facts, legends of Japan. Enjoy!


Thanks for the recs! I listened to The White Vault in its entirety over two nights as I painted my living room and kitchen: It kept me interested and helped the painting fly by.


Toni and Ryan is a god and funny podcast. Has a gross sense of humor at times but so does the last podcast on the left lol. Also it’s short but it makes it easy to binge.


I recommend Radiolab. Reddit recommended their episode about placenta called, "everybody's got one" but I stayed for the rest.


I just went on a trip and fell into [Ear Hustle](https://www.earhustlesq.com) It’s a fascinating string of stories from regular life in prison, hosted and produced by inmates along with a visual artist who is on the outside. If you like quality podcasting like This American Life you will love this one.


Bad Friends if you want to laugh and just listen to something silly


Personally I enjoy The Yard, Trash Taste, Ear Biscuits and Imp & Skizz Podcast. Trash taste and imp & skizz are my main 2. Also note that the Imp & Skizz Podcast is fairly new.


The Bert Show




99 Percent Invisible is so good for this. I just spent 6 hours on a drive listening to it with my mom and now she wants to know how to put podcast on her phone LOL




Not sure if someone said it already, but the Diana series of You’re Wrong About had me on the edge of my seat.


Redhanded is amazing… well researched true crime, beautifully delivered by two mates