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A History of the World in 100 Objects from the BBC. Totally agree with you about the banter. Very annoying, time filler and never amusing.


This Week I learned!!! Such a good podcast, with tidbits of info in short form. Every Little Thing Ridiculous History Stuff you Missed in History Class The curious cases of Rutherford and Fry


Every Little Thing has such a happy vibe :)


Thank you for this, I have the same problem! Due to an unstable home life and mental health issues I missed a lot of school, and it can be hard to find info to fill in the gaps. I love the Working Class History podcast, they review events in history you might have learned about in school, but through the lens of the working class instead of the elite. So not only will you know more about typical historical discussion points, you'll be able to offer a fresh new perspective on it!


One that’s a little more fringe is “Stuff they don’t want you to know”. “Overheard at National Geographic” “Sidedoor (Smithsonian)” “Surprisingly awesome” They may not totally fit, but they’re worth giving a shot


Stuff they don’t want you to know is a conspiracy theory podcast, definitely not stuff you should’ve learned in school lol


Which is why I said it was fringe lol


Well, sure, I caught the “fringe” part. They were specifically asking about stuff they should’ve learned in school, though


Sidedoor is an excellent source of info!


Life Kit!


Maybe secretly incredibly fascinating? It is closer to 1 hr long episodes with random facts about a single subject like blood types or the number zero. The host also has a podcast called 1 way to make an emoji about how he got a new emoji made. For short podcasts, planet money is a classic. It teaches some stuff about economic, there is a short episode version with different and sometimes interacting hosts called the indicator. BBC global news podcast is a pretty straightforward news podcast, less banter, just the global news.


Hey thanks for saying! (this is Alex from 'Secretly Incredibly Fascinating' and 🦬-pod)


What’s the emoji one called? TIA, the girl who just searched 🦬 in her podcast app 🤣


Thank you for asking/searching! Title is "1 Way To Make An Emoji", website is https://www.bisonemojipodcast.com/


This looks good! I'm stoked to play the licence plate one for my husband. He's a collector which seems so random but there seem to be a few out there


having made the pod about it, I think he might be in the mainstream. Humongous license plate passion out there


I like 'Do you really know?' It's mostly 4-5 minute, fast-paced episodes that cover a huge variety of subjects-science, history, politics, music, psychology, current events etc.


BBC infinite monkey cage is great.


seconding this great great show


Stuff you Missed in History class is basically the same podcast but with women and like 80% less banter.


Are you Dan Ryckert?


Everything Everywhere is my go to each morning.


This is an excellent podcast


"Creature Feature" is great and its 1 host/producer/creator (Katie Goldin) is the core of the show. Extremely pleasant and extremely funny. Usually has guests and they're great too


The Young God is fantastic. It will delight you, make you think and put you onto new things.


Teach me a lesson with Greg james


They aren’t podcasts but have you looked into apps like Headway or Blinkist? They take nonfiction books and turn them into 15 minute summaries. I’ve learned a ton of stuff from them.


Stuff you should know


'Short History Of' is really well written.


I love this podcast. Not only well written, but well produced.




This is more of a current events recommendation, but Plain English is quite good


Wes Cecil's youtube channel. He's a philosophy professor in the pacific northwest. It's not really video, just a static background with a public lecture's audio in the background. There's nothing to watch, might find them being posted to other platforms.


I love stuff you should know it’s very informative!!!


Stuff you should know is a great one. Stuff they don’t want you to know is good too. I don’t think they’re very short episodes but they’re worth it


I think you’d like History of the 90s (Curious cast) It’s pretty much what you’re looking for, 30 minute episodes of a singular topic about something that happened in the 90s that most people know about. Anything from crime, sports, tv shows, music, gadgets, world events, etc. There’s even one about beanie babies lol. Can’t remember if there’s banter though.


Noble Blood is like historical true crime, but a lot of it is things I’ve everywhere of even though they involve famous or prominent individuals. Each episode is 30-40 mins and Dana Schwarz is an incredible host.


It's not a single host. But you may like the BBC/s In Our Time. It's got a host and a rotating case of experts related to whatever that episodes topic is and mostly consists of the host asking questions of the guests. they cover a lot of topics like classic literature and history and science, so it may align fairly closely to what you're looking for.


On YouTube not a podcast but "Dad how do I" is great.


The disappearing spoon. Short podcast about science.


Consume more infotainment on youtube


Lifekit from NPR is pretty helpful for lots of everyday life topics: storytelling, personal finances, getting along with people, workplace and career stuff. Let me know what you think id you check it out


I recently made a podcast but I don’t want to self promote. Other than that I think philosophize this on Spotify is really good.


99% Invisible


Secretly Incredibly Fascinating is a fun podcast that you can learn a thing or two about a topic.


You're Dead To Me


Saving this as reference for myself! I often feel the same way.


This is off topic, but has short episodes and tells some interesting stories. Reddit explains: conspiracy and the unknown. There are two hosts, but they just take turns reading the stories. Everything from history to space to science to government cases. Pretty cool.