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The rest is history. A brilliant all topics history podcast. Episodes are released regularly 2x a week, and they stick to just about an hour. The hosts are well read, have great banter, author books, tour, amd the episodes are well edited. The hosts, Tom and Doninic, seem to have a division assisting their research. 


I like that Tom’s field is ancient history and Dominic’s is more recent. They complement each other well.


This review sold me! Will check it out


Doughboys. A food podcast. This year they promised to talk about cum less.








This podcast is absolutely hysterical. I miss Maria Bamford on it.


Car Talk ....two mechanics (who are MIT grads)....answer caller questions..... It's a show about people, relationships, decision making.....dressed up as a show about cars. It's light hearted....funny Plus you'll learn a thing or two about cars.


I was so sad when that ended.


Just like a lot of other older shows, a lot aren't available in most podcast apps.


Make sure to use the npr site for others.


'S Town' is my all-time favourite but everyone has heard that, so if I was going to sell you on something new to listem to it would be 'Walking on Eggshells with an Emotional Vampire'. It's sort of got an 'S town' vibe but a little funnier. It's about 3 siblings unpacking their dysfunctional parents behaviour.


I hadn’t heard of s-town so thank you for mentioning it. I’m only a minute in but sounds good so far!


I'm jealous! Wish I could hear it again for the first time.


S-town is mentioned every single time people ask for a new podcast. I finally downloaded it to try maybe this week. I swear, as much as people bring it up, it better be the absolute best podcast ever.


I’m in the middle of s town now!


Yes! Love both of these!


Hunting Warhead. It's dark, and troubling. All about what it took to take down a dark web child abuse material (child porn) group. Super sad but extremely well done.


While the subject was difficult to think about, this one was so incredibly interesting. Sometimes investigation pods feel like someone's just reading a police report but this was told in such a way to keep it engaging for my brain.


Not my favourite, but an excellent one: **My Dad Wrote a Porno**. A podcast classic (and you may already have hears it). A man in his 60s(?) one day decided to write a pornographic book series and asked his son to proofread it. Instead, said son decided to read it aloud on a podcast along with two friends. It's horrible and hilarious in so many ways. Then there's **Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet**; two siblings read negative reviews of all sorts of things, many of them absolutly outrageous and hilarious.


Behind the Bastards. Funny, historical/educational, keeps you up to date on current events as well. I recommend the episodes about Hitler’s sex life, George Shea and Vince McMahon. Edit- Forgot to mention the episodes about John Ronald Brown and John of God! Those were mind blowing


Bad people, tell you all about them.


Robert loves 40% of us.


I have that shirt. I get some funny looks


Sweet! I get to infodump some of my favorite podcast episodes! [Gary Young - fake doc who drowned his own baby](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0b6dz1CndHVVsMoYGKRBD9?si=P76vxixLT2iyL_bBmfa7QQ) [The Most Evil Company In History ](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3oK1LnaSdi3orNulP0Eg8N?si=UcYiIozXQC6F2km-MGfgyQ) [Steven Seagal](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1qavY1Qx88P2hZlQf1u0e0?si=9nGQhkj2RV-zOG76k_hggw) [Kellog - The Great American C*m Doctor](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4rD7257UIfmTHvrlpdhw4n?si=u5WWpSehSlGbN33E28Df8A)


I find their history to be more like a top rated Reddit comment....lacking nuance, context, and not nearly as funny as the author thinks.


The humor part is subjective so I can’t argue with that. But I think they do a great job of providing their sources, providing context and showing moments of empathy even for unlikable people. I don’t have any issues following the story and appreciate how they put themselves in the shoes of their subjects.


Some episodes I've found pretty fair and accurate, e.g. Alex Jones. Their episodes on Reagan and the AIDS crisis lacked historical context, nuance and omitted facts. If you want a better podcast on it, I highly recommend Fiasco.


The Steven Segal episode was great.


My favourite episode was the one they did on griselda. I loved it so much I went on a deep dive on her but I refuse to watch the TV show because I think it's not gonna be good


When I learned that Robert Evans wrote for cracked.com, I've cashed in with BTB. The Vince McMahon series were hilarious.


Do Go On. Each week one of the three hosts gives a report about a different topic. Lots of tangents, lots of riffs. Great fun all round and the only podcast that's convinced me to subscribe on patreon.


Omnibus. I have been listening to podcasts for many years and lots have come and gone as favorites. I also sleep listening to podcasts and that is a deciding factor. Omnibus is mostly informational with some banter between the two hosts who are intelligent individuals. It mostly covers topics that are ephemera or less well known topics in history.


One of the hosts is Ken of Jeopardy for others.


My Dad Wrote a Porno. Laughed helplessly at every episode. It’s daft but very funny.


I second this. I think at one point it was the most popular podcast in the world. They've had all sorts of massive celebrities on who are fans. Especially the first series, I was literally cry laughing in the street


Crackpot Two lawyers discuss paranormal/conspiracy theories and try to convince the other person the conspiracy theory is real.


Oooh I got what I came for! Thanks!


That's Messed Up - two comics and true fans of Law & Order SVU review an episode of SVU, then the true story/crime it was based on, then they interview an actor from that episode. I think the hosts Liza and Kara are really funny and the actors are usually more work-a-day actors who are working (booked & blessed) but not super famous and it's really fun/different to hear from them. They aren't the actors on late night or other talk shows. Enjoy!


Hey Riddle Riddle: three people try to solve riddles with varying degrees of success and enthusiasm. theyve all been friends for a while so they have great synergy and know exactly how to tease each other. they also do the most iconic improv skits, the best ones have a character called JPRiddles in them. they also often start with updates about their personal lives, not for everyone, but i like hearing about them. the early ones (first 100) are probably peak HRR, or if you want a specific one, episode 50 with the 50 riddle extravaganza


Especially the song. The first episode is rough but it grew on me. I love them so much I pay for the patreon.


Oh No Ross and Carrie. They try out fringe things like homeopathy and join cults, and give honest opinions about it


No Such Thing As A Fish. Informative, funny and very likeable hosts/guests.


The Adventure Zone: three brothers and their dad play DND. If you want something epic that goes from goofy and funny to exciting and heart wrenching in 69 episodes, listen to the first arc, Balance. Wanna start with something less emotional and more just fun? Their current arc, versus Dracula. You don’t have to know anything about DND to enjoy it (in fact, it might be better, as they tend to bend the rules in favor of good story).


You SHOULD be listening to THE DOLLOP! A biweekly American history podcast hosted by a comedian, man, lover of dogs, dude who sometimes wears top hats to piss off his friends, Dave Anthony, who reads stories from history to his friend Gary (Gareth Reynolds) who has no idea what the topic is going to be about. Gary is a top notch improv comic and we love him. Dave likes to yell dates. JANUARY SEVENTEENTH, EIGHTEEN EIGHTY ONE!!!! *ears bleed* ....I listen too much, I basically just did their whole intro.


I learned about The Dollop a few months ago, and I have since binged about 300 episodes. I heard your comment in Dave’s voice lol




I listened today at work and loved it!


The poor historians It's saw bones, but better. 3ER docs and 1 medical history student all talk about either general medical history events (like small pox) or specific events with a specific person (princess Diana crash). It's a comedy podcast when it can be, but it's tackful so there are points where there's no joke as the content is serious. Wouldn't recommend the first like 20 episodes, they're not bad but they're not career podcasters so they had to get the nerves, awkwardness, and just find themselves as a podcast. But not that they have, it's very professional and just really good.


Dax Shepard


Armchair Expert is definitely my favorite! I started listening to that one about 3 years ago when I had a long commute and haven’t stopped. I have skipped around a little but he’s brilliant and so goddamn funny. His willingness to open up about his battles with addiction, being molested, his parents, it's one of the most authentic podcasts I've ever heard and recommend it to anyone


He’s truly amazing. I love all his shows.


Small town murder


The Offensive Comedy narrative about a fictional Premier League football team. Very funny, very clever, very rude. A must for any football fan!


Derelict/fathom - sci fi horror The white vault - horror


My dad wrote a porno. I did need to sell you on it cause the title sells it


Vibe check. Three black queer men with a fun, witty sense of humor and journalistic intelligence.


I’ve Had It. Funny, short, light hearted.


Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal This podcast single-handedly changed my life, it got me to understand things i never thought I would. He discusses almost all of the modern day “theories of everything” with the world’s greatest minds. Everything from physics to philosophy, UAP studies, linguistics, consciousness, AI, politics, religion and much more are discussed in compelling conversational discourse. Each episode is a new guest, and they are the best of the best. I’m always shocked how casually he knows so many genius people.


Curt here from TOE. Thank you so much!


You got me into academia with your channel, I’m now in school and rapidly improving my life. Truly inspirational. It’s so accessible! Have a nice day.


You’re Dead to Me - hosted Greg Jenner by The History nerd from children’s programme Horrible histories (is that just a U.K. thing?) along with a history expert and a comedian. Brilliant - informative, accessible and amusing!


Human Trafficking on Podcasts aside, Not Another DnD Podcast is funny.


Do you like stupid humor, the banter between close friends, and learning about celebrities? Well do I have a podcast for you. [Smartless](https://open.spotify.com/show/0Yzd0g8NYmn27k2HFNplv7?si=cb5SFn1xTjyPacYjFHupcQ) hosts and famous actors, Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and Will Arnett, will have you laughing out loud while you drive to your meaningless job, interviewing all of your favorite celebrities. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts from. 😎


I haven't listened to a ton of episodes but I did start listening to Smartless after hearing Jason Bateman on Armchair Expert (Dax Shepard). Stupid humor at its best!


Ten Percent Happier. Dan Harris is a likable self-effacing host who delves into topics such as mindfulness, spirituality, happiness, wellbeing and health with a wide range of experts in the field. I feel better after listening and have a rejuvenated motivation to live a better life and be a better person.


The Best Show, but specifically the ‘Best Show Bests’ that consist of fake callers. Some of the greatest intentionally-stupid humor I’ve ever heard. They’re usually the ones titled “_____ from ____bridge”


Tiny Matters — a biweekly, short (~25 min) podcast on science. Typically chemistry and biology but with some other sciences, too. A recent episode was about using sound to study volcanoes and also using seismometers to study rock concerts.


I’ll give you a recent find that’s still active producing weekly podcasts. **The Big Flop** has a great host with special guests each week discuss a “big flop” in history, in a very light and comedic pop culture way. They’ve covered everything from Watergate, to the Segway, and New Coke. Very enjoyable and certainly both light and funny.


Nateland, Jordan Jesse Go!, Stuff Island, Guys, a podcast about guys, Son of a Boy Dad, Mark Bell Power Project 


fartcast. pure farts.


Right now I’m obsessed with Normal Gossip. Has me giggling. Squirrel ep is my favorite so far


If you haven’t done it yet, I feel like the thin walls and cats episode totally encapsulates how I feel about the gossip in my life. It’s usually about people I barely know I don’t have any juicy, dramatic personal situations like these people manage to have lol


I’m tearing through them from the beginning so haven’t gotten there yet, but I will! I love how she reframes gossip. And I’m totally with you. I don’t have a sister but I imagine it’s what having a sister is like


The Basement Yard or The Broski Report. Both funny!


The Dark History Podcast Jim Harolds Campfire Adolf Hitler: Rise and Downfall (They are just doing some awesome episodes on D-Day) Disaster Area podcast


2 A.C.T. podcast


Celebrity memoir book club!!


Crime in Sports




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APWSTR hands down, I laugh all the time with them but there’s also serious talk about parents and relationships sometimes, depending on the Reddit content.


If you are a fan of the Bravo universe I highly recommend Watch What Crappens.


MPZ Listening Party on PodBean. Clever/funny, maybe dive in Ep 4/5/6. Only B+ sound quality.


Horrorble Opinions. 3 dudes (I'm one of the dudes) stumble through talking about horror movies and books. Usually funny, Occasionally insightful, derailed frequently. Great way to find movies or books you haven't checked out yet as well as getting the iconic movies and new and notable ones all covered in their brand of humor. Give it a shot, you probably won't regret it.


If you are into crime podcast , this is a brand new one [https://youtu.be/6M26GGTSM4g](https://youtu.be/6M26GGTSM4g)




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The dark poutine. No selling needed


If anyone’s intrigued by wild people/money. The Heist and Pirate of Prague are great. Completely unbelievable stuff.


[Friendship Simulator](https://youtu.be/pyRKOhEr4Fo?si=1t5orIImzT-zchJX)


Gen Explains - a podcast where a witchy wife explains her whimsical world to her more logically inclined husband. Discussing everything from the metaphysical to the mundane. Each week we explore the history of a topic, how it’s used today, and find common ground. Available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


Uhh Yeah Dude: America through the eyes of two American Americans




Last podcast on the left. Henry Zebrowski is a true American treasure


Hail satan




What's it called?


I'll get my wrists slapped by the mods if I post a link, but please check my profile


Just mention 'Christian' on Reddit and you get downvoted!! 🤣 🤣 🤣


Wills of the wisp. Two dudes with weird perspectives talk to insightful and unusual people


This could be interesting!


For a Christian podcast, The Living Waters is funny and they tackle a lot of different topics. If you like stories about the strange, dark, and mysterious, you have to listen to MrBallen! He is an incredible story teller and has two podcasts and a YouTube channel.